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Protest highlights continued coursing cruelty
07 February 2008

A protest outside the national coursing finals in Clonmel has helped highlight the continued cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland. ICABS thanks everyone who attended the demonstration and for the messages of support from those unable to be there on the day. ICABS has this week renewed its call on Environment Minister, John Gormley, to make this the last every coursing season by refusing future licence applications from the coursers.

In a letter to Minister Gormley, ICABS pointed out that the muzzling of greyhounds during coursing has not eliminated the unacceptable cruelty from coursing. From the moment hares are snatched from the wild in nets, their welfare is seriously compromised. Before, during and after coursing meetings, hares continue to suffer and die.

The most recently available monitoring reports from the National Parks and Wildlife Service show, for example, that among the fatalities during the 2006-07 season were 10 hares that died at the Traderee meeting. Most of these creatures died slowly and painfully as a result of maulings by greyhounds. Five of the hares were mauled on day 1, with one dying instantly. The following morning, it was discovered that four hares had died overnight and two were injured. One was put down and the other released after veterinary attention. During the second day's coursing, three hares were mauled, with one dying instantly and two more put down later after being found with serious injuries; another hare was found dead after the coursing meeting. Please see below for a catalogue of cruelty and suffering endured by the hares, as outlined in the NPWS reports.

A very big thank you to those who travelled to Clonmel for the protest, to those in Clonmel who expressed their support and to those who sent us messages of support from Ireland and abroad. Thank you also to the television (TV3 and RTE), radio and print media for helping to spread the message about coursing cruelty and the majority view in Ireland that a ban on this despicable blood sport must finally be implemented by the government.

Photos: Anti-coursing protest - Clonmel, February 6th, 2008


Please contact Environment Minister, John Gormley, and appeal to him to give a commitment that this will be the last ever hare coursing season in Ireland.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Minister John Gormley
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1.

Tel: 01 888 2403.
Fax: 01 878 8640.

Dear Minister Gormley,

I am writing to implore you to firmly reject future licence applications from the Irish Coursing Club. Hare coursing is Ireland's most appalling animal abuse with thousands of hares being ripped from their natural habitat and forced to run for their lives before muzzled dogs. When hit, the injuries are often so severe that the terrified hare has to be destroyed - but only after suffering from stress and severe internal injuries or broken bones.

In its pre-election manifesto, the Green Party pledged to ban blood sports when in government. I am among the confident majority who trust that you will take this historic opportunity, Minister, to spare the hares the suffering caused by coursing and refuse further licences to these heartless destroyers of our wildlife heritage.

Thank you and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,



Please contact your local TD and Senator and ask them to make an appeal to Minister Gormley on your behalf.

For the names of your TDs, please click on your county on the Irish Government website

Contact your TD at:
Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 337889 (1890 DEPUTY).

For a list of Senators, please visit the Irish Government website

Contact your Senator at:
Seanad Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 732 623 (1890 SEANAD).

Coursing's Catalogue of Cruelty

Source: National Parks & Wildlife Service (Obtained under Freedom of Information)

Tradaree, Co. Clare (13/14 January 2007)
Ranger stated that five hares were mauled on day 1, with one dying instantly. The following morning, it was discovered that four hares had died overnight and two were injured. One was put down and the other released after veterinary attention. During the second day's coursing, three hares were mauled, with one dying instantly and two more put down later after being found with serious injuries, while another hare was found dead after the coursing meeting, which brings the hare death toll at this meeting to 10.

Westmeath United (14/15 October 2006)
Ranger reported "three hares that were badly mauled were placed in a box by the field steward." When the coursing was over, she "watched as the steward carried the box towards the escape." She was "concerned that these hares were about to be let back to the enclosure without examination by a vet. Due to the severity of the mauling," she said, it was "likely that these hares would have had internal injuries," in her opinion. On day 2 of the meeting the conservation ranger noted that four hares were hit, two of which were caught by dogs through their muzzles. She stated that one hare, which was tossed and badly mauled, having been caught through the muzzles by the dogs, "squealed with distress and/or pain and was taken up by the steward and carried to the escape and released back into the enclosure without examination by a vet on the day."

