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Animal Voice: Issue 2 - February 2011
In this edition:
01. Labour Party won't reverse staghunt ban: Eamon Gilmore
01. Labour Party won't reverse staghunt ban: Eamon Gilmore
Labour Party leader, Eamon Gilmore, has re-iterated that the party will not support a reversal of the ban on staghunting, if they form part of the next government. Speaking on the Today with Pat Kenny radio show on 18th February, Mr Gilmore stated: "We do not believe in reversing the legislation. The legislation was passed. We accept that. We won't reverse it."
Listen to Eamon Gilmore's statement
Eamon Gilmore had previously given a similar assurance on the Marian Finucane radio show last October.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports welcomes this latest confirmation that, unlike Fine Gael, the Labour Party will not try to reverse the ban.
See the Labour Party's list of election candidates at www.labour.ie/people/
02. Fine Gael threaten to reverse stag hunt ban
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is horrified to note that the Fine Gael manifesto, launched today, includes a promise to reverse the ban on stag hunting. Please join our urgent appeal to the party to scrap this pledge to bring back a blood sport.
The manifesto, in a section headed "Keeping Communities Vibrant/Rural Activities", states that "Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting."
Download the Manifesto and turn to page 26/27 - Section 5.3
Elsewhere in the manifesto, Fine Gael say that they will "update existing animal welfare rules which are outdated and need to be reformed". If that is the case and they want to improve and update animal welfare, they are off to a bad start by threatening to repeal an act which has banned gratuitous cruelty to vulnerable animals, which for over 150 years were hounded by dogs for "sport".
Stag hunting was banned last June after a majority of TDs voted in favour of the Wildlife Amendment Bill which outlawed the cruel activity. The ban was widely welcomed.
Any attempt to reverse the hunt ban would be a callous and despicable move by Fine Gael if they attain power. We have no doubt that the majority of people in this country would find this utterly abhorrent.
Send a message to Fine Gael leader, Enda Kenny, and make it clear to him that you do not want a reversal of the stag hunting ban.
Email letter to:
Tel: (094) 9025600 (Enda Kenny Constituency Office)
Tel: (01) 619 8444 / (01) 669 4731 (Fine Gael Head Office)
Postal Address:
I am horrified to note in the Fine Gael manifesto that your party is threatening to reverse the ban on stag hunting.
As one of the majority of Irish people who want all blood sports banned, I urge you to scrap this shameful pledge and instead commit to bringing all forms of cruelty to an end here.
Please stop defending hunting and modernise your party's animal welfare policies.
May I add that a political candidate's stance on animal cruelty is a major factor in my voting decision.
Thank you. I look forward to your reply.
Please contact your local Fine Gael election candidates and tell them that you oppose any attempt to reverse the staghunt ban. You can find the FG candidates list at www.finegael2011.com
Contact all your local election candidates and tell them that their stance on animal cruelty issues is a major factor in your voting decision
Find out the views of election candidates on our Election 2011 campaign page
03. Video: The cruelty Fine Gael wants to bring back
This disgusting animal cruelty has been banned in Ireland but Fine Gael is pledging to bring it back. The party's election manifesto states that "Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting". Please respond to our Urgent Action Alert and Vote for Compassionate Candidates on Friday, February 25th. Find out more in our Election 2011 Campaign Page.
04. Green Party pledge to ban coursing and hunting
The Green Party's 2011 election manifesto has outlined that the party will "introduce legislation to ban hare coursing" and "make the hunting of animals with hounds an offence under law", if they form part of the next government.
"Animal welfare is of great concern to the Green Party and we will continue to build on
our significant work to date as part of the next government," it states.
In a section focusing on Animal Welfare, the manifesto outlines that the Green Party will
You can download the Green Party manifesto from
Find out more about the Green Party
05. Fis Nua denounces "all forms of animal cruelty"
The Fis Nua political federation has denounced "all forms of animal cruelty and terrorisation, and hunting animals for sport" in its manifesto.
