Animal Voice, Issue 10, October 2014
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports
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01. Limerick Diocese condones hare coursing cruelty
02. Anti-blood sport campaigners complain to Pope Francis
03. Budget jackpot for greyhound industry
04. Dept of Agriculture orders 25,000 badger body bags
05. Veterinary Nursing Association quizzed on coursing stance
06. 212 Irish greyhounds killed for UCD veterinary students
07. Greyhound-killing university launches dog calendar
08. 11 Irish greyhounds suffocate to death on Irish Ferries ferry
09. Investigation into deaths of greyhounds on ferry
10. Coursing cruelty continues this week in Freshford, Limerick and Leinster Open/Trim
11. Hare coursing club gets slap on the wrist for intimidating ranger
12. Congratulations to newly elected TD, Paul Murphy
13. Shame on Fine Gael MEPs for abstaining in EU animal cruelty vote
14. Why were 3 uniformed Gardaí present at Glin hare coursing meeting?
15. Actress Mary McEvoy: "I don't believe in hunting or shooting"
16. Hare Preservation Trust condemns government's licensing of coursing
17. Minister dismissed calls to stop Mallow coursing meet
18. Complaint upheld against "significantly misleading" Farmers Journal article
19. Arts Council of Ireland urged to end funding of animal circuses
20. New Dublin wildlife book - "Doorstep Wilderness"
21. Irish cattle bound for Libya are being ‘beaten, stabbed, dragged by eye sockets’
22. Suspected dog fighting victim found with appalling injuries
23. Limerick cat loses leg in illegal trap
24. Not long enough: 10 months jail for setting dog on fire
25. Wild pigs saved from drowning are shot dead by hunter
26. Dail Questions and Answers
27. Campaign Quotes
28. Letters to the Editor
29. Petitions
01. Limerick Diocese condones hare coursing cruelty
In response to a complaint about a priest blessing a coursing field where hares were used as live bait before greyhounds, the Limerick Diocese of the Catholic Church has issued a statement in which they condone and endorse the barbaric bloodsport.
A spokesperson for the diocese told the Limerick Post: “Coursing is an integral part of life for many in Glin and surrounding area and the recent opening of the new venue was a significant day for the local community which funded and developed the facility (field), while the meet itself attracted over 1,500 people to the parish over the two days”. The diocesan spokesperson went on to say that the “Irish Coursing Club stressed to us (the diocese) that coursing operates under licence and that, in accordance with this, robust animal welfare practices applied”.
In our original complaint to the Bishop of Limerick, Brendan Leahy, ICABS made clear the cruelty of hare coursing. “At the Glin coursing field, hares ran for their lives in front of muzzled greyhounds an activity which is undoubtedly contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church,” we stated. “The hares used at Glin coursing meeting were trapped from the wild in nets, kept captive in compounds and on the days of coursing, used as bait for greyhounds. Hares that are struck by the dogs can be mauled and severely injured, resulting in death. Every year, hares die at coursing meetings from such maulings, and every hare is subjected to stress and terror.”
The subsequent statement by the Limerick Diocese is nothing short of a promotion for the Glin coursing club, and spouts the propaganda of the Irish Coursing Club. The diocese is, in effect, acting as a mouthpiece for Glin coursing club and the ICC. It beggars belief that a diocese of the Catholic Church would endorse and defend such cruelty to animals and would turn a blind eye to the terror and suffering of timid wild creatures. They should recognise that hare coursing is inherently cruel from beginning to end and that every single animal used in this barbaric game is terrorised.
Shame on the Limerick Diocese for condoning this cruel practice, which has been outlawed by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, because of the cruelty involved.
Photos showing hares running for their lives at the recent Glin coursing meeting can be viewed at
Contact the Bishop of Limerick and ask him to act against to stop clergy involvement in hare coursing.
Bishop Brendan Leahy
Bishop of Limerick Social Service Centre,
Henry Street, Limerick
Tel: +353 (0)61 315 856
Send a tweet to Archbishop Eamon Martin and Pope Francis
Tweet “Please act to end clergy involvement in Ireland’s cruel bloodsports” to @Pontifex @ArchbishopEamon @CatholicBishops
02. Anti-blood sport campaigners complain to Pope Francis
Thanks to RTE News for highlighting our appeal to church authorities to end clergy involvement in cruel hare coursing...
Anti-blood sport campaigners complain to Pope Francis
RTE News, Friday 10 October 2014
Anti-blood sports campaigners have complained to Pope Francis about the blessing by a priest of a coursing meeting that coincided with the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has also protested to Bishop of Limerick Dr Brendan Leahy about the blessing by an anonymous priest of the meet in Glin in the west of his diocese.
The anti-blood sports lobby group says that a priest blessed the Glin coursing club arena where it claims "the hounding of vulnerable hares took place" last Saturday and Sunday.
ICAB's statement says the identity of the priest is currently unknown, but that he is to be seen on club's Facebook page performing what it terms "the grotesque blessing" with holy water and wearing liturgical garb.
The statement provides a link to the photo on the Glin Coursing Club's Facebook page.
ICABS says it has sent a tweet to Pope Francis, asking him to act to stop clergy involvement in what it calls "Ireland's cruel hare coursing".
In it's complaint to Bishop Leahy the group says the action by the priest was a gross misuse of a blessing, and should not be permitted in his diocese.
It accuses the priest of being "in direct contravention" of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that states "it is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly."
ICABS also told Bishop Leahy the blessing was even more inappropriate, given that the meet took place on the weekend of World Animal Week and of the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
03. Budget jackpot for greyhound industry
A massive €13.6 million of taxpayers' money will be handed over to the greyhound racing industry in 2015.
Details from the latest government budget show that €13.6 million (an increase of €2.8 million over last year's grant) will be paid out to prop up Bord na gCon - the Irish Greyhound Board - a body with overall control of greyhound racing and hare coursing. We have no doubt that some of this cash will make its way into the coffers of the Irish Coursing Club.
The money, courtesy of struggling taxpayers, is to be used to pay off a part of the Irish Greyhound Board's debts - clearly a case of throwing good money after bad. What a waste of precious government funds which could have been given to deserving sectors of society.
The IGB has "warmly welcomed" the injection of cash with chairman Phil Meaney (a former member of the Irish Coursing Club executive committee) saying "this is very welcome news and demonstrates the confidence of the ministers and government in the Irish greyhound industry."
But most would struggle to see the basis for this claimed confidence. Funds remaining after the debt payments will be ploughed in to promoting greyhound racing to a public that clearly has little interest in it, given the ongoing fall in attendances at greyhound tracks.
An Indecon report into the Irish Greyhound Board, published in July, revealed that the IGB is experiencing "substantial falls in attendances and revenues" and is "heavily indebted with net debt of over €21 million".
"The figures on turnover for Bord na gCon showed a worrying downward trend since 2006 in most categories of turnover," the Indecon report outlines. "This was reflected in an overall decline in revenue from €63.5 million to €28.2 million in 2013. The scale of the decline is dramatic and represents a fall of 55.6% over the period."
It goes on to state that "reflecting the reduction in attendance numbers, the scale of the decline in gate receipts and programme sales, entry fees and catering income is also very marked. Together these accounted for €5.049 million of the fall in income between 2007 and 2013."
The report notes that gate receipts and programme sales remain at approximately half their 2007 level and that since 2007, there has been a "decline in sponsorship income by €1.219 million".
