ICABS Action Alerts |
Ask pet food company Kasko to disassociate from coursing
Pet food company, Kasko, is being urged to stop advertising in booklets for cruel hare coursing. The Cashel-based distributor of cat and dog food had a full page advert in the booklet for the national hare coursing finals..
In an email to International Kennel Supplies / Kasko, the Irish Council Against Blood Sports highlighted the cruelty of hare coursing, outlining that it involves hares running for their lives from greyhounds and that every season there are hare injuries and deaths.
"Hare coursing is so cruel, it has been outlawed in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and here in the Republic of Ireland, a majority of citizens want coursing outlawed," we stated in our correspondence. "It is especially surprising that a company with a customer base comprising animal lovers would wish to be in any way connected to the activity."
"Being associated with a form of animal cruelty is likely to prove very off-putting to many potential customers," we added.
Please join us in appealing to Kasko / International Kennel Supplies to fully disassociate from cruel coursing and give a commitment that no further ads will be placed in coursing booklets. If their association with a cruel bloodsport would make you choose different pet food, please make this clear in your correspondence.
International Kennel Supplies/Kasko
19 Main Street
Cashel, County Tipperary
Tel: 062 61240
Email: btndistribution@eircom.net