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Scrap the matador avatar
14 September 2007 The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has appealed to Yahoo to drop a matador from its range of avatars. The offensive costume includes a red cape and allows users to assume the role of a bullfighter. In a letter to the company's head office, ICABS outlined how the individuals who wear this outfit in the real world are merciless in their treatment of animals. ICABS told Yahoo CEO, Jerry Yang, that bullfighting is opposed by millions of people around the world and that an international campaign to secure a ban is ongoing. In our appeal we stated: "As bullfighters are responsible for some of the world’s worst cruelty to animals, we ask Yahoo to replace the 'Turquoise & Gold Torero Outfit' with an outfit more appropriate to Yahoo’s friendly, fun and respectful values."
ACTION ALERT 1 Visit the Yahoo Avatars Suggestion board and click on the "thumbs up" icon next to "Scrap the matador avatar". This will register your vote in favour of the matador avator being scrapped ACTION ALERT 2 Post a letter or send a fax to Yahoo and appeal for the matador avatar to be scrapped.
Jerry Yang
Fax: 0014083493301 Videos: The cruelty of bullfighting in Spain and France
More information about blood sports
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