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Animal Voice, Issue 05, May 2013
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In this month's edition:
01. New ICABS report reveals latest victims of coursing
01. New ICABS report reveals latest victims of coursing
A new ICABS report highlights the latest victims of coursing in Ireland - including hares whose conditions were described as "ranging from very poor to almost dead". Read the report at http://www.scribd.com/doc/143209440 and please join us in appealing to Enda Kenny, Eamon Gilmore and Simon Coveney to ban this deplorable bloodsport.
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports
02. Gardai to investigate cruelty to hares
03. FBD Insurance urged to scrap cruelty coverage
04. Fodor's asked to stop directing tourists to bullfights
05. Wax Museum withdraws foxhunt discount "with immediate effect"
06. Mexican state bans bullfighting
07. Trespassing on land for hare coursing ‘will not be tolerated’
08. Tipperary hotel and hare coursing
09. RSPCA should prosecute government badger killers
10. Ask Simon Coveney to stop Dept of Agriculture's badger killing
11. Country fairs and animal cruelty
12. National Exotic Animal Sanctuary seeking volunteers
13. Niall Quinn and hare coursing
14. 2-year ban on pesticides harmful to bees
15. Saving pound dogs from death
16. Renewed Appeal: Ask Dunnes Stores to lift ban on animal groups
17. Campaign Quotes
18. Letters to Editors
19. Petitions
Urgently contact An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and An Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore. Ask them to show compassion for wildlife and introduce an immediate ban on hare coursing and all bloodsports.
An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Telephone: 01-6194020
An Tanaiste, Eamon Gilmore
Office of the Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Tel: 01 6183566 (Dail) or 01 408 2000 (Iveagh House)
Email Both: eamon.gilmore@oireachtas.ie;taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie
Urge Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney to remove exemptions for coursing from the Animal Health and Welfare Bill.
Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Email: minister@agriculture.gov.ie
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Contact all your local TDs now. Demand that they urgently push for bans on coursing and foxhunting.
Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses.
If you prefer to post a letter to your TDs, address your correspondence to:
Dail Eireann
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.
Please also arrange a meeting with your TDs at their local clinics. Contact us for details.
02. Gardai to investigate cruelty to hares
A Garda investigation has commenced into what the Irish Council Against Blood Sports contends is a breach of the 1911 Protection of Animals Act, i.e. injured hares were released into the wild after a coursing meeting in Wexford.
The National Parks Ranger, who monitored the December 2012 coursing meeting at Murrintown and supervised the release of the hares afterwards, noted in his report (obtained by ICABS under Freedom of Information) that at one release site, 2 hares were "in poor condition" and that at another release site, 3 hares had "injuries so serious they couldn’t move and a fourth limped off" adding: "So while only one hare was declared killed, I am recording at least another 6 were in conditions ranging from very poor to almost dead, therefore a minimum of 7 were in very poor condition."
The ranger also noted in his report that 18 hares were hit by dogs, 13 injured, 1 "declared killed", while the vet who attended the meeting stated in his report that 9 hares were considered unfit for coursing, 7 hares were injured, 1 died and 17 "sick or otherwise unfit after coursing".
Meanwhile, hares continue to be struck and mauled by muzzled dogs at other coursing meetings around Ireland.
There was a golden opportunity to bring an end to this cruelty last month, via an amendment tabled by Deputies Clare Daly and Maureen O’Sullivan which sought to remove an exemption for coursing from the Animal Health and Welfare Bill. The amendment was defeated by the Fine Gael and Labour contingent and so this barbarity, now illegal in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is set to continue here.
Shame on our legislators!
03. FBD Insurance urged to scrap cruelty coverage
FBD Insurance is being urged to stop providing coverage to those involved in some of Ireland's worst acts of cruelty to animals. An IFA Countryside/FBD Insurance package is providing cover to foxhunters, hare coursers and terriermen who are responsible for horrendous suffering and death to wildlife.
In a complaint to FBD Insurance, the Irish Council Against Blood Sports described as abhorrent, the company's association with those engaged in sending terriers below ground to corner and attack foxes. We told FBD that terriermen show no mercy for foxes who are pulled out of the ground squealing in pain as terriers bite into their scalp or body.
We also note from the IFA Countryside website that FBD is offering coverage to hare coursers and foxhunters.
