01. Irish hares running for their lives as cruel hare coursing continues
Hares are again running for their lives this week as Ireland's cruel hare coursing continues. At Lixnaw, Bandon & Careys Cross, Doon and Johnstown & Urlingford, hares will be used as live bait for greyhounds.
See below for more information about what happened to hares at these meetings in recent years.
Please join us as we renew our appeal to Minister Heather Humphreys to show compassion for the hares and withdraw the licence she shamefully issued for this cruelty.
Bandon, Co Cork 30 November and 1 December, 2013
Coursers stated 1 hare "required assistance", 1 certified injured by vet.
Lixnaw, Co. Kerry - November 2/3, 2012
Ranger noted 1 hare hit, 1 injured and put down.
Lixnaw, Co. Kerry, November 4/5/6, 2011
2 hares hit by greyhounds, 1 killed and 1 died of “natural causes”. Veterinary report answers ‘Nil’ to all questions regarding welfare of hares and makes no reference to any hare killed or dying of “natural causes”, despite the ranger’s ticking the yes box to veterinary involvement question.
Doon & District, Co Limerick 30 November and 1 December 2013
Coursers stated that 4 hares "required assistance", 4 certified injured by vet and 4 put down by vet, because of injuries.
Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny - December 1/2, 2012
6 hares hit, 1 killed, and 1 put down because of injuries. Ranger noted that 5 hares had escaped. Did ranger witness these escapes?
Express your support for a ban on coursing. Sign and share petitions
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)
Dear Minister,
I am one of the majority who want hare coursing outlawed. I am writing to urge you to revoke the licence you issued to the Irish Coursing Club.
In coursing, hares suffer at all stages - during the capture, during the time they are kept in captivity and during the coursing meetings where they run for their lives in front of greyhounds. Among the injuries recorded are broken legs, damaged toes and dislocated hips. Every season, hare injuries and deaths are documented.
I ask you to please act on the wishes of the majority, show compassion and permanently revoke the licence.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Appeal to the Minister for Agriculture
Please appeal to the Minister for Agriculture to remove an exemption for hare coursing from the Animal Health and Welfare Act.
Simon Coveney, TD Minister for Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Urgently contact An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and ask him to back a ban on hare coursing.
An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6194020
Fax: 01-6764048
Email: taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie
Contact all your local TDs now. Demand that they urgently push for a ban on hare coursing and all bloodsports. Tell them you are one of the majority who want coursing banned. Remind them that coursing is already illegal in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Urge them to respect the wishes of the majority of the electorate and back a ban.
Find out their contact details Please also arrange a meeting with your TDs at their local clinics.
02. Taoiseach Enda Kenny: Foxhunting is "absolutely disgraceful"
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is renewing its appeal to the government to put in place a ban on foxhunting. The call follows a Dail Eireann speech (Tuesday 18th November) by Taoiseach Enda Kenny in which he acknowledges that Ireland's cruel foxhunting is "absolutely disgraceful".
In foxhunting, foxes are disturbed from their habitats, chased across the countryside and torn apart by a pack of hounds. When the fox is too exhausted to run any further, the pursuing hounds close in and knock the animal off its feet before biting into its body and disembowelling it. Terriers are sent after foxes who try to escape underground - the dogs attack and corner the fox while the clay is dug away from above. Both animals are dragged out and the injured fox is brutally killed.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is urging Enda Kenny to accept that it is time for this absolutely disgraceful activity to be banned in Ireland. We are also urging him to ban cruel hare coursing. In an email to ICABS in July 2003, Enda Kenny TD stated: "I am opposed to the practice of live hare coursing."
Tell Enda Kenny to outlaw Ireland's "absolutely disgraceful" foxhunting
03. Foxes suffering due to Simon Coveney's failure to ban terrierwork
Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney's failure to outlaw cruel digging out and terrierwork is leaving foxes to suffer horrendous fates across the countryside. A report in a hardcore British hunting magazine has revealed the ongoing suffering being caused to foxes targeted by those involved in the heinous bloodsport.
The article in the November 2014 edition of Earth Dog Running Dog, focuses on an unnamed hunt operating in the South East of Ireland and describes the terrorisation and killing of several foxes.
The first victim, chased by a pack of hounds, tried to find refuge underground but was doomed to die after the hunt's terrierman was called in.
"Hounds were taken back to give [terrier] Willow and the diggers a chance. Willow was collared up and flew to ground and soon that familiar sound could be heard as Willow met her fox. Digging was tough going with plenty of stone and roots but due to the help of Graham, Declan and Stephen, [terrierman] Jim wasn't long opening up to Willow who had the situation fully under control. Willow was with a fine big dog fox and she had taken a bit of punishment in performing her duties but that didn't bother Willow and she was still mad for more." The fox, who undoubtedly suffered "punishment" too, was dispatched.
Later on in the hunt, a terrier was sent down into an earth and after the clay was dug away, it was revealed that the dog "had a pair of foxes in the pocket", both of which were also killed.
Another unfortunate fox suffered the same fate after being chased through a flock of sheep and up to the top of a hill.
"We thought that this was the lad that was going to give us a good run but the fox only ran along the top of the hill and looked as if he was making his way back into the start of the cover," the report details. "However, instead of going into the cover, he slipped into a small sandy burrow on a bank. Hounds again marked very well and it wasn't long before [huntsman] Swifty was giving the three blows on the horn."
The terriermen were "on the shovels and they soon opened up to [the terrier] working his fox well."
At a nearby bog, hounds disturbed two foxes - "the first fox left the cover with about 20 hounds hot on his tail." The dogs "trenched their way through a small rabbit burrow and had accounted for the fox before any of the terriermen had arrived".
