Bloodsport cruelty in Ireland - where do councillors stand?

The views of councillors in relation to hare coursing, foxhunting and other animal cruelty issues. Please contact your anti-blood sports councillors and praise their support for efforts to get hunting and coursing banned. If your representative is in favour of animal cruelty, please let them know that their stance will affect your future voting decisions.

Here we look at the views of councillors. To see the views of TDs and Senators, please visit our Political Views page.

Views of Councillors

Carlow | Cavan | Clare | Cork City | Cork County | Donegal | Dublin South | Dublin City | Dun Laoghaire Rathdown | Fingal | Galway City | Galway County | Kerry | Kildare | Kilkenny | Laois | Leitrim | Limerick | Longford | Louth | Mayo | Meath | Monaghan | Offaly | Roscommon | Sligo | Tipperary | Waterford | Westmeath | Wexford | Wicklow

Carlow County Council

Cllr Dennis Foley (Fine Gael, Carlow County Council)
“Not in favour of a ban [on fox hunting and hare coursing]” from a text message to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Brian O'Donoghue (Fine Gael, Carlow County Council)
"Don't like fox hunting, although watching the hounds work together is fascinating, but it's not a sport in my opinion. Hare coursing...jury is out." from a tweet to ICABS, 31st May 2017.


Cavan County Council

Cllr Winston Bennett (Fine Gael, Cavan County Council)
“No I am not [in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing]” from a text message to ICABS, October 2014

In Mayo 2016, Cllr Bennett encouraged farmers in Cavan to shoot and kill wild deer who wander "willy-nilly" from forests on to private land. Quoted in the Irish Mirror, he blamed deer for causing damage and declared: “If deer are breaking into farmers' land and they have a proper gun licence, they should be allowed to shoot them. We live in the real world, farmers can shoot stray dogs so it should be the same for wild deer. You have deers wandering from forests and onto people’s land and they can't just do that willy-nilly. Something has to be done.”

Cllr Damien Brady (Sinn Fein, Cavan County Council)
"Fine Gael Cllr Peter McVitty and Sinn Fein Cllr Damien Brady from Cavan voiced their support for the [pro-blood sports Rise] campaign." (Leitrim Observer, May 24, 2010).

Cllr Peter McVitty (Fine Gael, Cavan County Council)
"Fine Gael Cllr Peter McVitty and Sinn Fein Cllr Damien Brady from Cavan voiced their support for the [pro-blood sports Rise] campaign." (Leitrim Observer, May 24, 2010).

Cllr Shane P O'Reilly (Fianna Fail, Cavan County Council)
"I totally am against both [foxhunting and hare coursing]. I love horse and greyhound racing. I was at a coursing meet with a friend of mine a few years ago, it disturbed's shocking the terrible treatment of animals in this country." from a message to a local constituent, May 2014.


Clare County Council

Cllr James Breen (Independent, Clare County Council)
"As a farmer, I allow people to hunt and shoot on my land." (Speaking as a member of the Joint Committee on the Constitution, during a meeting on 22 July 2003.

In 2005, foxes and mink were doomed to lives of misery on fur farms following the rejection by Dail Eireann of the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004. The bill was defeated by 67 votes to 50. James Breen was among the TDs who shamefully voted AGAINST the bill.

Cllr Mike McKee (Sinn Fein, Clare County Council)
"Always was and always will be in favour of a complete ban [on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


Cork City Council

Cllr Stephen Cunningham (Sinn Fein, Cork City Council)
"I would like to confirm that I am against blood sports including hare coursing and fox hunting." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Mick Finn (Independent, Cork City Council)
"I personally don't like fox hunting or coursing, but I know that hunting has been around for centuries in Ireland. Many abhor but many also participate in these events." March 2014.

Cllr Marion O'Sullivan (Anti Austerity Alliance, Cork City Council)
"Yes I am [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]" from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Fiona Ryan (Solidarity, Cork City Council)
"I am completely and utterly against blood sports as well as any exploitation or endangerment of animals for human entertainment. The ending of barbaric live game hunting in the form of fox hunting and hare coursing must be considered a priority and I commit to continuing to use my position to work towards the ending of these bloody practices and to give platform to campaigning groups and organisations who wish to see the ending of these 'sports' too." from a text message to ICABS, 31 May 2017.

Cllr Mary Shields (Fianna Fail, Cork City Council)
"I am totally against any type of cruelty to animals. It abhors me to think anyone would cause pain or harm to an animal."

Cllr Ted Tynan (Workers Party, Cork City Council)
"Very much yes [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


Cork County Council

Cllr Alan Coleman (Fianna Fail, Cork County Council)
"I support rural activities, particularly the hunts that are engaged in foxhunting. I don't have an involvement myself but do give permission for my lands to be hunted." from an email to ICABS, June 2014.

Cllr Timmy Collins (Independent, Cork County Council)
In November 2018, the Irish Examiner reported that "plans to build a new reservoir to supply a drought-stricken village have been delayed by up to 18 months because of a colony of bats. The delay has prompted one county councillor to suggest shooting the bats to solve the problem." Councillor Timmy Collins was quoted as saying: "We should shoot all the bats and get rid of them."

Cllr Claire Cullinane (Independent, Cork County Council)
"I would be delighted to support [an anti-bloodsports] motion...Recently we, Cork County Council, unanimously passed a motion on animals in circus groups." from an email to ICABS, June 2014.

Cllr Marcia D'Alton (Independent, Cork County Council)
"Yes [I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting]" in a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Joe Harris (Independent, Cork County Council)
"I would be happy to support you." from an email to ICABS, June 2014.

Cllr Paul Hayes (Sinn Fein, Cork County Council)
"Cllr Paul Hayes said he had seen a behind-the-scenes video of the treatment of animals in circuses and described it as 'very disturbing.'" Cllr Hayes supported an anti-circus motion tabled by Cllr Kieran McCarthy. (Source: Irish Examiner, June 10, 2014)

Cllr Kieran McCarthy (Sinn Fein, Cork County Council)
"I'm against bloodsports and I'm a supporter of well known Cobh animal rights group, ARK." from a text message to ICABS, April 2014.

In 2014, Cllr McCarthy tabled a motion to ban circuses that use animals. “Forcing them to perform and keeping them locked up in cages is wrong,” he said. Circuses which do not use performing animals still provided good entertainment and the county council should be encouraging them instead, he suggested. “Only those should be welcome,” said Mr McCarthy. “Seven city and town councils have already passed bylaws preventing it [animal acts]. There’s no place in this day and age for using animals in circuses.” (Source: Irish Examiner, June 10, 2014)

Cllr Bernard Moynihan (Fianna Fail, Cork County Council)
In November 2018, the Irish Examiner reported that "plans to build a new reservoir to supply a drought-stricken village have been delayed by up to 18 months because of a colony of bats." The response from Cllr Bernard Moynihan: "So bats are holding up the whole thing. Bats are now more important than the people."

Cllr Padraig O'Sullivan (Fianna Fail, Cork County Council)
"Personally I'm not in favour of blood sports." from a tweet to ICABS, August 2014.


Donegal County Council

Cllr Gary Doherty (Sinn Fein, Donegal County Council)
"I am opposed to any form of blood sports and any activity which perpetuates undue and inhumane cruelty to animals." from a text message to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Liam Doherty (Sinn Fein, Donegal County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting with dogs but I [believe] that the fox population needs to be controlled in some way preferably by shooting them which I think is the most humane way." from a text message to ICABS, February 2015.

Cllr Michael Cholm Mac Giolla Esbuig (Independent, Donegal County Council)
"Totally opposed to bloodsports" in a call to ICABS, January 2015.

Cllr Patrick McGowan (Fianna Fail, Donegal County Council)
"Personally, I am against cruelty to any one." from a text message to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr John O'Donnell (Independent, Donegal County Council)
"I totally disagree with the torture that these poor animals are put through [in hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


South Dublin County Council

Cllr Breeda Bonner (Labour Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I am totally opposed to all forms of cruelty to animals and to Fox hunting, hare coursing and any blood sports." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Anne-Marie Dermody (Fine Gael, South Dublin County)
"I don't get the hunting think and how it could be someone's pleasure!" from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Mick Duff (Labour Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I fully favour a complete ban on coursing and foxhunting" from a text message to ICABS, February 2015.

In 2010, Cllr Duff proposed a motion calling for a ban on the import and sale of fur which was successfully passed by South Dublin County Council. He also supported a motion to ban circuses with wild animals from public lands in South County Dublin and monitors dog pounds in the county.

Cllr Francis Duffy (Green Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I am against cruelty to animals in all contexts. I would like to see higher standards of animal welfare in farming, harsher sentences for those who commit crimes against animals in a domestic context, and an end to the farming of animals for their fur. The law as it stands is wholly inadequate in dealing with crimes against animals and, if elected [as a TD], I would support any legislation that improves standards in animal welfare." from an email to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Louise Dunne (Sinn Fein, South Dublin County Council)
"I would be happy to support a motion [in favour of a ban on bloodsports]." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Enda Fanning (Sinn Fein, South Dublin County Council)
"I fully agree with a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting so you can rest assured of my support." from an email to ICABS, 11 August 2016.

Cllr Brendan Ferron (Sinn Fein, South Dublin County Council)
"I am totally opposed to blood 'sports' including hare coursing and hunting and would support a ban." from a tweet to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Martina Genockey (Labour Party, South Dublin County Council - Tallaght South)
"Absolutely [in favour of a ban on cruel hare coursing and foxhunting]. Very strong supporter of animal rights. I'm actually a vegetarian." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Trevor Gilligan (Fianna Fail, South Dublin County Council)
"Tackling animal cruelty has been a priority for me since elected in Clondalkin in 2004. We need to look at more ways to catch offenders who harm animals, be that for money, for fun or otherwise. Only recently a small innocent dog was gravely harmed when dogs were let loose in a park. There must be a cruelty to animals register so that the public can know about people who cause cruelty to animals. I have worked with many groups in Clondalkin and outside towards tackling animal cruelty, I have put down many motions on this issue at council level and will continue to do so if re-elected in Clondalkin...I would support a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing." from correspondence to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Paul Gogarty (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
Paul Gogarty is a former Green Party TD.

"Hare coursing involves cruelty to both hares and dogs and this has to stop," he stated. "I am not anti-greyhound racing, but an industry that knowingly engages in animal cruelty for profit is not one that should be allowed operate in such a fashion." During a Dail debate on the Greyhound Industry (Doping Regulation) Bill 2006, 8th June 2006.

