
Welcome to the Autumn-Winter 2005 edition of Animal Voice, the campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports. You can view the contents in sections by clicking on the links below or if you prefer, you can view the Full Contents on a single web page.

Animal Voice - Autumn-Winter 2005
Full Contents
Sections 1-4
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Section 1
Welcome Message

Ward Union licensed despite NPWS advice
Campaign Quotes
Victory! Hunting banned in Britain
Call for ministerial inquiry into sport horse industry
Swatch Watch ends RDS Hunt Chase sponsorship
Hunt trespass raised in Dail
The elusive rebel without a pause
Vet's fox hunting views rubbished
Shooting and golfing collide at Dromoland
Hares released in injured state
Roche renews licence despite strong appeal
Hares could face extinction says UCD zoology lecturer
Survey of hares to finally commence
Hunt holiday project approved €30,000
Travellers group slams ICC claim as "outrageous"
Parking tickets for fox hunters
Hunting and coursing could prove "final straw" for hares
Protest at caging of birds at Belvedere
I love hare coursing: FG Environment Spokesperson admits support for blood
New online petition is launched
Hares die during 140-mile journey
Hunting has contributed to hare's "threatened" status
Section 2
Bishops don't condone priests blessing hunts

Injured deer chased by "thugs in jeeps"
Hares under threat: Westmeath Council
Mounted hunters must now have horse passports
Toyota urged to scrap another offensive ad
KSPCA alerted to coursing sponsorship
Garda investigation into missing hares
Ranger rescues leverets from coursers
Hunters to benefit from Stena's ferry discount
Thousands of UK coursers set sights on Irish hares
Thank you to politicians
U-turn on "bad animal husbandry" response
Bardot backs coursing ban
Heritage Council confirms hare as declining species
Hunters relocate to Ireland in bid to avoid British ban
Hare-friendly tips for landowners
Judge orders destruction of duck shoot shotgun
Drag hunting praised on Pat Kenny radio show
Fox hunted for over 3 hours in Limerick
The physio fate of hunted foxes
Catching live hares is cruel says District Court Judge
Tony Gregory questions licensing of Ward Union
Section 3
Hares at Sligo coursing were "poor runners"

Horse charity removes hunting from auction
Hunt details deleted from Failte website
Learn about Lagomorphs in brand new fact sheet
Stop the cruelty festival funding
Coursers mis-inform RTE about hare kills
Investigation into pig massacre demanded
Foxhunting isn't an Irish tradition
Badger snares laid in Coillte forest, Galway
Greyhound board hands over €296,000 of taxpayers' cash to hare coursers
"Big Bite" discussion on cruelty of hunting
Praise for ICABS from former Bush assistant
Campaign Quotes
Girl's pet cat ripped apart by foxhounds
Garden invaded by staghounds
Councillor raises complaint about noisy death row dogs
Receive Animal Voice by email
Death of a young badger
BUT - a poem by Francis Kennedy
Book Review - The Hare
Jailed dogfighter freed pending court appeal
Section 4
Coursers want to breed hares in captivity

Minister shoots down proposal to allow hunting in nature reserves
Abbey to oblige
Bullring to go from Slattery's itinerary
Marketing group directs visitors to bullfighting
"No Frontiers" host acts out matador kill
Make Catalonia bullfight-free: plea to MPs
Fox is not a major pest: Farm Week
Hares suffer "severe hits" in County Roscommon
Animals and the Churches
Farmers will not tolerate trespassing foxhunters
Hunters granted tax exemption
Rail hunter reported to Iarnrod Eireann
Ambulance and bus halted by hunters
Gardai pose with Ward Union Deerhunt riders
Hunters continue to hound landowners
Stop your coursing or we'll crush your car
Hunting fund pays out €4m to date in compensation
Greyhounds in pounds
Campaign quotes
DVD Review: Winged Migration
Young Fine Gael defend hunting
Full Contents
Sections 1-4
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