04. Dept of Agriculture orders 25,000 badger body bags
The Department of Agriculture has ordered 25,000 body bags for badgers as its cruel snaring and culling continues across the country.
Department officials confirmed that a cull of 6,000 badgers is planned over the next 12 months. This latest assault on a supposedly protected species is part of a failed TB-eradication scheme which has to-date claimed the lives of an estimated 100,000 badgers.
"Culling is expected to continue for several years," an Irish Independent report outlines, referring to a Department advert in which it tenders for the supply of 25,000 units of 'Packaging Solution for Biological Material'.
This is a Department of Agriculture euphemism for badger body bags, used for collection, dispatch and post-mortem examination of badgers that have been caught in snares and shot in the head.
In a Dail question to Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney on 23rd September, ICABS President Maureen O'Sullivan TD condemned the cruel cull.
"We are talking about a most inhumane, cruel and barbaric way of dealing with bovine TB, when first, it has not been fully proven that the badger is totally responsible for the disease, and there are doubts over some of the experiments that initially proved that was the case. Second, a reduction in TB in cattle can also be linked to improved husbandry and other factors, not especially through the badger cull. Could the Minister explain the urgency to kill thousands of an ecologically important species, namely, the badger?" she stated.
She asked why "a badger cull is being pursued and why the Department has tendered for 25,000 units of biological material, essentially body bags for badgers, when it has given a commitment to roll out a vaccination programme to control bovine TB".
Read her question and the response at
Watch a video showing a badger being rescued from a cruel Department of Agriculture snare
Demand an end to the cruel snaring and killing of badgers.
Sign our petition
Ireland: Stop badger snaring cruelty NOW
Tell Simon Coveney to stop the cruel snaring of badgers.
Minister Simon Coveney
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Tweet to: @simoncoveney
Please write to the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs and to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Remind them that the Wildlife Act, for which they are responsible, lists the badger as a protected species. Demand that they stop licensing the snaring and killing of thousands of badgers as part of a cruel and discredited TB eradication scheme.
Minister Heather Humphreys
Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2
Tel: 01-631 3800
Director, Licensing Unit
National Parks and Wildlife Service
7 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Tel: 01-888 3214
05. Veterinary Nursing Association quizzed on coursing stance
The Irish Veterinary Nursing Association has been asked to outline its stance on hare coursing.
The representative body for veterinary nurses in Ireland was contacted after it emerged that a veterinary nurse acted as a judge at a hare coursing meeting.
The role of the horseback judge at a coursing meeting is to ride alongside the terrorised hare and identify the "winning" greyhound, i.e. the first of the two dogs to force the hare to change direction.
"As an association dealing with the alleviation of animal suffering, we would expect the IVNA to hold a strong anti-bloodsports stance, given the animal cruelty involved in hare coursing," ICABS stated in our correspondence.
We pointed out that hares used in coursing are trapped from the wild in nets, kept captive in compounds and forced to run for their lives in front of muzzled dogs. "Hares that are struck by the dogs can be mauled and severely injured, resulting in death," we added. "Every year, hares die at coursing meetings from such maulings, and every hare is subjected to stress and terror."
In response, a spokesperson for the IVNA pointed out that it "does not dictate the personal viewpoints of our members or to what organisations they can belong."
"However we, as an association, like to think that our members would take a negative viewpoint towards any activity involving the pain or suffering of an animal," the spokesperson added.
06. 212 Irish greyhounds killed for UCD veterinary students
Irish greyhounds have been sold to University College Dublin and dissected to teach anatomy to veterinary students, it has been revealed. A new report by the League Against Cruel Sports and GREY2K USA Worldwide presents copies of invoices which confirm the purchase of live dogs by UCD's Veterinary College.
The authors of the report, entitled "The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain - A mandate for change" express great concern about "University College Dublin’s continued practice of buying unwanted greyhounds and killing them specifically to use in veterinary anatomy studies".
The report outlines that in response to an information request, "the University provided receipts dating from 2006 to 2013 demonstrating that it had purchased a total of 212 greyhounds, at the price of between €80 and €87 each, all from a racing greyhound owner named Seamus Dooley."
Thirty-three dogs were purchased in 2013, the report reveals, adding that "the records make clear that all of the dogs were alive when purchased and killed by the University for the express purpose of teaching anatomy to veterinary students."
"Most racing greyhounds are viewed as commodities whose usefulness ends when they no longer bring in prize money, either through career-ending injuries or natural decline," Iain Blake-Lawson of the League Against Cruel Sports states in an introduction to the report. "After that, their life can go one of two ways: the lucky ones are adopted into loving homes and enjoy the creature comforts that every dog deserves. The rest – and no one knows how many dogs that currently is – are either killed (by a vet if they are fortunate) or shipped to Ireland where unwanted greyhounds are still sold for dissection. This needless killing must stop."
Read the League Against Cruel Sports and GREY2K USA Worldwide report at
For more information, visit
07. Greyhound-killing university launches dog calendar
An Irish university condemned for killing and dissecting greyhounds has launched a dog-themed animal welfare calendar.
The 'Owners and their dogs" 2015 calendar features photographs of celebrities alongside their canine friends. It aims to raise money for a University College Dublin Animal Welfare Fund which supports "patients within the UCD Vet Hospital that would not normally be able to receive treatment due to financial constraints".
Among the dog-loving celebrities featured in the calendar are Brendan O'Carroll, Kilinascully actor Joe Rooney, Fair City's Jim Bartley, snooker player Ken Doherty and Xpose presenter, Glenda Gilson.
No greyhound photos made it into the UCD calendar.
According to a report published this month, the university purchased a total of 212 greyhounds between 2006 and 2013 for using to train vets. Invoices obtained by GREY2K USA Worldwide show that last year, the university purchased 33 dogs. The group states that "the records make clear that all of the dogs were alive when purchased and killed by the University for the express purpose of teaching anatomy to veterinary students."
08. 11 Irish greyhounds suffocate to death on Irish Ferries ferry
French dog rescue group, AIRE France, has reported that 11 Irish greyhounds suffocated to death on an Irish Ferries ferry from Rosslare.
According to a report posted on the group's Facebook page, the greyhounds were found dead on board the Oscar Wilde ferry on Sunday 26th October.
The dogs were crammed two-to-a-cage in a truck and died of asphyxiation during the 14-hour journey from Ireland to Cherbourg.
The group outlined that the animals were sold by an Irish breeder and were bound for Spain. "They have paid with their lives for the greed of men," they stated.
AIRE France says that greyhounds are regularly being exported from Ireland to Spain, with 150 greyhounds being shipped over just a few weeks ago.
09. Investigation into deaths of greyhounds on ferry
RTE News, 29th October 2014
The Department of Agriculture has said it is investigating an incident in which 11 greyhounds were discovered dead in a van on board the Irish Ferries Oscar Wilde vessel just before it docked in France on Monday afternoon.
The greyhounds were being transported in cages in the van and it is believed they suffocated during the 14-hour journey from Rosslare to Cherbourg.
An Irish Ferries spokesperson said they were unaware the dogs were being transported in the vehicle.
The driver was questioned by French police but has since been released.
As a precaution, nine other pet owners travelling with their animals were held on board the vessel for a short time after it docked until the cause of the greyhounds’ deaths was established.
In a short statement the Department of Agriculture described the incident as "very serious" and said it is continuing to liaise with French authorities.
