Parliamentary Questions and Answers

Question No. 239

To the Minister for the Environment and Local Government:

To ask the Minister for the Environment and Local Government the way in which the Government has given effect to the Biodiversity Convention; and if, for example, his attention has been drawn to the fact that Northern Ireland has put in place a species action plan which has led to coursing meetings being cancelled due to reduced Irish hare population.

Trevor Sargent.

For WRITTEN answer on Wednesday, 14th May, 2003.

Ref No: 13116/03


Minister for the Environment and Local Government (Mr. Cullen):

The National Biodiversity Plan, which was published in April 2002, is designed to ensure Ireland fulfils its obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity. The plan contains actions across a range of sectors and themes including species conservation. There is a specific commitment to identify species of highest conservation concern and prepare species action plans for them. Discussions are taking place with the Environment and Heritage Service of Northern Ireland with a view to preparing all Ireland action plans for a number of species including the hare.

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