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Travel companies thanked for removing bullfighting from websites
Escape Trips thanked for removing bullfight tickets info
Ultimate Travel Company will no longer organise bullring visits
City Breaks 101 replaces bullfight article with anti-bullfighting info
Easy Jet removes bullring photo from website
No Fly Cruising removes bullring reference
Hilton Hampton stops suggesting visit to bullfight
Ebookers no longer telling tourists to "watch a bullfight"
Cancun Holidays Information Center erases bullfight page
Marriott thanked for dropping bullfight recommendation
Co-op stops suggesting visit to bullring
Abbey Travel remove bullfighting from website
Club Travel stops telling tourists to "see a bullfight"
Low Cost Holidays.ie remove bullfighting from website
Travel Department removes bullfight reference from Spain page
Sunways to stop advertising bullfighting
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Hilton Hampton stops suggesting visit to bullfight
ICABS has thanked Hilton Worldwide for responding positively to an appeal and removing references to bullfighting from Hampton hotel website pages.
Among the content deleted was a suggestion that visitors to Mexico "watch a bullfight".
A Hilton representative thanked ICABS for bringing this to their attention and emphasised that they "certainly do not condone any action that inflicts harm on another living being."
A big thumbs up to the company for this compassionate response.
Hilton is a global leader in hospitality with over 530 hotels and resorts across six continents. Find out more at http://www3.hilton.com/en/index.html.
Ebookers no longer telling tourists to "watch a bullfight"
Ebookers has responded to an ICABS appeal and removed references to bullfighting from its website.
Highlighting the cruelty of bullfighting, we urged the Dublin-based company to stop suggesting that tourists "watch a bullfight".
Among the content removed was a suggestion that "the exciting bullring is the place to be for nail-biting action."
We thank Ebookers for becoming the latest travel company to stop publicising bullfighting.
Find out more about Ebookers at http://www.ebookers.ie
Cancun Holidays Information Center erases bullfight page
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has thanked Cancun Holidays Information Center for removing a page about bullfighting from its website.
Responding to our appeal, a spokesperson for the Mexican website stated: "We erased the article and we support your cause on animal cruelty."
A big thumbs up to Cancun Holiday Information Center for this positive response.
Find out more about Cancun Holidays at www.CancunHolidaysinfo.com
Marriott thanked for dropping bullfight recommendation
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has thanked Marriott International for removing from its website a recommendation to watch bullfighting in Cancun, Mexico. The company was told about the animal suffering involved and the upset caused to tourists who witness the bloody violence.
Following an ICABS appeal to the company's president, Marriott also removed an article about bullfighting from its Paradise by Marriott website.
We are most grateful to Marriott International for this compassionate response.
Co-op stops suggesting visit to bullring
Co-operative Travel has been thanked for responding to an ICABS appeal and removing bullfighting-related content from its website.
The move came after we highlighted the cruelty of bullfighting and pointed to a Co-op Group statement which outlines that "we’ve long known that animal welfare is important to our customers" and "whether it’s the environment, animal rights...we want to make sure you can do business with us without worrying about where your money is going".
"It is entirely incompatible with your stated concerns about animal welfare to publicise one of the world's worst acts of cruelty to animals - a bloodsport which involves the slow torture to death of bulls," we stated in our appeal.
Removed from the Co-op Travel website was a suggestion that those holidaying in Spain could visit a bullring and "become one of the fans applauding the bravery of the matadors".
ICABS is grateful to Co-operative Travel for its positive response. Find out more about Co-operative Travel at www.co-operativetravel.co.uk
Abbey Travel remove bullfighting from website
A big thank you to Abbey Travel for removing references to bullfighting from their website. A company spokesperson agreed that bullfighting is cruel and that the inclusion of the bullfighting references was a complete oversight.
An Abbey statement outlined that "up until recently, there was no mention of bull fighting on our website" but that after a re-launch of the site, some third party content which mentioned bullfighting was inadvertantly used.
"We do not agree with promoting bullfighting," the spokesperson added. "All references have been removed."
Thank you, Abbey Travel!
Abbey Travel is celebrating 35 years in business on Dublin's Middle Abbey Street. Find out more about the company at abbeytravel.ie
Club Travel stops telling tourists to "see a bullfight"
A big thank you to Club Travel for responding positively to an ICABS appeal and removing bullfighting references from its website.
Find out more about Club Travel at www.clubtravel.ie
Low Cost Holidays.ie remove bullfighting from website
ICABS has thanked Low Cost Holidays.ie - Europe’s leading independent hotel provider - for removing references to bullfighting and bullrunning from its website.
The move came after we highlighted the cruelty involved and the upset caused to holidaymakers who witness the bloody violence.
A big thank you to LowCostHolidays.ie for this compassionate move.
Travel Department removes bullfight reference from Spain page
Thumbs up to the Travel Department for responding to an ICABS appeal and removing a reference to bullfighting from the Spain page of its website.
The Travel Department is one of Europe's leading escorted holiday companies. Find out more about their tours at http://www.traveldepartment.ie
Sunways to stop advertising bullfighting
Sunways Holidays has been thanked for removing references to bullfighting and bullrunning from its website.
In an appeal to the Dun Laoghaire-based company, ICABS called for an optional visit to a bullfight to be removed from its Moorish Spain trip itinerary.
A spokesperson stated in response that although they do not directly operate the tour in question, they had "made a decision to discontinue advertising this particular event from this itinerary and tour".
ICABS is grateful to Sunway Holidays for its positive response.
Petitions against bullfighting
Travel Companies: Stop encouraging holidaymakers to visit bullfights
Sign Now
Please download, sign and collect signatures for ADDA's important petition which calls on the Spanish Government to scrap plans to consider declaring bullfighting as intangible cultural heritage. Send signed petitions to ADDA, c/ Bailen, 164 bajos, 08037 Barcelona, Spain.
Download the Petition
Find out more at www.addaong.org
We need your help to convince other travel companies to stop publicising bullfighting.
Please check out our latest action alerts now.
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