Meanwhile, Bord na gCon, which regulates greyhound racing in Ireland, said it was horrified at the deaths of the 11 greyhounds.
The board said it would provide all possible assistance to investigations into the incident by authorities in France and by the Department of Agriculture here to determine whether there has been breach of animal welfare regulations surrounding the transport of animals.
Watch the RTE News report at
10. Coursing cruelty continues this week in Freshford, Limerick and Leinster Open/Trim
Hares are again running for their lives this week as Ireland's cruel hare coursing continues. At the Freshford (Co Kilkenny), Limerick City and Leinster Open/Trim coursing meetings, hares will be used as live bait for greyhounds.
See below for more information about what happened to hares at these meetings in recent years.
ICABS is renewing its appeal to Minister Heather Humphreys to show compassion for the hares and withdraw the licence she shamefully issued for this cruelty.
Freshford Co Kilkenny 31 October and 1 November 2013
Coursers stated that 1 hare "required assistance" and 1 examined by vet, who stated that 1 hare was "unsuitable for coursing" on day 2. Note: Hares "requiring assistance" is a euphemism for hares that have been struck and mauled by greyhounds.
Freshford, Co Kilkenny - November 1/2, 2012
2 hares hit by dogs. Vet noted 2 hares injured. In a memo dated November 8, 2012, from one NPWS official to another, it was stated that "2 hares died in captivity prior to coursing" and "one hare was born in the hare park".
Limerick City, 2/3 November 2013
Coursers stated that 3 hares "required assistance", and were examined by a vet, who stated that 2 were "not suitable for coursing" on day 2.
Limerick City, November 5/6, 2011
10 hares struck by greyhounds, with 4 injured and 1 put down because of injuries, 1 “escaped”.
Trim, Co. Meath 2/3 November 2013
Coursers stated that 2 hares "required assistance" and 2 examined by vet, who deemed 1 "unsuitable for coursing" on day 2.
Express your support for a ban on coursing. Sign and share petitions
Stop Licensing Cruel Hare Coursing
Save Irish hares from cruel coursing
Ban horrific hare coursing cruelty in Ireland
Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
Urge Minister Heather Humphreys to show compassion for the persecuted Irish Hare and revoke the coursing licence she issued.
Email "Stop the cruelty. Revoke the hare coursing licence" to
Tel: (01) 631 3802 or (01) 631 3800
Leave a comment on Facebook -
Tweet to Heather Humphreys: @HHumphreysFG
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)
Dear Minister,
I am one of the majority who want hare coursing outlawed. I am writing to urge you to revoke the licence you issued to the Irish Coursing Club.
In coursing, hares suffer at all stages - during the capture, during the time they are kept in captivity and during the coursing meetings where they run for their lives in front of greyhounds. Among the injuries recorded are broken legs, damaged toes and dislocated hips. Every season, hare injuries and deaths are documented.
I ask you to please act on the wishes of the majority, show compassion and permanently revoke the licence.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Appeal to the Minister for Agriculture
Please appeal to the Minister for Agriculture to remove an exemption for hare coursing from the Animal Health and Welfare Act.
Simon Coveney, TD
Minister for Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Urgently contact An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and ask him to back a ban on hare coursing.
An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6194020
Fax: 01-6764048
Contact all your local TDs now. Demand that they urgently push for a ban on hare coursing and all bloodsports. Tell them you are one of the majority who want coursing banned. Remind them that coursing is already illegal in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Urge them to respect the wishes of the majority of the electorate and back a ban.
Find out their contact details
Please also arrange a meeting with your TDs at their local clinics.
11. Hare coursing club gets slap on the wrist for intimidating ranger
A coursing club that intimidated a National Parks ranger got a mere slap on the wrist by way of a letter, telling them not to do that again. In a Dail reply this week, Minister Heather Humphreys claimed that her approach "worked satisfactorily”.
On October 22 in Dail Eireann, Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan asked Minister for Arts and Heritage, Heather Humphreys why a hare coursing club that had intimidated a National Parks Ranger during a coursing meeting last year, was not sanctioned for their actions.
The Liscannor hare coursing club breached their licence conditions by intimidating the Ranger in the course of her duties. In her report (accessed by ICABS under FOI) the Ranger stated that she “wished to check the paddock on the morning of the (hare) releases but was unable to due to lack of cooperation and intimidation”.
All the coursing club got from National Parks head honchos and the Minister was a slap on the wrist by way of a letter, telling them not to do that again, which the Minister claimed was an “approach” that “worked satisfactorily”
Intimidating a ranger in the course of his/her duties is a serious transgression and should not be tolerated under any circumstances, and this club should have been sanctioned by withdrawing their licence for this coursing season at least and a prosecution taken under the Wildlife Act, but a mere slap on the wrist and a letter to the coursing bullies was all that was forthcoming. Not good enough, and totally disrespectful and undermining of the Wildlife Ranger in the course of her duties.
And this wasn’t the only breach - Mallow coursing club (whose 2014 coursing meeting continues today) refused to cooperate with another Wildlife Ranger by failing to turn up for a meeting to oversee the release of hares. The ranger stated in her report: “When I returned there (to the coursing field) at 16.00 and waited until 17.30, they did not arrive. While arranging this meeting they avoided giving me a mobile number by saying the organiser had no mobile and shrugging when I asked for someone else’s.”
And interestingly, both these incidents related to the Rangers checking the hares on release - what was it that the coursers didn’t want the Rangers to see? And do the National Parks & Wildlife Service HQ and the Minister really care?
12. Congratulations to newly elected TD, Paul Murphy
Congratulations to Paul Murphy on being elected a TD in the Dublin South West constituency. Paul supports a ban on Ireland's cruel bloodsports and fur farming and has campaigned on many animal issues over the years...
Paul Murphy (Socialist Party/Anti-Austerity Alliance) As an MEP Paul Murphy was active on many animal welfare issues at European Level. He highlighted the plight of the Galgos in Spain, banning the fur trade, etc
"The issue of the fishing of bluefin tuna is an issue that has come up in the European Parliament. Paul Murphy MEP and the Socialist Party oppose the fishing of bluefin tuna and have always taken a position of voting for measures to end the practice of fishing this endangered species. In the next period as the budget and the Common Fisheries Policy is debated in the Parliament you can be assured of Paul Murphy's support for the protection of Bluefin tuna." From a letter to ICABS from the office of Paul Murphy MEP, 13 August 2012.
The campaign against hare coursing "is a campaign that [Paul Murphy MEP] fully supports". from an email from Paul Murphy MEP's office, February 2012. Signed a Eurogroup for Animals animal welfare pledge, including "I will strive to ensure that animals are recognised as sentient beings in all legislation that comes before the Parliament and strive to ensure all existing animal welfare related legislation is properly enforced..."
13. Shame on Fine Gael MEPs for abstaining in EU animal cruelty vote
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports says "Shame on you" to the four Fine Gael MEPs who refused to support a European Parliament Budget Amendment which sought to end massive subsidies to barbaric bullfighting. The subsidies are estimated to be in the region of 130 million Euro of European taxpayers' money.
The result of the vote was very tight at 323 votes in favour, 309 votes against and 58 abstentions. Despite there being majority support for the amendment, it was rejected on the grounds that it didn't have a qualified majority of 376 votes. So, every vote was crucial to bring an end to these cruelty subsidies.