In a plantation, hunting continued for 30 minutes "up and down the plantation and it was obvious that the hounds were putting the fox under a lot of pressure."
The article notes that the hunters "never have a blank day", meaning foxes suffer this terrible fate every day the hunt takes place.
Disturbingly, it also refers to the involvement of youngsters - "we have a large following of children and teenagers, girls and boys, all who carry the whip and provide great help to our hunstman on hunting days. It's great to see children and teenagers involved in hunting, learning about hounds and terrierwork."
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is renewing its appeal to Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney to show compassion and urgently ban digging out and terrierwork. Despite stating that he found the activity "unacceptable", the Minister has so far refused to outlaw it.
I support the Irish Council Against Blood Sports' call on you to urgently outlaw both digging out and terrierwork. These horrendous acts of cruelty are carried out by sadistic individuals and also by merciless foxhunting groups (when terrified foxes try to find refuge underground). There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for this shameful animal abuse and it must be stopped.
Please make it an offence NOW to dig out any animal or send terriers below ground to catch and attack animals under any circumstances. I also call on you to outlaw the use of packs of hounds to harass, attack, injure and/or kill any animal.
Thank you, Minister. I look forward to your positive response.
04. Calls for Millstreet Town Park to stop hosting cruel hare coursing
Renewed calls are being made to the committee of Millstreet Town Park to stop hosting hare coursing. The call is this year being supported by locals who are not only opposed to the cruelty but who strongly object to a large portion of their park being taken over by coursers in the weeks leading up to the January meeting. There are also fears that the hosting of animal cruelty in a town park damages Millstreet's valuable image as an attractive tourist destination.
The issue of hares being used as live bait for dogs in the park was discussed on C103 Radio's Cork Today show on 10th November. Presenter Patricia Messinger explained that members of the Millstreet Town Park Committee were asked to take part in the live discussion but declined the invitation. Speaking on the show, John Fitzgerald of the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports outlined local opposition to the cruel bloodsport and urged the park committee to show compassion for the hares and only permit drag coursing.
05. "Cruel hare coursing in Millstreet must stop and is morally wrong"
“Cruel hare coursing in Millstreet must stop and is morally wrong”
The CorkMan, 15th November 2014
by Maria Herlihy
Over 100 years of “the killing of hares” in Millstreet must end. That was the view of Bernie Wright of the Association of Hunt Saboteurs Ireland.
She told The Corkman that while hare coursing is not illegal but, in the 21st century it is “morally wrong.”
She said she has been contacted by up to four local people who are “very angry” that their Town Park is being used for coursing.
The annual Millstreet Hare coursing event will take place on January 3 and 4, 2015.
She said: “This cruel spectacle actually takes place on a GAA pitch in the local town park. The park, which is a favourite with locals and dog walkers, but it’s disrupted for four weeks a year. There is a rusty dump of an enclosure to permanently hold the netted hares in place for the coursing two day event in January.”
She said: “This antiquated and brutal pastime started in 1914 and its demise is long over-due. What was acceptable then is not acceptable now.”
At the coursing event last January, she outlined that 10 hares were hit, five were pinned and the ranger noted that one hare died shortly after release. It also noted that one hare died when it escaped overnight and other died after being coursed. No post-mortems were conducted on these hares. This information is according to the National Parks and Wildlife Services.
Ms Wright said it is her intention to set up an international petition to stop hare coursing in Millstreet.
“Animal abuse should not be allowed to continue,” she said.
When asked if she and her companions would undertake a public protest in January against the hare coursing, she said they would not.
“It’s our aim that this will be stopped before January,” she said.
She said that she has been highly involved in preventing animal abuse since the 1980s and also rescues dogs and horses from mistreatment.
“In this day and age, I do not think it is acceptable that hares should suffer as they do,” she said.
Meanwhile, the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports (CACS) is calling on the committee of Millstreet Town Park to not allow the hare coursing event this year.
John Fitzgerald of the CACS said: “Sections of the Park are closed to the public for between four and seven weeks leading up to the two day hare baiting session.” He said that hares are captured and transported to the Park in crates and then are held in “unnatural captivity” prior to baiting.
“On coursing day, the animals are forced to run from pairs of greyhounds to be terrorised, mauled, struck, tossed about like broken toys, or otherwise injured within the confines of a wired enclosure in the park. Other hares die after the event from stress-related ailments,” he said.
06. "My hope is that they get bored and move their focus"
“The anti coursing lobby show no sign of relenting across social networks. My hope is that they get bored and move their focus onto some other poor unsuspectings. We’ll see.” The words of the administrator of a Millstreet website after receiving messages from all around the world, calling for an end to the hosting of cruel hare coursing in Millstreet town park.
The administrator, who maintains that “coursing will go on in town”, says that “the message from the anti coursing groups grew louder and louder on social networks (I was hoping my delete button wouldn’t break)”.
A petition launched by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports has so far been signed by over 1,000 people from Ireland and around the world.
The petition is gaining more support each day so clearly people are not going to “get bored and move their focus” until Millstreet recognises the inappropriateness of hosting animal cruelty in its town park and the threat it poses to the town’s valuable image as an attractive tourist destination.
Please sign and share the petition and respond to the action alert below
07. C103 Radio highlights campaign to end coursing in Millstreet park
John Fitzgerald of the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports discusses hare coursing cruelty in Millstreet Town Park. Cork Today show presented by Patricia Messinger, C103 Radio, 10th November 2014.
The municipality of Sant Joan in the centre of Mallorca (Majorca) has become the Spanish island’s 16th to say NO to bullfighting.
A motion calling for bullfighting to be rejected was passed this week by the Sant Joan municipal council. It’s the latest success for the AnimaNaturalis and CAS International campaign ‘Mallorca Sense Sang’ (Mallorca without Blood) which aims to abolish bullfighting on the island.
The other Mallorcan municipalities to reject bullfighting are Muro, Consell, Esporles, Puigpunyent, Deia, Campanet, Manacor, Santa Margalida, Lloseta, Porreres, Algaida, Capdepera, Santa Maria del Cami, Sencelles and Arta.
Worldwide, 125 municipalities have declared themselves anti-bullfighting, including 100 in Spain.
Mallorca – Ban Bullfighting. Sign the petition now!
09. Death of anti-bloodsports politician Jack Fitzsimons
The death has occurred of former senator, architect and anti-bloodsports campaigner Jack Fitzsimons.
Jack was a Fianna Fáil senator from 1983 to 1989 and following his resignation from the party after the '89 election, went on to become an independent member of Meath County Council.
He was a vocal opponent of bloodsports and wrote "Coursing Ban Be Damned" - a book in which he clearly showed that "coursing, hunting and all cruel practices are immoral and should be banned."
He ran as an independent candidate for the European elections in 1994 and his manifesto included strong anti-hunting and anti-coursing policies. An election flier outlined that one of his top priorities was to "abolish coursing and hunting".
Presenting his vision for "a loving, caring, responsible, civilised society", he denounced the "power-crazy political parties who have systematically and selfishly destroyed almost everything worthwhile in this country".
Paying tribute to Jack, John Fitzgerald of the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports wrote: "I knew Jack when he was involved in the campaign to ban the horrific 'sport' of live hare coursing...an honest and brave politician, who did what he believed was RIGHT, as distinct from what was politically expedient."
Jack died on 4 November 2014, aged 84. He is survived by his wife Ann and five children.
Help reduce animal deaths on the roads. Slow down for wildlife and install a wildlife warning device to the front of your vehicle.
When air flows through the device, it emits ultrasonic sound waves which warn most types of animals of the approaching vehicle. The occupants of the vehicle (including animals) don’t hear a thing.
The warning signal starts working at 30 MPH and alerts animals up to 400 yards away. The Sav-a-Life brand of device has been tested and found to be 80% effective. The company says its product has been used for millions of miles by law enforcement, state troopers and sheriff departments across America.
The wildlife warning devices are available to purchase online, for example at:
11. Scrap metal company urged to scrap coursing sponsorship
Scrap recycling company, United Metals, is being urged to scrap its sponsorship of cruel coursing. According to a coursing website, United Metals was one of the sponsors of this month's Nenagh hare coursing meeting.
In an email to the Limerick-based company, ICABS highlighted the suffering of hares that are snatched from the wild and used as live bait for greyhounds to chase.
“In coursing, hares that have been forcefully snatched from the wild are used as live bait for greyhounds to chase,” we stated. “All the hares suffer fear and stress due to manhandling, confinement and being forced to run for their lives. The hares which are hit and mauled by the dogs suffer painful injuries such as broken bones and dislocated hips. We have heard the cries of hares when they are knocked off their feet and mashed into the ground.”
We added: “Considering the inherent animal cruelty, no modern self-respecting company should in any way sponsor hare coursing. We appeal to United Metals to show compassion for the hares and side with the majority who want this cruel activity banned. Please end your sponsorship of hare coursing.”
Images showing hares running for their lives at the Nenagh coursing meet may be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/oe5mwy4
Join us in urging United Metals to scrap its hare coursing sponsorship.
12. Dublin marathon timing company proud of hare coursing involvement
The company which provided official timing for the Dublin City Marathon has said it is proud to be involved in hare coursing.
In a February 2014 post on its website, Timing Ireland stated: “For the 4th time running, Timing Ireland has timed the Clonmel Greyhound Coursing at Powerstown Park Racecourse, Co. Tipperary. The 89th National Coursing was a 3 day long event, taking place on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd of February. We were proud to once again be involved in the sport which has grown incredibly over the last few years. Well done to all the trainers & patrons who came to the event.”
Elsewhere on its site, the Malahide-based “sports technology” company offers “hare coursing systems” Alongside images of hares running for their lives, it states: “We at Timing Ireland have the perfect greyhound system for you.”
Please join us in urging Timing Ireland to show compassion for the hares used as live bait for greyhounds and disassociate from hare coursing.
Timing Ireland
Unit 13 Kinsealy Business Park
Malahide, Co. Dublin
13. Fur removed from St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre
Items containing real fur have been taken off the shelves of a fashion shop in Dublin’s St Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre.
Following complaints from the National Animal Rights Association (NARA) and members of the public, St Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre management confirmed that the items had been removed.
“We want to let all of our customers know that the reports of fur being sold in one of our stores has now been investigated, and the products in question have been removed,” a spokesperson for the centre stated.
According to the NARA , the items were being sold in ladies fashion store, ‘Soho Market’.
14. More councillors express opposition to bloodsports
More councillors have expressed opposition to Ireland's cruel bloodsports. ICABS has thanked the following councillors for this month expressing opposition to coursing and foxhunting. We are urging them and all politicians to push for a ban.
"Yes I support a ban on these [fox hunting and hare coursing]." Cllr John Gilligan / former Mayor of Limerick (Independent, Limerick City and County Council).
"I am totally against this form of so-called sport [hare coursing and fox hunting]" Cllr Sam Locke (Independent, Kerry County Council).
"I am against hare coursing" Cllr Seamie Moore (Independent, Kildare County Council).
"I am totally opposed to blood sports & very much in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting." Cllr Daire Ní Laoi (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council).
"I am totally opposed to blood 'sports' including hare coursing and hunting and would support a ban." Cllr Brendan Ferron (Sinn Fein, South Dublin County Council).
"Totally opposed to hare coursing." Cllr James Lawless (Fianna Fail, Kildare County Council).
"In favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting." Cllr Brendan Young (Independent, Kildare County Council).
"Always was and always will be in favour of a complete ban [on hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr Mike McKee (Sinn Fein, Clare County Council).
"I would like to confirm that I am against blood sports including hare coursing and fox hunting." Cllr Stephen Cunningham (Sinn Fein, Cork City Council).
"I don't support blood sports, senseless hunting, the fur trade or any cruel acts to any animal no matter how important it may be locally perceived." Cllr Andrew Keegan (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council).
"Very much yes [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr Ted Tynan (Workers Party, Cork City Council).
"Yes I am [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]" Cllr Marion O'Sullivan (Anti Austerity Alliance, Cork City Council).
"I am most certainly in favour of a ban on these horrific activities [hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr John Lyons (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council).
"I am in favour [of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr Malachy Quinn (Sinn Fein, Fingal County Council).
"I am in favour of a ban [on hare coursing and foxhunting]". Cllr Paul Mulville (Independent, Fingal County Council).
"I most definitely am [in favour of a ban on hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr Tina MacVeigh (People Before Profit, Dublin City Council).
"The Socialist Party and the Anti-Austerity Alliance oppose hare coursing, fox hunting and stag hunting and favour the banning of such 'sports'" Cllr Matthew Waine (Anti-Austerity Alliane/Socialist Party, Fingal County Council).
"I totally disagree with the torture that these poor animals are put through [in hare coursing and fox hunting]." Cllr John O'Donnell (Independent, Donegal County Council).
"Yes I would like a ban on all blood sports" Cllr Ciaran O'Moore (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council).
Find out the views of other Councillors, TDs and Senators at http://www.banbloodsports.com/views.htm
Please contact all your local politicians and urge them to push for a ban on bloodsports.
“No I am not [in favour of a ban on foxhunting and hare coursing]” Cllr Winston Bennett (Fine Gael, Cavan County Council) in a text message to ICABS, October 2014
If you are in the Cavan constituency, please contact Cllr Bennett about his shameful pro-bloodsports stance.
“Not in favour of a ban [on fox hunting and hare coursing]” - Cllr Dennis Foley (Fine Gael, Carlow County Council). From a text message to ICABS, October 2014.
If you are in the Carlow constituency, please contact Cllr Foley about his pro-bloodsports stance.
Cllr Dennis Foley
1 Chestnut Court
Royal Oak Rd Bagenalstown Carlow
Telephone: 0862626483
Email: dfoley@carlowcoco.ie
"I am in favour of foxhunting as it keeps the numbers down." Cllr Paraic Brady (Fine Gael, Longford County Council) from a text message to ICABS, November 2014. ICABS has highlighted the cruelty of foxhunting to Cllr Brady and asked him to reconsider his stance.
If you are in the Longford constituency, please contact Cllr Brady and urge him to change his position on cruel foxhunting.
Cllr Paraic Brady
Longford County Council
Tel: +353861066818
Email: paraicjbrady@gmail.com Facebook: paraic.brady.9
"While I have some reservations about hare coursing I cannot support any ban in its current form. I disagree that it is barbaric and consider it a part of the rural community." Cllr Emmett O'Brien (Independent, Limerick City and County Council) from an email to ICABS, November 2014.
If you are in the Limerick City and County constituency, please contact Cllr Emmett O'Brien and urge him to change his position on cruel foxhunting and hare coursing.
16. Novelist Richard Ford kills Connemara creatures
Extracts from "Takedown of a sensitive deerslayer", Book Worm column, Irish Independent, Saturday 8th November 2014
American novelist Richard Ford rents a house in Connemara every Autumn and spends a good deal of time there shooting Woodcock which apparently is a "treasured pastime".
I learned this information from Observer literary editor Robert McCrum, who recently visited the acclaimed 70-year-old fiction writer at his West of Ireland retreat - a sanctuary where Ford "can revel in the independence of solitude and look forward to getting out his gun."
Coincidentally, after reading this interview, I took up James Wolcott's collection of essays, Critical Mass, and came upon a 1989 piece on Ford which began with the observation that "He-man American writers have a heavy appetite for ammo" and went on to quote Ford himself, telling an interviewer "I don't walk. I hunt. Something dies when I stroll around outside."
Wolcott's piece, originally written for Vanity Fair, is what Americans term a "takedown"...As for Wolcott himself, "I've never wanted Bambi's mother on my conscience. When I walk in the woods, I'm content to look."
17. Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Council urged not to trap or kill foxes
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is urging Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council not to trap or kill foxes. At a meeting this month, the council passed a motion calling on the National Parks and Wildlife Service to address the urban fox “problem”.
"We appeal to the Council to only consider employing humane, non-lethal approaches to any problem, e.g. deterrence and the removal of attractants," ICABS stated in an appeal to Councillors. "Urban foxes are a natural phenomenon and while some residents may perceive them as pests, many more locals would welcome the sight of a fox in a park or garden. We appeal to you to reject any move to trap or shoot these creatures - not only is this cruel but it would be ineffective (a fox removed from a territory creates a vacancy which nature fills with another fox)."
Fine Gael Councillor Barry Ward's motion came amid claims that foxes are a threat to pets and are tearing bins apart.