The company has been told that in coursing, hares are forcefully removed from their habitats, kept in captivity for weeks and used as live lures for pairs of greyhounds. When hit by the dogs, they suffer life-threatening internal injuries, including dislocated hips and broken bones. We stressed to FBD that hare coursing is deemed so cruel that it is illegal in all our neighbouring jurisdictions and that a majority in the Republic want it outlawed here too. Also highlighted was the cruelty of foxhunting - foxes are chased to exhaustion and when caught, are knocked off their feet, bitten, eviscerated and torn apart.
The IFA Countryside/FBD package not only covers hunters when they are hunting in Ireland but also when they travel abroad - "the policy covers Irish Citizens worldwide for any period up to 60 days once you are normally resident in Ireland, i.e. for hunting trips to Europe, Africa, America, etc."
In an email to FBD, ICABS stated: "It is beyond belief that a modern insurance company would wish to facilitate animal cruelty and killing. Your coverage is paving the way for these cruel and merciless individuals to enter land to terrorise, injure and/or brutally kill wildlife."
FBD has been urged to watch video footage of blood sports barbarity and immediately scrap the cruelty coverage.
Urge FBD Insurance to stop insuring those involved in animal cruelty and scrap its hunting/coursing/terrierwork insurance package. If FBD's association with bloodsports would make you choose an alternative insurance company, please make this clear in your correspondence.
Andrew Langford,
Group Chief Executive
FBD Insurance
Dublin 12
Email: company.secretary@fbd.ie
Tel: 01 409 3200 or Lo-call 1890 617 617
Tweet a complaint to FBD: @fbd_ie
Tweet to @fbd_ie
04. Fodor's asked to stop directing tourists to bullfights
Travel guide publisher, Fodor's, has been asked to stop directing tourists to bullfights. On its website, the company suggests attending a bullfight, saying that "Spanish toreros delight the crowds". It also presents details of where tickets can be purchased.
Fodor's is not only shamefully recommending a visit to a bullfight but also suggesting that tourists should tip the ushers working at bullrings. In the 2013 edition of its Spain travel guide, it states "tour guides should be tipped about 2 euro, ushers at bullfights 15 to 20 cents".
Fodor's has been reminded that bullfighting is a horrendous activity which results in enormous suffering for bulls and horses and that the activity is opposed by millions of people across the world, including a majority in Spain, Portugal, etc.
In a complaint to Fodor's, the Irish Council Against Blood Sports stated: "We believe it is inappropriate for a travel guide company to encourage tourists to visit a bullfight because many tourists who visit a bullring out of curiosity come away disgusted and upset at what they witness. It effectively casts a dark shadow across their whole holiday experience."
Email a complaint to
Leave a comment on Fodors' Facebook Page
Tweet a complaint to @fodorstravel
Tweet to @fodorstravel
Contact the Spanish Ambassador to Ireland to register your opposition to bullfighting. Express your desire to see bullfighting banned throughout all of Spain.
The Spanish Ambassador to Ireland
Embassy of Spain
17A Merlyn Park, Dublin 4.
Email: emb.dublin@maec.es
Tel 1: +353 (0)1 2691640
Tel 2: +353 (0)1 2692597
Fax: +353 (0)1 269 1854
05. Wax Museum withdraws foxhunt discount "with immediate effect"
The National Wax Museum has announced that a foxhunting-related discount offer has been "withdrawn with immediate effect". Following complaints from ICABS and members of the public, the museum apologised and said that it is not a supporter of bloodsports.
The offer appears in a wax museum advert in the Westmeath Foxhounds 2013 calendar. The ad states: "Mention the Westmeath Foxhounds and get 10 per cent off the ticket price". As part of our appeal to the museum, we highlighted the horrendous suffering and death caused to foxes during hunts and the fact that a majority of people are opposed to the cruel activity.
A museum statement issued on 2nd May states:
"The National Wax Museum Plus would like to extend their sincerest apologies in relation to the discount offered to Westmeath fox hunting. We did not intend to offend or upset anyone. We had offered this discount several years ago and in doing so we did not mean it to convey our support for fox hunting.
"The National Wax Museum Plus is a visitor attraction and not an avid supporter of blood sports. This was an oversight on our part and we offer our sincerest apologies for any distress caused. This discount was offered without the knowledge of management and our ticket sales staff were not aware of it either.
"The discount has now been withdrawn with immediate effect."
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports thanks the National Wax Museum for this positive response. Thank you also to everyone who supported our action alert.