Tubbercurry & District (28/29/30 October, 2006)
There were 7 hares hit and mauled on day 1, two of which were killed; on day 2, 5 hares were hit and mauled, while 9 hares were hit on day 3, with 1 hare having to be put down because of its injuries.

Roscommon (26/27 December 2006)
Ranger stated that 13 hares were struck, with 1 put down because of injuries. Ranger also stated that when he was supervising release of hares following coursing meeting in Roscommon, "one hare was unable to escape due to serious injuries. The hare had a badly broken hind leg and seemed to be in great distress." The ranger destroyed the hare humanely.

East Donegal (30/31 December 2006)
There were 5 hares struck by dogs, 3 of which died due to their injuries.

South Clare (26/27 December, 2006)
Six hares were hit over the two days of coursing, with 1 killed outright, and 3 dying afterwards from their injuries, according to NPWS report.

Ballyheigue, Co. Kerry (14/15 October, 2006)
There were 5 hares hit over the two days, with 2 being put down and 2 dying of "natural causes", according to the conservation ranger.

Castleisland (29/30 October, 2006)
There were 4 hares struck by greyhounds, 1 killed and 1 put down as a result of its injuries, while 1 died of "natural causes".

Lixnaw, Co. Kerry (4/5 November, 2006)
The conservation ranger did not attend the first day of coursing. He noted 3 hares struck by greyhounds on second day of coursing, with 2 having to be put down because of injuries.

Listowel, Co. Kerry (11/12 November, 2006)
The conservation ranger stated that 2 hares were struck and one died of "natural causes".

Ballyduff, Co. Kerry (18/19 November, 2006)
4 hares were hit over the two days, with one having to be put down due to injuries. The ranger commented on the "very bad weather and heavy rain".

Kilflynn, Co. Kerry (2/3 December, 2006)
There were 3 hares hit by greyhounds, with one dying of "natural causes". Ranger stated that due to the very heavy rain over the previous week, parts of the field were "heavy going".

Castletown-Geoghegan, Co. Westmeath (16 December, 2006)
Ranger stated that 4 hares were struck by greyhounds, with three being injured.

Dundalk & Dowdallshill (26/27 December, 2006)
NPWS conservation ranger attended event for one day only and reported 4 hares killed, and a further 3 injured hares were sent to a vet for assessment.

Trim, Co. Meath (4/5 November, 2006)
According to conservation ranger's report, 10 hares were hit by dogs over the two days of coursing, 5 injured, one of which died due to injuries. 4 hares were unaccounted for.

Killimer-Kilrush, Co. Clare (25/26 November, 2006)
Nine hares were hit by dogs over two days of coursing, with one hare being killed and one hare dying "after running up the field uncoursed", according to NPWS report.

Milltown-Malbay, Co. Clare (28/29 October, 2006)
Ten hares were hit over the two days of coursing.

Rathkeale (25/26 November, 2006)
2 hares killed, according to ranger's report.

Dungarvan (16/17 Nov. 2006)
The ranger noted two hares carrying injuries: "one hare was carrying a hind leg and one had a damaged hind toe."

Liscannor, Co. Clare (30 October, 1 November 2006).
Five hares were hit and 1 put down because of its injuries, and also another put down, "which appeared dull", according to Ranger.

Cappoquin (11/12 Nov. 2006)
Three hares were struck by dogs.

Balbriggan (25/26 November 2006)
Three hares died from injuries received following being struck by muzzled dogs.

Abbeyfeale (28/29 December 2006)
Five hares were struck, according to Ranger's report.

Clonmel (5/6/7 February 2007)
4 hares were struck, according to Ranger's report.

Video: Coursing cruelty

Hare coursing cruelty

Photos: Hares suffering during coursing meetings

Hare Coursing Gallery - Image 4

Hare Coursing Gallery - Image 1
A hare is mauled into the ground by a muzzled greyhound during a coursing meeting. This is one of the thousands of hares cruelly captured in the Irish countryside every year for use in the blood sport.

Hare Coursing Gallery - Image 6

More information about blood sports

Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Foxhunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Carted deer hunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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