ICABS has told the council that foxes are not a threat to pets, pointing out that cats can defend themselves very well and that in most fox-cat encounters, the animals ignore each other. Similarly, foxes would typically avoid confrontation with dogs.
As for the suggestion that foxes are disturbing contents of bins, this can be solved simply by using bins with a secure lid.
We encouraged the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Councillors to read a Fox Project article which deals with humane fox deterrence - http://www.foxproject.org.uk/deterrence/
18. Renewed appeal: Urge Coillte to stop hosting cruel foxhunters
Coillte is defending its shameful decision to allow cruel hunters into its forests to terrorise and brutally kill foxes.
Responding to an Irish Council Against Blood Sports appeal for the forest wildlife to be spared the suffering, a company spokesperson said "Coillte aims to ensure that our forests are enjoyed by as many people as possible for legitimate and legal activities."
In response to an ICABS email in which we detailed the horrendous cruelty involved in foxhunting, Coillte's "Deer, Game and Sporting Rights Manager" Barry Coad had this to say: "Hunting and other field sports are among the oldest forms of forest pursuits in Ireland which continue to be legally enjoyed by many people across the country today."
ICABS drew the company's attention to cubhunting activities in a Coillte forest and pointed out that fox cubs are brutally attacked and torn apart when foxhunting hounds are brought to fox earths for grisly blooding sessions. During the foxhunting season, hunters in Coillte forests pursue foxes with hounds. When foxes are caught during a hunt, they are torn asunder.
But these accounts of cruelty were not addressed by Coillte. Instead, Mr Coad referred to fox hunting as a "traditional, legal and long established pursuit" and said that Coillte allows it in "areas where it was continually undertaken prior to the formation of the company".
"It is very disappointing that Coillte is continuing to consider it appropriate to allow foxhunters in to its property - individuals involved in some of the most obscene acts of cruelty to animals," ICABS stated in reply.
"How can Coillte justify opening its doors to those who cause such appalling suffering and death to wildlife. It is indeed sad that Coillte continues to hide behind the 'legitimate and legal activities' line when your company is aware of the cruelty and suffering involved and refuses to take the opportunity to reject it," we added.
ICABS does not accept that Coillte is in any way obliged to allow foxhunters on to its property in cases where a previous tradition of them hunting in the forest exists. This arrangement is a Coillte courtesy to accommodate cruelty.
With Coillte owned by the Irish people and with most Irish people opposed to animal cruelty, it is time for Coillte to show compassion for wildlife and put in place a ban on foxhunting on its property.
19. Urge bishop of Limerick to end clergy involvement in coursing
Earlier this month, in response to a complaint about a priest blessing a coursing field where hares were used as live bait before greyhounds, the Limerick Diocese of the Catholic Church issued a statement in which they condone and endorse the barbaric bloodsport.
A spokesperson for the diocese told the Limerick Post: “Coursing is an integral part of life for many in Glin and surrounding area and the recent opening of the new venue was a significant day for the local community which funded and developed the facility (field), while the meet itself attracted over 1,500 people to the parish over the two days”. The diocesan spokesperson went on to say that the “Irish Coursing Club stressed to us (the diocese) that coursing operates under licence and that, in accordance with this, robust animal welfare practices applied”.
In our original complaint to the Bishop of Limerick, Brendan Leahy, ICABS made clear the cruelty of hare coursing. "At the Glin coursing field, hares ran for their lives in front of muzzled greyhounds an activity which is undoubtedly contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church," we stated. "The hares used at Glin coursing meeting were trapped from the wild in nets, kept captive in compounds and on the days of coursing, used as bait for greyhounds. Hares that are struck by the dogs can be mauled and severely injured, resulting in death. Every year, hares die at coursing meetings from such maulings, and every hare is subjected to stress and terror."
The subsequent statement by the Limerick Diocese is nothing short of a promotion for the Glin coursing club, and spouts the propaganda of the Irish Coursing Club. The diocese is, in effect, acting as a mouthpiece for Glin coursing club and the ICC. It beggars belief that a diocese of the Catholic Church would endorse and defend such cruelty to animals and would turn a blind eye to the terror and suffering of timid wild creatures. They should recognise that hare coursing is inherently cruel from beginning to end and that every single animal used in this barbaric game is terrorised.
Shame on the Limerick Diocese for condoning this cruel practice, which has been outlawed by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, because of the cruelty involved.
Photos showing hares running for their lives at the recent Glin coursing meeting can be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/glincoursing
Contact the Bishop of Limerick and ask him to act against to stop clergy involvement in hare coursing.
Bishop Brendan Leahy
Bishop of Limerick
Social Service Centre, Henry Street, Limerick
Tel: +353 (0)61 315 856
Email: office@ldo.ie
Send a tweet to Archbishop Eamon Martin and Pope Francis
Tweet "Please act to end clergy involvement in Ireland's cruel bloodsports" to @Pontifex @ArchbishopEamon @CatholicBishops
20. Nessa Childers MEP: Stop EU bullfighting subsidies
Stop EU subsidies for farmers breeding and raising bulls for use in bullfighting: Nessa Childers MEP Statement on the website of Nessa Childers MEP, 22nd Oct 2014
The MEP was speaking in Strasbourg following on a vote on the on the new budget for 2015, including European agricultural subsidies. “I voted for the roll-call amendment to the budget to end these subsidies for bullfighting. However I am extremely disappointed that MEPs voted down the amendment, missing the opportunity to send out a strong message on animal welfare.
“We cannot continue to pay lip service to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming, which clearly states animals should not suffer pain, injury, fear or distress. Farmers who breed and raise bulls for bullfighting do not comply with those conditions and should not be eligible for agricultural subsidies.
