ICABS Action Alerts |
Ask BoyleSports to stop sponsoring cruel hare coursing
Shame on betting company, BoyleSports for sponsoring Ireland's cruel hare coursing. At the national coursing meeting in Clonmel in February 2014, hares were filmed running for their lives past a BoyleSports advertisement banner. The company says it is a "proud sponsor" of this disgusting cruelty.
An advert on the Irish Coursing Club website, meanwhile, declares that Boylesports is "No 1 for coursing betting" and offers a free bet to coursers.
"Please show compassion for Irish wildlife and stop backing this disgusting cruelty," we stated in an email to the company's head office in Dundalk.
Brought to its attention was our Coursing Cruelty Catalogue Report which reveals the suffering, injury and death caused to hares during the last coursing season.
In a 2011 Sunday Times interview, Boylesports founder John Boyle, stated "I love the coursing."
Sign a Petition: Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
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Complain to Boylesports about its sponsorship of cruel hare coursing.
John Boyle
Managing Director
Finnabair Industrial Park
Dundalk, Co. Louth.
Tel: +353 42 939 3000
Tel (ROI): 1800 22 00 66
Tel (UK): 0800 22 00 66
Tel (International): +353 42 9393168
Fax: +353 42 939 3167
Email: care@boylesports.com
Leon Blanche
Head of Public Relations
Tel/Text: +353879807986
Email: lblanche@boylesports.com
Boylesports Ltd,
First Floor,
Millennium House,
Victoria Road,
IM2 4RW,
Isle of Man
Urge Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney to ban hare coursing.
Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Email: minister@agriculture.gov.ie
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Contact all your local TDs now. Demand that they urgently back a ban on hare coursing.
Find out the names and email addresses of your TDs