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Biggest ever anti-bullfight protest in Spain
20 June 2007

The biggest ever anti-bullfighting demonstration to take place in Spain attracted over 4,000 protestors at the weekend. Held in Barcelona, the event was organised to draw attention to the growing opposition to the blood sport in Spain and around the world.

A spokesperson for organisers FAADA and Libera commented: "Spanish people are opposed to their country being identified with bullfights and to the fact that these cruel shows, which are condemned and rejected by over 70 per cent of Spain's population, are subsidized with public funds."

Protestors holding banner
Some of the thousands of people who turned up in Barcelona on June 17th for what became the biggest ever anti-bullfighting demonstration to be held in Spain.

Protestors marching down tree-lined street
Some of the thousands of protestors who supported the anti-bullfighting event in Barcelona.

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