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Online auction website removes glue traps
17 May 2012

A big thank you to online auction website, eBid, for responding to an ICABS appeal and removing glue traps from sale.

The traps were taken off the site after we pointed out the suffering caused to caught creatures and the widespread condemnation the traps have received from veterinary professionals and animal welfare groups.

Glue traps are illegal in Ireland but remain legal in other countries.

We now turn our attention back to Amazon which continues to sell the traps. Please see our action alerts below.

Find out more about our campaigns against traps.

Removed from eBid website - cruel glue traps


Appeal to Amazon to stop allowing the sale of glue traps on its website.

Email from: website
Tel: 0800 496 1081 or +44 (0)207 084 7911 (UK)

Email from: website
Tel: 00 1-206-266-2992 (USA)

(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below)

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to urge you to please show compassion and stop the sale of glue traps from your websites. Glue traps are incredibly cruel and cause much suffering to trapped creatures.

Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,



Please visit your local hardware stores, discount shops, pet supply outlets, builder provider stores, etc to make sure that these illegal traps are not being sold. If you spot glue traps (also known as glue boards) for sale, please contact ICABS immediately with the details and we will pass them on to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Also, if you are aware of any company using glue traps, please get in touch with us now.

Dead mouse in glue trap
A mouse stuck to a glue trap. These inhumane traps are illegal in Ireland under the Wildlife Act (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations 2003. (Photo: PETA)

Videos: Glue Trap Cruelty

Warning: These videos show live mice caught in glue traps. Some may find the footage particularly upsetting. It is shown here to convey the absolute cruelty of glue traps.

Videos showing the cruelty of glue traps. Glue traps are unlawful in Ireland. If you are aware of any Irish company using these or any Irish shops selling them, please let us know at

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