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Anti-coursing demo a great success
19 October 2010

Thank you to everyone who supported the joint ICABS/ARAN protest against hare coursing last Sunday in Edenderry, Co Offaly. The successful demo included a march outside the venue, parallel to the field where hares were being forced to run for their lives from greyhounds.

Protest chants were heard from one end of the coursing field to the other and there was much positive feedback from local motorists who responded enthusiastically to our "Honk if you hate coursing" banner.

We're grateful to all who travelled to Edenderry on the day to join calls for coursing to be banned. Thank you also to those who sent messages of support. We look forward to seeing you all again at the next protest. Please scroll down for a selection of photos/videos as well as some related action alerts.

Slideshow: Anti-coursing demo, Edenderry, Oct 17th 2010

Videos: Anti-coursing demo, Edenderry, Oct 17th 2010


Adverts for those in the following list appear in the booklet for the Edenderry and District Coursing Club meeting. Please join ICABS in our appeal to them to stop associating with coursing. Adverts and sponsorship help keep this blood sport alive. Thank you for your help with this action alert.

Brian J Jones Veterinary Surgeon, Linehall St, Dundalk Tel: 042-933 6894
Ancu Veterinary Hospital, Newry, Tel: 028 3025 2000
Midland Veterinary Edenderry Ltd (Animal care products and feeds) Tel 046 977 2239 Email
An Cuan Cistin Cafe, Edenderry - Tel: 046-973 3250 ("10% discount on presenting [coursing] card")
Dermott Hall Menswear, OConnel Square, Edenderry, Tel 046 973 1475. Email:
O'Tooles Bar and Lounge, Rhode, Co Offaly - Tel: 046 973 7011
Discount Store and Party Shop, Edenderry
O'Donoghue's Bar and Lounge Tel: 046-973 1038 ("Best wishes to Edenderry coursing club")
Mangans Centra, Supermacs [Tel: 046 977 2912] and Pizza Parlour, Dublin Rd, Edenderry
Brian Killeen, Londis Shop and post office, Rhode, Co Offaly Tel: 046 973 7001
Dunphy's Gala Filling Station, Rhode, Co Offaly, Tel 046 973 7916
Larkins Bar Lounge and Bistro, Edenderry Tel 046 973 1594
Pat's Bar, Edenderry Tel 046 973 1813
Hoopers Grocery, Deli and Fuel Merchants Tel 046 973 2247
Finbarr Cullens Bar and Lounge, Tel: 046 973 2102
Asgard Interiors Tel: 087 639 1913
Screenmax Int. Ltd Tel: 087 626 2345
Fratellies Takeaway, Downshire Tel 046 977 2750
Paul Fay Bookmaker "Best wishes to Edenderry coursing club"
Glen Foran Butcher and Deli, Edenderry Tel: 046 977 2892
Lawless Hardware, Edenderry Tel 046 973 1630
Haircut 100 Tel: 046 973 2692
Byrnes Bar and Lounge, Edenderry Tel: 046 973 1405
Doyles Bar and Lounge, Rhode, Co Offaly Tel: 046 973 7029
Gables Guesthouse and Leisure Centre, Newbridge, Co Kildare Tel 045-435330 Email
Railway Tyres, Edenderry Tel 085-729 5148
Groomes Butchers "Best wishes to Edenderry Coursing Club" Tel 046-973 211
Sweeneys Filling Station, Spar, Statoil, Edenderry
Dublin Coach (All Age Stake)
Foys Bar Lounge Tel: 046 973 2815
Brady's Spar Supermarket, Edenderry 046 973 1192
Red Mills Greyhound Feed, "Sponsors of the Presentation Sheets" - More info on our appeal to Red Mills

PMB Construction*
* PMB Construction has told ICABS that they would be withdrawing support for the Edenderry coursing meeting and would not support any future events. Click here for more information.


Urge Minister John Gormley to follow the example of Northern Ireland and stop licensing coursing. Send a copy of your correspondence to all of your TDs and encourage them to back a ban on the blood sport.

Minister John Gormley
Department of the Environment, Custom House, Dublin 1.
[CC - An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen]
Tel: 01 888 2403. Fax: 01 878 8640.

Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses

(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter.)

Dear Minister Gormley

I am one of the majority who want coursing banned.

I urge you to follow the example of Northern Ireland and act now to bring this cruel activity to an end.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Campaign Videos: Ban Coursing in Ireland

More ICABS Videos

Slideshow: the cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland

Further Reading
The Facts About Hare Coursing
Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares
Irish Hare: "conservation status is poor"
Hares and rabbits factsheet

More information about hare coursing

Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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