
Animal Voice, Issue 11, November 2013
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports

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In this month's edition:

01. New campaign video urges Simon Coveney to ban digging-out and terrierwork
02. Minister Coveney announces tail docking by non-vets won't be allowed
03. Clare Daly questions Justice Minister over racist material on greyhound site
04. Gardai investigating vile comments about Roma on hunting forum
05. IFA presidential candidate is hunt supporter
06. Cork SPCA thanks - and apologises to - digging-out and terrierwork group
07. Done Deal will look into its sale of traps and snares
08. Bandon website urged to remove hunting from activities page
09. Disgust at TD who attended coursing meeting
10. Furrier ordered to pay anti-fur campaigner 9,000 Euro damages
11. "I would support any legislation that would ban coursing": Wexford Cllr
12. Balbriggan - Reject cruel hare coursing
13. Dublin horse dies after being set alight
14. Jet2Holidays thanked for removing bullfight suggestion
15. Bookable Holidays - trip to bullfight is "great day trip"
16. Anti-fur protest, Dublin 30th November
17. Council bans circus acts using animals
18. Greyhound Board blasted over taxpayer-funded stadium costs
19. Parliamentary Questions and Answers
20. Campaign Quotes
21. Letters to the Editor
22. Petitions

01. New campaign video urges Simon Coveney to ban digging-out and terrierwork

A new ICABS campaign video is part of a renewed appeal to Agriculture Minister, Simon Coveney, to act with compassion and ban the horrific practices of digging-out and terrierwork. The Minister is being urged not to turn his back on the dogs and foxes that are continuing to suffer appalling injuries and deaths across the countryside.

Watch the video at


Urge Minister Coveney to ban digging out and terrierwork.

Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.

Dear Minister,

I support the Irish Council Against Blood Sports' call on you to urgently outlaw both digging out and terrierwork. These horrendous acts of cruelty are carried out by sadistic individuals and also by merciless foxhunting groups (when terrified foxes try to find refuge underground). There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for this shameful animal abuse and it must be stopped.

Please make it an offence NOW to dig out any animal or send terriers below ground to catch and attack animals under any circumstances. I also call on you to outlaw the use of packs of hounds to harass, attack, injure and/or kill any animal.

Thank you, Minister. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name and Location]


02. Minister Coveney announces tail docking by non-vets won't be allowed

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney has announced that tail docking and the removal of dogs' claws won't be allowed by non-vets.

Speaking in Mullingar at the AGM of Veterinary Ireland, the Minister said that exemptions for the docking of "certain breeds" in "certain circumstances" may be considered but only if scientific evidence shows that it is of benefit to the welfare of the dog. While it is unclear what this actually means, it is hoped that with Irish vets disallowed from performing tail docking on healthy tails, there will be a rejection of calls by hunters to allow hunting dogs to be mutilated.

Bloodsports groups have been applying pressure on the Minister to grant them exemptions from the provisions of the Animal Health and Welfare Act to carry out the cruel and painful procedures. But according to the veterinary profession, such amputations are unethical and cannot be justified.

In a Morning Ireland interview earlier this month, Veterinary Ireland's Alan Rossiter outlined that any vet that carries out tail docking risks being struck off.

"We actually can't do it," he said. "We're disbarred by the Veterinary Council of Ireland from doing this procedure. If I did it, I could be struck off because they are unethetical procedures, they confer no benefit to the animal; they only cause pain and risk to the animal."

Asked if there are any situations that would justify the docking of a tail, Mr Rossiter said: "There is a debate that the incidence of injury of tails in hunting dogs may be high enough to warrant the preventative removal of that tail. Now, we've looked at this in a very objective manner and all the studies we've looked at so far have said that the incidence of injury just isn't high enough to warrant cutting off all their tails. If it was, we would have a different opinion."

"The Veterinary Council has looked at this and they came up with the same opinion and that's why we've been told not to do it," he added.

Despite the veterinary council's conclusions, the Minister is yet to announce a blanket ban on all tail docking. He is understood to be awaiting the results of a Scottish study into the issue before making a final decision. With hunters pressurising the Minister to exempt their dogs, it is imperative that we continue calling for ALL dogs to be spared the pain of tail docking.

Until Minister Simon Coveney confirms that there will be no exemptions for hunting dogs, please sign our petition and encourage others to do so too.

Please Sign it Now and contact the Minister for clarification.

Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.


