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Animal Voice: Issue 1 - January 2011
In this edition:
01. Peaceful protest against coursing: February 2nd, 2011
01. Peaceful protest against coursing: February 2nd, 2011
Please join the ICABS/ARAN peaceful demonstration against hare coursing on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011. The protest will take place outside Powerstown Park, Clonmel, Co Tipperary from 12 noon until around 2pm. Please make a very special effort to attend and demonstrate your opposition to this cruel activity. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you there.
ICABS will make buses available from Cork and Dublin (depending on numbers travelling). If you wish to avail of this, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you require a lift to the protest or can offer a lift, let us know and we will endeavour to put you in touch with drivers/passengers.
Please encourage friends and family members to accompany you to the protest.
When: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011, 12 midday
Let us know you'll be there
02. "Coursing is going to continue": Minister Gormley
Green Party leader and Environment Minister, John Gormley, has told Country Sports and Country Life magazine that he would "very much welcome getting a dialogue going" with blood sports groups. The statement was in response to the question: "Are you working with field sports bodies to help further promotion?".
According to the blood sports magazine, they "received an invitation to an exclusive interview" with the Minister.
Published in the Winter 2010 edition, Minister Gormley is quoted as saying that one Green minister is "a stalker", "deer shooting makes sense" and that the party's focus is on "animal welfare rather than animal rights".
In relation to hare coursing, he says "personally, to be honest, I do not like coursing", adding that "coursing is going to continue because it's not in programme for government but, personally, I don’t like it."
Asked about exemptions for hunting dogs in any future legislation relating to cruel tail docking, the Minister responds by saying that "nothing has yet been stated unequivocally on [tail docking]" but that "if that were the case for exemptions we would look at it from an animal welfare perspective...I think that if tails were to be docked it should be done by experts."
Referring to the preservation of fish species, he says: "My focus is on preserving the species rather than individual animals. I distinguish between animal welfare and animal rights."
He goes on to proclaim that he has "given out more deer hunting licences than ever before" (that's 4,000 in 2009 compared to around 3,200 in 2007) adding that "the number of deer legally shot has increased from 21,000 in 2006/7 to over 31,000 in 2008/9 season".
"Deer shooting makes sense," Mr Gormley remarks. "It’s a cycle of nature...If animals are shot, eaten, part of the cycle, then to me that’s a Green philosophy." He invites readers to report deer shooting "outside the proper procedures and animal welfare standards".
According to the Green Party website, the party is "against the exploitation of animals" (http://www.greenparty.ie/en/about/party_principles) "Animal welfare is of huge concern to the Green Party – no other Party takes this issue seriously," it states.
You can read the full interview at
http://www.countrysportsandcountrylife.com/magazine.htm (pages 20,21,22)
or by downloading the magazine from
Urge Minister Gormley to stay true to the Green Party's principles and not engage in any discussions with blood sports groups. Tell him that you want a total ban on hare coursing.
Minister John Gormley
Dear Minister Gormley
I read your interview in the Countrysports and Country Life magazine in which you stated that coursing will continue, even though you don't like it. It is because of the licences you have been issuing that thousands of hares have been violently netted from their habitats and forced to run for their lives on coursing fields. The suffering, injuries and deaths have continued as a result of these licences. Minister, if you don't like coursing, stop licensing it!
May I remind you of the Green Party's principle of being against the exploitation of animals. Allowing coursing to continue, facilitating the shooting of thousands of deer and suggesting that some tail docking is acceptable, is clearly contrary to this principle.
I urge you to stand true to the Green Party's animal welfare principles and work to bring to an end the abuse and killing of animals for 'sport'.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
03. Success: Fundays.ie removes hunt references
ICABS has thanked popular Irish activities website, Fundays.ie, for removing references to foxhunting from its website.
FunDays.ie is an independent Irish company set up to "provide busy parents with ideas on where to have fun in Ireland".
We greatly appreciate their compassionate move to keep animal cruelty off its list of activities.
04. Success: Gun clubs removed from Archdiocese website
The Archdiocese of Tuam has been thanked for removing from its website the names and contact details for 11 local gun clubs.
Church authorities were reminded of Paragraph 2418 of the Catholic Catechism which states that it is "contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly".
