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Ask Clonmel's Hotel Minella to disassociate from cruel coursing
30 March 2011

The Hotel Minella in Clonmel is being asked to permanently disassociate from the blood sport of hare coursing. In an advert in a coursing booklet last month, the hotel welcomed coursers to the national coursing meeting. In April, it will be the venue for a coursing awards event.

The Hotel Minella, a former coursing sponsor, this year placed an advert in the booklet for the national coursing meeting. Above a photograph of the hotel, the ad stated: "Hotel Minella welcomes you to the 2011 national meeting". It also highlighted that there would be a "coursing video [at the hotel] every evening from 5pm".

See photos of hares running for their lives at the national coursing meeting
(this is a link to a pro-coursing website)

Commenting on the hotel's coursing connection, a spokesperson for the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports said: "Those of us who oppose cruelty to animals dressed up as sport can now make our views known to the hotel. Let them see that people who care about animals will think twice about ever setting foot in their hotel..."


Ask the Hotel Minella to permanently disassociate from hare coursing. If its association with the cruel blood sport would make you avoid the hotel, please make this clear in your correspondence.

Tel: 052-6122 388 or +353 52 6122388 (from outside Ireland)
Fax: 052-612 4381

Video: The cruelty of coursing in Ireland

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Gallery: The cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland

A selection of images showing the cruelty of hare coursing.
To enlarge an image, simply click on it.

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Further Reading
The Facts About Hare Coursing
Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares
Irish Hare: "conservation status is poor"
Hares and rabbits factsheet

More information about hare coursing

Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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