03. Clare Daly questions Justice Minister over racist material on greyhound site

Dublin North TD, Clare Daly, has questioned Justice Minister Alan Shatter about racist material posted on an Irish greyhound website. The Minister responded to say that "the material referred to is being examined by An Garda Siochana".

Question 809 - Answered on 5th November, 2013

Clare Daly, TD (Dublin North, United Left):

To ask the Minister for Justice and Equality the action he is taking in relation to the racist material posted on the greyhound nuts website and which posted significant anti Roma and anti traveller commentary; and if this is a breach of the Incitement to Hatred Act.

Minister for Justice and Equality Alan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael):

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the material referred to is being examined by An Garda Siochana. The Deputy will appreciate that the question of any further action or investigation in relation to this issue is a matter for the Garda authorities and it would not be appropriate for me to comment in this regard.


04. Gardai investigating vile comments about Roma on hunting forum

Probe into web comments about Roma
Irish Examiner, November 09, 2013

Gardai are investigating an Irish online forum over comments aimed at the Roma community.

Dublin TD Maureen O’Sullivan has asked Justice Minister Alan Shatter if the site would be liable under the Incitement to Hatred Act if racist comments were found to be made.

The posts on the private members’ site followed the recent cases where children were removed from two Roma families by gardaí.

The HSE and gardaí yesterday submitted their internal reports on those cases to Children’s Minister Frances Fitzgerald and Justice Minister Alan Shatter.

Ms Fitzgerald said she forwarded the HSE reports to the Children’s Ombudsman Emily Logan, who is conducting an inquiry. Mr Shatter said he was studying the Garda reports and would send them to Ms Logan.

Meanwhile, gardaí are investigating complaints over a series of comments about Roma people on an internet forum of animal sports fans.

Alleged remarks referred to the Roma as "vermin" and advised people to keep an eye on their blonde children. Another post referred to two Roma producing a "blonde pup".

Mr Shatter said the gardaí were investigating and any further action was a matter for them.


05. IFA presidential candidate is hunt supporter

Irish Farmers Association presidential candidate, Eddie Downey, is a hunt supporter who gave his backing to the pro-bloodsports RISE campaign.

He is being backed in his bid for president by hunting groups who have organised a "Hunt for Downey" campaign. At a hunt in Meath this month, he was photographed shaking hands with hunters and thanking them for their support.

Downey, current deputy president of the IFA, was one of the speakers at a 2010 RISE gathering in Waterford which protested against the Green Party's work to ban carted deer hunting.

In a statement headed "Pro-hunting campaign welcomes farming support", the RISE group claimed at the time that "Vice President of the Irish Farmers’ Association, Eddie Downey, has given his organisation’s support to the campaign. Mr Downey said the campaign to defend hunting and other traditional rural sports was an integral part of the wider battle to defend rural Ireland."

In response, ICABS highlighted to the IFA President the appalling cruelty involved in blood sports and the fact that a majority of Irish people are opposed to these activities.

"It is highly inappropriate for the national farming organisation (which depends on this very majority to purchase its members' produce) to come out in support of animal cruelty," we stated in our 2010 letter. "As you are no doubt aware, the majority of farmers want nothing to do with hunts due to fears about disease spread, the disturbance of farm animals and damage to pastures and field boundaries."

Quoted in the Irish Times of May 4, 2010, a spokesman for the IFA denied that they have links with the RISE group. "They are a separate organisation," he said. "The IFA is a very separate organisation." In the same article, Socialist MEP Joe Higgins called on the IFA and the ICMSA to "carefully consider" whether they supported the hunt because farming organisations depended on "millions of us buying their produce".

According to a foxhunting website: "Eddie is a great supporter of hunting, shooting and fishing."

Downey is currently listed as chairman of pro-bloodsports IFA Countryside. In a message on its website, he says "As Chairman of IFA Countryside and Deputy President of IFA, I meet people outside farming all the time who live, work and enjoy the countryside. Many of these people are involved in rural pursuits such as walking, fishing and hunting. Rural people have a great interest and place great value on the environment and in recent years there has been a growing awareness of rural activities. Many people visit farmland as guests to enjoy their field sports such as walking, fishing or hunting."

Shamefully, some of Ireland's worst cruelty to animals - foxhunting, digging-out and terrierwork - are among the activities embraced by IFA Countryside.


Between now and the IFA presidential elections in late November/early December, please notify all your farming friends about the pro-hunting stance of Eddie Downey.