Irish gun clubs are responsible for the killing of thousands of creatures every year. These include deer, hares, rabbits, foxes and birds. Animals that should be free to live peacefully in the countryside are blasted to death for the enjoyment of merciless hunters.
05. Renewed appeal: Ask Minister Gormley to stop coursers who breached conditions
ICABS continues to call for a ban on all hare coursing and an end to licences which allow this appalling cruelty to continue.
We are appealing for a withdrawal of the current coursing licence. Alongside this, we are calling for, at the very least, a stop to coursing clubs which breached conditions of the licence granted to them last season.
Some months ago, we made a submission to Minister Gormley and the National Parks and Wildlife Service, identifying coursing clubs which breached conditions. Sadly, to our knowledge, no action has yet been taken against these clubs and a number of them have gone ahead with their meetings in the past few weeks. We have renewed our appeal to Minister Gormley to take urgent action against any club that is found to have previously broken conditions.
Join us in our call by sending an email to Minister Gormley today - john.gormley@oireachtas.ie - or phoning his office on Tel: 01-888 2403. Emphasise your desire to see a total ban on coursing and permanent protection for the Irish Hare.
Please also continue lobbying your local TDs and urge them to back a ban on coursing and all blood sports.
Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses
06. Download latest Animal Voice Magazine
The Winter 2010-11 Edition of Animal Voice magazine has recently been published and sent to ICABS subscribers. If you haven't received a copy and would like us to send you one, please get in touch now with your name and postal address.
Animal Voice is a 48-page A5 magazine full of campaign news and action alerts.
You can read and download it online at
Please help highlight our campaign against cruelty - display the ICABS "Ban Blood Sports" car sticker. The sticker displays our website address and will help attract more people to our campaign and action alerts.
You can order the sticker in the ICABS Shop
08. Maureen O'Sullivan, TD asks Minister Gormley to ban bird traps
Independent TD, Maureen O'Sullivan, has asked Minister John Gormley if he will ban the Larsen cage trap. See the Minister's disappointing response below and please join our campaign to outlaw these cruel traps.
Question 196 - Answered on 13th January, 2011
Maureen O'Sullivan, TD: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will ban the Larsen cage trap which has been banned in Denmark due to the stress and injury caused to the captured birds which either die of starvation or are subsequently strangled to death.
Written Answer. Ref No: 1890/11
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Mr John Gormley):
My Department has responsibility for regulating the use of traps, snares and nets in relation to wildlife in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife Acts and the Wildlife Act, 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations 2003. The use of the Larson cage trap complies with the provisions of the 2003 Regulations.
I recently made regulations concerning the use of animal-based poison baits and these regulations, together with changes made by the Department of Agriculture Food and Fisheries to the permitted uses of poisons, have the effect that is illegal to poison any bird. It is necessary, however, for farmers and other land managers to have other options available for the control of species which may cause serious damage to livestock, crops or other fauna and flora.
Please join us in calling on the Environment Minister to urgently introduce a ban on Larsen traps.
Minister for the Environment
Video: Magpie caught in cruel Larsen trap
09. Gun clubs given 48,000 Euro of lottery's "good causes" cash
ICABS has learned that at least 48,000 euro has been handed over to gun clubs from funds generated by the National Lottery.
The money was granted between 2001 and 2009 by the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism as part of the National Lottery-funded Sports Capital Programme.
In an email to the Finance Minister, Brian Lenihan, T.D, ICABS pointed out that the National Lottery money given to the Department of Finance for distribution is intended for "Good Causes".
The Lottery advertises this clearly on its website and literature, adding that "every time you play a National Lottery game you are making a very positive impact on local communities".
"Many people would struggle to comprehend how a gun club could ever qualify as a good cause. They would also not recognise the blasting to death of wild animals and birds as constituting a positive impact," we stated. "We find it abhorrent that a single cent would be handed over to those who take pleasure in blasting foxes, hares, rabbits, deer and birds to
Not only is the funding of gun clubs objectionable on the grounds that it helps support the destruction of our wildlife but
also due to the fact that it is taking money away from genuine good causes which are constantly struggling to finance their activities.
The National Lottery has distanced itself from the funding of gun clubs. A spokesperson stated: "The National Lottery's role is to raise funds for good causes on behalf of the Government and we have no involvement in its distribution. Monies raised by the National Lottery go to the Department of Finance who in turn distributes it to other Government Departments."
Please contact the National Lottery and the relevant Ministers and demand that no further money is granted to groups involved in the destruction of wildlife.
Sue Blood
National Lottery,
Brian Lenihan, TD, Minister for Finance
Mary Hanafin, TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport
To whom it concerns:
I am writing to object to the granting of National Lottery funds to gun clubs.
I understand that in the past decade, at least 48,000 Euro has been handed over such groups under the Sports Capital Programme.
The money raised by the National Lottery is supposed to be for "Good Causes", not for groups involved in killing Irish wildlife. This is very clearly stated on the Lottery website, i.e. "the National Lottery's mission is to operate a world class lottery raising funds for good causes on behalf of the government...every time you play a National Lottery game, you are making a very positive impact on local communities."
Gun clubs are not a good cause. They do not make a positive impact on local communities. Rather, they are involved in destroying foxes, hares, rabbits, deer and birds - creatures which are part of our wildlife heritage and which most people want to see living free from persecution.
By giving funds to gun clubs, you are also taking money away from genuine good causes which are constantly struggling to finance their activities.
I urge you to act to make it impossible for any individual or group involved in killing to benefit from National Lottery funds.
Thank you. I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
10. Wildlife SOS presenter lashes out at "hysterical" media
Wildlife SOS presenter, Simon Cowell, has criticised "hysteria and sensationalism" in recent newspaper reports about foxes.
His statement came earlier this month following the publication of articles and photos of a large fox caught and killed in Maidstone, UK.
Mr Cowell, who runs wildlife rescue charity Wildlife Aid, has expressed concern that "these lurid press reports are encouraging people to think of foxes as a menace" and that they will "play into the hands of those who seek to justify and condone cruelty to wild animals, including 'bloodsports'".
"I am constantly horrified and dismayed by those elements of the media who continue not to let the facts get in the way of a good story," he stated. "Sensationlist reporting does nobody any good."
"There is a lot of exaggeration, hysteria and sensationalism in the media at the best of times, but where foxes are concerned, the reporting seems to become even more extreme and ill-informed," he continued. "It is actually very unusual indeed for a fox to attack a cat or dog, let alone a person, but reading some of the newspapers one could be forgiven for assuming that gangs of foxes are rampaging around the country, raiding people’s homes and savaging their children and pets!"
He explains that the phenomenon of the urban fox has only come about because so much countryside has been concreted over and wildlife habitat has been lost to development, forcing foxes to venture into urban areas in their search for food.
"The need to survive drives foxes and other wild animals into the towns. It is urban areas that provide the richest pickings for wildlife in their search of easier sources of food. We cannot blame these poor creatures for intruding into our neighbourhoods when it is Man’s fault that the foxes’ natural habitats and food sources have been so chronically depleted."
Wildlife Aid was established in 1980 to rescue and care for sick, injured and orphaned wild animals. In the past three decades the charity has saved the lives of more than 150,000 animals, and returned them to the wild. Find out more at www.wildlifeaid.org.uk
11. Ian O'Doherty saves dog from execution
Thumbs up to compassionate columnist, Ian O'Doherty, for saving a dog from execution.
In his January 7th 2011 Irish Independent column, Ian tells of a phone call he recently received from someone he knows who was threatening to have their dog destroyed.
"Their dog, a rescue dog, was running out of control and they were going to have him put down the next day," he wrote. "I prevailed upon them to at least give me a chance to re-house him rather than execute him, and the next day I was presented with this dog with the terrifying reputation for aggression and biting. The reality? He was a lovely little guy with an incredibly sweet nature who was simply going insane with boredom, because his owner, a single person who lived in an apartment, couldn't give him the time and attention he needed."
Ian took the creature in and, with the help of Linda Martin and Dogs Aid, they were able to find him a new home.
Read Ian's entire "Seriously, when will people learn that a dog's not just for Christmas?" column.
If you can provide a good home to an abandoned dog, please get in touch with your local dog pound or animal shelter.
12. Starving animals found in Cork field
ICABS has urged the Gardai to investigate this horrific case of animals starving in a Cork field...
Rescuers fight to save 47 horses and donkeys abandoned in field
Animal rescue volunteers were last night fighting to save 47 horses and donkeys, including several foals and one heavily pregnant mare, found starving in an isolated field.
Glansillagh Animal Rescue (GAR) volunteers were shocked to discover the animals in a frozen and severely malnourished condition in a Cork field surrounded by three horse carcasses.
The animals had no feed and had stripped away all the grass in the field down to the soil.
One carcass had been reduced to just a skeleton by vermin -- and another carcass was of an animal that had died just last Sunday/Monday.
"We were notified about the animals by a person who was concerned for their welfare last Tuesday," a GAR spokeswoman said.
When charity volunteers went to the field they were horrified by what they found.
"There were 40 horses, seven donkeys and three carcasses and all were in a shocking condition," she said.
Volunteers were so disturbed by what they found that they took photos to record the event -- and posted it on the charity's Facebook site to underline the appalling plight now facing some Irish horses.
"Our sole priority is to help save these horses. That is why we are appealing for hay or cash donations so that we can buy feed," she said.
GAR volunteers are now caring for the horses in situ -- and have kept their location secret amid fears the animals could be moved elsewhere.
GAR can be contacted at Old Mill House, Glansillagh Mills, Sallybrook, Glanmire, Co Cork or (021) 4821635 or corkgar@hotmail.com. Donations can be made to Glansillagh Animal Rescue, Bank of Ireland, Glanmire. Sort Code 90-90-62; A/C No 50357307.
Do you think the law banning hunting with dogs in the UK should be repealed?
Please vote NO at http://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/
14. New Flickr Photo Set: Farmers and Hunts
Check out our new Flickr photo gallery which shows the damage hunts can cause to farmland in Ireland
If you are a landowner and have photos to share, please email them to us now for inclusion in this gallery.
15. Stop the subsidies to A Coruna bullfights
(Source: CAS International)
Since 1991, the A Coruna Council (capital of Galicia, Spain) subsidises bullfighting events in the city with public money. Every year, the municipality spends more than Euro 128,500 to support a cruel bullfighting festival.
Please sign the petition asking the city council of A Coruna to stop all subsidies to bullfighting.
Sign now at: www.thepetitionsite.com/5/stop-bullfighting-coruna
The aim is to get 5,000 signatures so please forward the petition link to friends.
Thank you for your support!
16. Appeal to Amazon to stop the sale of glue traps
Online retailer, Amazon, is continuing to offer cruel glue traps for sale. In an email to the company, ICABS highlighted the cruelty and also the fact that the traps are illegal in the Republic of Ireland.
Glue traps are designed to catch mice and rats in a sticky base where they will suffer a slow, lingering death. Rodents caught in the traps frantically struggle to free themselves by pulling out their hair or biting off their own limbs. If they don't die from these injuries or from suffocation due to their faces becoming stuck in the glue, they spend days dying from starvation and dehydration. Veterinary surgeons who have condemned the traps have confirmed that "there is much suffering by the entrapped animals - it is not a sudden or merciful death...Because all mammals have similar nervous systems, they are capable of experiencing the same type of pain and suffering."
So far, Amazon, have refused to stop selling these cruel traps. A spokesperson stated: "As a retailer, our goal is to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover, and buy any item they might be seeking. As a result, the selection offered on our website includes a wide spectrum of products, some of which people may find objectionable."
Please urge Amazon to show compassion and stop selling glue traps.
Email from: Amazon.co.uk website
Email from: Amazon.com website
Dear Amazon,
I am writing to urge you to please show compassion and stop the sale of glue traps from your websites. Glue traps are incredibly cruel and cause much suffering to trapped creatures.
Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
17. Online shops remove glue traps
A big thank you to A5 Trading2010 and Gourmet Kitchenware Ltd for responding positively to an ICABS appeal and removing cruel glue traps from their Amazon Market Place online shops. The move came after the cruelty of glue traps was highlighted. We thank them for their compassionate move which will help reduce the suffering caused by these appalling traps.
The RSPCA now has a campaign aimed at securing a ban on glue traps in the UK. Find out more on their campaign website
Glue traps are illegal in the Republic of Ireland - if you see glue traps for sale in any Irish shop or website, please let us know.
18. Anti-fur leafleting, Dublin
The National Animal Rights Association will be leafleting outside Dublin's fur shops on Saturday 22nd January. If you would like to help distribute leaflets and educate people about fur farming cruelty, contact NARA now via naracampaigns.org
The leafleting will take place between 12.30pm and 2.30pm
19. Linda Martin highlights the cruelty of fur
Irish celebrity, Linda Martin, has highlighted the cruelty of fur in an interview on TV3's morning show. You can watch the programme extract at www.tv3.ie
Animal lover, Linda, has also appeared in a "Ban Fur Farming in Ireland" poster for the Animal Rights Action Network - www.aran.ie
20. Campaign Quotes: January 2011
Went out yesterday for an hour to try a burrow that wasn't holding at the start of the season. Entered Jack, started marking pretty much straight away...gave him 20 mins and started to dig. The ground was like concrete it was that cold. It took us just over an hour before we reached him and a very 'dead' big dog fox. He seems to be improving after every dig. From an online hunting forum about terrierwork and digging out in Ireland. December 2010. Please join the ICABS campaign against this disgusting cruelty - Click on Campaigns at www.banbloodsports.com for more information on how to get involved.
The Greyhound and Pet World store in Abbeyfeale is to be the new sponsor of the Oaks at the National [Coursing] Meeting.
Proprietors Kathleen Murphy, Dominic Magnone and Liam Murphy say they are delighted to be sponsoring this prestigious bitch classic, which has a prize fund of 60,500 euro...we’d also like to wish a happy Christmas to all our loyal customers, without whom our sponsorships would not be possible [Kathleen said]. from the Irish Coursing Club website, January 2011
A fox brush looks very stylish as a curtain pull and it's not a bad duster either. Leaving game - whether it's a pigeon pheasant or duck lying uncollected is really more than just a waste of good meat - it gives the Antis exactly the ammunition they are seeking against shooting. From the Republic of Ireland page of Country Sports and Country Life Magazine, Winter 2010.
Charles River Laboratories, which is one of the biggest animal testing companies in the world, has two research facilities in Ireland. They are located in: Carrentrila, Ballina, Co. Mayo and Glenamoy, Co. Mayo...They conduct painful, live experiments on animals for the Pharmaceutical, Animal Health, Medical Device, Biotechnology and Food Industries. From the National Animal Rights Association website http://www.naracampaigns.org/charlesriver.html
A wounded fox shot its would be killer in Belarus by pulling the trigger on the hunter's gun as the pair scuffled after the man tried to finish the animal off with the butt of the rifle, media said Thursday. The unnamed hunter, who had approached the fox after wounding it from a distance, was in hospital with a leg wound, while the fox made its escape, media said, citing prosecutors from the Grodno region. "The animal fiercely resisted and in the struggle accidentally pulled the trigger with its paw," one prosecutor was quoted as saying. Reuters, January 13, 2011.
A tabby cat has been selected for jury duty in the US after his owners registered him on a state census form. The bizarre letter was sent to the cat, which was listed in the pets section of the census, by a court in Boston, Massachusetts calling on him for duty. Cat owners Anna and Guy Esposito wrote to the court asking the family pet, named Sal, to be excused from service because he doesn't speak or understand English. Yahoo News, January 18, 2011.
Wild birds can find it hard to find their natural food such as insects, worms, seeds and berries in the winter months so why not give our feathered friends a helping hand by setting up a bird table and feeding them regularly? They can be fed peanuts and wild bird mix but also household leftovers such as stale bread, biscuits or cake. Fresh water which is not frozen is also invaluable for birds in extreme temperatures. ISPCA website, December 2010
Conservatives Against Fox Hunting was established by a Conservative Association Chairman in January 2010. It represents the two thirds of Conservative supporters and the 75% of the general population who are against the repeal of the Hunting Act 2004 which bans hunting with hounds. The UK ban outlaws hunting wild mammals such as deer, hare, foxes and mink by packs of dogs. It also bans hare coursing. From http://www.conservativesagainstfoxhunting.com/
Force cruel puppy 'breeders' to close
Surely even the hardest heart must have felt some compassion for the dogs and puppies in the midlands puppy farm highlighted on the recent animal welfare programme on TV3.
The description 'puppy farm' conjures up images of happy dogs racing around fields and sleeping in warm beds of hay.
Nothing could be further from the truth on some farms, where unfortunate animals are confined in dark sheds, often chained up, little or no food, certainly no veterinary care and bred until they are of no further use, whereupon they are then generally shot or dumped.
To our shame, throughout this country there are hundreds of these establishments and, thanks to our indifferent Government, nothing is done to bring these breeders to account.
People need to realise that every time they buy a dog from a breeder at the side of the road, or at the gate of the farm without insisting on seeing where the dog comes from, they are unwittingly condemning these animals to misery and neglect.
Anthony O'Sullivan
Ban Blood Sports In Ireland Now
End Hare Coursing In Ireland
Ban Irish Fox Hunting
Stop the subsidies to A Coruna bullfights
Tell Samsonite to Stop Promoting Animal Cruelty to Sell Luggage
Petition Against Faroese Pilot Whale Hunts
Help end the suffering of bulls in Nimes
ICABS Action Alerts
Please visit our new action alerts page for quick and easy access to all the latest ICABS action alerts. Click on the red action alerts banner on our homepage - www.banbloodsports.com - to access them now! Thank you.
Top ways you can help the campaign
Please make a donation to ICABS
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty. Please become a supporter of our work today - click on Shop at www.banbloodsports.com for more details or send a cheque to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.
Keep hunters off your land
Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at www.banbloodsports.com
Tune in to the ICABS Channel
Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed
on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - www.youtube.com/icabs or by clicking
on "Videos" at www.banbloodsports.com Please ask your local TD/Senator
to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.
Animal Voice - Subscribe
To receive "Animal Voice" by email every month, please send "Animal Voice - Subscribe" to info@banbloodsports.com
Make a donation to ICABS
Please consider making a small donation to ICABS. For more details, please click on the button below or
follow this link to find out how to become a campaign supporter. Thank you.
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports
02. "Coursing is going to continue": Minister Gormley
03. Success: Fundays.ie removes hunt references
04. Success: Gun clubs removed from Archdiocese website
05. Renewed appeal: Ask Minister Gormley to stop coursers who breached conditions
06. Download latest Animal Voice Magazine
07. New ICABS car sticker
08. Maureen O'Sullivan, TD asks Minister Gormley to ban bird traps
09. Gun clubs given 48,000 Euro of lottery's "good causes" cash
10. Wildlife SOS presenter lashes out at "hysterical" media
11. Ian O'Doherty saves dog from execution
12. Starving animals found in Cork field
13. Online opinion poll
14. New Flickr Photo Set: Farmers and Hunts
15. Stop the subsidies to A Coruna bullfights
16. Appeal to Amazon to stop the sale of glue traps
17. Online shops remove glue traps
18. Anti-fur leafleting, Dublin
19. Linda Martin highlights the cruelty of fur
20. Campaign Quotes: January 2011
21. Letters to Editors
22. Petitions
Location: Outside Powerstown Park, Clonmel, Co Tipperary (Powerstown Road / N24)
Find location on Google Street (http://tinyurl.com/6blplcw)
Get Driving Directions from anywhere in Ireland (www.theaa.ie/routes/)
Co-ordinates: 52.36279443752316,-7.683886589718633. 52° 21' 46.06'',-8° 18' 58.01''
Send us a text message by scanning this barcode with a QR Reader. Alternatively, compose a message and send to 086 2636265 or email us at info@banbloodsports.com. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you there.
Department of the Environment, Custom House, Dublin 1.
Email: john.gormley@oireachtas.ie;info@greenparty.ie
Tel: 01 888 2403. Fax: 01 878 8640.
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1.
Email minister@environ.ie [with a copy to taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie - An Taoiseach]
Tel: 01 888 2403. Fax: 01 878 8640.
National Lottery Section, Dept of Finance
Tel: 01 6318121
Email: Sue.Blood@finance.gov.ie
Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1.
Tel: 01 8364444
Email: customer.services@lottery.ie
Department of Finance, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 6767571. LoCall: 1890 66 10 10
Email: brianlenihantd@gmail.com
Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport, 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01-631 3802 (Office of the Minister)
Email: maryhanafin@tcs.gov.ie
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below)
Irish Independent, January 07 2011
by Ralph Riegel
Tel: 0800 496 1081 or +44 (0)207 084 7911 (UK)
Tel: 00 1-206-266-2992 (USA)
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below)
Irish Independent, January 19 2011
Harold's Cross, Dublin 6
(Please print and collect signatures)
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