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Success: Pet company stops coursing-related competition
11 February 2010

ICABS has thanked Pedro Pet Foods for stopping a "coursing pup of the month" competition. The company's much welcomed move came following an appeal from ICABS in which we highlighted the cruelty of coursing. Pedro is the latest Irish company to disassociate from the blood sport.

Responding to our letter of appeal, a Pedro spokesperson stated: "This was a one off sponsorship with the Sporting Press. We have now stopped the competition."

"We at Pedro Pet Foods take all animal health and safety very seriously," the spokesperson added.

Details of the now ended competition appeared on the Irish Coursing Club website. Coursers were invited to help select the Coursing Pup of the Month by voting for "the pup (dog or bitch) that has impressed you the most". The monthly prize was a 200 Euro voucher for the owner of the pup while entrants had the chance to win a pass for the coursing finals in Clonmel.

ICABS is grateful to Pedro Pet Foods for ending its sponsorship of this competition. For details about other Irish companies (Connolly's Red Mills* and Irish Dog Foods) which have disassociated from coursing, please scroll down.

About Pedro Pet Foods: Based in Strabane, Co Tyrone, Pedro was established in 1976 and was one of the first companies to manufacture dog food in Ireland. Its product range also includes cat food and peanuts for bird feeders. You can check out the full range at:

"This was a one off sponsorship with the Sporting Press. We have now stopped the competition." Pedro Pet Foods /

"Financial support for coursing has ceased": Red Mills
(from Animal Voice - June 2006)

* Please see update: Red Mills wishes luck to cruel coursers

ICABS is delighted to report that the Connolly's Red Mills company has confirmed that its support for coursing events has now ceased.

The good news came following an appeal from ICABS in which we urged the company to disassociate from the blood sport.

"We understand that the Red Mills company has been a sponsor of several coursing events over the years, most recently at the Tipperary and District coursing meeting in February 2006," we stated. "We hope that you can show compassion for one of Ireland's favourite wild mammals and stop helping to keep this blood sport alive by providing financial support."

A company spokesperson responded: "Connolly's Red Mills has very strict policies against associating our brand with such sports and indeed invasive procedures on animals. On the contrary our whole emphasis as a company is the proper welfare of animals, through providing excellent nutrition. In this regard we also support many animal welfare organisations in their activities."

"It was never our intention to find ourselves directly or indirectly associated with such sports and I can confirm that all financial support for coursing events has ceased," he added. "We are examining all our marketing structures in order to ensure that the allocation of funds are not made available directly or within the limits of our control - indirectly, to such sports."

ICABS has thanked the company for this positive response.

Pet food company "will not be sponsoring" coursing event
(Animal Voice - January/February 2006)

The management of Irish Dog Foods Ltd has assured ICABS that they won't be sponsoring a coursing event at the national finals in Clonmel later this month. The Naas-based company has been thanked for responding positively to our appeal.

A report published this month on the Sporting Press website stated: "Irish Dog Foods Ltd are to sponsor the two new stakes to be run, circumstances permitting, at the forthcoming National Coursing Meeting. These competitions are for greyhounds beaten in the first round of the Derby and Oaks and which do not get drawn for the existing Stockproof Fencing Products TA Morris and Kitty Butler Stakes."

But when ICABS appealed to the company to withdraw as a sponsor of the blood sport, we were told by management that: "Irish Dog Foods (Madra, Supercat and Irish Rover) would like to inform you we will not be sponsoring the forthcoming event in Clonmel."

We have thanked the company for their positive response.

Hare Coursing Gallery - Image 1
In coursing, hares are cruelly snatched from the wild and forced to run for their lives in front of greyhounds.

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