Plagued by hunts trespassing on your land? Please visit the "Farmers" section of our website for information and advice -


06. Cork SPCA thanks - and apologises to - digging-out and terrierwork group

The Cork SPCA has thanked a pro-bloodsports group for donating dog food.

According to the website of the so-called Irish Working Terrier Federation, "the staff of the Cork Society would like to express their gratitude to the I.W.T.F. for the donation of dog food delivered to their animal shelter in August."

The website goes on to say that, due to "concerted pressure" from those opposed to bloodsports, "unfortunately the post on the societies [sic] Facebook page thanking the federation had to be withdrawn."

The website quotes a member of the Cork SPCA staff as telling the terrierwork group "We are really sorry."

Cork SPCA is not affiliated to the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The ISPCA's Policy on Wild Animals states that "the ISPCA is, in principle, opposed to the taking or killing of wild animals, or the infliction of any suffering on them. This includes the hunting, taking and killing of wild animals for the purposes of sport...The Society opposes foxhunting, live hare coursing, stag hunting and otter hunting. The Society particularly opposes 'sports' which involve the blocking of earths or the digging out of animals that have gone to ground as part of their natural defence mechanism."


Read our leaflet: Help stop digging-out & terrierwork

Watch our campaign video

Please contact the Minister for Agriculture and demand an end to digging out and terrierwork.

Minister for Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
CC: (An Taoiseach)
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.


07. Done Deal will look into its sale of traps and snares

Responding to a complaint from a member of the public, classified ads website Donedeal has said that it will "look into" its sale of cruel traps and snares.

"We understand your concern as we are animal lovers here at DoneDeal as well," a spokesperson for the company stated. "We currently do not have any policy against users selling just traps and snares, however we will look into this further."

ICABS is urging Done Deal to show compassion for the animals that suffer and die in traps and snares and add them to its list of prohibited items.

Ask Done Deal to stop profiting from the sale of traps and snares and stop allowing them to be advertised on its website.

Donedeal, Unit B, Tuskar House, Johns Gate Street, Wexford. Email:


08. Bandon website urged to remove hunting from activities page

Please join us in an appeal to to show compassion for Ireland's wildlife and remove "hunting" from the "Things to do in Bandon" web page -

"Foxes and hares suffer terrible cruelty during hunting," ICABS stated in an email to local councillors. "The creatures are chased to exhaustion and ripped apart by packs of hounds. Please protect Bandon's valuable image from any association with organised animal cruelty and exclude hunting from the list."

The site has also been urged to exclude a hunt from a Sporting Activities page which presents "a list of local clubs and activities that should suit all tastes" -

Tel: 086-2388999


If you like our work, please consider making a donation. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports relies entirely on your generosity to continue our campaigning for an end to blood sport cruelty.

Please become a supporter of our work today - click on the Paypal button at to make a donation or send a cheque made payable to ICABS to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland. Thank you very much.


09. Disgust at TD who attended coursing meeting

ICABS has expressed disgust to Tipperary TD, Tom Hayes, after he was photographed at a hare coursing meeting this month.

A coursing website shows the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture posing for photographs at the Knockgraffon coursing meet. This is the latest in his disgraceful connections with bloodsports.

Last year, the Fine Gael representative was reported as one of the owners of a greyhound chasing hares at the same event. He is on record as saying "I love what is good in rural Ireland, whether it is coursing, hunting hares, beagling or whatever."

In a message posted on Hayes' Facebook page, ICABS stated: "It reflects very poorly on our country that a Minister of State deems it appropriate to be involved with a cruel bloodsport that is now illegal in all our neighbouring jurisdictions."

If you would like to express your disgust to Hayes, the contact details are:

Tom Hayes, TD
Tel: 01-6183168
Fax: 01-6184634

Constituency Details
The Green, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Telephone: 062-62892/052-618073
Fax: 062-63595


10. Furrier ordered to pay anti-fur campaigner 9,000 Euro damages

Shop owner told to pay €9k to protester she punched
Evening Herald, 29 November 2013

A furrier who punched and injured a young woman during an animal rights protest outside her shop, has been told by a judge to pay the protester €9,000 damages for personal injury arising from the assault.

Judge Matthew Deery decided to proceed with the claim of 24-year-old Laura Broxson in the absence of the defendant, Marie Murphy, furrier of A Store is Born, Clarendon Street, Dublin.