The manifesto also outlines that Fis Nua
Fis Nua will be running five candidates in the general election. They are:
Dr. Ben Nutty (Waterford)
06. ICABS President, Maureen O'Sullivan / Dublin Central candidate
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is honoured to have Maureen O'Sullivan as our President. Maureen is an invaluable ally to ICABS in Dail Eireann, tabling Dail questions and making representations on an ongoing basis. She is again standing as a general election candidate in the Dublin Central constituency. Find out more in our Political Views Page
07. Cllr Cieran Perry calls for ban on coursing
Dublin City Councillor, Cieran Perry, has called for a ban on hare coursing. Cllr Perry, who is standing as a general election candidate, stated that it's "now time to consign this cruel and shameful practice to the dustbin of history once and for all".
In a statement issued to co-incide with the final day of the coursing finals in Clonmel, Cllr Perry calls for an "outright ban on live hare coursing".
"I believe that the netting and coursing of wild hares is a cruel and barbaric practice that has no place in the Ireland of today," he states.
Referring to the continuing death of hares during coursing, Cllr Perry added: "Despite the introduction of muzzling, which coursing enthusiasts reassured the public would remove the 'kill' element of this so-called sport, it is clear that the coursing fraternity cannot be trusted to police their own events. It is surely now time to consign this cruel and shameful practice to the dustbin of history once and for all."
In October 2010, Councillor Perry succeeded in getting a motion passed in Dublin City Council to ban the import and sale of real fur, in the jurisdiction of Dublin City. He is standing as an independent candidate in the upcoming General Election in the Dublin Central constituency.
ICABS has thanked Cllr Perry for his support.
08. Shame on Enda Kenny and Fine Gael
Following a confirmation by Enda Kenny on national radio that his party will reverse the ban on the cruel Ward Union deerhunt, ICABS says "Shame on Enda Kenny and Fine Gael for wanting to bring back this barbarism."
Listen to Enda Kenny's statement.
On this morning's Today With Pat Kenny radio show, Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny was asked why he wanted to reverse the ban on the Ward Union deer hunt, despite majority public opposition. Kenny responded by saying that it would be regulated, etc.
Before being banned last year, this hunt was in fact already heavily regulated with a list of licence conditions as long as your arm, but it didn’t prevent the deer being terrorised, exhausted, injured and killed.
Monitoring reports obtained under the Freedom of Information Act have revealed that deer were choked during capture, drowned and died of aneurisms due to the stress of the chase. Just before Christmas, a deer which jumped onto the road while trying to evade the hounds, was struck with a motor vehicle and had to be put down. The occupants of the car were left badly shaken and "lucky to be alive".
A Department of Agriculture vet described in a report how a deer was "seen attempting to jump a very high fence and getting his front leg caught on a top strand of barbed wire and hanging, thus suspended, for some seconds before his struggles and/or weight tore him free," and a further instance of "a stag, having run at least 8 miles in 90 minutes, showed extreme physical distress, panting through its mouth and with a lather of white foam around its muzzle" and a "deer was clearly exhausted within 5 minutes at the end of a 90 minute hunt, as it attempted to jump a typical field gate and failed, falling back off it on the same side."
Shame on Enda Kenny and Fine Gael for wanting to bring back this barbarism.
Please vote for compassionate election candidates on Friday, February 25th.
09. Protest against FG's plan to reverse ban on cruel hunt
Animal Rights Action Network is organising a protest against Fine Gael's pledge to reverse the ban on staghunting. The protest will take place outside FG headquarters, 51 Upper Mount St, Dublin TODAY, Wednesday, February 23rd from 6pm. Please make a special effort to be at this important event.
When: Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 from 6pm
10. FG needs to reverse stance on stag hunting
A Letter to the Editor published in this week's Galway Advertiser highlights to local voters the deplorable plan by Fine Gael to bring back staghunting. The party is urged to reverse its stance on blood sports. You can read the full text of the letter below...
FG needs to reverse stance on stag hunting
Dear Editor,
Anyone who cares about animal welfare should be aware that Fine Gael, if elected, plans to reverse the ban on stag hunting. It is in their manifesto — page 26. Please see the following extract:
5. Community and Rural Affairs
5.3 Keeping Communities Vibrant
Rural Activities: Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting.