06. Mexican state bans bullfighting
Source: EFE.com
Mexico City, May 4 2013 (EFE) - Sonora this week became the first Mexican state to ban bullfighting, passing a law against cruelty to animals, which, however, does not include the very popular spectacle of cockfighting, local legislative officials said Saturday.
"It has caused quite a stir because we are the first state of the republic to pass this law. I really didn't expect, I say this with all the honesty in the world, I didn't expect the repercussion this would have, nationally and internationally," the local lawmaker of the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico, or PVEM, Vernon Perez Rubio, said.
In a statement on Formato 21 radio, Perez Rubio hailed the decision taken on May 2 by that northwestern border state's legislature, which voted unanimously to pass the Animal Protection Law.
His party explained in a communique that the law "not only bans bullfighting" but "also protects other domestic animals."
The PVEM said the new law in Sonora puts them "a step closer to achieving one of the goals the Green Party has fought for, which is the prohibition of bullfighting nationwide."
The party believes that "clearly more than 70 percent of Mexicans are against the continuation" of bullfights in the country, on the basis of several public opinion polls.
In Sonora, citizens' demand for an end to bullfighting began two years ago, when a crowd of 18,200 came out before a bullfight was to start to ask that the spectacle by banned, Perez Rubio said.
"I'm against cockfighting. However, if we included a discussion on that subject, the law would never have passed," he said.
"Now with the law in place, it's very easy to launch a movement to end cockfighting if that's what people want," Perez Rubio said.
07. Trespassing on land for hare coursing ‘will not be tolerated’
Source: Mayo News, 26 February 2013
Superintendent Joe Doherty told Castlebar District Court last week that sheep were being killed because people were allowing their dogs to roam, and that it was becoming ‘an ongoing problem in south Mayo’.
The superintendent made the comments after a case involving the hunting of a protected wild animal was up in front of Judge Mary Devins last week. Garda John Horkan of Ballinrobe Garda Station told the court that on February 2, last year he received a complaint in relation to trespassing of land at Carramore, Hollymount.
Garda Horkan said that on investigating the complaint, he found five men along with four lurcher dogs hunting hares. The court heard that the men and dogs were in a field containing sheep and lambs. Garda Horkan told the court that the men were subsequently stopped at a checkpoint in Kilmaine.
The defendant, Denis Ward of 35 Tirboy, Tuam, admitted to Garda Horkan that there was a hare in a bag on the floor of the car and told him it would be ‘great for making soup’. Mr Ward also admitted that he and the other men did not have permission to course on the land.
Supt Doherty said the ongoing issue was top of his policing plan, telling the court that he has had meetings with farmers and Mayo County Council in relation to coursing and trespassing.
"We want to send a message to people that they should not be coursing hares on other people’s land and worrying farmers. It will not be tolerated," said the Superintendent.
The unemployed father of four pleaded guilty to the charge, which carries a fine of Eur1,000 for a first offence and a three-month jail term for further offences.
Judge Devins told Mr Ward not to come to the Hollymount area again and told him that farmers were entitled to use certain methods to deal with dogs worrying sheep.
Adjourning the matter for sentencing until November 22. Judge Devins advised Mr Ward to talk with his friends and decide ‘you cannot have a day’s sporting on other people’s land’.
08. Tipperary hotel and hare coursing
Tipperary's Kilcoran Lodge Hotel states on its website: "We offer the perfect place to stay while you attend the annual National hare coursing meeting...coursing highlights shown each evening." http://www.kilcoranlodge.org/1667/coursing-2013-at-kilcoran-lodge-hotel/
Complaints to: Tel: +353 52 744 1288 or Email: info@kilcoranlodge.com
09. RSPCA should prosecute government badger killers
The RSPCA should prosecute those involved in the mass killing of badgers says leading animal ethicist, Professor Andrew Linzey a theologian at Oxford University.
"The planned killings - erroneously called "culls" - which are planned to take place on 1 June are utterly bereft of scientific or ethical justification", says Professor Andrew Linzey.
"In the history of animal protection, we have witnessed many attempts to fool the public but none more concerted or ridiculous than the proposed killing of thousands upon thousands of badgers. In less than a week's time government paid guns will shoot free running badgers which will undoubtedly cause suffering. The RSPCA and other animal welfare organisations should bring test cases to demonstrate the cruelty involved and the perfidity of the government's justifications."