"If asked, the majority of people in Ireland wish to have stag hunting banned. The majority of people, including those living in rural areas, also wish to have hare coursing banned...the maths and the clout do not add up for the Green Party to ban hare coursing although we have expressed our desire to get rid of hare coursing."

Cllr Sarah Holland (Sinn Fein, South Dublin County Council)
"Most definitely in favour of a ban" from a tweet to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Pamela Kearns (Labour Party, South Dublin County Council)
"I am against any cruelty to animals." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Dermot Looney (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
"Proud to have proposed the banning of circuses with wild animals from Council land & called for a national ban at the Council meeting." Cllr Looney comment on Twitter, 10th March 2014. Dermot Looney is the current Mayor of South Dublin County Council and will be seeking re-election in the new Templeogue-Terenure ward in May 2014.

"I am opposed both to foxhunting and coursing." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Kieran Mahon (Anti-Austerity Alliance, South Dublin County Council)
"I am not a supporter of this form of 'sport' [hare coursing and foxhunting]" from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Ronan McMahon (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
"Yes, I am against these cruel activities [hare coursing and fox hunting] and against cruelty to animals in general." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Mick Murphy (Anti-Austerity Alliance, South Dublin County Council)
"Yes absolutely on both counts [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Ruth Nolan (People Before Profit Alliance, South Dublin County Council)
"I am not in favour of blood sports of any kind. I am willing to put forward any motion that will help stop such barbaric actions." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Guss O'Connell (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
"I fully support [animal welfare] and use any opportunity to promote it." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Charlie O'Connor (Fianna Fail, South Dublin County Council)
"I took careful note of your concerns regarding hare coursing and please be assured of my interest in the matter. I am pursuing this issue on your behalf and I will do all I can to help." Charlie O'Connor TD in a message to ICABS in July 2004.

In 2010, Charlie O'Connor TD voted in favour of the ban on carted deer hunting.

In 2005, foxes and mink were doomed to lives of misery on fur farms following the rejection by Dail Eireann of the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004. The bill was defeated by 67 votes to 50. Charlie O'Connor was among the TDs who voted AGAINST the bill.

Cllr Dermot Richardson (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
Requested information with a view to putting forward a council motion on the issue. December 2014.

Cllr Francis Timmons (Independent, South Dublin County Council)
"I fully support [an end to the licensing of hare coursing]. I am against coursing." from an email to ICABS, August 2015.

"I support a ban [on foxhunting and hare coursing] and would support and /or put a motion down calling on a ban." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.


Dublin City Council

Cllr Chris Andrews (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
In 2010, Chris Andrews TD voted in favour of the ban on carted deer hunting.

Cllr Janice Boylan (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"I vote against [hare coursing] at every Ard dheis I've been a delegate at. I am strongly opposed to it." from a tweet to ICABS, Novemer 2015.

"My personal stance is yes, I would favour a ban on this animal cruelty [hare coursing and foxhunting]." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Christy Burke (Independent, Dublin City Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Cathleen Carney Boud (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"Yes I am in favour of a ban on blood sports" from a text message to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Brendan Carr (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty and I have a long record of opposing any form of animal exploitation". Lord Mayor of Dublin, Brendan Carr, 4th August 2016.

Cllr Ciaran Cuffe (Green Party, Dublin City Council)
"I am against all forms of blood sports."

Cllr Daithí Doolan (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"Blood ‘sports’ are unacceptable & indefensible. I have been against blood ‘sports’ since I was a child. They always struck me as being terribly terribly cruel! I wish you well in campaigning to get them banned. Adh mór." from a message left on ICABS blog, June 2015.

Cllr Pat Dunne (United Left - People Before Profit Alliance, Dublin City Council)
"I am in favour of an end to foxhunting, hare coursing and other forms of cruelty." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Gaye Fagan (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"It's beyond comprehension how anyone could call [hare coursing and foxhunting] a sport. Cruelty to any animal is totally unacceptable. I totally support a ban on bloodsports." from an email to ICABS, November 2015.

Cllr Mary Freehill (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"I'm very much in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing. Hare coursing in particular is extremely cruel." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Gary Gannon (Social Democrats, Dublin City Council)
"I am fully against blood sports in all their forms and would be fully supportive of any Dublin City Council motion which called for a ban on such unnecessary cruelty. "

Cllr Alison Gilliland (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"Yes [add me to list of Labour Party politicians in favour of a ban on bloodsports]. No animal should be hunted down or deliberately set upon in the name of sport or pleasure." from a tweet to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Paul Hand (Independent, Dublin City Council)
"I support a ban on both [foxhunting and hare coursing]." from a tweet to ICABS, December 13th 2015.

Cllr Jane Horgan-Jones (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"Yes [I am in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing]." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Vincent Jackson (Independent, Dublin City Council)
"I am, and have always been, against bloodsports." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Andrew Keegan (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council)
"I don't support blood sports, senseless hunting, the fur trade or any cruel acts to any animal no matter how important it may be locally perceived." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Dermot Lacey (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"As a dog owner and animal lover generally I would be, and have been, supportive of typical animal rights issues over the years." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr John Lyons (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council)
"I am most certainly in favour of a ban on these horrific activities [hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Tina MacVeigh (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council)
"I most definitely am [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Ruairi McGinley (Fine Gael, Dublin City Council)
"I am against hare coursing but do not have a problem with foxhunting" from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014. ICABS has urged Cllr McGinley to reconsider his stance on foxhunting and sent him information about the terrible cruelty involved.

Cllr Rebecca Moynihan (Labour Party, Dublin City Council)
"Yes [add me to list of Labour Party politicians in favour of a ban on bloodsports]. I'm an animal lover." from a tweet to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Michael Mullooly (Fianna Fail, Dublin City Council)
"I favour a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Cllr Emma Murphy (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"I'm 100% against animal cruelty in any form & would support a ban on blood sports." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Criona Ni Dhalaigh (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty and abhor foxhunting and hare coursing." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Michael O'Brien (Anti Austerity Alliance, Dublin City Council / Clontarf)
Hare coursing is a "wretched activity". from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

"I support the complete banning of all bloodsports in this country. I wish you and your campaign every success with this important struggle."

Cllr Damian O'Farrell (Independent, Dublin City Council / Clontarf)
"I am absolutely against the killing of animals for sport. Furthermore I don't agree with animals being held in circuses and have spoken out regarding this matter to Dublin City Council." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Ciaran O'Moore (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council)
"Yes I would like a ban on all blood sports" from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Cieran Perry (Independent, Dublin City Council)
"I believe that the netting and coursing of wild hares is a cruel and barbaric practice that has no place in the Ireland of today. Despite the introduction of muzzling, which coursing enthusiasts reassured the public would remove the "kill" element of this so-called sport, it is clear that the coursing fraternity cannot be trusted to police their own events. It is surely now time to consign this cruel and shameful practice to the dustbin of history once and for all". From a statement issued on 03 February, 2011.

In October 2010, Cieran Perry succeeded in getting a motion passed in Dublin City Council to ban the import and sale of real fur, in the jurisdiction of Dublin City.

Cllr Noeleen Reilly (Independent, Dublin City Council)
"I support a ban on this outdated and cruel tradition [bloodsports] in Ireland. There is no enjoyment for the animal in this sport." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2015.

On 25th July 2016, Cllr Reilly presented a successful motion which banned the use of wild animals in circuses in Dublin. Speaking after the council meeting, Cllr Reilly said: "I am delighted my motion was passed. This is a cruel outdated practice that holds no place in modern Ireland. Training and torturing animals to perform tricks for our entertainment in an unnatural environment is inhuman and degrading. Not only that but animals are chained or caged for up to 24 hours a day and are only let out to perform. I want to commend all the local Authorities who have passed similar motions to date and now call on the Minister to listen to what the councils are telling him and to ban this practice from the state immediately."

Cllr Eilis Ryan (The Workers' Party, Dublin City Council)
"Fully opposed to hare coursing." from a tweet to ICABS, November 2015.

Cllr Sonya Stapleton (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council)
"I'm very much in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing. This cruelty has to be stopped and I would fully support such a proposal." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

Cllr John F Bailey (Fine Gael, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I'd like to see action [being taken against urban foxes]". In November 2014, he "fully supported" a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Victor Boyhan (Independent, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
In 2010, Cllr Victor Boyhan expressed support for a ban on the Ward Union. "I am absolutely against this horrific activity," he stated, branding the deerhunters a "barbaric lot". In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Shay Brennan (Fianna Fail, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"Naturally I oppose cruelty to animals" from a tweet to ICABS, 12th August 2014.

Cllr Anne Colgan (Independent, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"l favour a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Cllr Chris Curran (Sinn Fein, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"No brainer! Cruelty against Animals in such form is wrong" in response to an ICABS tweet asking "Cllr Curran - What is your stance on animal cruelty? Are you in favour of a ban on cruel hare coursing and foxhunting?" In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Mary Fayne (Fine Gael, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"As an animal lover I am of course against blood sports" from a tweet to ICABS, 5th August 2014. In November 2014, she voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Karen Furlong (Green Party, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"Absolutely in favour of a ban [on fox hunting and hare coursing]." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Karl Gill (People Before Profit, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council - Dun Laoghaire)
"I am against foxhunting and hare coursing." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014. In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Melissa Halpin (People Before Profit Alliance, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"As a socialist I completely abhor animal cruelty and all blood sports. In particular I am against the kind of intensive farming practices that see animals being imprisoned and force fed. Unfortunately, I believe that as long as we have a society that is driven by the profit motive, we will continue to see these practices and for that reason I think it is right to make this an election issue." from an email to ICABS, April 2014. In November 2014, she voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Mary Hanafin (Fianna Fail, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
As a TD in 2005, Mary Hanafin was one of 62 Fianna Fail TDs who voted against the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004. In November 2014, she voted in favour of a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

"From WikiLeaks: How the USA got access to Ireland's secrets", Irish Independent, May 31 2011: "A leaked cable reveals how former minister and current Fianna Fail vice-president Mary Hanafin briefed the American Embassy on tense ongoing coalition negotiations. The word "PROTECT" appears beside her name in the cable, meaning her identity and/or her comments were not to be made public. Ms Hanafin last night confirmed she gave the briefing at the behest of US Ambassador Dan Rooney. According to the dispatch, Ms Hanafin made a number of derogatory comments about her Green Party coalition partners. "She said she had the impression that, if some of the Greens had their way, the Programme for Government would emphasize 'hares, stags and badgers while everyone else in the country is drowning in this economy'," Ambassador Rooney told Washington in the cable. Ms Hanafin refused to say last night if she stood over the remarks attributed to her."

