Campaigns: Keep illegal animal traps out of Ireland

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is constantly on the look-out for the sale and use of illegal animal traps. We have had much success in the past in getting such traps removed from sale but we suspect that they may remain on sale in some parts of the country.

Please click on the links below to find out more about some of the illegal traps that have been used or sold in Ireland. Help reduce the number of animals that suffer in traps by reporting illegal traps to ICABS. We will immediately bring them to the attention of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Illegal: Nooski Animal Trap

The distribution of a trap that strangles animals to death has been stopped thanks to ICABS action. The Nooski trap, confirmed as being illegal by the Environment Minister, was originally brought to the attention of the National Parks and Wildlife Service by ICABS after we identified a number of companies offering it for sale here. More...

Unlawful electronic traps

Unlawful traps and snares were seized last year by the National Parks and Wildlife Service after ICABS highlighted a website offering the devices for sale. Following evidence from a NPWS ranger in Naas District Court, a judge found the case against the accused to be proven but decided not to convict subject to an undertaking that he would pay €1000 to charity. More...

Glue traps / Glue boards

Please help rid Ireland of glue traps - one of the world's most cruel and inhumane traps. Visit your local hardware stores, discount shops, pet supply outlets, builder provider stores, etc to make sure that these illegal traps are not being sold. If you spot glue traps (also known as glue boards) for sale, please contact ICABS immediately with the details and we will pass them on to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Also, if you are aware of any company using glue traps, please get in touch with us now. More...

MouseMaster trap

ICABS is asking members of the public to check their local hardware stores and co-op shops for a trap which involves the drowning of mice. The MouseMaster trap lures the creatures onto the lid of a bucket where they fall into water and die. ICABS has learnt that the trap is unlawful in Ireland. More...

Illegal bird traps

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports congratulates the National Parks & Wildlife Service on a successful operation involving a raid on the 10-acre estate of Spaniard, Juan Zapata, near the Phoenix Park in Dublin. More...

Gin traps / Leghold traps

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on members of the public to do a nationwide spot-check to investigate the possible sale of illegal leghold traps. The call comes following an incident in Galway where a fox was found in agony in such a trap. More...

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