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ICABS launches campaign postcards
12 August 2004

Two new campaign postcards have been launched by ICABS. The postcards are aimed at the Minister for the Environment, Martin Cullen, and call on him to stop licensing the cruel activities of hare coursing and carted deer hunting.

If you would like a copy of each card to post to the Minister, please now with your full name and address. Do you have friends or family members who would also be willing to send a card to the Minister? If so, please let us know how many cards you require and we will post them to you.

You may also appeal to Minister Cullen to stop licensing blood sports by writing/phoning/emailing him directly at:

Minister Martin Cullen
Dept of the Environment and Local Government
Custom House
Dublin 1, Ireland.
Tel: 1890-202021 (Locall)
(Request to speak to Minister Cullen or his Secretary)
Tel: +353 (0) 1 888 2000
Fax: +353 (0)1 888 2888.

Two Campaign Postcards
The two new ICABS campaign postcards

Licence to Capture Hares

The following is the text of the licence issued to the Irish Coursing Club by Minister Martin Cullen. With the licence, coursers are free to net approximately 10,000 hares from the wild every year. The hares are kept in captivity for several weeks. During the coursing meeting, the delicate and timid creatures are chased by a pair of muzzled greyhounds. Some of the hares will be battered and mauled into the ground by the dogs. Some will sustain injuries so severe that they will die during or after the coursing meeting. All hares will suffer the fear and stress of running for their lives.

National Parks and Wildlife

Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended) - Section 34

Licence to Capture Live Hares

The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister"), in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Sections 9 and 34 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (No. 39 of 1976), as adapted, hereby grants to the Irish Coursing Club, ("the Licensee"), Davis Road, Clonmel, a licence to capture alive hares by means of nets subject to the conditions specified hereunder. The authority given by the Licence shall be exercisable by the Licensee and by the Coursing Clubs listed in the schedule attached hereto.

Dated this 21st day of August, 2003

For the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government

An officer authorised in that behalf by the said Minister.


1 The Licence shall remain in force for the period beginning on the 21st day of August 2003 and ending on the 28th day of February 2004 and shall be withdrawable by the Minister.

2 The Licence is issued pursuant to and in accordance with the Wildlife Act, 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations, 1977 (S.I. No. 307 of 1977).

3 A return giving particulars of the captures and locations of the captures made be the Coursing Club shall be made to the Minister, on expiry of the period of validity of the Licence or on a request made in that behalf by the Minister.

4 A return giving particulars of the numbers and locations of the releases of hares made by the Coursing Club shall be made to the Minister, on expiry of the period of validity of the Licence or on a request made in that behalf by the Minister.

5 The nets shall not be placed or operated in a place or in such a way as to endanger farm or domestic animals or other species for which it is not intended.

6 The Licence shall be produced for inspection on a request being made in that behalf by a member of the Garda Siochana or any person appointed by the Minister under Section 72 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended), to be an authorised person for the purposes of the said Act.

7 Any hare captured pursuant to the Licence may not be coursed more than once on the same day.

8 Sick or injured hares shall not be taken under the Licence.

9 Hares that become sick or injured while in captivity may not be coursed.

10 Adequate escapes must be provided while coursing hares captured pursuant to the Licence.

11 All hares must be released into the wild immediately after a coursing meeting has concluded.

12 The Licence does not cover the following townlands in Co. Wexford: North East Slob, North West Slob, Big Island, Beggering Island and The Raven.

13 All National Parks and Statutory Nature Reserves within the State are excluded from the provisions of the Licence.

14 The licensee and the coursing clubs listed in the schedule attached hereto shall co- operate fully with any officer of the Minister and shall comply with any request made by such an officer in the course of his/her duties.

Note: The Licence does not authorise any person to enter on any land without the permission of the owner or occupier of the land.

More Information: Carted Deer Hunting and Coursing Cruelty

Latest News - Carted Deer Hunting:

Animal Voice Newsletter - Summer 2004 Edition (30 July 2004)
Minister questioned about legality of Ward Union (23 March 2004)
Star Sunday exposes millionaire members of hunt (14 March 2004)
Kane report damning of Ward Union (11 March 2004)
Deerhunt plea to Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice (11 March 2004)
Carted Deer Hunting: New leaflet launched (10 March 2004)
Carted Deer Hunting: Latest Images (10 March 2004)
Government "subverting protection of animals legislation" (04 March 2004)

Latest News - Coursing:
Animal Voice Newsletter - Summer 2004 Edition (30 July 2004)
Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares (07 July 2004)
Taxpayers want coursing outlawed, not grant-aided (25 May 2004)
Irish Greyhound Board questioned about coursing (01 April 2004)
Renewed Call for Humane Alternative to Hare Coursing (04 February 2004)
Minister refuses to implement humane alternative to coursing (20 January 2004)

Ban Coursing Website:
For more information on hare coursing cruelty in Ireland, please visit our Ban Hare Coursing website at

Ban Carted Deer Hunting Website:
For more information on carted deer hunting , please visit our Ban Carted Deer Hunting website at: .

Visit our Petitions page to print out and sign Ban Hare Coursing and Ban Hunting with Hounds petitions.

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