We are at a loss to understand why Fine Gael would choose to abtain from this vote, because it is a clearcut case of EU taxpayers money going towards horrific animal cruelty. We call on them to explain their shameful position. Shame on Deirdre Clune, Brian Hayes, Sean Kelly and Mairead McGuinness for sitting on their hands on an issue of horrific cruelty to animals. They had an opportunity today to vote to end the cash flow to the breeders of bulls that end up being tortured to death in bullrings.
We thank the Irish MEPs who voted in favour of the budget amendment - Lynn Boylan, Matt Carthy, Nessa Childers and Liadh Ní Riada as well as the Northern Irish MEPs Martina Anderson, Diane Dodds and Jim Nicholson.
Unavoidably absent from the vote were Luke Ming Flanagan, Brian Crowley and Marian Harkin (who is supportive of the campaign for a ban on bullfighting).
Ask the four Fine Gael MEPs why they abstained from voting for an end to massive subsidies for the cruel and barbaric bullfighting industry.
Send an email to all 4 MEPs or contact them individually below.
Mairead McGuinness, MEP
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Telephone: 041-6854633
Sean Kelly, MEP
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Telephone: 061-468788
Brian Hayes MEP
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Telephone: 0032 228 45275
Deirdre Clune MEP
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Telephone: 0032 228 45292
Fine Gael
51 Upper Mount Street
Dublin 2
Tel: 01 619 8444
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Send a tweet to:
14. Why were 3 uniformed Gardaí present at Glin hare coursing meeting?
Clare Daly TD has asked the Justice Minister "the reason three uniformed Gardaí were present at Glin hare coursing meeting on 3 and 4 October 2014; their purpose at the event; and if the coursing club will be covering the costs of the Garda presence."
Questions 126 - Answered on 16th October, 2014
Clare Daly, TD (Dublin North, United Left)
To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality the reason three uniformed Gardaí were present at Glin hare coursing meeting on 3 and 4 October 2014; their purpose at the event; and if the coursing club will be covering the costs of the Garda presence.
Minister for Justice and Equality (Ms. Frances Fitzgerald)
As the Deputy will appreciate, the Garda Commissioner is responsible for the distribution of all resources, including personnel, among the Garda Regions, Divisions and Districts. Garda management keep this distribution under continuing review in the context of crime trends and policing priorities so as to ensure that the best possible use is made of these resources.
I have asked the Commissioner for information on the specific issue referred to by the Deputy, and when it is to hand, I will write directly to the Deputy.
Please make a donation to ICABS
If you like our work, please consider making a donation. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty. Please become a supporter of our work today - click on the Paypal button at to make a donation or send a cheque made payable to ICABS to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.
15. Actress Mary McEvoy: "I don't believe in hunting or shooting"
Irish actress Mary McEvoy has spoken up for Irish animals, declaring that nature is important to her, she is not in favour of hunting or shooting and that she hates farmed animals being referred to as "units".
Speaking on RTE's John Murray radio show on Friday 3rd October, the former Glenroe star said she would never be seen with a [pro-bloodsports] RISE sticker on the back of her vehicle. "I don't believe in hunting, shooting, all that kind of stuff," she stated.
"I feel we miss the point if we ignore nature," she told listeners. "I believe in living in balance with nature and learning and working with it rather than dominating it. Modern farming methods are about domination rather than working with the soil. I feel the attitude we have to animals that give us food is so disrespectful."
Mary, who was a Department of Agriculture employee before breaking into acting, went on say that: "I hate the idea that we call our farm animals 'units'. They are living creatures and they die so we can live and I think we should take that a heck of a lot more seriously than we do. I'll probably end my days as a vegetarian."
Listen to Mary speaking on the John Murray Show at
Sign our "Ban Blood Sports in Ireland" petition
Sign Now
Please join us in appealing to the Minister for Agriculture to give wild animals the same protection that is given to domestic animals. Tell the Minister that since all animals are capable of suffering, all animals should be protected from cruelty. Demand the removal of an exemption for foxhunting from Ireland's Animal Health and Welfare Act.
Simon Coveney, TD
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Contact the Taoiseach and Tanaiste. Ask them to show compassion for foxes and hares and ban hunting and coursing.
An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street,
Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6194020
Fax: 01-6764048
An Tanaiste, Joan Burton
Office of the Tanaiste
Iveagh House,
80 St. Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01 6183566 (Dail)
Tel: 01 408 2000 (Iveagh House)
Fax: 01 408 2400
Email Enda Kenny and Joan Burton:,
16. Hare Preservation Trust condemns government's licensing of coursing
The Hare preservation Trust has criticised the Irish Government's licensing of cruel hare coursing.
The group described as "disturbing and puzzling" the continued licensing of an "horrific and extremely detrimental experience" to Irish Hares.
Hare Preservation Trust spokesperson, John Rimington BSc, stated: "In England and Wales this primitive and senselessly immature so-called 'sport' has been illegal since 2005 and it does unfortunately reflect adversely on the wisdom of your administration that it should continue on your soil."
"The poor outnumbered hare, even if the pursuing dogs are muzzled, often sustains distressing and potentially fatal injuries, which is of no consequence to the callous individuals who organise these outdated events," he stated in a letter to Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney. "This is in addition to the stress of originally netting and capturing the hares for transmission to the event, a trauma which has been estimated to result in a 50 per cent mortality rate amongst the hares even before the actual coursing has started."
He went on to highlight the vulnerability of coursed hares to stress myopathy, saying it produces a lingering and painful end for this vulnerable animal, with death occurring within hours or sometimes days of the onset.
"There is no intelligent logic to justify this wanton and needless abuse of an inoffensive sentient creature," Mr Rimington added. "Everyone associated with it is degraded in terms of rational humanity in what is a supposedly modern and civilised society."
Find out more about the work of the Hare Preservation Trust at
17. Minister dismissed calls to stop Mallow coursing meet
Minister Heather Humphreys dismissed calls for her to intervene to stop Mallow hare coursing meeting from going ahead earlier this month.
The call followed an apparent breach of condition number 18 of the hare coursing licence granted by her Department.
Documents obtained by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports under Freedom of Information show that at Mallow coursing meeting last year, a ranger encountered lack of co-operation. When she arranged to meet the coursers to release the hares, they failed to turn up and refused to give her a mobile number, telling her that the organiser had no mobile phone (a likely story in this day and age!).
According to condition 18 of the licence, coursing clubs "shall co-operate fully with any officer of the Minister and shall comply with any request made by such an officer in the course of his/her duties".
Last month, Minister Humphreys' office insisted that "all conditions of the licences must be fully adhered to" and that "breaches of the conditions of the licences will not be tolerated".
At another meeting - in Liscannor in September 2013 - the Conservation Ranger was intimidated by the coursers who refused to co-operate with her. In her report, she noted that following the meeting (at which 14 hares were hit by dogs, 1 injured and 3 mauled), she "wished to check the paddock on the morning of the releases but was unable to due to lack of co-operation and intimidation." Clearly a breach of licence condition 18, yet Liscannor apparently received no sanction and it was business as usual on 27th and 28th September 2014 when they held their meeting.
In a letter to Minister Humphreys, ICABS asked: "What kind of message does this send out to the coursing bullies - that it’s okay to intimidate National Parks and Wildlife Service staff and get away with it? This undermines the authority of the Conservation Ranger. Liscannor coursing club should have been denied a meeting this year, at the very least."