“Despite this rejection today, I am calling on Mr. Juncker and his new commission to urgently seek measures to assist these farmers to move away from this trade in breeding bulls for fighting.
21. Bullfighting is part of Spanish culture: Deirdre Clune MEP
Response from Deirdre Clune MEP who last month abstained in an important European Parliament vote which sought to end the 130 million euro in annual subsidies to the brutal bullfighting industry. The result of the vote was 323 votes in favour of an end to the subsidies, 309 votes against and 58 abstentions. Despite there being majority support, the motion was rejected on the grounds that it didn't have a qualified majority of 376 votes.
Deirdre Clune's response to complaints about her abstention:
"I abstained in the recent vote in the European Parliament which related to funding for bullfighting. I did so because I believe in the principle of subsidiarity which is fundamental to the functioning of the European Union and more specifically to European decision-making.
In particular, the principle determines when the EU is competent to legislate, and contributes to decisions being taken as closely as possible to the citizen.
The principle of subsidiarity is established in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. It appears alongside two other principles that are also considered to be essential to European decision-making: the principles of conferral and of proportionality.
Bullfighting; rightly or otherwise - is an integral part of Spanish culture. A culture that has evolved over hundreds of years.
For that reason, I felt that any decision which would limit agricultural funding to a section of the Spanish Economy, in particular for something like Bullfighting , should be subject to the principle of subsidiarity. I therefore abstained.
I understand that this is something that you feel passionately about and I appreciate the fact that you have taken time to contact me."
Contact the four Irish Fine Gael MEPs who shamefully abstained in the vote. Tell them about the cruel violence of bullfighting and that you do not want a cent of your taxes supporting this vile industry. Urge them to support the next anti-bullfighting vote.
2. In mid-August, in a village called Villalpando Zamora, they celebrate the festival of San Roque. On the last Sunday, three bulls are let out in the field and are beaten. Participants come with quads, motorcycles, tractors with trailers, on horseback or on foot. Vehicles just drive over the exhausted bulls for the fun of the crowd.
3. Toros de Fuego o Embolados – The Toro de Fuego occurs annually every November in many villages. The bulls are tied up and poked at before the race starts, and then their horns are lit on fire, sometimes with fireworks. The fire burns everything on the bulls’ faces and renders all of them blind. These bulls run into walls and stumble over things just to entertain people. After hours of torture, the bulls all die and their bodies are cut apart and distributed amongst the participants. Sometimes the bulls are burnt to death.
4. Bous a la mar. Bulls are tortured till they jump in the water to escape. Some drown.
6. On August 25th in Peñalsordo, Extremadura, Spain, six young cows are tortured to death, four in the makeshift plaza and two released to be tormented in the streets This is all witnessed by children.
7. Toro de la Vega – Tordesillas – There 100 or more men armed with long, medieval lances stab the animal for up to an hour until, bleeding profusely and riddled with holes, he can stand no more. As he collapses someone sticks a dagger into his neck then cuts off his testicles while he is still alive.
Contact the Spanish Ambassador to Ireland to register your opposition to blood fiestas and bullfighting. Express your desire to see this barbarity banned throughout all of Spain.
The Spanish Ambassador to Ireland
Embassy of Spain
17A Merlyn Park, Dublin 4.
Email: emb.dublin@maec.es
Tel 1: +353 (0)1 2691640
Tel 2: +353 (0)1 2692597
Fax: +353 (0)1 269 1854
23. "Atrocious": Greyhound Board threw taxpayers' money around like "confetti"
The Irish Greyhound Board made "an atrocious decision" and threw taxpayers' money around "like confetti", Labour TD Joe Costello has told the Dail's Public Accounts Committee.
In a PAC meeting, the IGB/Bord na gCon admitted that nobody has ever been held to account over a disastrous land deal which resulted in €1.6m being written off by the taxpayer-funded body.
Despite a firm of consultatnts identifying problems with the suitability of the 16-acre field for a proposed dog racing track, the Irish Greyhound Board reportedly spent one million euro buying it and an additional €935,000 on site investigations, project planning and design fees. The land, now being used for agriculture, is currently worth just €160,000.
24. Emirates Airlines transporting Irish crabs and birds to China and Dubai
A report in the Irish Times has revealed that Emirates Airlines is transporting Irish animals to China and the United Arab Emirates.
The airline's manager for Ireland, Enda Corneille, was quoted in the November 22nd report as follows: "We carried live crabs from Donegal to Beijing...and last week we had 42 falcons, raised in Kildare, going to Dubai."
The National Parks and Wildlife Service has been asked to investigate this export.
25. ISPCA worker is fired after leaving dogs without food
ISPCA worker is fired after leaving dogs without food Irish Independent, 6th November, 2014 by Brian McDonald
The ISPCA has confirmed that a member of staff has been dismissed after 10 dogs were left without food or water over a bank holiday weekend.
The staff member was dismissed for gross misconduct, chief executive Dr Andrew Kelly said.
The action followed an investigation by the society into the incident at Roscommon Dog Pound over two days of the August Bank Holiday period. The ISPCA has held the contract for managing the pound for Roscommon County Council for the last 27 years.
A preliminary investigation was carried out after a member of the public alerted gardai to the situation at the pound in Rockfield, Donamon, on Monday August 4. Gardai and vets removed the 10 dogs from the shelter.
The pound's members of staff were initially suspended by the ISPCA pending a full investigation into allegations that the animals had been left without food or water for 48 hours.
Yesterday Dr Kelly confirmed that the incident had been fully investigated and one staff member had been dismissed. He also revealed that, as a result of the incident, the county council had accepted the society's offer to terminate its long-standing contract.