Cllr Deirdre Kingston (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
In November 2014, she voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Hugh Lewis (People Before Profit Alliance, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"As a vegetarian, I believe that all forms of cruelty to animals is unacceptable." In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Lettie McCarthy (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I have the greatest respect for animals and oppose all cruelty." from an email to ICABS, April 2014. In November 2014, she voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them. "I couldn't support this motion if it meant culling foxes or killing foxes," she said.

Cllr Lynsey McGovern (Independent, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I totally agree with a ban [on foxhunting and hare coursing]" from a tweet to ICABS, 12th August 2014.

Cllr Carron McKinney (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I am totally against any kind of cruelty to animals. I simply cannot understand the mind-set of people who call such active cruelty and violence towards animals a sport or fun. I was against foxhunting when we lived in the UK and as a member of the British Labour Party campaigned against it. I have not changed my opinion. I am in favour of a total ban." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Michael Merrigan (Independent, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Council)
"I am totally against blood sports." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Sorcha Nic Cormaic (Sinn Fein, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Council)
In November 2014, she voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Peter O'Brien (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I fully support the banning of hare coursing and fox hunting. Putting an animal through undue stress and torture is not a form of entertainment and should be condemned by all." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them. "The reason I can't support this motion is because the urban fox problem is not defined," he said. "We're getting bogged down in urban myths and legends without getting down to facts." He questioned the need for any action to be taken against the foxes.

Cllr Shane O'Brien (Sinn Fein, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Denis O Callaghan (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I am opposed to animal cruelty in the areas of fox-hunting and hare coursing." from an email to ICABS, April 2014. In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Carrie Smyth (Labour, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I do not like to see cruelty to animals." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Ossian Smyth (Green Party, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
"I am against animal cruelty." from a tweet to ICABS, 5th August 2014. In November 2014, he voted against a council motion which described urban foxes as a "problem" and which called for action to be taken to deal with them.

Cllr Barry Ward (Fine Gael, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
In 2014, Cllr Ward proposed a motion calling on the National Parks and Wildlife Service to address the urban fox “problem”.


Fingal County Council

Cllr Eugene Coppinger (Socialist Party/Anti Austerity Alliance, Fingal County Council)
"I am totally opposed to all forms of animal abuse, including hare coursing and fox hunting. The Socialist Party, of which I am a member, have a very good record on this. A number of years ago, when Clare Daly was a member of our party, she put down a motion in Fingal County Council, calling for a ban on circuses having live animals in their show. The motion was carried. It now means that no circus which uses animals, will be allowed on any public area in Fingal." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Paul Donnelly (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council)
"I am opposed to blood "sports" and I find that term offensive. I would fully support a ban on these activities." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr David Healy (Green Party, Fingal County Council)
"I am opposed to all blood sports including fox hunting and coursing and in favour of a ban on them." March 2014.

Cllr Sandra Kavanagh (AAA, Fingal County Council)
"I totally support a ban on bloodsports. I think it is cruel and unnecessary." from a text message to ICABS, 31 May 2017.

Cllr Brian McDonagh (Labour Party, Fingal County Council)
"Not an issue I have a strong opinion on. It would be misleading to describe me either as supporter or opponent [of bloodsports]. I am neither a supporter or opponent of either. Am opposed to badger culls which are not supported by scientific evidence. I support protection of habitat. Have never been to a hunt or a coursing meeting. I do fish. Have never shot." from tweets to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr David McGuinness (Independent, Fingal County Council)
"I think it's cruel [foxhunting and hare coursing]. I've no personal experiences of it but sounds like it should be illegal." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2015.

Cllr Paul Mulville (Independent, Fingal County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban [on hare coursing and foxhunting]". from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Joe Newman (Independent, Fingal County Council)
"I will support a ban on coursing and fox hunting." from a text message to ICABS, January 2015

Cllr Daire Ní Laoi (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council)
"I am totally opposed to blood sports & very much in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting." from a tweet to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Cian O'Callaghan (Independent, Fingal County Council)
"I am supportive of your organisation and campaign." (from an email to ICABS in March 2012)

Cllr Roderic O'Gorman (Green Party, Fingal County Council)
"I have always strongly opposed blood sports, as I believe there is no moral justification for setting one animal against another for human enjoyment. If elected to Fingal County Council I will use all available powers of the local authority to oppose blood sports". Roderic O'Gorman, March 2014

In January 2012, Roderic O'Gorman, along with Green Party leader Eamon Ryan, were thanked for attending an anti-coursing protest outside the Department of Agriculture in Dublin.

Cllr Malachy Quinn (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council)
"I am in favour [of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Keith Redmond (Fine Gael, Fingal County Council)
"Yes [I am in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing]." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Justin Sinnott (Independent, Fingal County Council)
"I would support the banning of hare coursing and fox hunting." from a tweet to ICABS, August 2014.

Cllr Duncan Smith (Labour Party, Fingal County Council)
"I abhor the practice of hare coursing and foxhunting." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Natalie Treacy (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty, and would be in total favour of a ban on bloodsports." from a message left on ICABS blog, June 2015.

Cllr Matthew Waine (Anti-Austerity Alliane/Socialist Party, Fingal County Council)
"The Socialist Party and the Anti-Austerity Alliance oppose hare coursing, fox hunting and stag hunting and favour the banning of such 'sports'" from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


Galway City Council

Cllr Colette Connolly (Independent, Galway City Council) “It is of course barbaric and unacceptable that people feel they have a right to kill animals in this way and dare to call it a sport – all with legislative sanction…If I should be successfully elected, I would be happy to campaign further on this issue in my capacity as councillor.” (from an email to ICABS, April 2014).

Cllr Mike Cubbard (Independent, Galway City Council)
"I voted to ban animal act circuses from Galway. I am 100% against animal cruelty in all forms it unfortunately takes." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Mike Crowe (Fianna Fail, Galway City Council)
In September 2014, Fianna Fáil councillor Mike Crowe voted against a council motion which called on Galway City Council to "lead by example in supporting animal welfare and agrees to ban all circuses using animals in any capacity for entertainment purposes in any area controlled or owned by Galway City Council". The motion was passed by a majority vote.

Cllr Pearce Flannery (Fine Gael, Galway City Council)
A September 2014 anti-circus motion put forward by Councillor Pearce Flannery was passed by a majority vote. The wording of the motion was “that Galway City Council lead by example in supporting animal welfare and agrees to ban all circuses using animals in any capacity for entertainment purposes in any area controlled or owned by Galway City Council”. The Connacht Tribune reported that "Cllr Flannery said there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that animals in circuses are stressed and not in their natural environment, and this by its nature is cruel."

"Dunnes Stores has a ban on animal charities in Ireland holding door collections and bag packing events at their stores nationwide. Why?" from a tweet by Pearce Flannery @PearceFlannery, 22nd January 2013.

Cllr Niall McNelis (Labour, Galway City Council)
"I support a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting" from a text message to ICABS, February 2015.

"You have my support on this [a ban on carted deer hunting] and I will be bringing this up with my party leader." (from an email to ICABS, 8th June 2010)

Cllr Cathal O'Conchúir (Sinn Fein, Galway City Council)
"I am totally opposed to hunting of animals for sport." from a text message to ICABS, June 2015.


Galway County Council

Cllr Michael Fahy (Independent, Galway County Council)
At a meeting of Galway County Council in April 2012, Michael Fahy described a master of the Galway Blazers foxhunt who had died as "an outstanding Irish personality of our time".

Cllr Gerry Finnerty (Fianna Fail, Galway County Council)
In an April 2014 tweet, Cllr Finnerty stated: "Wishing the Clare Hunt all the best this Sunday in their point to piont races in Quackerstown, Boston, Co Clare!" Point-to-point racing is a major fund-raiser for foxhunting groups.

Cllr Sean O Tuairisg (Fianna Fail, Galway County Council)
"I am opposed to animal cruelty and in particular foxhunting and hare coursing." March 2014.


Kerry County Council

Cllr Robert Beasley (Sinn Fein, Kerry County Council)
In November 2015, Cllr Robert Beasley, Cllr Dianne Nolan and Martin Ferris TD placed an advert in the booklet for Listowel hare coursing meeting. The advert stated: "Best of luck to Listowel Coursing Club". See 3 Sinn Fein politicians wish "best of luck" to cruel coursers.

Cllr Michael Cahill (Fianna Fáil, Kerry County Council)
“The council will have to vigorously oppose any ban on night-time shooting. The fox population will increase dramatically, to the detriment of sheep farmers, who have enormous difficulty protecting young and new-born lambs. If this proposal is implemented it will also have huge repercussions for those involved in poultry — chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other fowl — as up to 90% of foxes are killed at night.” Irish Examiner, June 19, 2017.

Cllr John Joe Culloty (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
"Cllr John Joe Culloty said the alternative [to shooting foxes] will be poison or snares, which is indiscriminate." from "Councillor says proposed shooting ban like the era of the Black and Tans", Radio Kerry News, 23rd June 2017.

Cllr Jim Finucane (Fine Gael, Kerry County Council - Tralee)
In 2014, Cllr Jim Finucane sponsored a greyhound racing event at Kingdom greyhound track in Tralee. Among the races at the "Aoife Thornton Fine Gael Night at the Dogs" event was the "Cllr Jim Finucane 525" and the "Coursing Sweepstake Final".

Cllr John Francis Flynn (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
"I'm not in favour of a ban [on foxhunting and hare coursing]" from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

"Cllr John Francis Flynn opposed the motion [proposing a ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses] saying there are groups of agitators out there who want to ban everything. This would be just a stepping stone, he said, and the next thing will be to try and stop Puck Fair or farmers shooting foxes or mink." Radio Kerry, 13th December 2016.

Cllr Norma Foley (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
"Cllr Norma Foley said the motion [proposing a ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses] implied all circuses were doing a disserve to animals." Radio Kerry, 13th December 2016.

