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Coursers get go-ahead from Minister
7 September 2007
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has expressed disappointment at the news that Minister John Gormley has issued another licence to the Irish Coursing Club. The licence will allow coursing clubs around Ireland to snatch thousands of hares from the wild to be used as live lures. A decision has not yet been made on the licensing of the Ward Union but ICABS remains hopeful that this will become the first of our blood sports to be banned. ICABS is saddened to think of the hares that will be removed from their habitats in the coming weeks and months and forced to run for their lives in front of greyhounds. As highlighted to the Minister in the weeks leading up to his decision, hares continue to suffer appalling injuries on the coursing fields. Some are so severely mauled that they drop dead or have to be put down. Sickening examples include:
Please contact Environment Minister, John Gormley, and appeal to him to reconsider his decision to licence hare coursing. Urge him to stand firm against the Ward Union and refuse a licence for their abuse of deer.
Sample Letter
Minister John Gormley
Email: minister@environ.ie
Dear Minister Gormley, I am writing to express my great disappointment at your decision to licence hare coursing in Ireland. This licence not only disregards the awful animal cruelty of coursing but also the wishes of the majority of Irish adults who want this barbarism banned. I hope that you will find a way to urgently bring coursing to an end in Ireland. I understand that you will be considering the licensing of carted deer hunting in the coming weeks. I implore you to stand firm against the Ward Union and refuse this licence. In its pre-election manifesto, the Green Party pledged to ban blood sports when in government. You now have the opportunity to fulfil this promise and end the suffering of deer and hares.
Yours sincerely, Name/Location ACTION ALERT 2 Please contact your local TD and Senator and ask them to make an appeal to Minister Gormley on your behalf. For the names of your TDs, please click on your county on the Irish Government website
Contact your TD at:
For a list of Senators, please visit the Irish Government website
Contact your Senator at:
Videos: The cruelty of hare coursing and carted deer hunting
More information about blood sports
Carted deer hunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition
Foxhunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition