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Companies asked to stop supporting Lisbon bullfighting
19 June 2007

Among the companies supporting bullfighting in Lisbon's Campo Pequeno bullring are VIP Magazine Portugal, TVi Television, 24 Horas Newspaper and Lisbon City Council. We need your help to convince all four to disassociate from this cruel activity.

Please respond to the action alerts below and ask your friends to do so too. Contact details and sample letters are provided for your convenience.

Campo Pequeno bullring
Lisbon's bloody Campo Pequeno bullring where bulls are hit, stabbed and killed. The banner above the entrance confirms that several high profile companies are among the supporters of this barbarism. (Photo: Philip Kiernan)

Banner on facade of Campo Pequeno bullring
A close-up of the banner above the bullring entrance showing the logos of TVi, 24 Horas, Lisbon City Council and VIP Magazine Portugal. (Photo: Philip Kiernan)


Contact VIP Magazine Portugal and ask them to stop supporting bullfighting and publishing positive features on bullfighters.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

VIP Magazine
Grupo Impala
2710-460 Sintra
Tel: 00 351 219 238050
Fax: 00 351 219 238063

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about VIP Magazine's support of bullfighting in Portugal. I also find it disappointing that your publication gives positive coverage to bullfighters. As you are no doubt aware, Portuguese bullfighting sees bulls being stabbed, hit and dragged to the ground. Afterwards the heavily bleeding creatures are slaughtered.

It is appalling that your company feels it is appropriate to support this abhorrent activity. I hope that you can strongly consider the enormous suffering caused to the animals and stop associating with this internationally condemned cruelty.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,



Contact TVi Television and ask them to stop supporting bullfighting and broadcasting bullfighting programmes.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Televisao Independente, S.A.
Rua Mario Castelhano, 40
Queluz de Baixo
2734-502 Barcarena

Email via: website
Tel.: 00 351 214 347500
Fax: 00 351 214 347654

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to appeal to TVi to stop supporting bullfighting and broadcasting bullfights on your channel.

Bullfighting is a terribly cruel activity which a majority of Portuguese citizens want banned. It is incredible that a modern television channel would accept bullfighting as an appropriate activity to cover. I urge you to end your support of bullfighting and to instead highlight the cruelty which has prompted a majority of Portuguese citizens to express their desire to see this blood sport outlawed.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,



Urge 24 Horas Newspaper to stop supporting bullfighting and to instead expose the inherent animal cruelty.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Pedro Tadeu
Avenida da Liberdade
266 – 5o 1250-149
Lisboa, Portugal

Email 1: (Attn: Pedro Tadeu, Director)
Email 2: (Victor Alves, Director)

Dear Sir,

It is very surprising and disappointing that 24 Horas is one of the supporters of bullfighting in Lisbon. As a reputable news publication, surely you can recognise that bullfighting is a barbaric activity that has no place in modern Portugal. I urge you to end your support of bullfighting and to instead highlight the cruelty which has prompted a majority of Portuguese citizens to express their desire to see this blood sport outlawed.

Thank you. I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,



Urgently contact Lisbon City Council and demand that they stop supporting bullfighting. Tell them that they have a duty to promote the Portuguese capital as a modern and civilised city. If the presence of bullfighting in Lisbon disqualifies it as a possible holiday destination for you, please point this out in your correspondence.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Camara Municipal de Lisboa
Pacos do Concelho
Praca do Municipio
1100-365 Lisboa

Tel: +351 213 227 000
Fax: +351 213 227 008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am shocked to learn that the city council of a modern European city is supporting the cruel and outdated barbarity that is bullfighting.

Bullfighting is opposed by millions all across Europe and the world. It is also, of course, opposed by a majority of Portuguese citizens. Your decision to support bullfighting in the Campo Pequeno bullfighting arena is an insult to these people. We all want this deplorable animal abuse to be made illegal in your city and country. Please do the right thing and immediately end all support and promotion of bullfighting in Lisbon.

Thank you. I await your response with great anticipation.

Yours sincerely,


Bullfighter tugging the tail of a bleeding bull
One of the bullfighting images which Lisbon City Council is happy to display on its website. Here we see a bleeding bull with a banderillas stuck into its back and a "forcado" cruelly tugging the animal's tail.

More information about bullfighting

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