He had been told that due to a breakdown in communications in the office of the solicitor representing Murphy she had not turned up for yesterday's hearing.

Judge Deery decided to go ahead with the case when barrister Anthony Lowry, counsel for Ms Broxson, said Murphy's solicitor had been served on November 1 with notice of the trial and this was the third time the incident had been processed through the courts.

He said Murphy had been convicted in the District Court but this had been overturned in a Circuit Court appeal.

It was unacceptable that the court should be told at the last minute that she now did not know of yesterday's civil trial.

Ms Broxson told the court that when she was 18 she set up NARA, the National Animal Rights Association.

On December 19, 2009 she and a number of animal rights supporters had been protesting with posters and handing out leaflets outside Murphy's store in Clarendon Street when the assault took place.

Murphy, shouting and angry, had come out of the shop and shoved and punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground. She received injuries to her lower lip, left knee and arm. Psychologist Dr Tony Bates told the court he saw the incident as he walked past the shop. Murphy had come out very red and enraged and had hit Ms Broxson in the face, knocking her down.

He had kept walking, but had given evidence in both of the earlier court hearings.

Several of Ms Broxson's fellow protesters also gave evidence of seeing Murphy assault her.

Judge Deery said the protesters had not been blocking the entrance to the shop and there was independent evidence from Dr Bates of Murphy having come out in a very aggressive fashion and striking Ms Broxson.

Murphy was upset that the protest was taking place outside her premises, but she was not entitled to assault Ms Broxson as she did.

He also awarded court costs against Murphy.


11. "I would support any legislation that would ban coursing": Wexford Cllr

Wexford County Councillor Malcolm Byrne has expressed opposition to coursing in Ireland, saying he would "support any legislation at national level that would ban hare coursing".

The Fianna Fail politician's statement came in response to an ICABS email in which we highlighted the suffering caused to hares used as live lures in coursing.

A member of Wexford County Council and Gorey Town Council, Cllr Byrne has previously condemned coursing, saying he viewed it as cruel.

ICABS welcomes this latest statement and hopes it will inspire other Councillors to speak out against bloodsports.


Contact your local Councillors, TDs, Senators and urge them to condemn bloodsports and give their backing to a ban.


12. Balbriggan - Reject cruel hare coursing

Please join us in urging Balbriggan to reject cruel hare coursing. At a local coursing meeting, hares were forced to run for their lives in front of greyhounds.

ICABS is urging Balbriggan politicians to show compassion for the hares and condemn the cruelty.

We have brought to their attention details of the suffering caused to hares in coursing and invited them to view video footage showing the cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland.

"With hare coursing illegal in all our neighbouring jurisdictions (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), we believe that Balbriggan's hosting of coursing reflects badly on the area," we told local councillors. "We are therefore appealing to you to speak out against the cruelty and express support for a national ban."

The suffering caused to hares at the Balbriggan coursing meeting is well documented. At one meet, 9 hares were hit, 2 were injured and other hares were found to be "sick or otherwise unfit" after coursing. At another Balbriggan meeting, a hare with a bleeding leg was discovered, hares were heard "crying out" and hares were found dead following the meeting.


Urge Fingal County Councillors and Balbriggan Town Council to show compassion for the Irish Hare and speak out against cruel coursing.

Send an email to local politicians,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Balbriggan Town Council George's Square, Balbriggan, Fingal, County Dublin. Tel: 01 8412178 Email:


13. Dublin horse dies after being set alight

A horse has died an horrific death in Dublin after being set on fire.

The deplorable attack took place on a green area between the Tallaght and Citywest Luas stops (Red Line).

A "number of young people" are believed to have been involved and a full garda investigation is underway.

Anyone with information is being urged to immediately contact Tallaght Gardai on 01-666 6000 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111.

Read the Irish Independent report for more information.


14. Jet2Holidays thanked for removing bullfight suggestion

A big thank you to package holiday company, Jet2Holidays, for responding to our appeal and removing from its website a suggestion that tourists visit a bullring.

Deleted from the site was the following: "The festival takes part during the main bullfighting you can also watch the matadors at the Plaza de Toros."

Jet2holidays is a sister company of low-cost airline which has flown over 30 million people to more than 50 destinations. Find out more at

Jet2 joins a growing list of companies which have responded positively to ICABS appeals and removed references to bullfighting or bullrings. These include EasyJet, Marriott International, Hilton Hampton, Ebookers, Club Travel, Abbey Travel, Sunways, Low Cost, Travel Department, Cancun Holidays Information Center, Co-op Travel, Ultimate Travel, No Fly Cruising, City Breaks 101, Original Travel and Escape Trips.