"The Secretary of State for the Environment, Owen Paterson, has shown himself incapable of reflecting either the views of the Commons (which has voted overwhelming against the so-called "cull") or the majority of public opinion. He should resign to make way for someone who understands the nation's concern for the proper treatment of animals."
"The only solution to bovine TB is the vaccination of cows and/or badgers. Everything else is dross and detail."
Professor Linzey is Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (www.oxfordanimalethics.com) and author of Why Animal Suffering Matters published by Oxford University Press.
10. Ask Simon Coveney to stop Dept of Agriculture's badger killing
Tens of thousands of Irish badgers (a "protected" species here) have been cruelly snared and killed by the Department of Agriculture to-date. The assault on the badger species is part of the Department's so-called TB Eradication Scheme, a failed and discredited operation that has been described as "slaughter masquerading as science".
Please contact Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney and demand an end to his department's cruel snaring and killing of badgers.
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Email: minister@agriculture.gov.ie
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.
Contact the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Remind them that the Wildlife Act, for which they are responsible, lists the badger as a protected species. Demand that they stop licensing the snaring and killing of thousands of badgers.
Director, Licensing Unit
National Parks and Wildlife Service
7 Ely Place, Dublin 2
Email: nature.conservation@ahg.gov.ie
Tel: 01-888 3214
Sign a Petition: 'Stop badger culling in Ireland'
Join our appeal to the Agriculture Minister. Send one of our "Stop the Badger Snaring Slaughter" campaign postcards today. To receive one or more copies, please get in touch with us now.
11. Country fairs and animal cruelty
Ireland's country fairs are often presented as family-friendly affairs with fun for all but those considering attending should be aware that some fairs have at their core a celebration of the most obscene cruelty to animals.
One fair, for example, boasts that it is supported by all the main hunting organisations and that a main objective is promoting hunting.
The programmes of this year's fairs feature those involved in foxhunting, ferreting, snaring, trapping, terrierwork and the netting and killing of rabbits.
Away from the fairs, far from any witnesses, these individuals can usually be found causing terrible suffering to wildlife across the countryside.
Members of the public are urged to reject fairs that embrace cruelty.
12. National Exotic Animal Sanctuary seeking volunteers
The National Exotic Animal Sanctuary in Ballivor, County Meath is seeking volunteers to help at weekends.
There are many different types of animals to look after at the sanctuary and training will be given. If you are over 18 and would like to become a regular member of the volunteer team, visit www.neas.ie/pages/volunteer.html to fill out an application form.
13. Niall Quinn and hare coursing
An online video shows former Irish footballer, and current Chairman of Q Sat Broadband, Niall Quinn talking about his shameful involvement in hare coursing.
"I would have an association with the coursing for a long time," he says in an interview from the coursing finals in Clonmel.
Watch the interview at:
14. 2-year ban on pesticides harmful to bees
Source: BreakingNews.ie - 24/05/2013
European Commission issues two-year ban on pesticides harmful to bees
The European Commission is to ban for two years beginning in December, pesticides blamed for killing the bees that pollinate food and fruit crops.
EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg said the decision to ban the three insecticides, made by chemicals giants Bayer and Syngenta, "marks another milestone towards ensuring a healthier future" for bees.
The companies insist their products are not to blame for a very sharp decline in the bee population, which has stoked fears over future food security, made worse by the unpredictable impact of climate change
15. Saving pound dogs from death
An effective act of compassion to consider doing at your local dog pound...
Source: Westmeath Examiner, 2nd May, 2013
Facebook is now being used to save healthy dogs from being put down. Volunteer Maeve O’Donoghue has harnessed the most powerful weapon – information – and married it to the largest social media community in the world – Facebook – to find foster homes for dogs in Mullingar pound.
"I go in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and take pictures of all the dogs in the pound," explains Maeve.
"Then I put them up on Facebook with all their information, their names, their breeds. "The place is so busy now with people who love dogs and want to help coming in and offering to foster the dogs while a home is found for them."
See dogs looking for homes at Mullingar Dog Pound at http://www.facebook.com/MullingarDogShelter
Read the full story at
16. Renewed Appeal: Ask Dunnes Stores to lift its ban on animal groups
Dunnes Stores has banned animal groups from fundraising at its stores. Ask management at the supermarket chain to lift the ban and allow struggling animal groups to resume fundraising activities.
