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Hunters slam Ward Union carted deer hunt
16 October 2007

They've been condemned by animal welfare groups, farmers, landowners, motorists, parents and householders. Now the Ward Union are being slammed by hunters who describe carted deer hunting as "idiotism", "horrible" and "sick".

The comments were made in response to an ICABS video presentation which shows the cruelty of carted deer hunting. The video, which has been viewed nearly 60,000 times in the last ten months, can be seen at or by clicking on the link below.

Among the feedback are the following comments from hunters:

"I'm [a] hunter but this is idiotism. Poor deer."
"I'm an avid big game hunter in B.C. but that doesn't look like fun or fair chase."
"I am pro hunting but this video made me sick. The people who follow this hunt obviously don't care for animals or the countryside. There is no point in hunting a carted stag. If it is a jolly across the countryside you want, then go drag hunting."
"What the heck is wrong with those people - I hunt and that is the most horrible thing that I have ever seen."
"I love all sorts of hunting but please don't paint us all with the same brush as those fool b****rds...It's ass****s like you who give real hunters like myself the negative publicity that we try so hard to avoid!!!"
"There is no sport in this!"
"I'm from Canada and I hunt deer - even to me this is sick s**t."

Please urgently join our appeal to Minister John Gormley to ban this hunt by refusing a licence. Scroll down now for photos, video and Action Alert.

Photos: carted deer hunting cruelty

One of the Ward Union hunt's "deer handlers" prevents an exhausted and injured deer from escaping by grabbing hold of its mouth and ear. Another handler attempts to hide the head injury by holding his hand over it. This photo was taken at the end of a Ward Union hunt in County Meath.

Ward Union hunt members push the injured and panting deer back towards the deer cart at the end of a hunt.

Ward Union "deer handlers" wrestle the deer head-first into the ground at the end of a hunt. Animals are at great risk during this merciless move and at least one has been choked to death. Please help us to stop the Ward Union hunt by responding to our action alert below.

Video: Carted deer hunting cruelty

Carted deer hunting


Please contact Environment Minister, John Gormley, and appeal to him to stop carted deer hunt cruelty by firmly refusing a licence to the Ward Union.

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Minister John Gormley
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1.

Tel: 01 888 2403.
Fax: 01 878 8640.

Dear Minister Gormley,

I appeal to you to please refuse a licence to the Ward Union hunt. Having been slammed by animal welfare groups, farmers, landowners, motorists, parents, householders and even hunters, the Ward Union must be one of the most widely condemned hunts in the world.

Refusing the Ward Union a licence will be welcomed by a huge cross-section of people across Ireland and the world.

Thank you, Minister. I look forward to your positive response on this issue.

Yours sincerely,



Please contact your local TD and Senator and ask them to make an appeal to Minister Gormley on your behalf.

For the names of your TDs, please click on your county on the Irish Government website

Contact your TD at:
Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 337889 (1890 DEPUTY).

For a list of Senators, please visit the Irish Government website

Contact your Senator at:
Seanad Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 732 623 (1890 SEANAD).

More information about carted deer hunting

Carted deer hunting: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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