Conversely, please note the following extract:-
1. Agriculture and Seafood
1.8 Animal Welfare
Outdated Legislation: We will enact new animal welfare legislation to update existing animal welfare rules which are outdated and need to be reformed.
All-island Approach: We will encourage greater co-operation across the island of Ireland on animal welfare issues.
Considering that deer hunting with hounds (and coursing) is banned in Northern Ireland, it is difficult to see the rationale in these FG statements or how these policies can be equated. Is this not more of the ‘lack of joined-up thinking’ which has got us to where we are today.
A welcome move towards a more humane society was achieved when the present Government introduced a ban of stag-hunting. However Fine Gael are already giving way to vested pro-hunting interests, many of which are well funded (Galway Tent or what!). This is akin to Fianna Fáil giving in to the pressure of developers’ demands (and, look at where this has got us).
The chances of FG being concerned about the plight of the ill, elderly, special needs, disenfranchised, etc, are very slim if they see nothing wrong with blatant cruelty to animals, any animal (two or four legged). Research has shown that there is a connection between cruelty to animals and humans, and many who go on to abuse humans have started with abusing animals. It’s a question of sensitivity. ‘Once we grow callous, we cannot feel fully for anyone — not even ourselves’ - Gloria Steinham.
Recent media exposés have shown that animal welfare needs to be addressed in this country. I would suggest that the abuse of animals can also affect tourism as many (civilised) people cannot abide the sight of starving horses, chained dogs, stray animals, etc. The sight of frightened stags being chased into school yards, people’s back gardens, injured on the roads, etc, will do nothing to entice tourists here. The sight of such inhumanity lingers and would prevent anyone with any modicum of compassion from revisiting this country.
So, Fine Gael, let’s keep the ban on stag hunting in place as a step towards achieving a more compassionate society to the benefit of all citizens. Please do not give in to the pressure of vested negative interest. The additional bonus will be that the image of this country will improve and consequently, our economy through tourism and culture.
Kind regards
Aine Ni Shionnaigh
11. Kenny has 'blood on his hands', says anti-hunt protester
Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has today been accused of having "blood on his hands" over plans to reverse the ban on deer hunting.
Protester John Carmody covered his hands in red paint and tried to talk to him in Cork, before Kenny was driven away.
"Ireland needs to move on from an era of cruelty, we're asking you to please respect the wishes of Irish people and do not bring in the ward union hunt ban, please keep the hunt legislation where it is," pleaded the protestor.
"Shame on you Enda Kenny, you've got blood on your hands."
12. FG's plan to repeal ban on stag hunting is a disgrace
Letters to the Editor published in the Irish Independent have slammed Fine Gael's pledge to bring back stag hunting as "a disgrace" and "utterly disgusting".
The letters were published on 23 February and appear below.
FG's plan to repeal ban on stag hunting is a disgrace
We educate our children to be kind to people and animals. Now Fine Gael plans to repeal the ban on stag hunting, undoing the good that the Green Party did in abolishing this cruel practice.
I have voted Fine Gael all my life. From now on they will never get a vote from me or from my family and friends. The Greens will get my vote in the future.
Well done Green Party. Shame on you Fine Gael.
Eleanor Carey
'Hunt Ball' will be new Galway tent
How utterly disgusting that in an effort to yield some votes in Co Meath Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting.
Sadly, and to the detriment of this country, we have seen what happens when a political party favours certain vested interest groups.
I suppose the Galway tent will now be replaced with the ‘Hunt Ball’ where a bunch of bullyboys in scarlet coats will pay homage to Enda and his followers.
Denis O’Mahony
13. TV3's Pete the Vet criticises Fine Gael’s manifesto
TV3's Pete the Vet has criticised Fine Gael's manifesto pledge to bring back carted deer hunting cruelty.
"There are nine words [in the manifesto] which I find a bit upsetting," compassionate Pete Wedderburn says during an interview on East Coast FM. "Those nine words are 'Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting'."
Describing it as "a bit of a shocker", the Bray-based vet says the statement is "a real reason not to vote for someone like Fine Gael".
