
Animal Voice: Issue 1, 2010
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports

Animal Voice - Issue 1, 2010

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In this edition:

The end of the Ward is nigh: Legislation banning the Ward Union hunt will be published “as soon as possible”
Renewed appeal to Minister John Gormley: Cancel the coursing licence extension
FG challenged on blood sports stance
Species “Protection” Unit quizzed over coursing recommendation
Minister Dempsey thanked
Westmeath Senators criticised for defending hunters and coursers
Revoke hunt’s licence "before someone gets killed"
Deputy O'Sullivan raises issue of public safety
Dublin hospital will no longer associate with Ward Union
Kidney Assoc rejects deer hunt’s offer
Appeal to Minister Gormley: No fee exemptions for killer hunting hounds
Hunt dogs are kept in disturbing conditions
Green TD's astounding suggestion to deerhunt: Hunt foxes or hares instead
The animals get my vote
Taxpayers’ cash funding squirrel killing contests
I support ban on Ward Union: FF Councillor Noel Leonard
Matador is removed by travel company
“I'm no fan of coursing”: Pat Kenny
Cruelty to horses in county Waterford: Renewed appeal for information
Clonmel 2010: Protestors call for ban on cruel coursing
Get active at a local level
Letters to Editors...
Winter Wildlife
NPWS cull considers terriers and digging out baby mink
Trevor Sargent defends badger snaring
Water Disgrace - Say NO to the Faroe Island’s bloody barbarism
Campaign quotes
Bullring cards removed by card company
MySpace thanked for removing hunt advertisement
Shop fined for unlawful glue traps
Response to Carberry hunt ban comments
Vet praises coursers
Pet food company stops coursing pup competition
Grotesque hunt will be outlawed
Help us protect foxes

Top ways you can help the campaign

  • Join our email list (and encourage friends to join) and respond to our Action Alerts. Email "Subscribe" to
  • Become a campaign supporter and make a donation to help fund our efforts.
  • Contact your local politicians and ask them to support a ban on blood sports.
  • Be our friend on MySpace, Bebo, Twitter and Youtube
  • Sign up for our free text alert service and receive occasional campaign updates to your phone. To subscribe to this free service, simply text the word GO to our textline on 00 353 86 038 6617.
  • Link to our website and display one of our banners.
  • Monitor blood sports meetings in your area and provide us with photos, video and reports.
  • Write a letter to your local newspaper about the cruelty of blood sports
  • petitions
  • Organise a fund-raiser to help raise funds for the campaign
  • Set up an online anti-blood sports group (Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, etc) to cover your area.
  • Download, print and display our posters and leaflets
  • Set up an information stand at your school/library/youth group/adult group, etc
  • Introduce your friends to our website and encourage them to get involved.
  • Simply keeping your ear to the ground. about any blood-sport related incidents in your area.

Please make a donation to ICABS

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty. Please become a supporter of our work today - click on "Shop" at for more details or send a cheque to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.

Keep hunters off your land

Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at

Tune in to the ICABS Channel

Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - or by clicking on "Videos" at Please ask your local TD/Senator to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.

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