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Irish Council Against Blood Sports
Gaelcomhairle in Aghaidh Fuilsport
PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland
Tel: 044-93 49848. Mobile: 086-2636265.
info AT banbloodsports.com

Witness the cruelty of blood sports in Ireland
Foxhunting Hare coursingMink hunting
To witness the appalling cruelty of hare coursing, foxhunting and mink hunting, please click on the video links above. For more presentations exposing blood sports in Ireland, visit our Videos Page. Help highlight our campaigns by displaying the videos on your website. Thank you.

Latest News
General Election 2024 - Political Parties and Animal Cruelty Issues
Find out where political parties stand on animal cruelty issues. In the General Election on 29 November, please vote for animal-friendly candidates and reject those who support cruelty to animals. More...

Latest News
General Election 2024 - Find out where candidates stand on animal cruelty issues
Before voting in the General Election, find out where candidates stand on animal cruelty issues. Please vote for animal-friendly candidates. Reject candidates who support animal cruelty. More...

Latest News

Hares running for their lives at a coursing meeting in Edenderry

Hares running for their lives at a coursing meeting in Edenderry (19 Oct 2024). Shame on the Irish Government for allowing this cruelty to continue. Join the campaign for a ban on cruel hare coursing. More...

Latest News
Ireland – Ban cruel fox hunting
Cruel fox hunting should NOT be happening in modern Ireland. It's time for a ban. Join us in urging the Irish Government to finally ban this barbaric bloodsport. More...

Latest News
Public consultation on review and update of wildlife legislation
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is carrying out a review of Ireland's wildlife legislation. Please make a submission, calling for an end to the licensing of cruel hare coursing, protection for foxes, a ban on snares and Larsen traps, an end to the shooting of birds, including amber- and red-list species, etc. More...

Latest News
Heritage Minister Darragh O’Brien shamefully issues 2024-2025 hare coursing licences
Heritage Minister Darragh O’Brien has shamefully issued 2024-2025 hare coursing licences. The licences cover a 204-day period and allow cruel coursers to net thousands of hares from the wild and use them as live bait for greyhounds to chase. More...

Latest News
Mauled hare killed at Kerry coursing meeting
There are renewed calls on the Irish Government to ban hare coursing after details emerged about terrorised hares who were hit and mauled at an animal cruelty event in Kerry. More...

Latest News
9 hares hit by dogs at County Clare coursing meeting
Nine hares were hit by greyhounds and two were pinned to the ground at a coursing meeting in County Clare in October. More...

Latest News
Foxes terrorised "almost non-stop" during 5-hour hunt in Limerick
Foxes were terrorised by a pack of 23 dogs “almost non-stop” for nearly five hours during a shameful hunt in County Limerick. More...

Latest News
Jennifer Whitmore TD introduces Protection of Hares Bill 2023
Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore has introduced a bill which aims to finally ban cruel hare coursing in Ireland. More...

Latest News
South Dublin County Councillors pass motion calling for ban on cruel hare coursing
South Dublin County Councillors have voted overwhelmingly in support of a motion calling on the government to ban cruel hare coursing. 17 Councillors voted in favour of the motion, with just 6 voting against. More...

Latest News
Urge politicians to back bill to ban cruel coursing
Paul Murphy TD’s Animal Health & Welfare (Ban on Hare Coursing) Bill is expected back before the Dail in the coming months. Please join us in urging politicians to give their backing to the bill which aims to finally stop coursing - a cruel bloodsport which a majority in both rural and urban areas want outlawed. More...

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Follow the ICABS campaign on Facebook
Follow the ICABS campaign on Facebook for all the latest news, updates and action alerts. Help spread the word about our campaign issues by sharing our posts with your friends More...

Latest News
Greyhound industry horrors: Join calls for an end to government funding
Watch "RTE Investigates: Greyhounds running for their lives" and join calls for an immediate end to all state funding to the cruel greyhound industry and a ban on greyhound racing and hare coursing. More...

Latest News
Videos: Ireland's hare coursing cruelty
Witness the cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland in our Youtube video playlist which shows hares being hit and mauled. After watching, please join the campaign against this deplorable bloodsport. More...

Latest News
Say NO to Ireland's cruel blood sports
Join calls for a ban on Ireland's cruel bloodsports. Please sign and share our petitions and urge your local politicians to back a bloodsports ban. Sign Now!

Please make a donation to ICABS
Please consider making a donation to the Irish Council Against Blood Sports this month. We rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters to help ensure that our campaign goes from strength to strength. To make a donation today, click on the Paypal logo to the left or visit our Join ICABS page. Thank you very much.

Top ways you can help the campaign
Join our email list and respond to our Action Alerts
Become a campaign supporter and make a donation to help fund our efforts
Contact your local politicians and ask them to support a ban on blood sports
Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube
Sign up for our free text alert service and receive occasional campaign updates to your phone
Link to our website and display one of our banners
Monitor blood sports meetings in your area and provide us with photos, video and reports.
Write a letter to your local newspaper about the cruelty of blood sports
Sign and collect signatures for our petitions
Organise a fund-raiser to help raise funds for the campaign
Set up an online anti-blood sports group to cover your area.
Download, print and display our posters and leaflets
Set up an information stand at your school/library/youth group/adult group, etc
Introduce your friends to our website and encourage them to get involved.
Simply keeping your ear to the ground. about any blood-sport related incidents in your area.

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Designed by PhilipKiernan
Last Updated: November 2024