ICABS is continuing to lobby for a ban on all hare coursing across Ireland. With the 2014-15 coursing season underway, the suffering continues for hares as they are used as live lures for greyhounds. Please help end this barbaric bloodsport by responding to our action alert below and signing/sharing our petition.
Sign and share our petition - Stop Licensing Cruel Hare Coursing
Urge Minister Heather Humphreys to show compassion for the persecuted Irish Hare and withdraw the coursing licence she issued.
Email "Stop the cruelty. Revoke the hare coursing licence" to
Tel: (01) 631 3802 or (01) 631 3800
Leave a comment on Facebook -
Tweet to Heather Humphreys: @HHumphreysFG
18. Complaint upheld against "significantly misleading" Farmers Journal article
The Press Ombudsman has upheld a complaint by Sharon Ní Bheoláin that an article published in the Irish Farmers Journal on 24th May 2014 about an animal welfare conference she chaired was in breach of Principle 1 (Truth and Accuracy) of the Code of Practice for Newspapers and Magazines.
Ms Ní Bheoláin complained that the article attributed statements to her that she had not made at the meeting, that it included other significant factual errors, and that it misrepresented her contribution as chair of the meeting by omitting significant contextual information.
In its decision, (published in the Irish Farmers Journal of 18th October), the Press Ombudsman stated: "The newspaper initially resisted the complainant's contention that its report of the meeting was inaccurate and altered its position only after the complainant had sourced a transcript of the meeting to support her complaint."
The Ombudsman described the Irish Farmers Journal article as "significantly misleading".
19. Arts Council of Ireland urged to end funding of animal circuses
The Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS) is calling on the Arts Council of Ireland to end its funding of animal circuses. The call follows a recent meeting during which senior staff at the Council are said to have gone back on previous assurances that the policy on animal circuses would be reviewed. In the meeting, it was stated that the funding of animal circuses may continue for decades to come.
A spokesperson for CAPS labelled the news as “bitterly disappointing, following previous suggestions that funding of animal circuses may soon cease”.
An investigation carried out by CAPS in 2012 revealed that the Arts Council had handed over almost €1 million of taxpayers’ money to animal circuses between 2006 and 2012.
Urge the Arts Council to stop funding animal circuses.
Orlaith McBride
Director, Arts Council of Ireland
Tel: +353 1 618 0225
Callsave: 1850 392492
Leave a comment on Facebook
Tweet to @artscouncil_ie
Sample Letter
(If you have time, please compose your own personal letter. Otherwise, feel free to send the short sample letter below)
Dear Orlaith,
I am contacting you to complain about the Arts Council of Ireland's continued funding of animal circuses.
The exploitation of animals in circuses is not art, it is an outdated and cruel practice which has been banned in over 25 countries around the world.
I call on the Arts Council of Ireland to show compassion and stop using taxpayers money to support animal circuses.
Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
[Name / Location]
Find out more at
Sign a petition:
20. New Dublin wildlife book - "Doorstep Wilderness"
"Doorstep Wilderness - A Wilder Side of Dublin"
By Paul Hughes
Publishers Description: This astonishing collection of photographs chronicles the wildlife in our nation’s capital along the River Dodder. Despite the density of houses, office blocks and commuter traffic, the creatures survive in small areas of green. The riverbanks support a wide variety of trees and vegetation, home to many birds and small mammals.
The great drama and peril in this urban environment are superbly depicted. Waterfowl cautiously feed from the riverbank and aquatic vegetation. In turn, they and their vulnerable offspring are hunted by the ever-present predators, the fox and grey heron, while the otter hunts for fish. The photographs, taken mostly on the River Dodder, explore the startling change in the circle of life as it unfolds through the four seasons and plays out between the wild creatures that reside on our doorstep.
Find out more at
21. Irish cattle bound for Libya are being ‘beaten, stabbed, dragged by eye sockets’, 30 October 2014
More than 14,000 cattle have been exported to Libya so far this year and more will be on the way by the end of this week.
An animal welfare group has expressed concern about a plan to export another batch of cattle from Ireland to Libya this week.
The organisation, Compassion in World Farming, has conducted investigations into slaughtering in a number of countries in North Africa and the Middle-East, where many European farm animals are sent, and are exposed to what would be considered serious breaches of EU animal welfare law.
They have been calling on EU countries to desist from exporting live animals to countries that do not fall under the remit of the EU, to protect animals from what they describe as “hellish” deaths.
Pru Elliott, campaign officer with Compassion, told this week that animals who are sent to this part of the world often experience “brutal treatment” and “slow protracted deaths”.
When EU animals are exported for slaughter they face being tied up, beaten, having their tails snapped, being dragged by their limbs or even eye sockets and nostrils, shot at, stabbed and having their throats hacked at multiple times to kill them.
A video of an investigation in the Middle East last year shows some incredibly cruel practices used by those working in slaughter houses, which we should warn you, may be very upsetting to watch.
Elliott said that although Compassion has not been able to get investigators into Libya due to the obvious danger, conditions in the video are mirrored across the region, and once Irish farm animals board a ship, the treatment they receive is out of the hands of the Irish government.
Already this year, more than 14,000 cattle have been sent to Libya.
Past safety concerns
The ship involved is called Express 1, and has previously transported animals from Ireland as it is one of the vessels approved by the Department of Agriculture. It will arrive in Waterford this evening.
Earlier this year, Express 1 was detained by the UK coastguard over a number of safety and welfare concerns. Grounds for detection included inoperative fire detection and resisting systems and a lack of fire training among workers. It was noted that electrical devices were unsafe and that the vessel was dirty.
Following emergency training for staff and repairs to the vessel to ensure it was up to scratch, it was released by UK authorities in March.
Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney has always maintained that his department enforces a strict system of transport rules. In correspondence with Compassion earlier this year regarding the transport of cattle on Express 1, the department said the vessel will be subjected to any necessary inspections by the Port Authorities here when it arrives and veterinary officials will make preloading checks to ensure safe conditions for the animals.
22. Suspected dog fighting victim found with appalling injuries
A Yorkie dog discovered in an appalling condition in Limerick has lost her battle for life. The animal, found in dumped in bushes in the Shannon banks area, suffered bites all over her chest and is suspected to have been used as bait in local dog fighting activities.
"I just can't comprehend why or how someone can let an animal get into such a state and then just dump it and be nearly certain they will get away with it," said vet John O'Dwyer of Limerick's Small Animal Hospital. "It is just unfair and wrong. If only there was certainty of these cruel people being caught and punished maybe I would not have to face into treating a dog with maggots growing in its mouth again."
Images of the injured animal may be seen at
If anyone can identify this dog or knows who is responsible for what happened to her, please contact the Gardai now.
23. Limerick cat loses leg in illegal trap
Cat loses leg after being caught in illegal trap in Limerick housing estate
Limerick Post, September 4, 2014
by Alan Jacques
A family pet has had its leg amputated this week after being snared in a horrific steel jaw animal trap in a city housing estate.
Storm, a two-year-old cat that was adopted from Limerick Feral Cats as a kitten, is said to be “lucky to be alive” after being trapped in the spring-operated jaws of a gin trap in the Norwood Park/ Lynwood Park area of the city last Thursday. Gin traps have been illegal in Ireland under the Wildlife Act of 1976 — almost 40 years ago.
The cat was allowed out for a run in the city estate last Thursday evening after its owner returned from a two-week holiday. The animal was later discovered around 10pm under a neighbour’s car in a state of shock with something attached to its paw.
