Demand political action to end blood sports

Please contact all your local politicians to demand a ban on hare coursing, foxhunting, digging-out and terrierwork.

Find out the names and contact details for TDs and Senators and MEPs
Email TDs online at

Political Views - What are your politicians saying about blood sports?
Parliamentary Questions - Blood sports-related Dail Questions and Answers
Political parties - Contact details for Ireland's political parties
Irish Legislation Links - animal-related legislation

Writing to Politicians - A Sample Letter

Address your correspondence to:
Dáil Éireann or Seanad Éireann
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.

Dear TD / Senator,

I am writing to ask you to use your influence as a TD/Senator to help bring blood sports to an end in Ireland.

As one of your constituents who is opposed to animal cruelty, I wish to see you working towards outlawing the blood sports of foxhunting, hare coursing, carted deer hunting and mink hunting.

(Add in your personal feelings about blood sports here - perhaps outline the cruelty of blood sports, how animals suffer and how blood sports are out of place in a modern, civilised society.)

Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

(If you are writing on behalf of a group of people, ask everyone to sign the letter)

Phone a message to TDs/Senators
From Dublin:
01-618 3000 (TDs and Senators)
From outside
(01) area:
For TDs: 1890 Deputy (1890 337 889)
For Senators: 1890 Seanad (1890 732 623)

Contact anti-blood sports TDs/Senators and praise their efforts to get hunting and coursing banned. If your TD/Senator is in favour of animal cruelty, please let them know that their stance will affect your future voting decisions.

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