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Contiki urged to stop encouraging holidaymakers to attend bullfight
04 March 2014

Holiday company, Contiki, is being urged to stop organising trips to the Pamplona bullrun and encouraging holidaymakers to visit bullfights/bullrings.

On its homepage, Contiki presents the Pamplona bullrun as a "festival favourite" and invites people to "be part of the legendary Running of the Bulls on our 5 day Pamplona experience". Elsewhere on its website, the company encourages holidaymakers to witness "the thrill of seeing a Spanish bullfight".

In an email to Contiki, ICABS pointed out that Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) animal welfare guidelines make it clear to members that bullrunning and bullfighting are both considered "unacceptable practices" and must not be promoted.

"Considering the cruelty of bullfighting and the cruelty and public safety risk associated with bullrunning, it is disappointing that Contiki deems it appropriate to encourage people to support both," we stated.

Most holidaymakers lured in to the bullrings are left feeling shocked and disgusted at the bloody scenes they witness and it often spoils holiday memories, we added.


Join us in urging Contiki to scrap its Pamplona bullrun tours and to stop encouraging holidaymakers to attend bullfights.

Email: or via
Twitter: @contiki
Tel: 01 775 3838 (from Ireland)
Tel: +41 22 929 9216

Sign and Share the Petition:
Travel Companies: Stop encouraging holidaymakers to visit bullfights

Contact the Spanish Ambassador to Ireland to register your opposition to bullfighting. Express your desire to see bullfighting banned throughout all of Spain.

The Spanish Ambassador to Ireland
Embassy of Spain
17A Merlyn Park, Dublin 4.

Tel 1: +353 (0)1 2691640
Tel 2: +353 (0)1 2692597
Fax: +353 (0)1 269 1854

Photos: Pamplona bullrun

A bull is killed at the Pamplona bullring - Contiki has been told that this is the fate of all bulls used in the bullrun. Photo: Reuters

Bull sticking horn into body of falling man
A man is gored by a bull during the Pamplona bullrunning festival. (Photo: AP)

Black bull on ground behind barrier with tongue limply hanging out
Another victim of the Pamplona bullrun. The bulls are beaten and prodded to make them run and are later killed brutally in the local bullring. (Photo: BBC)

Video: Bullfighting cruelty

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