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Hunters run scared of Late Late Show
10 January 2008

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports was informed by the Late Late Show today that a debate on hunting, scheduled for tomorrow night's show, has been axed because hunting representatives have refused to take part. The reason for this eleventh hour back out by the hunters, we understand, is that they object to Philip Lynch, Chairman of the Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass Group, being invited to take part in the debate.

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports spokesperson, Aideen Yourell, who was also scheduled to take part in the debate, said today that she was absolutely amazed at the turn of events.

"By refusing to take part in the Late Late debate, the hunters have now shown that they have a lot to hide, both in terms of the cruelty they mete out to animals, and the annoyance they cause to farmers by routinely trespassing and creating havoc on farmlands," Aideen Yourell commented. "As well as running scared of the farmers' group, I believe that their decision to pull out is due to a fear of their heinous activities being exposed on prime time television, with video footage of the cruelty possibly being shown. These people are the epitome of the 'schoolyard bully' - well able to dole out cruelty to animals, but terrified of the exposure."

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports feels it is a great pity that the Late Late Show have axed the discussion. We believe that they could have gone ahead without the hunters and made it clear that they refused to take part.

Kathleen Lynch, TD (Labour Party) was also due to take part as a main speaker on the panel, opposing a hunting representative.

Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass

To find out more about Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass (FAFT), visit

FAFT leaflet: View | Download

The FAFT leaflet gives details about why farmers should keep hunts off their land. FAFT is asking members of the public to print the leaflet and make copies for all their landowners friends and family members.

More information about blood sports

Foxhunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Carted deer hunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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