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No Fly Cruising removes bullring reference
05 September 2013

A big thank you to "No Fly Cruising" for removing a reference to a Seville bullring from its website. The move came after ICABS highlighted the cruelty of Spanish bullfighting.

"Bullfighting is not something that we encourage our cruise customers to see when visiting Spain," a company spokesperson stated.

No Fly Cruising joins a growing list of companies who have responded positively to ICABS appeals and removed references to bullfighting or bullrings. These include Marriott International, Hilton Hampton, Ebookers, Club Travel, Abbey Travel, Sunways, Low Cost, Travel Department, Cancun Holidays Information Center and Co-op Travel UK.

Find out more about No Fly Cruising at

Help us to convince other companies to drop bullfighting from their websites. Check out our latest anti-bullfighting Action Alerts now.

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