Cllr Michael Gleeson (Independent, Kerry County Council)
In 2007, Councillor Michael Gleeson was criticised by ICABS after he called for the urgent elimination of the mink species. Cllr Gleeson said that "it is imperative that an onslaught is commenced on the most unwelcome mink." Read More

Cllr Maura Healy-Rae (Independent, Kerry County Council)
"Cllr Maura Healy-Rae said [a proposed ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses] could open up an attack on horse racing and coursing and this area was not the responsibility of the council." Radio Kerry, 13th December 2016.

Cllr Johnny Healy-Rae (Independent, Kerry County Council)
"Cllr Johnny Healy-Rae who farms sheep at the foot of Mangerton Mountain and has shot foxes to protect his flock, said those behind the law [proposing a ban on the shooting of foxes at night] are do-gooders who would prefer to see the entire county turned into a National Park." Radio Kerry News, 23rd June 2017.

Cllr Niall Kelleher (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
"Fianna Fail Cllr Niall Kelleher brought a motion before the monthly meeting of the local authority calling for legislation governing the area to be amended. Cllr Niall Kelleher told the meeting at present the use of animals in circuses in Ireland is unregulated and the only way to ensure the welfare of wild animals such as lions, tigers and elephants is to ban their use. He added that 12 other local authorities have banned circuses using wild or any animals on council lands." Radio Kerry, 13th December 2016.

Cllr Mike Kennelly (Fine Gael, Kerry County Council)
Cllr Kennelly follows Listowel coursing club on Twitter. ICABS has asked him to clarify his stance on the issue.

Cllr Sam Locke (Independent, Kerry County Council)
"I am totally against this form of so-called sport [hare coursing and fox hunting]" from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Dan McCarthy (Independent, Kerry County Council)
"Cllr Dan McCarthy, who also manages Kenmare Mart, said the law [proposing a ban on night-time shooting of foxes] will prevent farmers even using a light to check their flocks at night. 'It won’t increase my wages at the end of the year, it will be me or the fox getting a bonus and I hope it’s me', he said." Radio Kerry News, 23rd June 2017.

Cllr Pat McCarthy (Fine Gael, Kerry County Council)
"No I am not in favour [of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting]" from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Cllr Tom McEllistrim (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council - Tralee)
In a statement issued in September 2007, Tom McEllistrim welcomed the licensing of hare coursing and described the blood sport as "thoroughly humane". Responding, ICABS stated: "Deputy McEllistrim clearly doesn't comprehend the meaning of the word humane." For more details, please see ICABS blasts "coursing is humane" claim

In 2005, foxes and mink were doomed to lives of misery on fur farms following the rejection by Dail Eireann of the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004. The bill was defeated by 67 votes to 50. Tom McEllistrim was among the TDs who shamefully voted AGAINST the bill.

Cllr Jimmy Moloney (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
In February 2014, Cllr Moloney tweeted "hard luck" to the Irish Coursing Club and the owner of a dog beaten in the Irish Cup hare coursing event.

Cllr Norma Moriarty (Fianna Fail, Kerry County Council)
Speaking on the Sean O'Rourke Show on RTE Radio 1 (4th April 2019), Cllr Moriarity defended fur farming on the grounds of employment, saying “we have in the region of 13 full time jobs in the Kerry [fur farm]”. Asked about the cruelty of fur farming, Cllr Moriarity remarked: “I think it is also cruel if you take a job away from somebody who is providing for their household...” Listen to the show at

Cllr Dianne Nolan (Sinn Fein, Kerry County Council)
In November 2015, Cllr Dianne Nolan, Cllr Robert Beasley and Martin Ferris TD placed an advert in the booklet for Listowel hare coursing meeting. The advert stated: "Best of luck to Listowel Coursing Club". See 3 Sinn Fein politicians wish "best of luck" to cruel coursers.

Cllr Aoife Thornton (Fine Gael, Kerry County Council - Listowel)
In 2014, Cllr Aoife Thornton held a fundraiser at Kingdom greyhound track in Tralee. Among the races at the "Aoife Thornton Fine Gael Night at the Dogs" event was the "Coursing Sweepstake Final".


Kildare County Council

Cllr Anne Breen (Labour Party, Kildare County Council)
"I am very much against foxhunting and hare coursing...and would fully support your stance." from a message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Aoife Breslin (Labour Party, Kildare County Council)
"I can confirm that I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting." from a text message to ICABS, February 2015.

Cllr Kevin Byrne (Labour Party, Kildare County Council)
"I am completely against animal cruelty in any form." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Reada Cronin (Sinn Fein, Kildare County Council)
"I cannot understand why they're called 'sports'. I would support a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting." from a tweet to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Ide Cussen (Sinn Fein, Kildare County Council)
"I deplore all abuse of animals and cruelty to animals." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Seamie Moore (Independent, Kildare County Council)
"I am against hare coursing" from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Joe Neville (Fine Gael, Kildare County Council)
"Absolutely." In response to an ICABS tweet - "We hope you favour a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing which are forms of cruelty to animals" (9th September 2014)

Cllr Joanne Pender (Independent, Kildare County Council)
"I am of course supportive of any measures taken to end cruelty to animals." from a tweet to ICABS, August 2014.

Cllr Sean Power (Fianna Fail, Kildare County Council)
"The hunt has a long and distinguished record in Ireland and a proud tradition. Most villages have pictures of hunts going back over many years and there is something beautiful about watching a hunt in action. Man has always hunted. Today, that hunt takes on a different meaning but people appreciate that it has a proud historic record. This Bill has attracted much publicity. People who do not hunt or engage in rural activities have little understanding or appreciation of why others partake in the activity and the joy, fun and craic that people have on a hunt...The Ward Union Hunt Club has been operating for more than 150 years and is the only club with a stag hunt. It has approximately 200 active members. I know some of these people personally and I regard them as normal, natural people. In any group of 200 people one can select a few and try to tarnish them all with the same brush. The same could be said of the 166 Deputies. The members of the Ward Union Hunt Club are normal people who enjoy a particular activity. From my knowledge of them, they are animal lovers who take great pleasure in participating in a stag hunt...I regret the introduction of legislation to criminalise a long and proud tradition in Ireland." Speaking as a TD during the Wildlife (Amendment) Bill 2010, 24 June 2010. Despite expressing support for the Ward Union hunt, Deputy Power voted in favour of a ban on stag hunting.

"I was a greyhound owner in the past and my family was involved down through the years in the industry. I like a night at the dogs. In recent years, the issue of clerical abuse has received a great deal of publicity. However, as a former altar boy, my experience of the church was much different. I was an altar boy to a priest who loved both horse and greyhound racing and I had the pleasure of travelling around the country to attend horse and greyhound race meetings and even the odd coursing meeting. I learned a great deal and my experience with this priest was joyous and educational. I am grateful for the education I received about greyhounds and horses." Speaking as Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children during a Dail debate on the Greyhound Industry [Doping Regulation] Bill 2006, 8th June 2006.

Cllr Thomas Redmond (Sinn Fein, Kildare County Council)
"I know where this [fur farm] site is and it’s harrowing. Sinn Feín recently asked the Minister how many of these foxes and mink had escaped - none were reported. The country side beside this farm in Laois is alive with mink". From a tweet to ICABS, March 18 2018

Cllr Redmond posed next to mounted members of the Fisherstown Farmers Hunt at a November 2013 fundraising event. "Thanks to Cllr Tomas Redmond for showing great support for the event," the hunt stated on its Facebook page.

Cllr Darren Scully (Fine Gael, Kildare County Council)
"I am against all cruelty to animals, however what one person sees as cruel another sees as an acceptable part of life, many humans in this world are meat eaters and some would argue that it is cruel to kill cattle, deer, or rabbit to consume. I do not think it wrong or cruel to kill animals for consumption as long as it is done in a controlled manner monitored by the relevant state agency. I do think it is wrong to kill animals for sport, in this day and age we can still engage in sport without the need to take life intentionally. I am sure quite a few were not too pleased when the Romans did away with the gladiators." from an email to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Brendan Young (Independent, Kildare County Council)
"I support your call [for a ban on hare coursing]. Please add my name to those calling for a ban." from an email to ICABS, August 2015.

"In favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.


Kilkenny County Council

Cllr Pat Fitzpatrick (Fianna Fail, Kilkenny County Council)
In October 2015, Cllr Pat Fitzpatrick attended the AGM of the National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARGC) whose members are responsible for the shooting of tens of thousands of foxes, deer, birds and other creatures every year.

Cllr Breda Gardner (Independent, Kilkenny County Council)
"[I am] an avid animal lover". from an email to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr David Kennedy (Sinn Fein, Kilkenny County Council)
"I am against any kind of cruelty to animals. That includes live hare coursing and fox hunting" from a text message to ICABS, July 2015.

Cllr Patrick McKee (Renua, Kilkenny County Council)
"Sulky racing should be banned. Horses should be taken if not legally held. Individulas should be prosecuted. End of story #rtept...Behavior has been disgraceful by those involved. Endangering motorists. Torturing animals. Absolutley unacceptable." from a July 2015 tweet from Cllr McKee.

Cllr Joe Malone (Fianna Fail, Kilkenny County Council)
In October 2015, as mayor of Kilkenny, Cllr Joe Malone attended the AGM of the National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARGC) whose members are responsible for the shooting of tens of thousands of foxes, deer, birds and other creatures every year.

Cllr Malcolm Noonan (Green Party, Kilkenny County Council)
Responding to the content of the ICABS "Coursing Cruelty Catalogue 2014-15", Cllr Noonan stated that "it highlights a shocking disregard for the welfare of the animals."

In February 2013, Cllr Noonan joined calls for a ban on foxhunting, describing it as "barbaric". His statement came in the wake of an horrific attack on a dog by hunt hounds in a Coillte forest in Carlow which left the family pet fighting for its life with severe injuries.

Cllr Melissa O'Neill (Sinn Fein, Kilkenny County Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty and would welcome and support this ban [on foxhunting and hare coursing]." from a text message to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Patrick O’Neill (Fine Gael, Kilkenny County Council)
In August 2015, Cllr O'Neill sponsored a race at Kilkenny greyhound track - the "Senator Pat O'Neill & Cllr. Patrick O'Neill A1 / A2 525".


