ICABS Action Alerts

Take action for animals. Please respond to our action alerts below.

* Urge Minister Coveney to ban digging-out and terrierwork
* Demand end to Ireland's cruel badger snaring
* Ask pet food company Kasko to disassociate from coursing
* Ask Ganly Walters to remove foxhunting from property listings
* Ask Bandon.ie to remove hunting from activities page
* Urge FBD to stop offering insurance to cruel hunters and coursers
* Join the campaign for a ban on cruel Larsen traps in Ireland
* Ask Limerick Racecourse to stop hosting cruel hare coursing
* Tell Agriculture Minister Coveney to ban cruel fur farming
* Call on Clonmel Park Hotel to stop publicising coursing
* Urge Minister Deenihan to stop licensing hare coursing
* Ask Sinn Fein to reverse its pro-coursing stance
* Tell Ireland's forestry board to stop profiting from killing
* Urge the NPWS to stop facilitating hare coursing
* Ask BoyleSports to stop sponsoring cruel hare coursing