“I could not believe what I saw. She was hiding under my neighbours tree with this huge snare attached to her leg. We brought her out to our vet straight away and he was also very shocked to see this thing on her,” the cat’s owner told the Limerick Post.
“Storm was sedated and we needed two people to release the trap and free her paw. Her paw and pads felt very cold and the vet decided to keep her in overnight in the hope that the blood flow would go back into her paw and maybe save her leg. However, there was no blood flow or nerve reaction in the paw at all, so the vet advised to amputate her leg,” she explained.
Storm’s loving owner believes the animal would not have survived had it not been discovered by her neighbours in the Norwood Park/ Lynwood Park area of the city. In a desperate attempt to get home, the cat managed to scale a 3ft wall and tried to chew through the trap.
“We believe she did not get trapped very far from our house. She also had a bit of blood around her mouth, probably from chewing the wire attached to this snare. This trap was not just lying around, it was set deliberately. The person who did this has no morals, conscience or respect for anything living. This snare is barbaric. It causes a horrendous injury and in some cases death to an animal. A small child could have got her hand stuck in this trap,” warned the upset pet owner.
Mary Mollica of Limerick Feral Cats deemed it “unbelievable” that anyone could be so “cruel and barbaric” as to set an illegal trap.
“This cat is so lucky to be alive. If this had been a stray cat or feral cat that had gotten trapped, it would have died a horrible death of pain and suffering wasting away under some bush,” Ms Mollica predicted.
According to the Limerick Feral Cats spokeswoman, Limerick City and County Council now needs to start helping out with the funding for TNR (trap neuter return), to decrease the number of cats multiplying in the city and county.
“Maybe then cruel people won’t take matters into their own hands. All ferals and strays come from unneutered tame cats which are left out by their owners. Poor Storm was not, she is a much loved cat and luckily her owner was willing to spend a huge amount to pay for her care. She had to have her leg amputated because of this which cost hundreds of euro too and she was in agonising pain,” she concluded.
Gardai at Henry Street are now investigating the incident.
Help us to catch those who may still be selling these barbaric and illegal traps. Please have a look in general supplies stores, fishing/hunting supplies shops, hardware shops, builder providers, antiques stores, etc to determine if these traps are available for sale anywhere. If you spot one on sale (or if you know of someone who is setting them), immediately contact the Gardai, your local wildlife conservation ranger and/or report it to ICABS.
24. Not long enough: 10 months jail for setting dog on fire
Viewpoint: Ten months not long enough for pain Cody suffered
Belfast Daily, October 7, 2014
On August 26, 2012, the life of Cody the Collie dog changed forever. It also turned the lives of her owners and family upside down.
That Sunday morning, Cody followed two boys who were out still drinking or trying to sober up from the night before near her home in Moira, Co Down.
Cody was not causing any harm or offence. She was just a curious dog who thought no harm would come to her if she went for a walk with them.
As the lads approached a quarry, Jamie Downey decided he needed to relieve himself of his night’s drinking.
When he turned his back, his thug pal Andrew Stewart took lighter fluid from his pocket, poured it over Cody and then set her on fire.
On hearing Cody’s screams, Downey turned round and shouted: “What the f**k did you do that for? She wasn’t doing any harm.”
Instead of turning Stewart in to the police, Downey went along with a concocted alibi for his drinking pal.
Today, at Belfast Crown Court, Andrew Stewart was jailed for ten months for animal cruelty. He will serve another 10 months on supervised licence following his release.
Jamie Downey got six months for perverting the course of justice.
Stewart’s sentence for his “evil and vile” attack on the poor defenceless Cody is just simply not long enough.
A person can get more for kicking a police riot shield or throwing missiles at police lines during public disorder. A person can get more for taking a car without the owner’s position. A person can get more for peddling drugs. A person can get more for stealing thousands of founds from a bank. The list goes on and on and on.
Cody meant the world to her family. She was part of the family and they loved her and miss her greatly.
The judiciary should reflect long and hard on animal welfare sentences because Northern Ireland is a nation of animal lovers and they expect the courts to reflect the public’s revulsion at such crimes.
The public want to see that those who inflict wicked cruelty and unnecessary suffering to animals to be made an example of to those who think it is perfectly normal to mistreat animals for so-called fun or sport.
When the Welfare of Animals (Northern Ireland) Act 2011 was passed, the public was promised that the new legislation would “provide tougher penalties for serious animals welfare sentences”.
Ten months in jail for dousing a dog with petrol and then setting it alight is not a tough enough sentence.
The maximum sentence is two years under the 2011 legislation.
Frankly, our well paid Assembly members should take the legislation back to the floor of the Assembly and have the maximum increased to a minimum of five years.
Andrew Stewart should have got no credit by the judge for his guilty plea as his trial was about to start.
He denied these offences when he was arrested; he denied them when he was charged; he denied them when he was arraigned; he denied them even when a jury was a sworn in to hear his case.
For a gutless coward who ended the life of a much loved family pet he should have received the maximum of two years in jail.
It would have sent out a clear and unequivocal message that the courts will come down extremely hard on those who abuse, mistreat or causing unnecessary suffering or harm to them.
Cody only got a partial justice today at Belfast Crown Court.
It is up to the public to bring pressure to bear on their fat cat MLAs to review the Welfare of Animals Act 2011 law and have the maximum term of imprisonment for animal cruelty upped to a minimum of five years.
All animals needs protection from the warped and the twisted who think they are expendable, to be used in blood sports or can be attacked for loutish fun.
Don’t let Cody’s horrific death be in vane.
Lobby your MLA today and ask him or her to support a motion for the legislation to be toughened.
Do we as a society really want animal welfare offenders to receive ten months in a cushy prison surrounded by Playstations, X -Box consoles, HD television, Astro turf football pitches and a ready access to recreational and prescription drugs.
Cody deserves better. All animals deserve better.
At the end of the day, we, the public, are their voice to end the unnecessary and barbaric suffering meted out to them for no good reason at all.
25. Wild pigs saved from drowning are shot dead by hunter
The Dutch Government is being urged to take action against a gamekeeper who killed 8 wild pigs immediately after they had been rescued from drowning.
The hunter, employed by the government, blasted the animals to death on a canal bank after firemen pulled them from the water. reported that "the exhausted animals were unable to clamber up the bank of the Zuid-Willemsvaart canal near Weert and were pulled out by firemen in two rubber boats. However, once the animals were brought to land, a gamekeeper shot them dead, stating there is a zero tolerance policy for boar in that part of the country."
"As unbelievable as it seems, this cruel act of first saving the boar from drowning in a canal and then shooting them after they got out of the water was committed by a government employee," outlines a statement on the petition website. "He decided to shoot the animals even though there are two wildlife reserves where they could have been placed. We must help ensure that the Dutch Government is held accountable for killing these innocent animals. They need to hear that the international community is outraged over this unnecessary violence."
The police are now investigating the shooting because it occurred on a Sunday, when no hunting is allowed. They are also investigating the decision to bring in the hunter in the first place.
A petition calling for the government employee's hunting licence to be revoked may be signed at
Video footage showing the rescue can be viewed at
26. Dail Questions and Answers
Clare Daly: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will clarify his previous statements that his Department does not use snares in the culling of badgers and his plans with reports that show this practice is taking place.
For ORAL answer on Tuesday, 23rd September, 2014.