Laois County Council

Cllr John King (Fine Gael, Laois County Council)
In 2013, Cllr John King shamefully welcomed hunting body FACE to County Laois. FACE's members include the Irish Masters of Foxhounds, the Irish Coursing Club, the Ward Union deerhunt and the Irish Masters of Harriers/Beagles/Minkhounds Associations - "Before returning to Dublin and their respective countries, the FACE Members were treated to a game feast of locally-sourced venison, pigeon and pheasant at the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel, home of Ireland’s St. Hubert’s Day Celebrations. Officially welcomed by Councillor John King on behalf of the Laois Municipality, the guests arrived to find the famous Laois Hunt horses and hounds awaiting them along with David Lalor, Master of the Laois Hunt and Joe Hosey, Chairman of the Laois Regional Game Council." from "Europe’s Hunting And Conservation Associations Gather In Dublin", Irish Countrysports and Country life magazine, Summer 2013.

Cllr Paschal McEvoy (Fianna Fail, Laois County Council)
In November 2016, Cllr McEvoy sponsored a greyhound race at Newbridge track. Two greyhounds collided and were knocked over during the race.

Cllr Aidan Mullins (Sinn Fein, Laois County Council)
"Personally I am against fox hunting and hare coursing." from an email to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Noel Tuohy (Labour Party, Laois County Council)
"I would be totally opposed [to fox hunting and hare coursing]" from a text to ICABS, July 2015.


Leitrim County Council

Cllr Finola Armstrong McGuire (Fine Gael, Leitrim County Council)
"I favour ban [on] all cruelty, man and beast." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Gerard Dolan (Independent, Leitrim County Council)
At a June 2010 meeting of Leitrim County Council, Cllr Gerard Dolan voted in favour of a motion in support of the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign. The motion stated that Leitrim County Council "...shares the concerns [RISE] is highlighting, over legislation currently being proposed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley T.D. This Council calls on the Government to listen to the concerns being expressed by those who engage in hunting and other outdoor activities..."

Cllr Caillian Ellis (Fianna Fail, Leitrim County Council)
At a June 2010 meeting of Leitrim County Council, Cllr Caillian Ellis tabled the following motion in support of the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign: "I propose that Leitrim County Council support the "Rise Campaign" (Rural Ireland says enough) concerning the legislation being brought in to ban all field sports which would have a devastating effect on people's livelihood." According to the minutes of the meeting, Cllr Ellis "outlined that wildlife has to be culled to survive".

Cllr Des Guckian (Independent, Leitrim County Council)
"Yes, I favour a ban on both hare coursing and foxhunting" in an email to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr John McCartin (Fine Gael, Leitrim County Council)
"I am very concerned about animal welfare" - from an email to ICABS in 2010.

Cllr Sean McDermott (Fine Gael, Leitrim County Council)
At a June 2010 meeting of Leitrim County Council, Cllr Sean McDermott voted in favour of motion in support of the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign. The motion stated that Leitrim County Council "...shares the concerns [RISE] is highlighting, over legislation currently being proposed by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley T.D. This Council calls on the Government to listen to the concerns being expressed by those who engage in hunting and other outdoor activities..."

Cllr Paddy O'Rourke (Fianna Fail, Leitrim County Council)
In 2010, Councillor Paddy O’Rourke supported motions in support of the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign. One of the motion was that "Leitrim County Council support the "Rise Campaign" (Rural Ireland says enough) concerning the legislation being brought in to ban all field sports which would have a devastating effect on people's livelihood." According to the minutes of a 14th June 2010 council meeting, "Councillor Paddy O’Rourke supported the motions. He stated that nobody is supporting any form of abuse of animals but that there is a place for culling etc and a balanced attitude and approach is required."


Limerick City and County Council

Cllr Daniel Butler (Fine Gael, Limerick City and County Council)
In October 2014, Cllr Butler tabled a motion "to ban circuses with animals from performing on publicly-owned lands in Limerick".

Cllr James Collins (Fianna Fail, Limerick City and County Council)
"Grant for Limk Animal welfare...Worthy cause." (from June 2013 tweet). ICABS has asked Cllr Collins if he shares Limerick Animal Welfare's opposition to cruel hare coursing.

Cllr Michael Collins (Fianna Fail, Limerick City and County Council)
"I’m an animal lover. I’ve been at many circuses, but none as good as today’s, and I’ve never seen an animal treated badly." Limerick Post, October 2, 2014.

Cllr John Gilligan (Independent, Limerick City and County Council)
"Yes I support a ban on these [fox hunting and hare coursing]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Micheal Hourigan (Fine Gael, Limerick City and County Council)
"I am opposed to all forms of animal cruelty." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Marian Hurley (Fine Gael, Limerick City and County Council)
"Yes I am [in favour of a ban on fox hunting and hare coursing]." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Paul Keller (Anti-Austerity Alliance, Limerick City and County Council)
"I am favour of a ban on all activities involving animals for 'sport'." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Joe Leddin (Labour Party, Limerick City and County Council)
"Totally opposed to both [foxhunting and hare coursing]" from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr John Loftus (Independent, Limerick City and County Council)
"I find this practice [hare coursing] and foxhunting barbaric" Cllr John Loftus in an email to ICABS, June 2015.

"I personally campaigned to end blood sports in Scotland, for which we were successful. So I will fully support any motion put before the the council on this matter." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Emmett O'Brien (Independent, Limerick City and County Council)
"I'm not in favour of a full ban on hare coursing or fox hunting. I am in favour of it being regulated." from a tweet to ICABS, September 2014.

"While I have some reservations about hare coursing I cannot support any ban in its current form. I disagree that it is barbaric and consider it a part of the rural community." from an email to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Séighin Ó Ceallaigh (Sinn Fein, Limerick City and County Council)
"I am against any form of animal cruelty, that leads to the suffering of animals." from a tweet to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr William O'Donnell (Fine Gael, Limerick City and County Council)
"I have had a lifelong involvement in hunting and coursing. Both activities are an integral part of rural life and are widely supported by the majority of people in my area." from an email to ICABS, October 2015.

The Limerick Leader of 23rd February 2019 revealed that Fine Gael councillor Bill O’Donnell is a "member of the County Limerick Foxhounds". The sickening revelation came in a report in which Cllr O'Donnell criticised the Irish Cancer Society's widely welcomed decision to reject the proceeds of a foxhunting festival fundraiser. The 6-day “Abbeyfeale Harriers Annual Hunting Festival” in Limerick and Kerry involved hunters hunting foxes with a pack of hounds. One of the victims of a past Abbeyfeale hunting festival was an unfortunate fox who was pursued for over 3 hours. Cllr O'Donnell's statement followed an announcement by the Irish Cancer society that “following contact from a number of cancer patients and supporters who were upset about the Abbeyfeale Harriers annual hunting festival, the society requested that the organisers do not send a donation to the society that is generated from fox hunt activities.”

Cllr Cian Prendiville (Anti Austerity Alliance, Limerick City and County Council)
"I support a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting" from a tweet to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Elena Secas (Labour Party, Limerick City and County Council)
"I think best way to lower incidences of animal cruelty & prevent it from happening is by highlighting it through the media. This will be a way of educating and explaining why certain practices are not acceptable in our modern and developed society." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr John Sheahan (Fine Gael, Limerick City and County Council)
In October 2016 and October 2017, Cllr John Sheahan placed a "best wishes" advert in the booklet for Glin hare coursing meeting.

In October 2010, Cllr John Sheahan placed an advert in the Glin hare coursing meeting booklet. It stated: "Best wishes from John Sheahan, Local County Councillor"

In 2013, Cllr John Sheahan called for an "open season on the hen harrier" - one of Ireland's rarest birds. The call was strongly condemned by the Irish Raptor Study Group who said "Cllr Sheahan’s call for an open season on Hen Harriers is highly irresponsible and can be interpreted as incitement to break both Irish and EU law. Hen Harriers are protected under Irish and EU legislation."

BirdWatch Ireland also condemned "in the strongest terms" John Sheahan's "highly irresponsible" comments. Group CEO Alan Lauder stated: "Cllr Sheahan's ill-informed and short-sighted statement shows how far we have to travel as a state in prioritising our natural heritage over the self-interest of individuals." He added: "Such statements can have far-reaching consequences. The Hen Harrier is protected under both Irish and European Union law, and Cllr. Sheahan's statement could be viewed as an incitement to break these laws. For any decision-maker to hold such views in the 21st Century is alarming. When that individual actually sits on the Advisory Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency and also represents Ireland on an EU committee that helps form policy on the environment, natural resources and biodiversity, as Cllr. Sheahan does, then it becomes pitiful, and even dangerous."

Cllr Lisa Marie Sheehy (Sinn Fein, Limerick City and County Council)
"I am in favour of any ban on animal cruelty that does not treat innocent animals with respect" from a tweet to ICABS, September 2014.


Longford County Council

Cllr Paraic Brady (Fine Gael, Longford County Council)
"I am in favour of foxhunting as it keeps the numbers down." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014. ICABS has highlighted the cruelty of foxhunting to Cllr Brady and asked him to reconsider his stance.

In an August 2016 report in the Farming Independent, Cllr Brady made the remarkable claim that a pine marten “killed two of his lambs and injured three others” and that an unidentified woman was bitten by a pine marten. The Irish Wildlife Trust condemned the report as sensationalist and “truly misinformed” and the councillor’s claims as “alarmist and irresponsible”. Pointing out that “rumour and hearsay is not fact”, the IWT emphasised that “pine martens do not attack sheep or people.” More...

In a Shannonside Radio interview in July 2015, Cllr Paraic Brady revealed that he is a gun club member and that he is concerned that pine martens are killing pheasants that gun clubs release to be later shot out of the sky. He claimed that pine martens are not native to Ireland and was later corrected by a wildlife expert who said pine martens are indeed native and are believed to have been in Ireland for 8,000 years.

"Councillor J. Duffy proposed and Councillor P. Brady seconded that the Government be requested to lift the Protected Species Order on the native pine-marten." from the minutes of the July 2015 meeting of Longford County Council.

"The inaugural Gerry Brady Memorial fox hunt took place on Sunday and while there was much online opposition to the event, Cllr Paraic Brady, son of the late Gerry, launched a staunch defence...In recent days plenty of opposition to hare coursing and foxhunting has emerged with many organisations calling for a complete ban on such activities. Mr Brady says it is part of our culture, 'a tradition' and a way of life for many people in society." Longford Leader, 10 February 2017.