Help us to convince other companies to drop bullfighting from their websites. Check out our latest anti-bullfighting Action Alerts now.


15. Bookable Holidays - trip to bullfight is "great day trip"

ICABS is calling on Bookable Holidays Ltd to stop presenting a visit to a bullfight as a "great day trip".

On its website, the company says: "Great Day Trips - The bullring hosts 16 bullfights a year"


Ask Bookable to remove this bullfighting reference from its website.

Tel: 0844 571 2451


16. Anti-fur protest, Dublin 30th November

As part of the 'International Anti-Fur Coalition's Day of Action Against the Fur Trade (, the National Animal Rights Association will hold a protest outside Barnardo Furs (108 Grafton Street, Dublin) on Saturday, 30th November from 1pm-3pm.

Witness the cruelty of Ireland's fur farming


Demand a ban on fur farming in Ireland. Contact Minister Simon Coveney now.

Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
CC: (An Taoiseach)
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.


17. Council bans circus acts using animals, Nov 14th 2013
By Nevan Riley

Arklow Town Council has voted to ban circuses with wild animal acts from performing or advertising in the town.

The motion was tabled by Councillor Pat Fitzgerald and was passed by seven votes to nil.

Animal rights activist Ciara Fitzgerald, who along with local group Arklow Against Animal Cruelty staged a protest in front of Courtney Brothers Circus when it was performing in the town last July, welcomed the news.

"I personally would like to thank Cllr Pat Fitzgerald for bringing this motion to the council for me, and to ARAN who work tirelessly to educate and promote animal welfare for composing the motion," she said. "I am so happy that all seven councillors voted in favour of this as it gives a clear message that Arklow does not support animal abuse."

Arklow joins a growing list of councils around the country that have voted to ban circuses acts from performing with animals on public land. These include Drogheda, Wicklow, Monaghan, Waterford and Cork.


18. Greyhound Board blasted over taxpayer-funded stadium costs

State agency blasted over greyhound venue costs
Watchdog not happy with Bord na gCon's 'waffling' on overrun
Sunday Independent, 17 November 2013

"Waffling" bosses of Ireland's greyhound industry have been accused of "financial mismanagement" by members of the Dail's most powerful watchdog committee.

The stinging rebuke by members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) centres around what some committee members believe is the failure of Bord na gCon bosses last Thursday week to adequately explain to them how the cost of building a new stadium in Limerick allegedly went from €10m in 2000 to almost €22m on completion.

PAC member Derek Nolan told the meeting that he does not accept the contention that the project came in on budget, given that "costs exploded throughout the development".

"Serious errors were made with regard to who was responsible for site-filling and compacting and car parks. Basic legal, construction and project management mistakes were made, which led to the debt being much higher than it ought to have been, which has put Bord na gCon in this position," he told the meeting.

The meeting also heard claims that Bord na gCon failed to adhere to State procurement policies in 2011.

Committee members this weekend expressed criticism of CEO Adrian Neilan, who they say must take absolute responsibility for the alleged mis-spending.

"The buck stops with him, he is the man in charge. The contracts on this stadium were signed on his watch," said Mr Nolan.

In a lengthy statement to the Sunday Independent, Bord na gCon conceded "serious mistakes" had been made in the past.

However, it rejected criticisms about the development of the Limerick stadium, which it insisted was delivered "on time and on budget".

The board said: "We have given detailed explanation on the C&AG queries on procurement but would like to stress that, even when procurement was not adhered to fully, the purchase of services did not represent bad value for the Board."

Mr Nolan this weekend has led calls for the Limerick controversy to be subject to a special report by the State's Comptroller and Auditor General.

FG's Simon Harris said that despite the lengthy hearing, still of major concern to him was his belief that Bord na gCon ignored legal and engineering advice in the controversial land deal on which the stadium now stands.

The meeting heard Mr Harris questioning board officials at length over the issue of an informal arrangement or "gentleman's agreement" in relation to readying or filling the site. Mr Neilan told the meeting that, despite an initial promise that the seller of the stadium site would ready the site, this deal broke down, forcing Bord na gCon to ultimately pay €2.5m in order to proceed.

