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Tell Agriculture Minister, Taoiseach and Tanaiste to ban fur farming NOW
23 July 2014

In 2005, Simon Coveney, Enda Kenny and Joan Burton voted in favour of the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill. The bill was narrowly defeated by 67 votes to 50 but now - nine years and over a million animal deaths later - the trio of Agriculture Minister, Taoiseach and Tanaiste are in the perfect positions to put in place a ban. Please contact them now and tell them that "The time has come to ban fur farming in Ireland"


Urge Minister Simon Coveney to 'Scrap the code of practice. Ban fur farming now'
02 July 2014

ICABS is joining calls on Agriculture Minister, Simon Coveney, to scrap a proposed code of practice for fur farmers and instead ban the shameful industry which sees animals cruelly caged and gassed to death.

The farcical code of practice is presented as aiming to "safeguard the welfare of mink" and encouraging fur farmers to "be respectful of the mink".

In an email to Minister Coveney, ICABS stated that "the notion of respect for animals is entirely alien to the fur industry, given the fact that it is based on cruelly caging animals, gassing them to death and ripping the fur from their bodies."

Please join calls on Minister Coveney to scrap the code of practice and introduce a total ban on cruel fur farming.


Sign and share our petition: Ban fur farming in Ireland

Demand a ban on fur farming in Ireland. Email Simon Coveney now.


Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01 661 1013 and 021 437 4862


Dear Minister Coveney,

I support a total ban on fur farming and an immediate closure of Ireland's fur farms.

In these hellholes, animals suffer a horrendous life of misery before being cruelly gassed to death. There is absolutely no justification for allowing this cruelty to continue.

Please ban fur farming now.

Yours sincerely,


Deadline for submissions on fur farming - Friday 18th July
15 July 2014

The deadline for submissions on a Department of Agriculture code of practice for fur farming is this Friday, 18th July. Please join us in contacting Minister Simon Coveney and urging him to scrap the code of practice and put in place a ban on this deplorable practice.

A copy of the so-called "code of practice" appears below for those who wish to make a detailed submission.


Demand a ban on fur farming in Ireland. Email Simon Coveney now.


Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01 661 1013 and 021 437 4862

Submissions on the draft code of practice should be emailed to,

8 out of 10 want fur farming banned in Ireland: opinion poll
02 July 2014

A opinion poll has shown that a massive majority want fur farming banned in Ireland.

The poll which asks "Should we ban fur farming in Ireland?" has so far recorded over 13,000 votes, with 10,424 (or 79 per cent) of voters expressing support for a ban. Just over 2,000 opposed a ban while 654 were not sure. Out of those who voted yes or no, the percentage in favour of a ban stands at 83 per cent.

ICABS has brought this poll to the attention of Minister Simon Coveney and urged him to respect public opinion and put in place a ban on this shameful indsutry.

You can vote in's poll at:

Sign and share our petition: Ban fur farming in Ireland

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