Cllr Seamus Butler (Fianna Fail, Longford County Council)
"An animal rights campaigner and a Longford councillor have clashed strongly about whether hare-coursing should be banned. The national Coursing championships recently took place in Clonmel, with animal rights groups pleading with the government to ban the sport on grounds of cruelty to hares. Hare coursing was once a popular activity in the Shannonside region- with coursing on St Stephen’s Day in Roscommon. During a discussion on the Joe Finnegan Show this morning, Lanesboro’s Nuala Donlon noted a recent opinion poll showed that 64 per cent of the Irish public supported a prohibition on the sport. However, Councillor Seamus Butler disagrees." from Longford councillor and animal rights campaigner row over hare coursing ban, Shannonside Radio, 10th February 2017.

Cllr Mark Casey (Independent, Longford County Council)
In July 2018, Councillor Mark Casey sponsored the "Cllr Mark Casey & Tank pipe and Drain A5 525" race at Longford track where dogs suffer injuries and are killed.

Cllr John Duffy (Fine Gael, Longford County Council)
"Councillor John Duffy first raised the issue at yesterday’s meeting of Longford County Council, asking for the pine marten’s protective status to be lifted and to have them classed as vermin, as their population is out of control. His party member Colm Murray suggested putting a motion before the next council meeting to ask the Minister to review the status." from "Longford councillors call for pine marten to be taken off protected species list", Shannonside Radio, July 9th, 2015. The pine marten is Ireland's rarest native wild mammal and is protected under Irish and EU legislation.

"Councillor J. Duffy proposed and Councillor P. Brady seconded that the Government be requested to lift the Protected Species Order on the native pine-marten." from the minutes of the July 2015 meeting of Longford County Council.

Cllr Gerard Farrell (Fine Gael, Longford County Council)
In July 2018, Cllr Farrell sponsored the "The Cllr Gerard Farrell, Lanesboro S3-S4 Veterans 330" race at Longford greyhound track. Cllr Farrell was urged to stop sponsoring racing at the track where 44 dogs suffered injuries and 22 were killed in the previous three years.

Cllr Colm Murray (Fine Gael, Longford County Council)
"Councillor John Duffy first raised the issue at yesterday’s meeting of Longford County Council, asking for the pine marten’s protective status to be lifted and to have them classed as vermin, as their population is out of control. His party member Colm Murray suggested putting a motion before the next council meeting to ask the Minister to review the status." from "Longford councillors call for pine marten to be taken off protected species list", Shannonside Radio, July 9th, 2015. The pine marten is Ireland's rarest native wild mammal and is protected under Irish and EU legislation.

Cllr PJ Reilly (Fianna Fail, Longford County Council)
Cllr PJ Reilly is a sponsor of the cruel greyhound industry. In September 2017, he sponsored two races at Longford greyhound track.

He is a "founding member of the Abbeylara Gun Club" - an animal killing club whose victims include pheasants, ducks, foxes and other creatures.

"Cllr PJ Reilly said he, too, had come across the tree-climbing species [pine marten] in Abbeylara, where a number of young cygnets had fallen victim to the pine marten." from Call for pine marten to be taken off protected species register, Longford Leader, 15 July 2015.

Cllr Mae Sexton (Independent, Longford County Council)
"I am totally opposed to bloodsports. You have my full support for the campaign." Cllr Mae Sexton to ICABS, May 2014.


Louth County Council

Cllr Kevin Callan (Independent, Louth County Council)
At a meeting of Drogheda Borough Council in 2012, Cllr Callan proposed a motion to ban wild animal-act circuses from using public borough land.

Cllr Mark Dearey (Green Party, Louth County Council)
"You can continue to enjoy the essence of the pastime on the basis of a drag hunt where the scent is dragged, rather than releasing a wild animal - but they turn their noses up at that...The other option is the release of the deer and its recapture before the hunt - the scent remains, but it doesn't lead to the animal being cornered, and in some cases killed. It's an exercise in terrorising the poor animal." Speaking as a Senator, Sunday Business Post, 04 April 2010

Cllr Maria Doyle (Fine Gael, Louth County Council)
"I am most certainly against blood sports." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Jennifer Green (Sinn Fein, Louth County Council)
"I'm against the consumption of any type of animal, blood sports or animal cruelty." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.


Mayo County Council

Cllr Gerry Ginty (Independent, Mayo County Council)
"I am totally opposed". from a text message to ICABS.

"A Ballina councillor says it’s regrettable that hare-coursing is being facilitated at a centre for people with disabilities. It emerged yesterday that staff and service users at the HSE-run Ballina Training Centre have been involved in training greyhounds for hare-coursing, and have attended coursing events. The HSE confirmed that the service has been supporting the activity for clients, but added that this support does not constitute an endorsement or approval of hare coursing. Ballina Independent Councillor Gerry Ginty, who’s involved with the horse and donkey sanctuary in north Mayo, says it’s unfortunate that hare-coursing is still legal in this country, as it’s illegal in many other countries including England, Scotland, Wales and northern Ireland. Councillor Ginty said it’s regrettable that this would be considered an appropriate past-time for service users at the Ballina Training Centre, and said he’s totally opposed to the controversial sport." Midwest Radio, 17 January 2017

"Ballina based Independent councillor Gerry Ginty, who is well known in the animal protection area through his work with North Mayo Horse Sanctuary, told the Mayo Advertiser this week: 'I’d say one thing to the person who did that to the poor dog, I’d ask them to look at themselves in the mirror and to ask are they proud of themselves. If they have one bit of decency in their body, they should go to the guards and tell them what they did.' He added: 'You have to wonder what goes through someone’s mind to go to the effort to go and do that to a poor dog.'" from Drowning of young dog with a block tied around its neck shocks Ballina, Mayo Advertiser, March 20, 2015.

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne (Independent, Mayo County Council)
"I am against blood sports and I would support a motion expressing support for a ban" from an email to ICABS, 10th September 2014.

Cllr Therese Ruane (Sinn Fein, Mayo County Council)
"I am totally opposed to blood sports and to animal cruelty of any kind." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.


Meath County Council

Cllr Brian Fitzgerald (Independent, Meath County Council)
"Cllr Brian Fitzgerald said stag-hunting had been part of life in the county for a very long time. The object of stag-hunting was not to go out and kill the stag, he said." from "Majority of Meath cllrs vote to reverse stag-hunting ban", Nenagh Guardian, 11th January, 2012.

Cllr Enda Flynn (Fine Gael, Meath County Council)
"I do not like to see any animals hurt or in discomfort. I support the thrust of what you are saying." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Joe Fox (Fine Gael, Meath County Council)
On his Facebook page, Cllr Joe Fox "likes" the Meath Hunt.

Cllr Wayne Ford (Independent, Meath County Council)
"I am against hare coursing and foxhunting." from a text message to ICABS, November 2014.

Cllr Wayne Harding (Fianna Fail, Meath County Council)
"I am calling on this Council to request Minister Jimmy Deenihan to reverse the ban on Stag Hunting with immediate effect as promised by both Fine Gael and Labour prior to the General Election". The motion was proposed by Councillor Tommy Reilly and seconded by Councillor Wayne Harding. From the minutes of Meath County Council's January 2012 meeting.

Cllr Sharon Keogan (Independent, Meath County Council)
In a Meath Hunt gallery on her Facebook page, photographs show Cllr Sharon Keoghan posing next to mounted members of Meath Hunt in 2011.

Cllr Nick Killian (Independent, Meath County Council)
In 2010, Nick Killian criticised Green Party efforts to ban the cruel Ward Union deerhunt. In a statement published on his website, Killian stated: "As a Fianna Fail member I am disgusted that a Fianna Fail Government is allowing Gormley and his gang of do gooders walk all over the people of Rural Ireland. Its not just the Stag hunting ban, but the Dog Breeding Bill and the banning of Turf Cutting on certain Bogs to protect a few flowers."

In the Irish Times of 15 December 2009, Nick Killian was quoted as saying that he was "disgusted" with Fianna Fail for supporting a banning of the cruel Ward Union hunt. He made the comment at a pro-hunt meeting at Trim Castle Hotel.

At a Meath County Council meeting in December 2007, Nick Killian called on the Minister for the Environment to "make a decision on the issue of a licence to the Ward Union Hunt".

Cllr Gerry O'Connor (Fine Gael, Meath County Council)
"I am opposed to all forms of animal cruelty. I support Minister Coveney in regards the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013. I understand that people are passionate about legitimate field sports but want clear standards to protect animal welfare and ensure that these sports are carried out in a proper manner." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Tommy Reilly (Fianna Fail, Meath County Council)
"I am calling on this Council to request Minister Jimmy Deenihan to reverse the ban on Stag Hunting with immediate effect as promised by both Fine Gael and Labour prior to the General Election". The motion was proposed by Councillor Tommy Reilly and seconded by Councillor Wayne Harding. From the minutes of Meath County Council's January 2012 meeting.

Cllr Alan Tobin (Fine Gael, Meath County Council)
"No - I would not support [a council motion expressing support for a ban on bloodsports]" In response to correspondence from ICABS, September 2014.

"The hunt is a spectacle not to be missed...I remember as a child being brought down to Frederick St. on Stephen's afternoon by my parents, and relatives would come to visit on that day too, they loved to see the hunt and experience the country way of life." from a Forum newspaper article (December 2013) in which Ashbourne Chamber of Commerce President Alan Tobin reportedly said that Ashbourne would welcome the Ward Union hunt with open arms.


Monaghan County Council

Cllr Colm Carthy (Sinn Fein, Monaghan County Council)
"I am opposed to hare coursing. I would like to see a ban on all blood sports." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Sean Conlon (Sinn Fein, Monaghan County Council)
In 2012, Cllr Conlon proposed a motion in support of a ban on circuses that involve the degradation and abuse of wild animals. The motion was successfully passed at a meeting of Monaghan County Council.

"Continued use in a modern compassionate society of wild animals in circuses should be a thing of the past." Cllr Sean Conlon, 5th September 2012.

Cllr Padraig McNally (Fianna Fail, Monaghan County Council)
"Totally against [hare coursing and fox hunting]. These are barbaric practices." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.


Offaly County Council

Cllr Noel Bourke (Fianna Fail, Offaly County Council)
In October 2010, Cllr Bourke sponsored a race at Mullingar greyhound track.

Cllr John Carroll (Independent, Offaly County Council)
In May 2010, the Offaly Express quoted John Carroll as saying: "Minister Gormley is a long way removed from rural Ireland's traditions [in his move to ban stag hunting]. First it's stag hunting, but there will be more down the line."