Despite complaints and protests, Dunnes Stores has so far refused to reveal the reasons for its deplorable decision to reject groups who are working hard to try and alleviate the suffering of animals across Ireland. Labour Party Senator, John Kelly, raised the issue in Seanad Eireann on 12th February 2013 and called for answers. Watch his Senate speech at http://youtu.be/Y14Q7NYKNxU
Contact Dunnes Stores Now and ask them to lift the ban.
Email: service.customer@dunnes-stores.ie
Tel: 01 475 11 11
Sign the petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/dunnes-supermarket-end-your-ban-on-animal-groups
"I have dedicated my life to stopping bullfighting and Blood Fiestas in all their various forms. The active promotion of these events flies in the face of humanity and is reprehensible." Tony Moore, Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe. Comment left on the Facebook page of Fodor's Travel Guides who include bullfighting information in their 2013 Spain travel guide.
"Wax Museum pulls fox-hunting offer: The National Wax Museum's fox-hunting-related discount offer has been "withdrawn with immediate effect". Following an appeal by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports and complaints from members of the public, the museum apologised, said that it does not support blood sports and withdrew the offer of a 10 per cent discount to members of the Westmeath Foxhounds." Sunday Independent, 5th May 2013
"Well over 100 people attended the inspiring rally held outside the Department of Agriculture in Dublin together with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) to call for an end to the resumption of live animal exports from Ireland to the Middle East. Since the resumption, over 6,000 Irish animals have been sent to a country to which the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs has advised Irish people not to travel. This very same country does not enforce any type of animal welfare laws or guidelines." Animal Rights Action Network, 5th May 2013
A horse has died after it collided with a van at 7.20am this morning at Fairhill. It remains at the scene along with Gardaí. Residents have said that the situation is getting out of control and that horses running free in the area will cause a death soon, given the amount of accidents they have been causing. One resident, who did not wish to give her name, said that they heard a loud bang early this morning. It is understood the driver of the van was uninjured in the incident. Cork Independent, 3 May 2013
Gardai found pit-bull terriers, illegal blood-sports paraphernalia and a treadmill to condition dogs during a search of the Dublin Zoo worker's home. A former animal keeper at Dublin Zoo who was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for possession of cocaine worth 2 million euro, is one of Ireland’s leading dog-fighting enthusiasts. The role played by David Douglas, 50, in organised dog fighting was known to animal welfare groups and gardai for more than a decade. Douglas was given a 10-year sentence, with five years suspended, in the Circuit Court last month after pleading guilty to possession of the cocaine. He was arrested after gardai stopped a car being used to transport the drugs in central Dublin in April 2008. from "Jailed zoo keeper was dog fighter", The Sunday Times, 12 June 2011.
A suspected poacher has reportedly been trampled to death by an elephant as he tried to shoot the beast in Zimbabwe. The bloodied remains were found by rangers after what was thought to be a botched poaching trip at the protected Charara safari area inside a national park. Zimbabwe's Sunday Mail reported that the local man was charged by the elephant after he entered the game reserve for an illegal hunting trip with a friend. The dead man's alleged accomplice Noluck Tafuruka, 29, was later arrested inside the park and charged with illegal possession of a firearm. from "Elephant 'tramples to death suspected poacher'", The Telegraph, 12 May 2013.
Animal lovers celebrated on Saturday after hearing the bullfight organised as part of Torrevieja's May Fair had been cancelled.
Around 40 people gathered outside the temporary bullring set up in Torrevieja port at 18.00hrs. Originally they had planned to demonstrate against the event which had been billed as a horse-mounted bullfight, with six young bulls being brought in - and tickets on sale at 20 Euro. Costa News (Spain), 16 May 2013
All over Ireland, cattle are dying of starvation after months of unrelenting rainfall. Some farmers cut their costs during the harsh winter months by sending even in-calf cows to slaughter. Others have reservations about the live exports solution. It's no wonder many farmers are struggling to cope, so much so that vets are being trained to recognise suicidal tendencies. A local told me recently about a farmer in Roscrea, Co Tipperary, who shot dead all his animals one morning, before turning the gun on himself. But there's a twist to this tragedy. Many leading environmental organisations have recognised that raising animals for food damages the environment more than almost anything else we do. from "Starving animals price we pay for steak meal", Lay of the Land by Fiona O'Connell, Sunday Independent, 05 May 2013
Stand up to barbarity
Irish Independent, 9th May 2013
As a campaigner against blood sports, I am delighted to hear that Sonora has become the first Mexican state to ban bull fighting. This is a cowardly practice that involves the torture of an animal for the benefit of people who enjoy watching its slow and agonised death.
