
Videos: Bullfighting

Bullfighting around the world

Bullfighting in France

Bullfighting in Portugal

Video Stills: Bullfighting

Below are a selection of still images from a video showing the cruelty of bullfighting.
(Original video footage of ADDA)

Video Stills 1
A bull stumbling and falling to the ground shortly after the beginning of a bullfight.
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Video Stills 2
A bull being stabbed with a long, sharp lance by a man on horseback. This is done to weaken the bull.
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Video Stills 3
A pair of hooked spears (banderillas) being flung into a bull's neck. During a typical bullfight, a total of six spears are driven into the bull's neck muscles. These are to force the animal to drop its head into the typical charging pose.
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Video Stills 4
Another pair of hooked spears (banderillas) being flung into the bull's neck. During a typical bullfight, a total of six spears are driven into the animal's neck muscles, forcing it to drop its head into the typical charging pose.
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Video Stills 5
Three bullfighters taunting the wounded bull with capes, trying to further tire and disorienate the animal.
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Video Stills 6
A close-up of the bull being taunted by the three bullfighters. The animal, with six hooked spears hanging from its neck, is bleeding from its wounds. With its tongue hanging out, the bull is clearly exhausted from the ordeal.
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Video Stills 7
A bullfighter plunging a sword into the bull's body. The aim is to pierce the animal's heart and kill him but often the heart is missed, leaving the bull to endure even more suffering.
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Video Stills 8
Another instance of a bullfighter plunging a sword into the body of a bull. This typically happens at the end of a bullfight.
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Video Stills 9
A slow motion view of the bull being stabbed in the neck with a sword and collapsing to the ground.
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Video Stills 10
The bull collapsed on the ground but still alive and suffering. A dagger is plunged into the bull's neck to try and finally kill him. Men in grey arrive to remove the animal and clear the arena for the next victim.
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