
Animal Voice, Issue 03, March 2013
Campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports

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In this month's edition:

01. Shameful Dail vote for barbaric cruelty
02. RTE coverage of protest outside Dail Eireann
03. Drag coursing video shows there is no need for hares in coursing
04. Photos show deer in Boyne following pursuit by hunt hounds
05. Ask Adare Heritage Centre to stop promoting hunting
06. Help highlight bloodsports cruelty - distribute ICABS leaflet
07. Latest videos on ICABS Youtube Channel
08. Tipperary SPCA highlights suffering caused by deer hunters
09. Cruellest terrierwork pictures/video originate in Ireland
10. Tayto Zoo was banned from bringing in animals for five months
11. Hedgerow cutting is illegal from 1st March to 31st August
12. Pakistan asked to ban coursing
13. Horrific: Tortured young fox found hung on tree in Cork
14. Irish photographer says NO to fur
15. Campaign Quotes
16. Letters to Editors
17. Petitions

01. Shameful Dail vote for barbaric cruelty

March 27th 2013 marked another dark day for Irish animals as a majority of TDs shamefully piled in to Dail Eireann to vote against Animal Welfare Bill amendments which sought to remove exemptions for hare coursing and fox hunting.

Read a transcript of the Dail debate

Watch a selection of speech extracts at

Hunting with hounds and hare coursing are inherently cruel activities which the vast majority of Irish people want ended. Foxhunting and coursing have been outlawed in England, Scotland and Wales, with Northern Ireland banning coursing two years ago, leaving our Republic as the last outpost for this barbarism, and this barbarism will continue, courtesy of our legislators who clearly lack the courage to stand up to the hunting bullies.

In foxhunting, foxes are pursued to exhaustion by packs of hounds, followed by people on horseback, and when caught, the fox is ripped apart by the pack of trained hounds. Foxes are also dug out of the ground and terriers are used to attack them, resulting in appalling injuries to both dogs and foxes, evidence of which we sent to every Minister, TD and Senator, but which most chose to turn a blind eye to.

In coursing, hares are snatched from the wild in nets and used as live lures before greyhounds. They can be struck and mauled by the muzzled dogs, resulting in injury and death, as confirmed by annual National Parks reports obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. We also have recent footage of hares being mauled at a coursing meeting in Limerick, the so-called JP McManus Irish Cup, which our legislators have also disregarded.

There is a humane alternative to hare coursing, drag coursing, which we filmed at Killarney recently, so there’s no excuse for the cruelty of live lure coursing. Again we sent this to all members of the Oireachtas.

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is more determined than ever to continue campaigning until the day coursing and foxhunting are finally banned. Yesterday, Deputies Clare Daly and Maureen O’Sullivan reiterated their pledge to bring a Private Member’s Bill to outlaw hare coursing during the life-time of this present government. With your help, we will continue lobbying TDs to recognise the cruelty of bloodsports and the damage they do to Ireland's reputation and urge them to back a ban.

A big thank you to Deputies Maureen O'Sullivan, Clare Daly and Patrick Nulty for speaking out against animal cruelty and to the TDs who voted in favour of the amendments.


Contact all your local TDs now. If they voted against the amendments, express your disappointment and urge them to reconsider their stance when Maureen O'Sullivan and Clare Daly TD present a Private Members Bill in the future. Remind them about the cruelty of foxhunting and hare coursing and how their voting against the amendments paves the way for more suffering, injury and death. If your local TD voted in favour of the amendment, please take the time to thank them.

Email TDs quickly and easily from

Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses.

If you prefer to post a letter to your TDs, address your correspondence to: Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

Appeal to the Minister for Agriculture

Please appeal to the Minister for Agriculture to remove an exemption for coursing and hunting from the new Animal Welfare Bill and to permanently ban bloodsports.

Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
CC: (An Taoiseach)
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.

Urgently contact An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and An Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore (both of whom have expressed opposition to coursing in the past). Ask them to back a ban on blood sports.

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Telephone: 01-6194020

An Tanaiste, Eamon Gilmore
Office of the Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Tel: 01 6183566 (Dail) or 01 408 2000 (Iveagh House)

Email Both:;

02. RTE coverage of protest outside Dail Eireann

Thank you to everyone who attended a protest outside Dail Eireann against bloodsports exemptions in the Animal Welfare Bill.