Our own Government should take note of this development and also of the fact that the ban was imposed amid frenzied claims that it was "a grand tradition", that local economies depend on it and that the bulls were well looked after prior to the fights.
If these claims sound familiar it is because the same hollow excuses have been offered in defence of hare coursing in Ireland. Apologists say it should be left alone as it is a part of our culture, that people in certain counties would have nothing much else to do without it, that it brings money into some rural areas.
It's about time the politicians here found the same courage the Sonoran legislators have shown. The arguments in favour of hare coursing are pure bull, while every humane instinct cries out for its abolition.
John Fitzgerald
Callan, Co Kilkenny
Coveney failed to make stand on bees
Irish Examiner, May 06, 2013
Great to hear that the EU has banned bee-harming pesticides, but this wonderful news is overshadowed by the fact that our own Agricultural Minister failed to take a stand against the use of products that threaten, not just bees, but by extension the vital process of pollination upon which a high percentage of our food depends.
The pesticide giants had waged a lavishly-funded campaign to dissuade EU member states from backing the ban. They had enormous resources at their disposal and the services of the best PR firms that money could buy. In the weeks leading up to the vote, the corridors of power in Brussels and Strasbourg became hives of activity as the lobbying intensified.
Thankfully enough states placed the proven ecological value of the bee above commercial; and short-term political, gain.
The bee has been a friend to humankind for millennia. It occupies a special place in the folklore and literature of almost every nation. Yeats rhapsodised about building a "hive for the honey bee" in one of his great poems.
But for all their proven worth to us humans, and their complex societal structures, the bees may yet not be able to withstand the ravages of human greed and ignorance. How sad that Minister Coveney saw fit to abstain in the vote.
John Fitzgerald
Callan, Co Kilkenny
Ban Blood Sports in Ireland Now
Ask An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to Ban Hare Coursing
Stormont Northern Ireland Assembly: Ban Fox and Stag Hunting in Northern Ireland
Fodor's Travel Guides: Stop directing tourists to bullrings
Limerick Racecourse: Stop hosting cruel hare coursing
Coillte - Ban hunters from your forests
Bishop Bill Murphy: Stop clergy involvement in cruel coursing
Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland
Dunnes Stores: End your ban on animal groups
Dunnes Stores: Lift Ban on Animal Charities Fundraising
Arts Council of Ireland: Stop funding animal circuses
Ban the use of animals in Irish circuses
Stop the EU funding bullfighting
Stop Torturing Bears: End Bear Bile Farming In China
Stop Seal Slaughter in our World
David Cameron: RSPCA must retain its powers to prosecute hunters who break the law
Stop China Wanting More Ivory!
Stop DoneDeal/ GumTree/ Buy & Sell Selling Animals
Stop badger culling and focus on a vaccination programme in Ireland
Say NO to the cruel Toro de Fuego ("bull on fire") event in Spain
1 Million to Ban the Lion Trade
The horror of Tesco selling live, packaged turtles in their supermarkets
Add report option "Animal Abuse" on Facebook
Urge Galway City Council to share pictures of the dogs in their pound on Facebook
Top ways you can help the campaign
Top ways you can help the campaign | |
• | Join our email list and respond to our Action Alerts |
• | Become a campaign supporter and make a donation to help fund our efforts |
• | Contact your local politicians and ask them to support a ban on blood sports |
• | Be our friend on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Twitter and Youtube |
• | Sign up for our free text alert service and receive occasional campaign updates to your phone |
• | Link to our website and display one of our banners |
• | Monitor blood sports meetings in your area and provide us with photos, video and reports. |
• | Write a letter to your local newspaper about the cruelty of blood sports |
• | Sign and collect signatures for our petitions |
• | Organise a fund-raiser to help raise funds for the campaign |
• | Set up an online anti-blood sports group (Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, etc) to cover your area. |
• | Download, print and display our posters and leaflets |
• | Set up an information stand at your school/library/youth group/adult group, etc |
• | Introduce your friends to our website and encourage them to get involved. |
• | Simply keeping your ear to the ground. about any blood-sport related incidents in your area. |
Keep hunters off your land
Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at www.banbloodsports.com
Tune in to the ICABS Channel
Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - www.youtube.com/icabs or by clicking on "Videos" at www.banbloodsports.com Please ask your local TD/Senator to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.
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