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ICABS calls on Vodafone to drop bullfighting from ad
4 July 2008

Please see update: Vodafone thanked for withdrawing advert

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on Vodafone Ireland to drop a bullfighting segment from its current "Roaming" television advert. The offensive scene shows a Vodafone character waving his hands in the air as a matador taunts a bull.

In a letter to the company's CEO, Charles Butterworth, ICABS appealed for the advert to be modified to exclude the bullring scene.

"Matadors, like the one in the Vodafone ad, are responsible for the slow torture to death of thousands of bulls every year," we told Mr Butterworth. "Each bullfight event sees the merciless killing of six or more bulls. Horseback riders firstly weaken the bull by stabbing its body with sharp lances. To force it to drop its head, spears are then driven into its neck muscles. The cruelty culminates with a stabbing through the heart with a sword."

Bullring scenes from Vodafone advert
Offensive bullfighting scenes from the Vodafone Ireland advert that ICABS is asking the company to drop.

Please see update: Vodafone thanked for withdrawing advert

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