RTE Radio 1's Drivetime featured an item on the protest which you can listen to at or listen to a podcast of the show which includes presenter Mary Wilson challenging a coursing representative.

RTE's Six One News also covered the protest. Watch the report at

A big thank you to RTE for this coverage which helped highlight the shameful developments in Dail Eireann.

03. Drag coursing video shows there is no need for hares in coursing

Video footage captured by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports this month shows that there is absolutely no need for hares in coursing. Witness drag coursing in action to see greyhounds enthusiastically chasing an artificial lure - watch our video at

ICABS has renewed its call on Minister Simon Coveney to remove an exemption for coursing from the Animal Health and Welfare Bill and put in place a full ban on live hare coursing.

"There is absolutely no need for snatching hares from the wild and using them as live lures before greyhounds, when there is a mechanical lure form of coursing which works well," ICABS spokesperson Aideen Yourell told the Minister. "With a perfectly acceptable and workable alternative available, the time is right for you to stop hare coursing.”

Recently, an Irish Coursing Club representative claimed during a radio debate that coursing greyhounds wouldn’t follow a drag but we saw it with our own eyes. Our video footage shows greyhounds following the drag (rag) without the slightest hesitation, time and time again.

Minister Coveney has been told that the implementation of drag coursing would result in savings for the taxpayer as National Parks & Wildlife Service rangers would no longer have to spend many man hours monitoring live hare coursing.

But the main beneficiary of drag coursing would be our timid wild hare population which would, at last, be left in peace and spared the cruelty of being netted from the wild and forced to run for dear life in front of greyhounds.

Live hare coursing is outlawed in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and it’s time for our Republic to ban this cruelty. With this humane drag alternative, there’s no excuse any more for coursing cruelty.


Contact Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney and urge him to ban hare coursing.

Minister Simon Coveney
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
CC: (An Taoiseach)
Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.

Contact all your local TDs now. Ask them to watch our drag coursing footage and support a ban on coursing.

Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses.

If you prefer to post a letter to your TDs, address your correspondence to:
Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

Please also arrange a meeting with your TDs at their local clinics. Contact us for details.

04. Photos show deer in Boyne following pursuit by hunt hounds

Photos taken from the banks of the River Boyne last month show a deer desperately struggling to keep its head above water. Eyewitnesses clearly saw the animal, pursued by hounds of the Ward Union hunt, jumping into the swollen river. See the photos

Did you also witness this incident? Please contact the Gardai with details of what you saw.

If you have photos or video footage of this incident, please get in touch with the Irish Council Against Blood Sports. Email:

05. Ask Adare Heritage Centre to stop promoting hunting

Please join us in our appeal to Adare Heritage Centre in County Limerick to stop promoting hunting as a local tourist activity.

In an "Activities in Adare" sign at the centre, "hunting" is listed as one of the local activities. Inside the building, a display includes an image of foxhunters and hounds.

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on Adare Heritage Centre to remove these and stop encouraging visitors to Adare to take part in a blood sport which causes horrific suffering and death to Irish wildlife.

In an email to the centre, ICABS stated: "It is extremely surprising that any modern tourism body would wish to associate itself and the area it promotes with animal cruelty. Hunting is opposed by a majority of Irish citizens and there is no doubt that most visitors, and potential visitors, to Adare would consider hunting to be abhorrent. Adare has so many positive attractions and activities to offer locals and tourists. We ask you to please show compassion for Irish wildlife and stop presenting hunting as a recommended activity."


Sign the Petition: Adare Heritage Centre: Stop promoting hunting

Phone Adare Heritage Centre or send a polite email requesting that they stop promoting hunting.

Tel: +353 (0) 61 39 66 66

06. Help highlight bloodsports cruelty - distribute ICABS leaflet

Help educate others about the cruelty of bloodsports. Order copies of the ICABS leaflet - "Ireland's Cruel Bloodsports" and distribute them among your friends, family, neighbours, workmates, local politicians, etc.

Get in touch with us now and we will send you out copies. Thank you.

07. Latest videos on ICABS Youtube Channel

Please watch and share our latest Youtube uploads...

Queen legend Brian May on his work for animals (Late Late Show)

Why foxhunting must be banned in Ireland

Why digging out and terrierwork must be banned in Ireland.
Warning: Contains graphic, upsetting scenes of cruelty to animals

Ask Limerick Racecourse to stop hosting cruel coursing

08. Tipperary SPCA highlights suffering caused by deer hunters

The Tipperary SPCA has highlighted the horrific suffering caused by deer hunters. A shocking photo on shows a deer with its jaw blown off.

