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Unlawful trap appeal
6 July 2007

ICABS is asking members of the public to check their local hardware stores and co-op shops for a trap which involves the drowning of mice. The MouseMaster trap lures the creatures onto the lid of a bucket where they fall into water and die. ICABS has learnt that the trap is unlawful in Ireland.

The cruel traps may still be on sale around the country, however. Please help identify the shops where the traps are being sold. If you spot one of these traps, please email us with the name and address of the shop and we will pass it on to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Thank you.

About the trap: A newspaper advert for the MouseMaster states that it holds up to 10 mice and "regular checks are not required". According to a Yahoo News report, the trap's Irish inventor said that one of the advantages of the trap is that the bucket can house any number of dead mice as well as other animals. The trap won a bronze medal in the International Category at the 2004 British Invention Show. ICABS understands that the trap is unlawful under Ireland's Wildlife Act 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares And Nets) Regulations 2003.

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