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ICABS hunt monitor nearly hit by horse
21 November 2008

While out monitoring the Ward Union carted deer hunt in November 2008, an Irish Council Against Blood Sports' cameraman came within feet of being struck by one of the hunt's horses.

The horse, ridden by a red-coated member of the hunt, was forced up a steep slope, through a hedge of thorny briars and out on to the road. The ICABS hunt monitor had to quickly step backwards to avoid being struck.

The horse was described as wincing in pain as the thorns scraped along its face, mouth and body.

The footage contained in this presentation is slowed down to give a better view of the horse crashing through the hedge.

ICABS has reported this incident to Environment Minister, John Gormley (Green Party) who licenses this hunt. We have presented the footage to him as another example of the danger posed to members of the public when hunts encroach on to public places.

Please join our campaign against this hunt now:


Email "Ban the Ward Union carted deer hunt" to or telephone Minister Gormley's office on 01 888 2403.

Please view our other videos below which show the suffering caused to the deer by the Ward Union hunt:

Videos: Carted deer hunting cruelty

Slideshow - Ward Union
Duration: 04:06
Ban the Ward Union
Duration: 00:30
Carted deer hunting
Duration: 04:51

More information about carted deer hunting

Carted deer hunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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