"This deer had been shot but whoever had shot her had quite clearly missed their target as the lower part of her jaw had been completely destroyed," the TSPCA states. "Unfortunately we were unable to capture it which meant that the animal took off and probably took days to die."

The Clonmel-based group says that deer being left to suffer and die from terrible gunshot injuries is "an ongoing problem for us because there are so many trigger happy people out there with rifles who are really not qualified to use them".

Help the deer. Make your land off-limits to hunters and report all cases of trespass and illegal shooting to the Gardai.

09. Cruellest terrierwork pictures/video originate in Ireland

The UK's Campaign for the Abolition of Terrierwork has joined calls on Minister Simon Coveney to outlaw digging out and terrierwork.

Director Peter Merton highlighted the growth of terriermen traffic between the UK and Ireland.

"A number of times, RSPCA officers have been stationed at ferry ports watching known criminal figures involved in terrierwork move backwards and forwards between Britain and Ireland to meet up with other known men and share their passion for digging out and terrierwork," he stated. "This puts a huge pressure on Britain's Wildlife Crime experts as the movement between the two countries grows."

He added: "You must also take note that men involved in using terriers underground become bored with their soft target (fox) and move on to other activities which range from badger digging to dog fighting."

Mr Merton went on to outline that in his organisation's 10 years of collating animal cruelty, "the cruellest pictures and videos have come from Ireland."

Find out more about the Campaign for the Abolition of Terrierwork at

10. Tayto Zoo was banned from bringing in animals for five months

Tayto Park banned from bringing in new animals to zoo for five months
Irish Independent, 19 March 2013

A popular theme park was banned from adding to its wildlife collection after zoo inspectors found it had a number of "inadequate" enclosures and "high levels of aggression and stress among animals".

Tayto Park in Co Meath, owned by crisp manufacturer Largo Foods, was ordered not to introduce any new animals by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) until it complied with a number of stringent conditions.

Inspectors from the NPWS ordered the ban after a series of worrying findings.

Records seen by the Irish Independent reveal:

* NPWS inspectors found staff levels, experience, and qualifications were "not considered adequate for (the) animal collection" which includes wallabies, monkeys and endangered Amur leopards. * The deaths of four animals raised alarm among inspectors. * And "high levels of stress" were found among animals.

Other documents revealed there were 11 accidents which required hospital treatment in 12 months.

The new-animal ban began last October, following an inspection the previous month.

Conditions imposed on the park's zoo licence – to be implemented before the order could be lifted – include improvements to enclosures and the drawing up of plans for a conservation programme.

The ban was lifted just last week after the NPWS was satisfied that staffing levels and staff training had been improved.

In a statement on March 8 – prior to the lifting of the ban – Largo Foods boss Raymond Coyle told the Irish Independent: "While on paper the zoo inspector's initial report seems alarming, many of these issues are day-to-day realities for zoos worldwide. We've worked hard in just three years to create and maintain facilities and standards that other zoos have had decades to achieve.

"We believe Tayto Park is now in full compliance with all conditions imposed on its licence".

In answer to questions from the Irish Independent, a Tayto Park spokesman provided a letter from the Department of the Arts and Heritage – sent to Mr Coyle on March 11 – that gave the zoo permission to bring in new animals.

The letter noted that five of the conditions imposed on the park's zoo licence had been complied with and a further four will be reviewed at this year's zoo inspection.

It also imposed a new condition stating that the zoo must get prior approval from the department for further additions to the animal collection.

The spokeswoman said that Tayto Park has now been given permission to import two tigers.

As many as 500,000 people visited Tayto Park last year, making it one of the country's leading visitor attractions.

Documents show that 181 incident reports were filled out by staff over 12 months in 2011 and 2012, which were submitted to the NPWS prior to the zoo inspection.

The reports show that three children were sent to Temple Street Hospital in Dublin – two of them for X-rays – after playground accidents, while ambulances were called on six other occasions.

Mr Coyle said: "With so many visitors some accidents are inevitable, despite high safety standards and rigorous staff training." He said the vast majority of incidents were "very minor" but the zoo records, reports and offers "medical care in every instance".

He said that the park had recently passed a safety inspection "with flying colours".

The park ran into difficulty last summer when it applied for a licence to import four white lion cubs from South Africa. The NPWS officials refused Tayto's importation application, pending a zoo inspection on September 3.