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine: (Simon Coveney) My Department’s wildlife policy has been developed in response to research conducted over many years which has demonstrated that the eradication of the disease is not a practicable proposition until the reservoir of infection in badgers is addressed. Capturing of badgers takes place under Section 34 of the 1976 Wildlife Act in areas where serious outbreaks of TB have been identified in cattle herds and where Department veterinarians have found following an epidemiological examination that badgers are the likely source of infections.
The mechanism used to capture the badgers is a restraint which is specifically designed with a ‘stop’ so as not to tighten beyond a predetermined point and so will not cause death by strangulation. All restraints are monitored daily and any badgers are removed within a maximum of 24 hours of capture. A condition of the licence granted is that restraints are checked before noon the next day. Capturing of badgers is not permitted during the months of February and March in new capture areas.
Research undertaken at the Centre for Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis (CVERA) in UCD has shown that damage/injury to captured badgers is none or minimal while in the stopped restraint and lower than with other capture methodologies. My Department also monitors the animal welfare aspects of badger culling on an ongoing basis and is satisfied that the existing culling arrangements and procedures result in minimal injury to badgers.
In tandem with the badger removal programme, my Department continues to sponsor research and trials into developing a vaccination programme to control Tuberculosis in badgers, thus improving the overall health status of that species, and break infection link to cattle. The research to date has demonstrated that oral vaccination of badgers in a captive environment with BCG vaccine generates high levels of protective immunity against bovine TB. Current research is aimed at confirming that such a protective effect holds true in the wild population.
My Department’s ultimate objective is to incorporate badger vaccination into the TB eradication programme when data is available to ensure that it can be incorporated in an optimally effective and sustainable manner. A number of field trials are ongoing with this objective in mind, but it is anticipated that it will be a number of years before a viable oral delivery method can be put in place and, therefore, targeted badger removals will continue in the medium term in the interests of ensuring that the progress achieved in recent years in combating TB in cattle is maintained.
Questions 388 and 389 - Answered on 14th October, 2014
Clare Daly, TD (Dublin North, United Left): To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the number of hare coursing meetings the National Parks and Wildlife Service intend to monitor in 2014.
To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht the reason no post-mortem evidence has been supplied to the National Parks and Wildlife Service to confirm the number of hares cited as dying from natural causes at coursing meetings.
Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Heather Humphreys
I propose to take Question Numbers 388 and 389 together.
Licences were issued by my Department in August under the Wildlife Acts to the Irish Coursing Club on behalf of their affiliated clubs to facilitate the tagging and capturing of hares for the purpose of hare coursing for the 2014/15 coursing season.
The control of live hare coursing, including the operation of individual coursing meetings and managing the use of hares for that activity, is carried out under the Greyhound Industry Act 1958, which is the responsibility of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Hare coursing is administered by the Irish Coursing Club, which is a body set up under the Greyhound Industry Act 1958.
Where resources allow, officials of the National Parks and Wildlife Service of my Department attend coursing meetings, on a spot-check basis, to monitor compliance with conditions on the licences granted by my Department. Veterinary officials from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine also attend some meetings on an annual basis.
To assist my officials in the monitoring of these events, my Department also receives reports from the Irish Coursing Club Control Stewards and Veterinary Surgeons in attendance on the day of hare coursing meetings.
It is a licence condition that a qualified veterinary surgeon should be in attendance during all coursing meetings and that a signed report on the general health of the hares and on any injuries or deaths of hares that occur during the meeting should be submitted to my Department. While I understand that post-mortem examinations are carried out at coursing meetings in certain circumstances, it is not a licence condition that reports on these examinations are submitted to the Department. I have asked my officials to consider the issue of obtaining post mortem reports in advance of the 2015/2016 season.
27. Campaign Quotes
"Last year I submitted a petition to the Millstreet town park committee, signed by 52 people who enjoy a walk in the park and who objected to the park being closed for 6-7 weeks over the winter (..for the purposes of hare coursing)...A dozen signs shout at dog owners to clean up after the dog and not to let the dog off the lead..spouting the usual health and safety line. I’ve seen 3 young men carried of the park in stretchers in the last 12 months. None were attacked by dogs. The only savaging that goes on by dogs is that which happens during the coursing..." from Save Millstreet Town Park,, October 12, 2014
"My personal stance is yes, I would favour a ban on this animal cruelty [hare coursing and foxhunting]." Cllr Janice Boylan (Sinn Fein, Dublin City Council) from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.
"Short answer...Yes" - Cllr Jennifer Whitmore (Independent, Wicklow County Council), in reply to an ICABS email enquiry asking "Are you in favour of a ban on cruel hare coursing and foxhunting?" October 2014.
"Yes [I am in favour of a ban on hare coursing and foxhunting]" Cllr Marcia D'Alton (Independent, Cork County Council) from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014.
"I am against hare coursing but do not have a problem with foxhunting" Cllr Ruairi McGinley (Independent, Dublin City Council)
from a tweet to ICABS, October 2014. ICABS has urged Cllr McGinley to reconsider his stance on foxhunting and sent him information about the terrible cruelty involved.
"Lynn is in full agreement that bullfighting should never be subsidised by the European Union." from the office of Lynn Boylan MEP who co-signed an amendment which sought to stop massive EU subsidies to the bullfighting industry. October 2014.
"Unfortunately, the absolute majority is required and the amendment was rejected, which heaps a heavy responsibility on those MPs who abstained—complicit in this rejection. The good news is that now, the majority of European members of parliament are openly anti-bullfighting and the bullfight lobby just received a major smack-down. This European budget vote will certainly be the last to support bullfighting subsidies. We’ve reached a new level towards abolition — we’ve never been this close.” Roger Lahana, CRAC Europe on a European Parliament vote to end subsidies for breeders of bulls for bullfighting. October 22nd 2014.
"We regret the failure of a majority MEPs to back a Green amendment aimed at preventing the brutal bullfighting industry from benefiting from EU agricultural funds. The Spanish blood-sport lobby succeeded in ensuring the EU continues to bankroll bull breeders for this shameful activity. However, with a large number of MEPs having supported the proposal, this sends a strong message that this untenable situation must be brought to an end." The Greens in the European Parliament spokesperson Indrek Tarand MEP (Estonia), 22nd October 2014.
"We went to great lengths to ensure we were not doing anything that would prevent people from continuing to participate in field sports as they would have in the past...The reason we make an exception for fishing, hunting and coursing is that everyone accepts that there is a level of stress and animal suffering in fishing, hunting and coursing but that this is a part of these activities." Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney explaining in Seanad Éireann, 22/May/2012, why bloodsports were exempted from the provisions of the Animal Health and Welfare Act. Without Coveney's specific exemptions, coursing and foxhunting would be illegal in Ireland.
