ICABS Action Alerts

Urge the NPWS to stop facilitating hare coursing

ICABS is urging the National Parks and Wildlife Service to stop facilitating cruel hare coursing. Pointing to the NPWS's conservation role, we stated that it is very inappropriate for them to license the blood sport.

"Every effort should be made to promote conservation and eliminate threats to the species," we told NPWS Licensing Unit. Highlighted was the "Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland" report which states clearly that the status of the hare species is "poor" and that "factors likely to reduce hare numbers locally include...hunting."

Also flagged was a statement in a NPWS document which casts uncertainty over the "reproductive viability of hares post-coursing and the impact on local population demographics of hare removal and return". (Background to the conservation assessment for the Mountain Hare Lepus timidus)

"The stress and related capture myopathy caused by coursing activities compromise the welfare of hares and their subsequent chances of survival," we stated. "This alone should compel the NPWS to ensure that the licence is refused and the species is protected."


Please join us in urging the NPWS to stop licensing hare coursing.

NPWS Licensing Unit
National Parks & Wildlife Service
7 Ely Place
Dublin 2, Ireland

Tel: +353-1-888 2000
Fax: +353-1-888 3272

Email: natureconservation@environ.ie
CC: ministersoffice@tcs.gov.ie;taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie

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Action Alerts