11. Hedgerow cutting is illegal from 1st March to 31st August

from the Limerick Animal Welfare Facebook page

As many of you know, hedge cutting is illegal in Ireland from 1st of March till 31st of August. However, many people are either not aware of this regulation or decide to ignore it because of the almost non-existent enforcement of Ireland’s wildlife law.

Please help us share this message and remind your friends and family members that hedgerows play a very important role in our biodiversity and their cutting in closed season can be prosecuted.

If you witness or have information about illegal hedge cutting in your area, please let us know. We would really appreciate if you also reported any illegal activity to your local Garda station and local NPWS ranger and provide them with as many details as possible.


Please keep in mind that photographic or video evidence increases the chances of a successful investigation.

More information about hedgerows on IWT website -

Thank you all for your help!

12. Pakistan asked to ban coursing

A video on Youtube shows coursing cruelty in Pakistan -

Please join us in lodging a complaint with the Embassy of Pakistan in Ireland and urging the country to ban the practice.

Ambassador G. R. Malik
Embassy of Pakistan
Ailesbury Villa 1 - B
Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge
Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel : +353-1-2613032-33
Fax: +353-1-2613007

13. Horrific: Tortured young fox found hung on tree in Cork

Probe into 'horrific' fox killing
Irish Independent, 21 March 2013
by Ralph Riegel

An animal welfare probe is under way after sick thugs tortured and hanged a young fox from a tree directly opposite a busy bus stop.

The gruesome discovery was made in Mayfield on Cork's northside by a group of youngsters curious about the large plastic bag draped from a chain off a large tree branch.

Onlookers were horrified to discover that a fox had been wrapped inside a large plastic bag and then hanged by its neck from a chain.

The Cork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CSPCA) was called to the scene and the fox was removed to determine if, as suspected, it had been tortured before being killed.

The CSPCA described the incident as one of the worst they have ever dealt with.

Inspector Vincent Cashman said they are determined to identify those responsible.

"This was a horrific act and we would appeal to anyone who suspects they know those responsible to contact either ourselves or the gardai," he said.

A special appeal for information has also been launched via the CSPCA's Facebook page.

14. Irish photographer says NO to fur

Thumbs up to County Galway photographer, Francis Kennedy, who has taken a stand against Ireland's appalling fur industry cruelty.

Francis, a passionate animal welfare activist based in Athenry, says he is "refusing to work with models and stylists who wear or use real fur."

Find out more about Francis and his work at

15. Campaign Quotes

"Dail Animal Welfare Bill amendments lost. There is no way we will allow this to continue. We are not giving up." Maureen O'Sullivan TD, 28 March 2013

"Sports which involve causing injury to animals are not only cruel but unnecessary and outdated. I'm sure that given the opportunity then the majority of people would choose to outlaw it. I feel that those who think it's ok to abuse animals for so called sport are ignorant." Johnny Marr, Guitar player with Smiths, The The, Modest Mouse, The Cribs & The Healers

"Gardai are investigating a number of incidents surrounding the poaching of deer in the Kenmare and Killarney areas in recent weeks. In one incident a bullet that had passed through a deer ended up in a living room where a couple was sitting in Tousist at the end of last month. A second reported incident involved a firearm being shot near a house where children were playing outside." from Gardai investigating 3 incidents related to deer poaching in South Kerry, Radio Kerry, March 19th, 2013.

The Arts Council has announced funding of Eur491,000 for four organisations in Meath...The organisations to receive annual funding from the Arts Council for the period to the end of March 2014 are Duffy’s Circus, Eur36,000... Meath Chronicle, 12th March, 2013

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is delighted to announce Australian philanthropic pioneer, Philip Wollen as its seventh Honorary Fellow. The award is given to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the protection of animals. Philip Wollen, 62, founder of the Winsome Constance Kindness Trust in Melbourne, supports some 500 projects in more than forty countries in five key areas: children, animals, the sick, the environment and aspiring youth. Wollen describes himself as an “ahimsan” – derived from the Sanskrit word “ahimsa” – which means non-violence to any living being”. He believes that ahimsa is “the most beautiful word ever written at any time, in any country, in human history.” Wollen does not distinguish between the suffering of human and non-human animals. A philosophy that he summarises as “In their capacity to suffer, a dog is a pig is a bear ... is a boy." from a media statement by The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, 18 March, 2013

"Plummeting TB levels in Ireland attributed to badger cull. A classic example of filleting statistics!!! ie untrue." Brian May on 17th March 2013.