Landowners have been condemned for shooting more than 1500 mountain hares this year in the Lammermuir Hills, southeast of Edinburgh. Wildlife and animal rights groups say that the "mass slaughter" of a much-loved Scottish species is unjustified and cruel. But landowners insist the cull is necessary to protect grouse from disease so that they can be shot for sport..."Most people will be unable to see any justification for killing an iconic species, known to be in decline, on such an industrial scale," said Libby Anderson, policy director at OneKind, an Edinburgh-based animal welfare group. "This goes far beyond hunting for the pot or what some may call sport - it looks more like extermination. Killing in springtime is likely to involve the deaths of pregnant or lactating females, adding to the toll of suffering." from Outrage over mountain hare 'massacre', Herald Scotland, 28 September 2014
In South Korea, not only are many Catholic priests fans of dog meat, they often encourage their congregation to go out and eat dog meat and even sell dog meat at their church bazaars. Fed up with their hypocrisy, members of several animal rights groups in South Korea protested on August 18, 2014 when Pope Francis came to visit Korea. The English translation of the banner held up alongside the Papal parade route reads, “Pope, priests and followers, please put an end to the slaughter and consumption of dogs.” This group also plans to send an official letter to the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Korea urging them to stop eating dog meat. from South Korean activists protest against eating dogs during Papal visit, September 5, 2014
John Fitzgerald said the Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports believed the alleged breach of its licence by the Mallow club should be a serious matter of concern to the Minister. "We have asked the Minister to use her powers under the Wildlife Act to prevent the Mallow event from going ahead in view of the club's breach of the licence condition," said Mr Fitzgerald. "If she fails to intervene on this occasion, her department will have no credibility in its dealings with coursing clubs and the authority of all conservation rangers will be undermined," he concluded. from CACS bid to halt Mallow coursing meet 'refuted', The Corkman, 18/10/2014
28. Letters to the Editor
Help raise awareness about Ireland's animal cruelty issues - write letters to the editors of local and national newspapers to speak out against hare coursing, foxhunting, etc.
Hare Coursing
Douglas Post, 9th October 2014
Fine Gael's attempt to cynically use an appointment to the Irish Museum of Modern Art to help turn a Donegal businessman into a Senator has prompted the question (among others): who do our political leaders really think of Arts and Culture in Ireland?
I may be able to help with that query. Of all the government departments, it is the Arts and Culture one that has been assigned the duty and "honour" of issuing the annual licence permitting over seventy coursing clubs to net hares in our countryside; not for scientific research or any artistic or culture purpose, but to serve as live bait for pairs of savage dogs, to be terrorised, mauled, tossed about like rag dolls, or otherwise injured for the edification of gamblers and bloodsport fans.
Hare coursing is as far removed from art and culture as you can get. It is a criminal offence in many jurisdictions, including Northern Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and most of continental Europe. Yet not only does our government allow this barbarism. It entrusts the licensing of this legalised animals cruelty...this calculated assault on our wondrous wildlife heritage, to a department that should not be remotely associated with such a practice. You won't find too many connoisseurs of the arts watching hares being chased across windswept, water-logged fields in the depths of winter, or sipping from whiskey flasks as the animals screech like babies when struck or pinned down by the greyhounds.
And yet it is Minister Heather Humphreys, a cultured and honourable woman, who is tasked with licensing the obscenity that is live hare coursing.
If that's what our government, and the political establishment generally, thinks of arts and culture, then artists and those who promote or facilitate artistic activity should be seriously worried!
John Fitzgerald
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports
Stop wasting taxpayer money on greyhounds
Irish Examiner, October 28th 2014
It has been revealed in the Irish Examiner (October 24) that the Irish Greyhound Board’s debt has increased significantly, with €21 million spent on a racing stadium in Limerick which has been criticised by the Comptroller and Auditor General.
Again the Irish taxpayer is picking up the tab for this reckless spending, courtesy of a €13.6m grant in the latest budget while other deserving sectors see their budget allocations dwindle year after year.
This week, it was the minister for the environment’s proud boast that he had given a measly €2m to the increasing homeless problem. Up to 45 families become homeless every month and the Government chooses to pour €13.5m down a black hole that is the greyhound industry.
Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney has no problem throwing good money after bad at a time when an Indecon report commissioned by the same minister into the greyhound industry reveals there have been “substantial falls in attendances (at the dog tracks) and revenues”.
The report states that the “figures on turnover for Bord na gCon showed a worrying downward trend since 2006”, concluding that “the scale of the decline is dramatic”.
It’s way past time for the Government to divest itself of greyhound racing, scrap Bord na gCon and the Greyhound Industry Act and stop wasting taxpayers’ money on a discredited game where animal welfare leaves a lot to be desired.
Eadaoin de Oirghiolla
Tide turns against bullfighting
Irish Independent, 29th October 2014
Bullfighting and other cruel blood sports continue to shame twenty-first century society, but thankfully the tide is turning in the battle against such practices.
This month's vote in the European Parliament to end EU subsidies to farmers who breed bulls for Spanish bullrings received unprecedented support - with 323 of the 690 MEPs voting for it. Some 309 voted against. Unfortunately, this majority was not sufficient to see the proposal pass, as 58 MEPs abstained in the vote and the required majority quorum of 376 was therefore not achieved.
Even so, the result is a major step forward in the campaign to end the indirect funding of bullfighting by EU taxpayers via the subsidies. A majority of MEPs are now openly against bullfighting and the next vote on the subsidies issue will bring closer the demise of this nightmarish blood sport. Each year, the EU provides an estimated €130m through Common Agriculture Policy payments to people who breed bulls specifically for bullfighting.
Bullfighting relies heavily on the subsidies. Without these payments, the horrific "industry" would be on the brink of collapse as attendances are already down at all bull rings in Spain and most Spaniards, according to opinion polls, are now opposed to the practice.
Though it may seek to hide behind the mantles of custom and tradition, and in spite of all the romanticism surrounding it, the truth about bullfighting is unambiguous: each bull is subjected to deliberate and agonising torture.
At the end of the performance he plunges his sword between its shoulder blades.
John Fitzgerald
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports
Callan, Co Kilkenny
29. Petitions
Ban Blood Sports in Ireland Now
Minister Humphreys - Stop Licensing Cruel Hare Coursing
Minister Coveney: Save Irish hares from cruel coursing
Irish Government: Save foxes and dogs from horrific cruelty
Irish Government: Save foxes and dogs from horrific cruelty
Minister Simon Coveney: Ban ALL Tail Docking - No Exemptions
Stop badger snaring cruelty NOW
Petition to Ban horrific Hare Coursing Cruelty in Ireland
Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
Protect the Irish Hare
End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland
Limerick Racecourse: Stop hosting cruel hare coursing
Coillte - Ban hunters from your forests
Ban Fur Sales on eBay
Stormont Northern Ireland Assembly: Ban Fox and Stag Hunting in Northern Ireland
Ban Torturous Hanging of Greyhounds in Spain
Dunnes Stores: Lift Ban on Animal Charities Fundraising
Arts Council of Ireland: Stop funding animal circuses
Stop the EU funding bullfighting
Stop Torturing Bears: End Bear Bile Farming In China
Add report option "Animal Abuse" on Facebook
End Bullfighting in France
STOP Spain's cruel and barbaric Toro de la Vega
Protect Pygmy Rabbit from Extinction
Save the Wild Tigers of Vietnam
Demand an End to Civet Coffee Bean Farming
Stop upcoming wolf hunt in Wisconsin
Please make a donation to ICABS
If you like our work, please consider making a donation. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty.
Please become a supporter of our work today - click on the Paypal button at to make a donation or send a cheque made payable to ICABS to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.
Top ways you can help the campaign
Keep hunters off your land
Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at
Tune in to the ICABS Channel
Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed
on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - or by clicking
on "Videos" at Please ask your local TD/Senator
to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.
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Please consider making a donation to ICABS. For more details, please click on the button below or
follow this link to find out how to become a campaign supporter. Thank you.
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