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Google: We will not disallow bullfight ads
9 May 2008

Though stressing that the company does not condone bullfighting, Google has told ICABS that they "will not disallow ads for bullfighting on Google". This disappointing response comes following an appeal in which we highlighted the terrible suffering endured by bulls in this extremely cruel blood sport.

"We appreciate that some people have strong feelings about these ads and Google in no way condones the activity," a company spokesperson outlined. "But, having taken into consideration a number of different factors which take into consideration issues such as local law, customs and culture, we have decided that we will not disallow ads for bullfighting on Google."

In our original correspondence to the company, ICABS stated: "As a modern and compassionate company which prides itself on a positive global image, it would be very appropriate for Google to stop allowing those who advertise or promote animal cruelty to benefit from your sponsored links service," (Sponsored links are advertisement links which companies pay Google to display on their search pages)

ICABS is now renewing its appeal to the CEO and directors of Google to reconsider this stance and to implement a policy of refusing all future applications for bullfighting-related Sponsored Links.

Bullfight sponsored ad links
An example of Google Sponsored Links which point to bullfighting-related websites. One of the links here leads to a website selling tickets to bullfights.


Please ask Google to show compassion and stop advertising bullfighting.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Dr. Eric E. Schmidt, Ph.D.
CEO, Google
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Fax: 001 650 253 0001

Email Google Ads at:
(If emailing, please try and also post or fax a letter to Dr Schmidt as well)

Dear Mr Schmidt,

I am writing to ask that Google stop accepting Sponsored Links from companies involved with bullfighting, one of the world's worst forms of animal abuse. Please take this opportunity to do the decent thing and disassociate from this appalling blood sport which millions around the world want outlawed.

Thank you. I look forward to your positive reply.

Yours sincerely,


Video: The Cruelty of Bullfighting

Photos: Bullfighting barbarity

Bullfighting Gallery - Image 2
A bull bleeding from its mouth and body moments before being killed with a sword. (Photo: ADDA)

Bullfighting Gallery - Image 11
A bull winces in pain as spiked banderillas are stuck into its back. (Photo: RSPCA)

Bullfighting in France - Image 15
A matador prepares to stick a sword into the gap between the bull's shoulder blades. The severely wounded animal is seen here panting for breath moments before being killed during a French bullfight. (Image: Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida)

Bullfighting in France - Image 2
An injured bull bleeding during a bullfight in the south of France. (Image: Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida)

Bullfighting in France - Image 5
A bull runs across the bullring in pain as spiked banderillas dig into its flesh. (Image: Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida)

Bullfighting in France - Image 7
A bull leaps in pain as the banderillas stick into his back. (Image: Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida)

Bullfighting in France - Image 13
Another victim of bullfighting: A bull collapses on to the ground as blood cascades from its nose. (Image: Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida)

Bullfighting: More information

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