16. Letters to Editors

Hope for hunted
Irish Daily Mail, 22 March 2013

Given the scandals that engulfed the Roman Catholic Church, one could be forgiven for thinking militant atheists had taken control of the Vatican and are intent on driving it off the holy rails.

However, things may improve, as the new pope has chosen to be called Francis and has blessed a dog. Hopefully he loves animals and will condemn blood sports - even if hunters wear cardinal red.

Tony Moriarity
Harold's Cross, Dublin 6

Papal welcome
Irish Examiner, March 15, 2013

I’m delighted the new pope has taken the name of the saint widely associated with kindness to animals. Saint Francis of Assisi referred to them as his “brothers and sisters” and led by example in advocating humane treatment of the creatures with which we share this planet.

Centuries have passed since the Patron Saint of Ecologists walked the earth, but animal cruelty is still sadly widespread and in many instances permitted by law and even encouraged by governments. I would like to think that Pope Francis will follow in his footsteps in speaking out against the horrific practices that shame humanity and bring unfathomable suffering to the so-called “lesser beings”.

Saint Francis had compassion for the tortured bull, the coursed hare, and the hunted fox. So, I am confident, will Pope Francis.

John Fitzgerald
Callan, Co Kilkenny

Pope Francis will inspire more humane treatment of animals
The Baltimore Sun, March 19, 2013

I was delighted to read that the new pope chose for himself the name of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals ("Pope Francis' calling," March 15). Both Catholic and Anglican churches hold ceremonies blessing animals on his feast day Oct. 4.

On one of his walks through nature, Francis reportedly preached to the birds, and he is often portrayed with a bird in his hand. On another occasion, Francis concluded a pact with a ferocious wolf that was terrorizing local town folk. He got the wolf to quit preying on the town's sheep in exchange for being fed regularly. He even persuaded the town's dogs to stop harassing the wolf.

In other stories, Francis freed a rabbit from a trap, returned fish that had been caught to their stream and fed a colony of half-frozen bees one bitter winter.

I hope Pope Francis will inspire Catholics and all people of goodwill to show non-human animals the respect and compassion they deserve, particularly when it comes to subsidizing their slaughter for food. Joining the Meatless Mondays trend would be a good start.

Bob Cartier, Rockville

There is no excuse for hare coursing
Irish Examiner, March 04, 2013

On Feb 23 and 24, members of the Irish Council Against Blood sports attended part of the so-called “Irish Cup” live hare coursing event, which was held on Limerick racecourse. They managed to film some of the action and the footage offers further proof, if such were needed, of the pain and terror inflicted on these gentle creatures for “sport”.

This footage, which can be viewed on the ICABS website bears out the content of reports filed for the 2011/12 coursing season by rangers of the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) which detail many other such instances of hares being mauled or otherwise horribly injured in this medieval pastime.

Hare coursing, already banned in many jurisdictions, is a relic of a different, less animal welfare-conscious Ireland where such practices were deemed normal and acceptable. Today there is no excuse for such public exhibitions of recreational cruelty to animals.

John Fitzgerald
Campaign for the Abolition Of Cruel Sports
Callan, Co Kilkenny

Read more of John Fitzgerald's letters in "Animal Writes"

Why hare coursing numbers don't add up
Irish Examiner, March 7th, 2013

Mark Dennehy (Letters, March 5) makes the case that coursing clubs do wonderful work for the conservation of the hare species in Ireland. Faced by clear evidence of cruelty in coursing, he resorts to the old numbers game in defence of this indefensible practice. This is a feeble argument that completely overlooks the fact that the principle objection to hare coursing is animal welfare-related.

It is not just animal welfare groups or the "animal rights" people that Mr Dennehy refers to that speak of maulings and other injuries in coursing. The National Parks and Wildlife Service's reports on coursing meetings cite such occurrences at almost all the fixtures monitored by wildlife rangers. Hare coursing remains a cruel practice, regardless of attempts by clubs to conserve the species.

Should we allow dog fighting because it doesn't impact adversely on the dog population, and might boost dog numbers in districts where the "sport" was popular?

Hare coursing has been banned on animal welfare grounds in many other countries. Stag hunting, badger baiting, cock fighting and dog fighting have been outlawed in Ireland for the same reason. Numbers have nothing to do with it.