"We took full responsibility for the incident that occurred over the bank holiday weekend in August and we took decisive action and we carried out a full investigation. As a result of that investigation a member of staff was dismissed for gross misconduct.
"It was part of a review of services generally, but really the incident in August drove us to offer to terminate the contract and Roscommon gracefully accepted our decision", he said.
Dr Kelly explained that he felt the best thing to do after the incident at the Roscommon facility was for the charity to withdraw from its involvement there.
He stressed that the decision to terminate the contract was driven by the ISPCA and it would not be bidding for the new one.
Roscommon County Council is now re-advertising the contract for the operation of the county dog pound. Tenders are currently being invited for the operation of the service and a site visit to view the facilities at Rockfield will be held on November 11.
Tenders have to be returned to the council by November 20.
26. UCD stops buying greyhounds for medical experiments
UCD ends practice of buying greyhounds for medical experiments Over a six-year period, the university bought a total of 212 dogs
TheJournal.ie, 10th November 2014
University College Dublin has ended a practice of buying and putting down greyhounds for use in veterinary training.
A recent report by the League Against Cruel Sports and GREY2K revealed that the university had bought and euthanised a total of 212 greyhounds over a six-year period.
The dogs were purchased from a racing greyhound owner for roughly €100 each. It is unknown for what reason they were sold.
However, following an internal review last year, this practice has now ceased.
“Any greyhound cadaver received by the veterinary school for teaching purposes is now donated with the express consent of the owner following euthanasia by a practising veterinary surgeon carried out based on their clinical judgement,” a spokesperson for UCD said.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has welcomed the decision, but stressed that there was no issue with this as long as the animal had to be put down due to illness or other factors.
The report raised concerns that other universities may be providing an ‘easy route’ for greyhound tracks, trainers, or owners to dispose of dogs which have either been injured or are too old to race.
“Most racing greyhounds are viewed as commodities whose usefulness ends when they no longer bring in prize money, either through career-ending injuries or natural decline,” said
Iain Blake-Lawson of the League Against Cruel Sports. Blake-Lawson referred to the previous practice at UCD as “needless killing”.
The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) has been forced to put down a buzzard that was found shot and badly injured in County Westmeath. They are appealing for information after a member of the public found the injured buzzard in Castletown Geoghegan, and brought it to the ISPCA National Animal Centre in Longford. Society members gave it immediate pain relief and then transferred the bird to the Kildare Animal Foundation for specialist treatment by a wildlife vet. Sadly one of the bird’s wings was so badly damaged that the bird could not be saved and had to be humanely euthanised to prevent further suffering. from ISPCA forced to put buzzard to sleep after it is shot in Westmeath, BreakingNews.ie, 25th November 2014.
"I don't let anyone hunt or cull [badgers] on my land" Stand-Up comedian Ross Noble. Asked about the origins of a badger which features on one of his promotional posters, he told ICABS: "It was left on the stage at a show so I have no idea but it is pretty old so whoever stuffed it is Prob dead themselves."
Hunting is known to be a HAZARDOUS and DANGEROUS sport and can result in SERIOUS INJURY to rider and horse and other persons. It is acknowledged by riders that they are FULLY AWARE of these risks and VOLUNTARILY submit and expose themselves to the same. By participating in the Hunt, riders confirm that they have sufficient experience and ability to ride in the Hunt and are prepared to accept the risks of hunting while riding across DIFFERENT TYPES OF LAND. from a Bray Harriers Hunt "Notice To Members, Subscribers And Visitors, Waiver Of Rights - Indemnity To Hunt"
Emirates, the Dubai- based airline, celebrated three years in Ireland with a pre-Christmas party in Drury Buildings, on Drury Street in Dublin, on Thursday, hosted by its new county manager for Ireland, Enda Corneille. "We went double daily on September 1st - 720 seats a day," said the Dundrum man. "It's a mixture of holidaymakers, business, leisure, visiting friends and relatives." And then there's the cargo. "We carried live crabs from Donegal to Beijing. We took 30 tonnes of Baileys to Dubai. Yesterday we had 14 tonnes of Botox going from Westport to Australia and New Zealand. And last week we had 42 falcons, raised in Kildare, going to Dubai. from "Crabs, Baileys, Botox and Falcons: All in a Day's Work", Irish Times, , 2014
"Attention anglers and hunters. Are you aware of the regulations on certain non-native species that can be spread by your activities?" from a National Biodiversity Data Centre advert in an Irish hunting magazine.
"If local youths set their dogs on animals in the park they would be arrested. What is the difference?" comment left on the ICABS Facebook page, in response to a report about plans by Millstreet Town Park to again host cruel hare coursing in January.
In 1987, [Paddy Barrett] set up The Donkey Sanctuary and has since rescued 4,200 abandoned or neglected donkeys. On the eve of his retirement, he explains why this charity has been so important and why Irish people should educate themselves about animal welfare. “I have always loved animals and used to go out with my father on jobs, when he worked for the ISPCA,” says the father-of-four. “When he died, I took over the farm here and, over the years, began to come across an increasing number of donkeys, which had been abandoned in bogs all over the west of Ireland." from Handing over the reins after a life of caring for animals, Irish Examiner, November 11th 2014. http://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/features/handing-over-the-reins-after-a-life-of-caring-for-animals-297173.html
Help raise awareness about Ireland's animal cruelty issues - write letters to the editors of local and national newspapers to speak out against hare coursing, foxhunting, etc.