"It is not acceptable if professional advice was sought and then disregarded. This is an organisation that is being kept afloat by taxpayers' money," Mr Harris said.

Bord na gCon said any suggestion that it ignored advice was not true, but that it was confronted with a commercial offer that the site would be filled for free, and they considered it worthy of pursuit.

Mr Neilan has repeatedly insisted that the increased cost in readying the site was covered by securing a better price in the building costs because of the downturn.

Mr Nolan told the meeting that they rejected his claims, saying that the need to fill out the site did result in a significant extra cost to the organisation and, by extension, the taxpayer.

The alleged overruns on the Limerick stadium also don't include a €1.3m on a potential alternative stadium site in Meelick, Co Clare, which had to be abandoned because it was deemed to be unsuitable. It emerged at the committee hearing that the Meelick site has been written down by €1m.

Speaking to the Sunday Independent, PAC Chairman John McGuinness said the financial position of Bord na gCon was the cause of great concern. He also criticised the Department of Agriculture for failing to adequately protect taxpayers' money at Bord na gCon.

"The answers given at the committee hearing didn't instil me with confidence," and he accused CEO Adrian Neilan of "waffling" when answering committee members' questions last Thursday week.

The Sunday Independent has seen correspondence from former Bord na gCon board members, the Irish Greyhound Owners and Breeders Federation and other interested parties to the PAC, who have expressed concern about the manner in which they claim the industry is being run.

Following the hearing, Bord na gCon has been sent a series of detailed questions by the PAC in relation to the Limerick controversy as well as the failures to adhere to State procurement policies.

Bord na gCon has this weekend confirmed it is complying with the PAC's demands and is set to have the responses back to it within "two weeks".

Speaking to the Sunday Independent, Bord na gCon chairman Phil Meaney said he acknowledged the calls from the PAC to clarify a number of issues, and would do his best to address such concerns. He insisted there was "nothing untoward in the Limerick project".


19. Parliamentary Questions and Answers

Question 186 - Answered on 21st November, 2013

Clare Daly, TD (Dublin North, United Left):

To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question Number 13 of 14 November 2013, and his denial that the Indecon report stated that Exchequer funding to horse racing was unsustainable, if he will explain the meaning of the direct quotes from the report, on p.63, Despite the economic contribution to the sector Indecon does not believe that this level of general exchequer funding is sustainable over time given the pressures on exchequer funding; and on p.17 The dependence on very scarce exchequer resources to the extent which currently exists represents a major strategic vulnerability for the sector, given the current state of public finances. Indecon therefore believes new sources of funding are urgently required to support the industry and to wean the industry of its dependence on Exchequer funding.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Simon Coveney (Cork South-Central, Fine Gael):

The entire paragraph (Indecon Report, 2012 “Review of Certain Aspects of the Irish Horse Racing Industry”, Indecon 2012) from which the Deputy has quoted reads as follows “At present, the Irish Exchequer allocates approximately €30 million per annum in subsidies to the sector, in addition to receipts from Betting Duty. Despite the economic contribution of the sector, Indecon does not believe that this level of general exchequer funding is sustainable over time given the pressures on exchequer resources.”

As I outlined to the Deputy in my response to Question No. 48142/13 my colleague, the Minister for Finance, has introduced the Betting (Amendment) Bill 2013 earlier this year which will bring remote and on-line betting within the tax net. This is consistent with the Indecon recommendation which advocated “Measures should be introduced to secure a significant increase in taxation from the Betting Sector.”

The increased revenues from receipts in excise duty on betting will create the potential “to significantly reduce general Exchequer expenditure other than funds raised from betting taxation” as recommended in the Indecon Report (page 64). “Review of Certain Aspects of the Irish Horse Racing Industry”, Indecon 2012

I expect that the new betting legislation combined with actions by the industry aimed at growing commercial income and sponsorship and increasing efficiency through the streamlining of functions will ensure that the funding provided to the horse and greyhound racing industries is sustainable into the future. These industries together are estimated to contribute approximately €1.6 billion per annum in economic output and support in the region of 24,000 jobs principally in rural Ireland.