Joseph Barry,
Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny.

Radical idea for rural policing
Southern Star, 11 Mar 2013

As an Garda Síochána continues its strategy to divest itself of its rural policing role, it is time for a radical approach to rural policing which will only involve realigning of existing personnel and resources rather than the need for government expenditure. Namely, switching the Irish Army to a rural policing role, thereby giving this organisation a real role to play in Irish society.

As a country our need for an army is of dubious merit. But since we have one, we might put it to good use rather than its present role as an overseas police force. The rural policing role would see Army units patrolling the roads on a 24-hour basis with powers to stop, search and if required exercise reasonable force.

In effect, this would give the Army the on-the-ground training they require in respect of patrolling duties, navigating rural roads devoid of any road signage, dealing with the general public etc.

Of course for the soldiers, patrolling the rural roads of north Leitrim doesn’t have the same macho cred of patrolling the roads of Lebanon, but in relative terms it will be safer.

Rural crime, both operating under legal and illegal cover, is endemic in Ireland. Criminals know that rural Ireland is devoid of immediate policing cover and that the chances of meeting a garda are slim.

This is especially so late at night, when unarmed gardaí prefer not to be within the vicinity of potentially armed individuals.

This is shown up by the complete failure of the gardaí and the Wildlife Service to get a handle on illegal hunting at night. This issue has caused so much damage, injury and death to animals, humans, and property.

Having the Irish Army operating a rural policing role would give them a sense of purpose, it would allow the gardaí to confine itself to its preferred role of operating as an urban police force rather than policing the remote wild corners of Ireland, and it would give rural dwellers a sense of security knowing their area had a regular Army patrol.

John Tierney,
Campaigns Director,
Association of Hunt Saboteurs,
PO Box 4734, Dublin 1.

17. Petitions

Ban Blood Sports in Ireland Now
Ask An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to Ban Hare Coursing
Limerick Racecourse: Stop hosting cruel hare coursing
Coillte - Ban hunters from your forests
Bishop Bill Murphy: Stop clergy involvement in cruel coursing
Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
End Cruel Blood Sport of Fox Hunting in Ireland
Dunnes: End your Ban on Animal Groups
Dunnes Stores: Lift Ban on Animal Charities Fundraising
Arts Council of Ireland: Stop funding animal circuses
Ban the use of animals in Irish circuses
Stop Seal Slaughter in our World
David Cameron: RSPCA must retain its powers to prosecute hunters who break the law
Stop China Wanting More Ivory!
Stop DoneDeal/ GumTree/ Buy & Sell Selling Animals
Stop badger culling and focus on a vaccination programme in Ireland
Say NO to the cruel Toro de Fuego ("bull on fire") event in Spain
1 Million to Ban the Lion Trade
The horror of Tesco selling live, packaged turtles in their supermarkets
Add report option "Animal Abuse" on Facebook

Top ways you can help the campaign

Top ways you can help the campaign
Join our email list and respond to our Action Alerts
Become a campaign supporter and make a donation to help fund our efforts
Contact your local politicians and ask them to support a ban on blood sports
Be our friend on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Twitter and Youtube
Sign up for our free text alert service and receive occasional campaign updates to your phone
Link to our website and display one of our banners
Monitor blood sports meetings in your area and provide us with photos, video and reports.
Write a letter to your local newspaper about the cruelty of blood sports
Sign and collect signatures for our petitions
Organise a fund-raiser to help raise funds for the campaign
Set up an online anti-blood sports group (Myspace, Bebo, Facebook, etc) to cover your area.
Download, print and display our posters and leaflets
Set up an information stand at your school/library/youth group/adult group, etc
Introduce your friends to our website and encourage them to get involved.
Simply keeping your ear to the ground. about any blood-sport related incidents in your area.

Keep hunters off your land

Make it known publicly that your land is off-limits to hunters. Place a preservation notice in your local newspaper now. Here is a sample notice that you may wish to use: "Take notice that all my lands at [Insert address(es) of land] are private and preserved day and night. All forms of hunting and shooting are strictly prohibited. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Signed [Insert name(s) of landowner]" For more information, click on Farmers at

Tune in to the ICABS Channel

Footage of blood sport cruelty and the humane alternatives can be viewed on the ICABS Channel on Youtube - or by clicking on "Videos" at Please ask your local TD/Senator to view our videos and back a blood sports ban.

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