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Boyne Valley Foods asked to drop matador wine
15 August 2013

Boyne Valley Foods is being urged to stop marketing Spanish wines which feature a bullfighting scene on the label.

The label of the Espada brand wines shows a matador waving a red cape at a bull.

In an email to Boyne Valley Foods, ICABS asked the company to drop the offensive brand from a range being marketed by its Greenlea Wines division.

"It is in bad taste to market a product using bullfighting imagery. Bulls are subjected to horrendous cruelty and suffering in Spain's bullrings," we stated. "The animals are tortured with spiked banderillas and are disorientated and in pain when the matador arrives to wave the red cape. The matador, like the one pictured on the Espada label, taunts the bleeding and exhuasted bull before plunging a sword between its shoulder blades and into its heart."

It is very surprising that Boyne Valley Foods would accept a bullfighting label, given the widespread opposition to this disgusting cruelty and the fact that if someone abused a bull in this way in Ireland, it would constitute a criminal offence.

The Espada label showing a matador taunting a bull with a red cape.


Please join us in appealing to Boyne Valley Foods to drop the Espada wine from its range.

Boyne Valley Group
Head Office
Co Louth

Tel: +353 41 9870300
Fax: +353 41 9870339

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