Question 142 - Answered on 17th October, 2013

Maureen O'Sullivan TD (Dublin Central, Independent):

To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if he will consider removing the text Coursing leads to some mortality each year, but management of coursing reserves has also been shown to be beneficial to hares leading to higher hare densities as this text is misleading and inaccurate without substantial evidence to support the claim; the evidence used to support this claim; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan:

The text referred to in the NPWS Report 'Status of EU Protected Habitats and Species in Ireland' is from a paper entitled ‘Integrating field sports, hare population management and conservation’ (Reid et al 2010). The paper in question examined hare densities within coursing preserves and compared them to the wider countryside. It concluded that the mean density of hares within these preserves was three times higher than mean densities throughout the wider countryside, even allowing for variations in density in different habitats.

Overall, the evidence suggests that that the impact of coursing on the conservation status of hares nationally is negligible and there may in fact be direct and indirect benefits for hare populations, such as in the control of foxes.

The background paper referenced in the NPWS report provides a reasoned analysis of the matter and the text referred to by the Deputy is considered to be valid.

Note: ICABS is continuing to urge the NPWS to remove this inaccurate claim from its report.


20. Campaign Quotes

"Shame on Deputy Tom Hayes for attending a hare coursing meeting this month. Photos taken at this disgraceful event show Irish hares desperately running for their lives from greyhounds. It reflects very poorly on the Republic that a Minister of State deems it appropriate to be involved with a cruel bloodsport that is now illegal in all our neighbouring jurisdictions." Comment left by ICABS on the Facebook page of Fine Gael TD Tom Hayes who was photographed at a hare coursing meet this month. November 28th, 2013.

The Dalai Lama has sent a letter via Spain’s Animal Rights Defence Association to Catalan MPs supporting their decision to try to have bullfighting banned in the region. As a Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama said he abhorred all ill treatment of animals. In his letter, he said: "I believe there exists enough evidence to prove that bullfighting is a cruel practice which publicly inflicts atrocious pain on innocent, feeling animals." He called on the Catalan Parliament to vote in favour of the reform of article 6.2a of the Catalan animal protection law to abolish once and for all the exception that permits bullfights. from Dalai Lama against bullfighting,

A horse rider has been fined for throwing her riding crop at a businessman's Audi after he hooted the car's horn as she rode down a country lane. A court heard how Jessica Mills, 29, initially turned her horse round to confront the internet entrepreneur Jacob Knox, 18, forcing him into reverse. Then when he tried to overtake her in his A5 she hurled her riding crop at the car in a fit of anger. However, Mr Knox pulled his car over further up the road and claimed the crop had caused £1,700 worth of damage to the windscreen and bonnet. He told the police Mills had used the crop as a weapon against him and asked them to arrest her. Mills, who used to work as a groom for a hunt kennels in Cheshire, was ordered to pay £1,500 compensation after admitting criminal damage. from Road rage horse rider fined after throwing riding crop at Audi, Irish Indpendent, 21 November 2013.

A pony was left with a deep wound after 'a sadistic monster used back street surgery' in a bid to remove a micro-chip says a leading horse charity. The female grey nag was rescued from the Cooley Mountains in Co. Louth after a member of the public saw she was injured. Irish Sun, 28th October 2013

Is cuid dár ndúchas iad ár ngiorriacha agus dá bharr ba chóir iad a chosaint. Is ainmhí álainn é an giorria. Comment from Seanán in Luxembourg on "Protect the Irish Hare" petition. Sign it now at


21. Letters to the Editor

Tax exemption for foxhunting
Southern Star, 2nd November 2013

As the latest budget claws cash from the sick and the poor, foxhunting groups whose members can afford expensive horses and four-wheel drives are enjoying tax exemption.

A list recently published by the Games and Sports Exemption section of the Revenue Commissioners’ website reveals that hunts were granted exemption under a section of the Taxes Consolidation Act dealing with ‘bodies established for the promotion of athletic or amateur sports’.

Most people recognise sports as activities in which individuals or teams compete against each other but Minister Michael Noonan and Revenue accept a different definition. They are maintaining that riding after a pack of dogs as it chases a terrified fox and tears it asunder constitutes ‘sporting activity’.

Foxhunting is animal cruelty, not sport. This outrageous exemption must be scrapped.

Philip Kiernan,
Irish Council Against Bloodsports,
PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

Adults need to give better example of kindness to animals
The Avondhu, 12 November 2013

The killing of a kitten and the creature’s mother that tried to help it by schoolchildren in Drogheda should serve as another wake-up call about the scale of our animal cruelty problem. Families treasure their pets, and yet ignorance of animal welfare and the need to treat animals humanely is rife. And there’s no point in blaming TV for it. It happens every year, every week, with an upsurge around Hallowe’en when fireworks enter the fray.