Cllr Dervill Dolan (Independent, Offaly County Council)
In May 2010, an Offaly Express report on a pro-bloodsports Council motion quoted Dervill Dolan as saying "the industry was well regulated" and that a ban on staghunting "will impact negatively on rural life".

Cllr Eamon Dooley (Fianna Fail, Offaly County Council)
In October 2010, Cllr Eamon Dooley sponsored a race at Mullingar greyhound track.

Cllr Sinead Dooley (Fianna Fail, Offaly County Council)
"I've always supported a ban on fox hunting and hare coursing, my views have not and will not alter." from a tweet to ICABS, 20th October 2015.

Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick (Fianna Fail, Offaly County Council)
In August 2015, Cllr Fitzpatrick sponsored a race at Mullingar greyhound track.

Cllr John Foley (Independent, Offaly County Council)
In October 2010, Cllr Foley sponsored a race at Mullingar greyhound track.

Cllr Martin O'Reilly (Sinn Fein, Offaly County Council)
"I am opposed to hare coursing and fox hunting." in a call to ICABS, February 2015

Cllr Peter Ormond (Fianna Fail, Offaly County Council)
In October 2010, Cllr Ormond sponsored a race at Mullingar greyhound track.

Cllr Liam Quinn (Fine Gael, Offaly County Council)
In May 2010, the Offaly Express reported on a pro-bloodsports motion put forward by Liam Quinn. The motion called for support for the RISE hunting and hare coursing campaign.


Roscommon County Council

Cllr Ivan Connaughton (Fianna Fail, Roscommon County Council)
Cllr Ivan Connaughton, an Athleague-based auctioneer, issued a description for a property which included the following: "There is excellent hunting locally with the Galway Blazers, the Birmingham, East Galway and North Galway hunts." Photos of hunters on horseback alongside a pack of hounds were included in the property brochure. Another property listing on Connaughton Auctioneers website states: "this is a fine property to come on the market holding huge potential in an area well known and regarded for outdoor activities including fishing and hunting".

Cllr Michael Mulligan (Sinn Fein, Roscommon County Council)
"With you all the way - total ban on bloodsports." from a comment left on the ICABS Facebook page, May 2014.


Sligo County Council

Cllr Martin Baker (Fianna Fail, Sligo County Council)
"I am not in favour of a ban [on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

In September 2018, Cllr Baker voted against a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Declan Bree (Independent, Sligo County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban on blood sports in Ireland. In a civilised society we should not authorise such cruel acts to occur and excuse it under a banner of 'sport', which it most certainly is not by any definition." from an email to ICABS, February 2016.

"The vast majority of people find it abhorrent to torture dumb animals for a luxury product" Cllr Declan Bree during a council discussion about Ireland's cruel fur farming. September 2018.

Cllr Mayor Marie Casserly (Independent, Sligo County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

"I am against any form of animal cruelty. There's no reason why they can't do a drag hunt in relation to foxhunting. In that case, they leave out a scent and the dogs follow it and it's very popular in other countries." from "Casserly supports ban on blood sports", Ocean FM, September 8, 2016.

In September 2018, Cllr Marie Casserly voted in support of a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Thomas Healy (Sinn Fein, Sligo County Council)
"I am against all forms of cruelty to animals." from a tweet to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Hubert Keaney (Fine Gael, Sligo County Council)
In September 2018, Cllr Keaney voted in support of a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Seamus Kilgannon (Fianna Fail, Sligo County Council)
In September 2018, Cllr Kilgannon voted against a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Jerry Lundy (Fianna Fail, Sligo County Council)
Fianna Fáil Cllr Jerry Lundy said he didn't think the Council should be calling for a ban on any farm and said citizens should have the right to buy fur if they wanted. He described Cllr O'Boyle's motion as an "attack on the farming community" and said fur farms were "highly regulated." Cllr Lundy said fur farms were increasing across Europe and said many small farms were diversifying into fur farming which created local jobs. "Once you start banning any type of farming where will it end? Chickens or beef?" he said. (Sligo Champion, September 15 2018)

Cllr Tom MacSharry (Fianna Fail, Sligo County Council)
"I have to say that as someone who grew up surrounded by animals, I am totally against all forms of animal cruelty, including bloodsports" from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

In September 2018, Cllr MacSharry voted against a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Chris MacManus (Sinn Féin , Sligo County Council)
"People should be ashamed to wear fur" Cllr Chris McManus, during a council discussion about Ireland's cruel fur farming. September 2018. Cllr MacManus voted in support of a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.

Cllr Gino O'Boyle (People Before Profit, Sligo County Council)
In September 2018, Cllr O'Boyle tabled a motion calling on Sligo County Council to urge Agriculture Minister Michael Creed to ban fur farms. He told the meeting that the stress of confinement in tiny cages resulted in cannibalism. He said the minks were gassed to death before being skinned. "It's time to put an end to this cruelty," he told members. (Sligo Champion, September 15 2018)

Cllr Joseph Queenan (Fianna Fail, Sligo County Council)
In September 2018, Cllr Queenan voted against a council motion calling for a ban on fur farming.


Tipperary County Council

Cllr Dr Phyll Bugler (Fine Gael, Tipperary County Council)
"I am opposed to all forms of animal cruelty" from a text message to ICABS, July 2015.

Cllr Catherine Carey (Sinn Fein, Tipperary County Council)
"I was saddened to hear this dreadful story [about a horse with a snapped neck dying by the side of a road in Clonmel in 2016]. I am appalled that poor animal suffered like this. This kind of suffering to a poor defenceless animal should never be allowed to happen." from an email to ICABS, August 2016. Cllr Carey was elected Mayor of Clonmel in June 2017.

Cllr Gerard Darcy (Fine Gael, Tipperary County Council)
Opposition to the Government's hunting proposals was also expressed at last month's meeting of North Tipperary Co Council, where local councillors spoke of the importance of hunting in the county...Cllr Ger Darcy (Fine Gael) said the council should be promoting hunting as part of its bid to draw more visitors to North Tipperary. He also described hunting as an alternative sport for young people that don't pick up the mainstream sports of hurling, rugby and soccer. From an article in the Nenagh Guardian, 10th July 2010.

Cllr David Doran (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
Councillor David Doran has been one of the main movers behind the banning of sulky racing in Tipperary. He said, “This only reinforces the argument to ban sulkies on public roads. It is barbaric and as a local authority, we should not have any hand, act or part in it. I am even more resolute in my intentions to get it banned than I ever was. I was horrified when I heard what had occurred in Cashel and I would urge people to make contact with the Gardai if they have any information,” Cllr Doran said. From "Seething anger after abused pony collapses in Cashel", Tipperary Star, 12 April 2017.

Cllr David Dunne (Sinn Fein, Tipperary County Council)
"Sorry I do not agree with you stance on this matter" from an email to ICABS, 12th September 2014.

Cllr Pat English (Workers and Unemployed Action Group, Tipperary County Council)
At a June 2010 meeting of South Tipperary County Council, Cllr Pat English voted in favour of a motion in support of the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign. The motion stated that "South Tipperary County Council note the increased level of country wide support of the Rural Ireland Says Enough campaign and shares the concerns it is highlighting over legislation currently being proposed by the Minister for the Environment John Gormley, T.D. That this Council calls on the Government to listen to the concerns being expressed, involve all stakeholders involved in rural sporting activities i.e. hunting, fishing, coursing etc. in full consultation and to respond appropriately." According to the minutes of the meeting, Cllr English "supported the motion but stressed that [he was] opposed to stag hunting.

Cllr John Hogan (Fianna Fail, Tipperary County Council)
"I support coursing...I believe that you are misinformed when you claim that most people find hare coursing abhorrent and unacceptable." (From an email to ICABS, 10th September 2010)

Cllr Mary Hanna Hourigan (Fine Gael, Tipperary County Council)
"I couldn't bear to look at that [hare coursing] footage, it would make me too angry and upset. I fully support your point of view." from an email to ICABS in March 2012.

Cllr Martin Lonergan (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
On 1st February 2015, Cllr Lonergan tweeted "Enjoying day 2 of the Coursing n Clonmel". On his Facebook page on the same day, he posted a photograph of himself alongside Mattie McGrath TD at the coursing cruelty festival.

Cllr Richie Molloy (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
In 2008, the then mayor of Clonmel, Richie Molloy, was asked to stop supporting cruel hare coursing after he was pictured in a local newspaper at the town's coursing finals. In a letter to Cllr Molloy, the Irish Council Against Blood Sports expressed disappointment that he deemed it appropriate to attend an event involving cruelty to animals. "Considering the animal cruelty involved in coursing and the fact that a huge majority of Irish people want this blood sport banned, we hope that you can reconsider your stance," we stated.

At a February 2010 meeting of Clonmel Borough Council, Richie Molloy "proposed a welcome to the huge number of visitors currently in Clonmel for Coursing week".

Cllr Andy Moloney (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
According to Senator Denis Landy in a February 2015 pro-coursing speech in the Seanad, Cllr Moloney is "a long-standing coursing enthusiast".

Cllr Eddie Moran (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
In August 2016, ICABS asked Cllr Eddie Moran if he is in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting, to which he replied: "No. I support all sports." We replied to tell Cllr Moran that hare coursing and fox hunting could never be considered a "sport" under any definition of the word.

Cllr Eddie O'Meara (Independent, Tipperary County Council)
In October 2015, Councillor O'Meara was condemned for disregarding the cruelty of hare coursing and placing an advert in a coursing booklet to express his "best wishes" to local coursers at their annual bloodsport meeting. In his ad, Cllr O'Meara stated: "Best wishes to Crohane and Killenaule Coursing Club."

Cllr Michael Smith (Fianna Fail, Tipperary County Council)
Opposition to the Government's hunting proposals was also expressed at last month's meeting of North Tipperary Co Council, where local councillors spoke of the importance of hunting in the county...Cllr Michael Smith (FF) also supported the motions, and while none of the councillors would be in favour of animal cruelty, he said there should be more dialogue between the stakeholders involved. From an article in the Nenagh Guardian, 10th July 2010.


Waterford City and County Council

Cllr Breda Brennan (Sinn Fein, Waterford City and County Council)
"I personally am against blood sports and animal cruelty of any kind." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

Cllr Joe Conway (Independent, Waterford City and County Council)
"As one who has due regard for all living things, I support wholeheartedly your stance on animal cruelty. I took a stand - while Mayor - of non-cooperation with any circus owners who took their 'show' to town here." from an email to ICABS, March 2014.