Referring to the banned Ward Union deerhunt which Fine Gael say they will bring back, Mr Wedderburn states: "It's one specific hunt where what they do is regarded across Europe as being something which is inhumane, cruel and belonging to two centuries ago, never mind last century and it should be stopped."
"We had this whole debate last summer and the [Wildlife Amendment Bill 2010] was passed. I would've thought that's it. But now Fine Gael are saying they're actually going to reverse that, they're going to go back to where we were where stags are allowed to be hunted again. To me its classic yo-yo politics and its a real reason not to vote for someone like Fine Gael if they're going to reverse everything people before them did..."
He adds: "It would be fair to ask the question 'What is the motivation for Fine Gael to reverse the ban on staghunting?' I'd like to know who put that in the manifesto and are the candidates quite happy to reintroduce stag hunting."
You can listen to the 16th February interview in full at petethevet.blogspot.com
Pete Wedderburn appears on TV3's "Ireland AM" as the resident veterinary surgeon and also on TV3's Animal A&E. He is author of "My Dog Thinks He's Human" and "My Cat Is Ignoring Me". Find out more at www.petewedderburn.com
14. Please print and distribute our new flyer
Fine Gael want to reverse the ban on cruel staghunting. Alert as many people as possible ahead of the election on Friday, February 25th. Please print and distribute as many of our flyers as you can. Thank you.
1 on page (pdf)
15. Irish Independent's Ian brands FG staghunt plan an "INSANE DECISION"
In his 17 February column, Irish Independent columnist, Ian O'Doherty, states that "FG have just lost themselves a whole load of votes with their insane decision to bring back stag hunting." Please scroll down to read his column.
Thanks to Ian for highlighting this issue.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
Honestly, there are times when it looks like Fine Gael has some weird subconscious self-loathing thing going on where, deep down, they don't think they deserve to be in charge.
First there was Inda's big huff about appearing on Vincent Browne. It wasn't good PR -- even though we know where he's coming from. After all, as one of my mates pointed out the other day, Vincenzo is slowly morphing into one of those weird little aliens in Mars Attacks! who goes around shouting 'yak yak, yak yak' while incinerating people with his ray gun.
Kinny may have redeemed himself slightly on The Front Line on Monday, but FG have just lost themselves a whole load of votes with their insane decision to bring back stag hunting.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports summed it up well when they said: "They are off to a bad start by threatening to repeal an act which has banned gratuitous cruelty to vulnerable animals."
But, as ever, this column has a safe and humane solution.
Why not replace the stag with disgraced bankers? And we can make a deal that if they survive the hunt all their debts will be forgiven.
And if they don't?
16. Listen to today's Liveline (Fine Gael and staghunt ban reversal)
Today's Liveline on RTE Radio 1 will focus on Fine Gael's manifesto pledge to reverse the ban on staghunting. You can listen on 88-90fm or listen live online.
Update: If you missed the show, listen to the extract here
(Featured on the show is John Fitzgerald of the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports. Visit his Facebook Page)
The Fine Gael manifesto, in a section headed "Keeping Communities Vibrant/Rural Activities", states that "Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting."
Download the Manifesto and turn to page 26/27 - Section 5.3
Please print out our poster and give a copy to all your local general election candidates. Tell them that they are more likely to get your vote if they are committed to bringing blood sports and other forms of animal cruelty to an end in Ireland.
Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses
If you are unable to download, please email us on info@banbloodsports.com and we will email you a copy.
For more information about election candidates, visit our Politicians page
18. Political Parties and blood sports
Fine Gael: "Fine Gael will reverse the ban on stag hunting." (FG manifesto)
Labour Party: Will not support a reversal of the staghunt ban. On national radio in February 2011, party leader, Eamon Gilmore stated: "We do not believe in reversing the legislation. The legislation was passed. We accept that. We won't reverse it."
Green Party: Achieved ban on staghunting as part of last Government. The party's 2011 manifesto states that they will "introduce legislation to ban hare coursing" and "make the hunting of animals with hounds an offence under law".
Fianna Fail: There is no mention of animal welfare in the party's manifesto.
