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Minister is asked why illegal traps were not seized by NPWS
04 July 2012
Finian McGrath, TD has asked the Minister for Arts and Heritage why illegal Nooski traps were not seized by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. The cruel traps, which strangle rodents and squirrels to death are unlawful under the Wildlife Act.
Read the Minister's response below, followed by our urgent action alert.
Parliamentary Questions and Answers
Question 332 - Answered on 24th June 2012
Finian McGrath: To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan the reason thousands of Nooski traps, unlawful under the Wildlife Act 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations 2003, have not been seized by the National Parks and Wildlife Service division of his Department; if he will confirm if the traps remain in the country; and if he will arrange for appropriate action to be taken in accordance with the legislation. Written Answer. Ref No [30806/12] Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Deputy Jimmy Deenihan): While the Deputy’s Question does not specify a particular incident, officials of my Department understand that, in a recent case, a number of the traps referred to - numbering less than 1,000 - have been returned to the relevant UK distributor. Please join us in urging the Director of the National Parks to investigate if the traps are still in the country and if so, to arrange for them to be confiscated and destroyed. Ask why there has been a reluctance to do this, given the fact that the traps are unlawful. Send a copy of your email to Minister Jimmy Deenihan.
Conor O Raghallaigh
Tel: +353-1-888 3242
Jimmy Deenihan, TD
Email: ministersoffice@tcs.gov.ie
No NPWS confiscation of 3,000 illegal traps
The National Parks and Wildlife Service have refused to confiscate and destroy 3,000 illegal traps which strangle animals to death. The individual found to be in possession of the cruel Nooski traps has instead been given the opportunity to return them to a UK distributor. Responding to a Dail Question from ICABS President, Maureen O'Sullivan, TD, the Minister for Arts and Heritage Jimmy Deenihan confirmed that the traps were illegal. However, he did not comment on the failure of the NPWS to confiscate them, saying only that "officials of my Department understand that the traps in question have been returned to the UK distributer." When ICABS passed information about the illegal traps on to the NPWS in May, we were dismayed to learn that no action would be taken. A spokesperson for the NPWS stated: "There has been communication between NPWS and [the individual possessing the traps] some time ago...As soon as he realised that these traps were illegal he took them off the market. He is currently waiting for the UK representative of the company supplying Nooski traps to come and retrieve the traps. As a result, there are no plans to prosecute..." In response, we again pointed to the Wildlife Act and renewed our call for action to be taken. "This presents a valuable opportunity for the NPWS to secure one of its biggest confiscations of illegal traps and to send a strong signal to foreign distributors that there are no second chances when it comes to breaches of our legislation. This would also help raise awareness among importers, retailers and the general public that these traps are illegal and that there are penalties in place for those caught possessing them." The possession of, and offering for sale of, unapproved traps and snares is contrary to Section 34(6) of the Wildlife Act 1976 as amended by Section 42 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000. If you are aware of the sale or possession of unlawful traps or snares, please Email ICABS immediately. Find out more about other illegal traps in Ireland, e.g. glue traps, gin traps/leghold traps, electronic traps, etc. Please join us in urging the Director of the National Parks to investigate if the traps are still in the country and if so, to arrange for appropriate action to be taken. Ask why there has been a reluctance to confiscate and destroy the illegal traps. Send a copy of your email to Minister Jimmy Deenihan.
Conor O Raghallaigh
Tel: +353-1-888 3242
Jimmy Deenihan, TD
Email: ministersoffice@tcs.gov.ie
Images: Nooski trap cruelty
Video: Nooski trap victim As this disturbing video shows, death for creatures caught in the cruel Nooski trap is not immediate.
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