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AA asked to drive bullfighting out of travel guides
29 June 2007

ICABS has appealed to the AA to stop including bullfighting information in its travel guide books. In their Spiral Guide to Spain, bullfighting is listed in a section headed "Where to be entertained".

In a letter of appeal to the company, ICABS also pointed out the following bullfighting references:

  • "To experience the drama of popular Portuguese culture, head for a bullfight..." (AA Spiral Guide to Portugal)
  • Information for bullfighting in the Portuguese towns of Santerem and Sintra (AA Essential Guide to Portugal)
  • Bullfighting can "enthral", a link to a pro-bullfighting website and a photo of a matador on the book's spine (AA Spiral Guide to Spain)

A spokesperson for the company has told ICABS that they "aim to be at the very least neutral about these controversial things" and that the editors for the Portuguese guide books would be asked to review the text on bullfighting at the next update.

ICABS is appealing to AA Publishing to give strong warnings to readers about bullfighting instead of being neutral on the subject.

"Seeing bulls stumbling across bullrings with blood spurting from their bodies is extremely upsetting and can cast a dark shadow across their holiday memories. Suggesting a visit to these cruelty venues is inappropriate, we believe, in a travel guide," we stated.

If you would like to see an end to bullfighting in the AA's travel guides, please join us in our appeal to the company.

AA Essential Guide to Portugal
Information about bullfighting appears in the latest edition of the AA's Essential Guide to Portugal. ICABS has asked the publishers to warn holidaymakers about the upsetting nature of the blood sport.


Please ask AA Publishing to stop featuring bullfighting in its books and to instead warn holidaymakers about the cruelty of the blood sport and how upsetting it an be to see an animal being tortured and killed.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

The Chief Editor
AA Publishing
13th Floor
Fanum House
Basing View
RG21 4EA

Tel: 0044 1256 491 588
Fax: 0044 1256 492 440

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am one of the millions of people across Europe who are opposed to bullfighting. I am writing to AA Publishing to make a special appeal to your company to exclude details about bullfighting from your travel guides.

As bullfighting involves extreme animal abuse, I feel it is an inappropriate activity to present to readers of your guides. Many of the curious tourists who venture into bullrings come away distressed at what they see - bulls being stabbed with banderillas, blood flowing from their bodies, the unfortunate creatures stumbling around the arena in pain.

Seeing this type of barbarity is sure to leave a deep and dark shadow across their holiday memories.

I am asking your reputable company to please avoid recommending bullfighting to readers and instead warn them explicitly about the violence which makes this activity one of the worst acts of animal cruelty in the world.

Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.


Bullfighting: More information

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