Why? Apart from a lack of commitment within the education system to focus on good, old fashioned kindness to animals, there is the grotesque example offered by adults who ought to know better. Hare coursing and fox hunting clubs are permitted by law to engage in recreational torture of animals. The Animal Health and Welfare Act specifically exempts these two ghastly forms of animal cruelty. The exemptions were inserted into the legislation at the behest of the politically well connected blood sport lobby.

So, while we expect children and teenagers to be kind to animals, their 'elders and betters' chase foxes and fox cubs to exhaustion and agonising death; or stand around at coursing venues, marking their cards or swigging from whiskey flasks as the timid creatures flee for their lives from salivating dogs. At the end of a hunt, supposedly responsible adults smear their faces with the blood of an eviscerated fox, having hacked off its brush (tail) with a pen-knife.

The fans that emerge from their four-wheeled drives to watch hares being terrorised or mauled or tossed up into the air by greyhounds, also see themselves as mature adults and law abiding parents.

But the example they set for the young is a shameful one. Does it not occur to them that children who see adults behave thus might conclude that cruelty to animals is not just acceptable, but a practise to be enjoyed without the slightest qualm?

And do the politicians who amended the Animal Health and Welfare Act to protect blood sports, not feel even a twinge of guilt when they see youngsters follow that inhumane and cowardly decision to its logical conclusion?

John Fitzgerald
(Campaign for the Abolition Of Cruel Sports)
Lower Coyne Street, Callan, Co Kilkenny

Dog fighting Hate/hate
Irish Independent, 29 October 2013

The opening seconds of 'Love/Hate' on Sunday night had another scene involving cruelty to animals. This time it was a dog-fight, which the gangsters found edifying and most viewers (I imagine) repulsive. It was a true-to-life depiction of this appalling blood sport in which dogs are pitted against each other while fans gather to watch, cheer, and bet huge amounts of money on the outcome.

The dogs suffer horrific injuries, and are goaded to fight on until one of them has been severely mauled or killed. By the end of a fight, both animals will be bleeding all over, have bits of their faces missing or maybe their eyes ripped out, and be covered in cuts and bite marks.

There have been precious few convictions for this illegal activity over the decades, but the new Animal Health and Welfare Act (despite its many shortcomings) has additional measures aimed at stamping it out. Now, anyone present at a dog fight, in addition to those organising it, can be prosecuted and subjected to heavy fines or imprisonment.

Anyone with information on dog fighting should pass it to the gardai or nearest SPCA branch.

John Fitzgerald
Campaign for the Abolition Of Cruel Sports Callan, Co Kilkenny


22. Petitions

Ban Blood Sports in Ireland Now

Minister Simon Coveney: Ban ALL Tail Docking - No Exemptions

Ask An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to Ban Hare Coursing

Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland

End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland

Protect the Irish Hare

End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland

Limerick Racecourse: Stop hosting cruel hare coursing

Coillte - Ban hunters from your forests

Ban Fur Sales on eBay

Stormont Northern Ireland Assembly: Ban Fox and Stag Hunting in Northern Ireland

Ban Torturous Hanging of Greyhounds in Spain

Bishop Bill Murphy: Stop clergy involvement in cruel coursing

Dunnes Stores: Lift Ban on Animal Charities Fundraising

Arts Council of Ireland: Stop funding animal circuses

Stop the EU funding bullfighting

Stop Torturing Bears: End Bear Bile Farming In China

Stop DoneDeal/ GumTree/ Buy & Sell Selling Animals

Stop badger culling and focus on a vaccination programme in Ireland

Add report option "Animal Abuse" on Facebook

STOP Spain's cruel and barbaric Toro de la Vega

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Top ways you can help the campaign
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Monitor blood sports meetings in your area and provide us with photos, video and reports.
Write a letter to your local newspaper about the cruelty of blood sports
Sign and collect signatures for our petitions
Organise a fund-raiser to help raise funds for the campaign
Set up an online anti-blood sports group (Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, etc) to cover your area.
Download, print and display our posters and leaflets
Set up an information stand at your school/library/youth group/adult group, etc
Introduce your friends to our website and encourage them to get involved.
Simply keeping your ear to the ground. about any blood-sport related incidents in your area.

Keep hunters off your land

Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at

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Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - or by clicking on "Videos" at Please ask your local TD/Senator to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.

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