Hare coursing
Irish Times, Nov 24, 2014
Sir, – This week Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney, in answer to a Dáil question from Maureen O’Sullivan TD, dismissed the introduction of mechanical lure coursing as a humane alternative to using timid wild hares as bait for the chasing greyhounds. The hare coursers have told him that it doesn’t work because the greyhounds, they claim, lose interest after following the lure “once or twice”.
On the say-so of the hare coursers, Mr Coveney will not countenance this humane alternative to hare coursing, which does in fact work, and says he has no plans to ban live hare coursing.
The coursers’ claim that greyhounds will not consistently follow a mechanical lure is totally absurd, as presently greyhounds pursue a mechanical lure, time after time, on the greyhound tracks. And in Australia, where live hare coursing has been banned for decades, mechanical lure coursing is now successfully used. And there have been drag coursing events held here in Ireland, one of which was in Listry, Co Killarney, in March 2013, where we filmed greyhounds enthusiastically following the drag. We sent this footage to the Minister, clear and unequivocal evidence that drag works successfully, but our evidence it seems fell not only on deaf ears, but closed eyes. So there is absolutely no excuse for the barbarity that is live hare coursing in this day and age. The Australians and others accepted the ban and moved on to mechanical lure coursing, and the sky didn’t fall in.
The ban on smoking in public places wasn’t countenanced at first and there was much resistance but today nobody yearns for smoke-filled pubs.
Replacing live hare coursing with a mechanical lure would find favour with the vast majority who respect and cherish our Irish hare and who would be more than happy to see the end of a despicable blood sport that brings shame on our country. – Yours, etc,
Aideen Yourell,
Irish Council Against Blood Sports,
PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath
‘Bloody’ disgrace Irish MEPs abstained on bullfighting
Irish Examiner, November 15th, 2014
It’s a ‘bloody’ disgrace that four Irish MEPs refused to support a motion to end annual EU subsidies to the cruel bullfighting industry.
Fine Gael’s Deirdre Clune, Brian Hayes, Sean Kelly and Mairead McGuinness abstained in the European Parliament vote.
While 323 parliamentarians (including 20 Spanish MEPs and all the other Irish MEPs present) voted in favour, these four, and 54 others, abstained, ensuring that despite majority support for the motion, it failed to secure a qualified majority and was thus rejected.
The struggling European taxpayers will continue to pay €130m to prop up barbarism.
Philip Kiernan
Irish Council Against Blood Sports
PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath
Culling badgers is State sponsored savagery
Irish Examiner, November 3rd, 2014
In the animal cruelty industry, words are employed as a verbal cover for barbaric acts of animal cruelty.
The Department of Agriculture recently put out to tender the supply of 25,000 units of ‘Packaging Solution for Biological Material’ as part of their equipment list in the campaign to rid the country of bovine TB. In simple English these are body bags to carry the bodies of executed badgers.
This is the fate of up to 6,000 badgers within the next 12 months as the department ramps up its programme of culling badgers.
It is estimated that since 1984, 100,000 badgers have met their deaths at the behest of the department while unknown numbers of badgers left this earth at the hands of the farming and hunting community
This killing takes place despite the fact that the badger is protected under Irish wildlife protection legislation. As ever in Ireland, a dispensation from the rule of law permits the annual slaughter of this animal to take place under the guise of scientific research.
The snaring and killing of badgers at the behest of the Department of Agriculture is State-approved savagery.
John Tierney
Association of Hunt Saboteurs
PO Box 4734, Dublin 1
Greyhound deaths a reminder of this cruel industry
Belfast Telegraph, 3rd November 2014
The smothering to death of 11 greyhounds on a ferry to France (regardless of the precise cause or the events leading up to it) is yet another reminder of how vulnerable these dogs are in the context of our so-called greyhound "industry".
Greyhounds are not generally perceived or treated as other canines are, thanks to their speed and agility that set them apart as ideal for racing.
Unfortunately, once their running days are over they have little commercial value. Though they can make excellent pets (like any breed), many of them end up getting a whack across the head with a spade or shovel, or a bullet in the brain.
Once the identification ear-tags or microchips are removed from the carcasses, they can be dumped discreetly.
A few of those sad, shallow graves have been unearthed around the country in recent years - evidence of how a section of the "industry" deals with retired runners.
It is also the "industry" that encompasses live hare coursing in which timid, wild creatures are used as bait for the greyhound to chase and terrorise.
Many hares are mauled or otherwise injured when the dogs strike them, pin them to the ground or toss them into the air like paper toys. Greyhounds are fed live animals prior to both coursing and track racing to enhance their performance - a practice known as "blooding" - and doping of greyhounds is widespread.
There have been convictions over the years for blooding and doping, but most of this activity proceeds unabated, well hidden from public view.
John Fitzgerald
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports
Inhumane end for exported animals
Sunday Independent, 9th November 2014
Madam - As an animal lover I was disgusted to learn of the 1,500 lambs sent to be used in Islamic rituals in Singapore (Fiona O'Connell, Sunday Independent, 2 November).
These unfortunate lambs were slaughtered without even being stunned having endured a 16 hour plane journey in temperatures of 30C heat. Earlier last week we also learned of the barbaric treatment of the cattle exported to Libya.
Those who love animals had hoped the new Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013 would bring Ireland into the modern world in our treatment of animals. Perhaps those involved in this grisly trade should consider Jeremy Bentham's sentiment: "The question is not, can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But can they suffer?"
If you like our work, please consider making a donation. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty.
Please become a supporter of our work today - click on the Paypal button at www.banbloodsports.com to make a donation or send a cheque made payable to ICABS to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.
Simply keeping your ear to the ground.
about any blood-sport related incidents in your area.
Keep hunters off your land
Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at www.banbloodsports.com
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