ICABS Action Alerts

Call on Clonmel Park Hotel to stop publicising coursing

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is appealing to the Clonmel Park Conference, Leisure & Spa Hotel in County Tipperary to stop publicising hare coursing. On the Attractions & Events page of its website, the hotel presents the local coursing cruelty festival as a "sporting event" and those who attend it as "sports people".

The hotel has previously been urged to disassociate from coursing. In an advert placed in a coursing booklet, it extended a "welcome to all visitors to the national coursing meeting". The advert also highlighted that the hotel is "just 5 minutes drive from the coursing grounds" and that a coursing video was to be shown nightly at the hotel.

"It is incredible that a modern hotel chain unashamedly associates with an animal cruelty activity which causes injury and death to hares," we stated in an email to the company. "It is surprising that you don't take into consideration the fact that businesses which back animal cruelty risk being shunned by potential customers among the majority who oppose bloodsports."

Witness the cruelty of coursing


Appeal to the Clonmel Park Hotel to stop publicising the Clonmel hare coursing cruelty festival on its website.

Clonmel Park Hotel, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Tel: +353 52 6188700
Email: info@clonmelparkhotel.com
Leave a comment on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/clonmelparkhotel

Action Alerts