Please sign our petitions

Ban Blood Sports in Ireland Now
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Ireland: Ban Cruel Hare Coursing
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Irish Government: Stop Funding Cruel Greyhound Racing Industry
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Irish businesses: Stop supporting cruel hare coursing
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Stop supporting the cruel greyhound industry
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GAA: Stop club fundraisers at greyhound tracks
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Save Irish hares from cruel coursing
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Sinn Fein: Support a ban on cruel hare coursing
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Irish Government: Save foxes and dogs from horrific cruelty
Sign Now Stop publicising cruel bullfighting events
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Irish Companies - Scrap your animal cruelty discounts
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Coillte: Stop allowing foxhunters into Galway's Moyode Wood
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Ticketmaster - Stop selling bullfighting tickets
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Ireland: Stop badger snaring cruelty NOW
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End tax exemption for hunting groups
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FBD Insurance: Scrap your animal cruelty coverage
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Limerick Racecourse: Stop hosting cruel hare coursing
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Adare Heritage Centre: Stop promoting hunting
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Ask bishop to stop clergy involvement in cruel coursing
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Keep cruelty out of Irish property listings
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Ireland's Agriculture Minister: Ban Extremely cruel practices
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Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
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Cuirtear cosc le spoirt fola in Eirinn
Printable paper petition (A4 page; pdf; 50 kb)

Ban Bullfighting
Online petition - Stop bullfighting in Portugal (Animal Association)
Printable paper petition (A4 page; pdf; 14Kb)
Printable paper petition (html format)

Travel Companies: Stop encouraging holidaymakers to visit bullfights
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Fodors Travel Guides: Stop directing tourists to bullrings
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Petition against Spain's horrific Bull on Fire festival
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Ask Facebook to provide a "Report Animal Abuse" option
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Sign a petition today!
Show your opposition to blood sports by signing a petition. Please share the links on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you.

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