Sinn Fein: At Sinn Fein's 2010 Ard Fheis, a motion was passed which stated: "this Ard Fheis acknowledges the support in rural Ireland for traditional rural occupations including hunting, fishing, and hare coursing, acknowledges the...potential economic damage posed by an outright ban, believes that hunting and fishing should continue to be regulated in the interests of sustainable wildlife management...we oppose an outright ban [on coursing]."
Socialist Party: An article entitled "Ban all blood sports" appears on the Socialist Party website. In it, a Social Party Youth representative describes how foxes are "torn to pieces by the dogs" at the end of hunts, describes the activity as a barbaric practice and calls for a complete ban on blood sports in Ireland. Socialist Party MEP and election candidate, Joe Higgins says "I am opposed to the hunting of foxes by hounds as indeed I am opposed to live hare coursing."
Fis Nua: The Fis Nua manifesto states that they denounce "all forms of animal cruelty and terrorisation, and hunting animals for sport".
ICABS Action Alerts
Please visit our new action alerts page for quick and easy access to all the latest ICABS action alerts. Click on the red action alerts banner on our homepage - www.banbloodsports.com - to access them now! Thank you.
Top ways you can help the campaign
Please make a donation to ICABS
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty. Please become a supporter of our work today - click on Shop at www.banbloodsports.com for more details or send a cheque to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.
Keep hunters off your land
Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at www.banbloodsports.com
Tune in to the ICABS Channel
Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed
on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - www.youtube.com/icabs or by clicking
on "Videos" at www.banbloodsports.com Please ask your local TD/Senator
to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.
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To receive "Animal Voice" by email every month, please send "Animal Voice - Subscribe" to info@banbloodsports.com
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Please consider making a small donation to ICABS. For more details, please click on the button below or
follow this link to find out how to become a campaign supporter. Thank you.
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports
02. Fine Gael threaten to reverse stag hunt ban
03. Video: The cruelty Fine Gael wants to bring back
04. Green Party pledge to ban coursing and hunting
05. Fis Nua denounces "all forms of animal cruelty"
06. ICABS President, Maureen O'Sullivan / Dublin Central candidate
07. Cllr Cieran Perry calls for ban on coursing
08. Shame on Enda Kenny and Fine Gael
09. Protest against FG's plan to reverse ban on cruel hunt
10. FG needs to reverse stance on stag hunting
11. Kenny has 'blood on his hands', says anti-hunt protester
12. FG's plan to repeal ban on stag hunting is a disgrace
13. TV3's Pete the Vet criticises Fine Gael’s manifesto
14. Please print and distribute our new flyer
15. Irish Independent's Ian brands FG staghunt plan an "INSANE DECISION"
16. Listen to Liveline (Fine Gael and staghunt ban reversal)
17. The Animals Get My Vote!
18. Political Parties and blood sports
Today with Pat Kenny radio show, 18th February 2011
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Are your candidates compassionate? Before you vote, Check our list!
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enda.kenny@finegael.ie (CC policy@finegael.ie)
00 353 (0)1 618 4502 (Enda Kenny)
00 353 (0)1 662 5046 (Fine Gael Head Office)
Enda Kenny, Tucker Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo
with a copy to Fine Gael HQ, 51 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2.
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below.)
Dear Mr Kenny,
You can read the full Fis Nua manifesto at fisnua.com
Cllr. Pat Kavanagh (Wicklow)
Gerry Kinsella (Wicklow)
Liam Johnston (Dublin Central)
Peadar Ó Ceallaigh (Dublin South East)
Today with Pat Kenny radio show, 23rd February 2011
Listen Online
Download as mp3
(2 minutes, 50 seconds)
Location: Outside Fine Gael headquarters, 51 Upper Mount St, Dublin 2.
Find location on Google Street
Get Driving Directions from anywhere in Ireland (www.theaa.ie/routes/)
Co-ordinates: 53.3376764,-6.246263699999986. 53° 20' 15.64'',-7° 45' 13.45''
Galway Advertiser, February 24, 2011.
Co Na Gaillimhe.
Rathgar, Dublin 6
castletroy, Co Limerick
2 on page (pdf)
4 on page (pdf)
February 17 2011
By Ian O'Doherty
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