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Estrella Damm asked to remove bullring banner
24 September 2008

ICABS has asked beer company, Estrella Damm, to remove an advertisement banner from Barcelona's bloody bullring. The banner was photographed overlooking scenes of appalling cruelty to animals in the Monumental venue. Please join our urgent action alert now.

Estrella Damm banner
Estrella Damm has been asked to show compassion for the bulls cruelly tortured in Barcelona's bullring and permanently remove this advertisement banner. (Photo: Don Mullan)

The photo of Estrella Damm's banner was supplied to ICABS by journalist/author/film-maker Don Mullan who witnessed bullfighting at the "Monumental" venue last month and subsequently outlined the horror of the activity.

Writing in the Irish Times, Mr Mullan condemned bullfighters as "cowardly butchers" and graphically described an injured bull convulsing, a bull bleeding from its mouth and nose with "its tormented cries clearly audible" and a bull with its front covered in "liquid crimson".


Please contact Estrella Damm now with the message "Estrella Damm - Please remove your banner from Barcelona's bloody bullring and fully disassociate from bullfighting".

You can send your message from the company's website at:

or write to:

Enrique Crous Milllet
Group General Manager
Estrella Damm
Sociedad Anonima Damm (SA Damm)
C/ Rossello 515
Barcelona, BAR 08025

Tel: +34-93-2909200
Fax: +34-93-2909348

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