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Irish Links
Animal Advocacy
Animal Care Society Cork
Animal Heaven Animal Rescue
Animal Rights Action Network
ANVIL (Animals Need a Voice In Legislation!)
Athlone SPCA
Badgerwatch Ireland
Ban Coursing Ireland Blog
Ban fox & stag hunting cruelty in Ireland
Biology.ie - Ireland's nature watch site
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports / John Fitzgerald
Cats' Aid
Clare Animal Welfare
Cuddles Cattery
Dog Rescue Ireland
Dog Trust Ireland
Drogheda Animal Rescue
Dublin SPCA
East Galway Animal Rescue
Farmers Against Foxhunting And Trespass
Foxwatch Ireland
Foxwatching in Dublin
Galway NUIG Animal Rights Society
Galway SPCA
Guide to the Mammals of Ireland
Irish Animals Forum
Irish Animals on the Web
Irish Anti Vivisection Society
Irish Circuses
The Irish Hare
Irish Seal Sanctuary
Irish Wildlife Matters
Irish Wildlife Trust
Kerry Greyhound Connection
Limerick Animal Welfare
Lost and Found Pets
Mayo Cat Rescue
Monaghan SPCA
Mooney Goes Wild (RTE Radio 1)
National Exotic Animal Santuary
North West SPCA
Northern Ireland Badger Group
Offaly Animal Welfare
Offaly SPCA
Sathya Sai Donkey Sanctuary (Sligo)
Second Chance Animal Rescue (Co Clare)
Vegetarian Society Ireland
Waterford Wildlife
ISPCC / Childline
Spunout.ie - Ireland's National Youth Website
Ireland Lookup - Irish business directory
Active Link - directory of non-profit organisations
Dog Pounds and Shelters - Can you offer a dog a loving home?
'Chance' (Wicklow Pound)
Mullingar Dog Pound
Dogs for Adoption (Galway SPCA)
Animal Health And Welfare Act 2013
Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000
Wildlife Act, 1976
WIldlife (Amendment) Act 2010
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act, 1965
Control of Dogs Act, 1986
Control Of Horses Act, 1996
Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010
Amendment to Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act, 1994
Greyhound Industry Act, 1958
Greyhound Industry (Amendment) Act, 1993
Welfare Of Deer Regulations, 1994
Wildlife Act 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations 2003
Wildlife Act, 1976 - Birds Of Prey Regulations, 1984
Protection Of Animals Kept For Farming Purposes Act, 1984
European Communities (Equine Stud-book and Competition) Regulations 2004
Abattoirs Act, 1988
European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats)(Restrictions on use of Poisoned Bait) Regulations 2010
European Communities (Wildlife Act, 1976) (Amendment) Regulations, 1986 S.I. No. 254/1986 (bird trapping)
European Communities (Protection Of Animals At Time Of Slaughter) Regulations, 1995
European Communities (Amendment of Cruelty to Animals Act 1876) Regulations, 1994
Heritage Act, 1995
Litter Pollution Act, 1997
Animal Remedies Act, 1993
Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act, 1990
Firearms (Firearm Certificates For Non-Residents) Act, 2000
European Communities (Natural Habitats) Regulations, 1997
European Communities (Wild Game) Regulations, 1995
Veterinary Practice Act, 2005
ISPCA Legal Handbook
British and Irish Legal Information Institute
An Garda Siochana
England Scotland Wales Links
ACT - Campaign Against Larsen Traps
Advocates for Animals
Animal Cruelty Investigation Group
Animals Count
Anthony's Dacko's Homepage
Bedfordshire Wildlife Rescue
Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work
Coalition of Badger Action Groups
Cornwall's Voice for Animals
Cruelty Exposed
Farplace Animal Rescue
The Fox Website
Greyhound Compassion
Greyhounds in Need
Hare Preservation Trust
HIPPO - Feeding the world with compassion
Hopefield Animal Sanctuary
Hounds Off - How to deal with hunt trespass
Hunt Watch
Kill Hunting
League Against Cruel Sports
Mama Cat Trust
Music United for Animals Project
The National Anti Snaring Campaign
National Federation of Badger Groups
National Fox Welfare Society
Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Quaker Concern For Animals
Respect for Animals
Roots of Blood
Save Me 2010 - Use your vote for animal protection
Shoreham Protester Online
Vegan Society of the UK
Vegfam - Feeding the Hungry without Exploiting Animals
French Links
Against Glue Traps
Campagne pour l'abolition du déterrage
German Links
European Anti-Rodeo-Coalition
Animals and Religion Links
Reverend Professor Andrew Linzey Director, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Catholic Concern for Animals
Quaker Concern For Animals
Alliance Anticorrida (France)
Anti Bullfighting Committee the Netherlands
Association defensora de animales y del ambiente (Colombia)
Association for the Defence of Animal Rights (ADDA)
Bullfighting: Arguments against and action against
Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida (CRAC)
Federation de Liaisons Anti-Corridas (France)
International Web Against Bullfights
Foundation for the Adoption, Sponsorship and Defense of Animals
Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe
Libera (Spain)
Running of the Nudes (PETA)
Stop Corrida (France)
Stop Our Shame
Asia Links
Animal SOS Sri Lanka
Animals Asia Foundation
Animal Save Movement Pakistan
Dogs Mountain Animal Sanctuary (Philippines)
USA and Canada Links
Animal People
Animal Protection Institute
Animal Rights Stand
Animals Voice
Animal Voices - Radio show and podcast
Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting
Free Tony the Tiger
Greyhound Adoptions of Florida
The Marin Humane Society
SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
Africa Links
Africam Webcams
Africa Network for Animal Welfare
Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education
Gareth Patterson - Lion Man of Africa
Kalahari Raptor Centre
International Links
Animal Rights Sayings and Quotes
Endangered Species International
Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Fondation Franz Weber
International Society for Animal Rights
World Animal Net
World Society for the Protection of Animals
Information and Resources on Alternatives to Animal Testing
Monitoring of the Stag Hunts conducted by the Ward Union Hunt (1997)
Read the report the Irish Government kept hidden for nearly seven years.
The conclusions of Veterinary Inspector, Kieran Kane, are utterly damning of the Ward Union - a hunt which continues to receive an annual licence from the Minister for the Environment.
British hunting ban had no effect on fox numbers
The Mammal Society
Northern Ireland Irish hare survey 2005
Report by Quercus, a partnership between the Northern Ireland Environment & Heritage Service and Queen's University, Belfast. The survey found a decrease in hare numbers between 2004 and 2005.
Northern Ireland Irish hare survey 2004
Report by Quercus, a partnership between the Northern Ireland Environment & Heritage Service and Queen's University, Belfast.
The Northern Ireland Irish Hare Survey 2002
Report by Queen's University, Belfast
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