Cllr Damien Geoghegan (Fine Gael, Waterford City and County Council)
In April 2013, Cllr Geoghegan tweeted a photo from the "Dungarvan Harriers Hunt Ball 1957". In June 2014, he tweeted "Dungarvan Hunt, Bridge Street, Dungarvan" along with a link to a 1960s photo showing mounted hunters and their pack of hounds.

Cllr John Hearne (Sinn Fein, Waterford City and County Council)
"I'm fully anti blood sports" from an email to ICABS, August 2015.

"I'm against all forms of animal cruelty. I banned with a motion all circus animals from council property and I'm in the process of passing a by-law to ban sulky racing off the roads...I voted against [a pro-coursing motion]. I believe if people want to entertain themselves it should not involve stressing animals." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Joe Kelly (Independent, Waterford City and County Council)
"I support your campaign against blood sports and the banning of fox hunting as allowed for at this time. Any cruelty to any animal is wrong and must be opposed." from an email to ICABS, September 2014.

Cllr Mary Roche (Independent, Waterford City and County Council)
"Personally I would ban all blood sports." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.


Westmeath County Council

Cllr Sorca Clarke (Sinn Fein, Westmeath County Council)
"I would support a ban on blood sports, completely against any form of animal cruelty." from a tweet to ICABS, June 2015.

At a March 2016 meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, Cllr Sorca Clarke supported a successful motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses.

Cllr Una Darcy (Independent, Westmeath County Council)
"I think [hare coursing] is a horrible sport" from an email to the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports, September 2015.

At a March 2016 meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, Cllr Una D'Arcy presented a successful motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. Speaking at the meeting, Cllr D'Arcy said that using wild animals for entertainment "belongs to a different time" and that video footage of a Dutch circus parading three elephants through the centre of Mullingar generated "very bad publicity for the town" and created a "huge backlash". "Animals are not here to entertain us, there is no conservation or educational benefit to using wild animals in circuses," she commented.

"Sinn Fein is opposed to cruelty to animals and supported the Animal Welfare Act in its passage through the Oireachtas." from a email to ICABS, May 2014. ICABS has highlighted to Una Darcy that Sinn Fein is currently in favour of cruel hare coursing.

Cllr Michael Dollard (Independent, Westmeath County Council)
Cllr Dollard spoke in favour of bloodsports lobby group, RISE at a Mullingar meeting in 2010.

At a March 2016 meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, Cllr Michael Dollard voted against a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. Speaking at the meeting, he asked: "How can a circus operate without wild animals? They operate all over the world, what harm do they do?" The motion was passed by three votes to two.

Cllr Andrew Duncan (Fine Gael, Westmeath County Council)
"I do not support a ban [on fox hunting and hare coursing]" from a text message to ICABS, July 2015. Challenged on his stance, Cllr Duncan tweeted: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I support your right to yours but I do not favour ban and that's my opinion."

"I shoot and fish. Would you like to ban those as well" - from a 21 July 2015 tweet sent by Cllr Andrew Duncan.

In March 2016, Cllr Andrew Duncan was criticised for abstaining in a vote on a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. The motion, presented at a meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, was passed by three votes to two.

Cllr Ken Glynn (Fianna Fail, Westmeath County Council)
In January 1999, Ken Glynn voted in support of a Mullingar Town Commission motion calling for a ban on foxhunting with hounds. At his first meeting as a Mullingar Town Commissioner, Commissioner Glynn expressed his disgust at foxhunting. "As a keen sportsman," he stated, "I think foxhunting is an insult to sport."

At a March 2016 meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, Cllr Ken Glynn supported a successful motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. Speaking at the meeting, he said there was "absolute uproar" after the circus paraded three elephants through Mullingar to promote its shows.

Cllr Frank McDermott (Fine Gael, Westmeath County Council)
"I have no problem with Irish tradition." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

"[Cllr Frank McDermott] said that hunt meetings 'with dozens of foxhounds and horses' can cause more damage in a few minutes than an entire parish would cause in a year and he suggested they be controlled under new bye-laws." Westmeath Topic, 4th June 2015.

At a March 2016 meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, Cllr Frank McDermott voted against a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. The Westmeath Examiner reported him as saying that generations of rural children would never have seen an exotic wild animal if it wasn't for circuses. The motion was passed by three votes to two.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke (Fianna Fail, Westmeath County Council)
"I am totally opposed to any form of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty. I would support a call to ban any 'sporting' activity that would cause or lead to the stress, injury or death of an animal." Cllr O'Rourke in an email to ICABS, June 2015.

"Yes I would be in favour of a ban on cruel blood sports." from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.

Cllr Johnny Penrose (Labour Party, Westmeath County Council)
In 2010, Cllr Penrose attended a Mullingar meeting of bloodsports lobby group, RISE.

In March 2016, Cllr Johnny Penrose was criticised for abstaining in a vote on a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. The motion, presented at a meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, was passed by three votes to two.

Cllr John Shaw (Fianna Fail, Westmeath County Council)
In March 2016, Cllr John Shaw was criticised for abstaining in a vote on a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. The motion, presented at a meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, was passed by three votes to two.

Cllr Avril Whitney (Fianna Fail, Westmeath County Council)
In March 2016, Cllr Avril Whitney was criticised for abstaining in a vote on a motion calling for an end to the use of wild animals in circuses. The motion, presented at a meeting of Mullingar Municipal District, was passed by three votes to two.


Wexford County Council

Cllr Malcolm Byrne (Fianna Fail, Wexford County Council)
Wexford County Councillor Malcolm Byrne has expressed opposition to coursing in Ireland, saying he would "support any legislation at national level that would ban hare coursing". The Fianna Fail politician's statement came in response to an ICABS email in which we highlighted the suffering caused to hares used as live lures in coursing. In September 2010, Cllr Byrne stated: "I am personally opposed to hare coursing, which I view as cruel."

Cllr Tony Dempsey (Fianna Fail, Wexford County Council)
In 2005, foxes and mink were doomed to lives of misery on fur farms following the rejection by Dail Eireann of the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2004. The bill was defeated by 67 votes to 50. Tony Dempsey was among the TDs who voted AGAINST the bill.

Cllr Mary Farrell (Independent, Wexford County Council)
"YES [I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr David Hynes (Independent, Wexford County Council)
"I certainly share many of your concerns..." from an email to ICABS, August 2014.

Cllr Robert Ireton (Labour Party, Wexford County Council)
"My views on hare coursing is that it should be banned. Any opportunity I get to voice my opinion on this, my reply is always the same and I have spoken about this on many occasions." (From an email to ICABS, 5th November 2013)

Cllr Paddy Kavanagh (Fine Gael, Wexford County Council)
"Enniscorthy councillor Paddy Kavanagh has sprung to the defence of his fellow greyhound owners in the war of words about dogs soiling the streets of the town. The Fine Gael man is a well-known race dog enthusiast but does not resort to roads to exercise them as he has plenty of fields at his disposal. He counselled against any witch hunt singling out town dwelling dog walkers with greyhounds in any campaign to take the dirt off the streets at the expense of an activity that has an economic benefit for the area. He said he would not like to see life made impossible for such people, who manage up to four greyhounds at a time while out and about...The councillor pointed out that an urban dog owner from Enniscorthy recently captured one of coursing's most prestigious prizes." from "Don't blame greyhound owners, says councillor" - Enniscorthy Guardian, 1st April 2013. On TV3's Midweek programme in March 2012, Paddy Kavanagh revealed that his father used to be involved in hare coursing.

Cllr Lisa McDonald (Fianna Fail, Wexford County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting." from an email to ICABS, August 2016.

Cllr John O'Rourke (Independent, Wexford County Council)
"I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting" from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Deirdre Wadding (People Before Profit, Wexford County Council)
"I vehemently oppose all blood sports and cannot understand something as cruel as coursing being allowed to continue in any so-called civilised society." from an email to ICABS, August 2015.

"I join you in abhorring this cruel practice and will most certainly add my voice to those calling for it to be banned." from an email to ICABS, June 2015.

"I am completely and utterly opposed to hare coursing and most emphatically support a ban." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.


Wicklow County Council

Cllr Joe Behan (Independent, Wicklow County Council)
As a TD in 2010, Joe Behan voted AGAINST the Bill which banned carted deer hunting.

Cllr Mary Kavanagh (Independent, Wicklow County Council)
"I would support a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting. I consider these activities cause unnecessary cruelty and suffering to animals." from an email to ICABS, September 2016.

Cllr Nicola Lawless (Sinn Fein, Wicklow County Council)
"Yes I would be in favour of a ban on cruel hare coursing and fox hunting. I am against animal cruelty." from a tweet to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Steven Matthews (Green Party, Wicklow County Council)
"I'm against animal cruelty in any bloodsport form." from a tweet to ICABS, December 4th 2014.

Cllr Grainne McLoughlin (Fine Gael, Wicklow County Council)
"I am opposed to blood sports. As someone who lives in the country and enjoys watching the annual drag hunting spectacle, there is no excuse for live fox hunting or hare coursing - it is simply disgusting and inhumane." from an email to ICABS, July 2015.

Cllr Daire Nolan (Independent, Wicklow County Council)
"My position is that I am against wanton, malicious and deliberate cruelty against animals." from an email to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Michael O'Connor (Sinn Fein, Wicklow County Council)
"I am certainly in favour of an outright and immediate ban on both hare coursing and fox hunting." from an email to ICABS, September 2016.

Cllr Gerry O'Neill (Sinn Fein, Wicklow County Council)
"I am totally against both hare coursing and foxhunting. However foxhunting should not be confused with drag hunting which I have no problem with." from an email to ICABS, July 2015.

Cllr John Ryan (Fine Gael, Wicklow County Council)
"I would like to clarify that I am against animal cruelty." from an email to ICABS, April 2014.

Cllr Gerry Walsh (Fianna Fail, Wicklow County Council)
"I would not condone these types of activity [hare coursing and foxhunting]." from a text message to ICABS, December 2014.

Cllr Jennifer Whitmore (Independent, Wicklow County Council)
"Short answer...Yes" - in reply to an ICABS email enquiry asking "Are you in favour of a ban on cruel hare coursing and foxhunting?" October 2014.

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