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ICABS Letter Writing Appeals - June 2003 |
Presented by:
Irish Council Against Blood Sports (ICABS) PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland Website: www.banbloodsports.com
In this issue:
Welcome Dear friends, Thank you for all your help to date with the ICABS letter writing appeals. Further to the “Appeal for hare population survey” back in February 2003, we are pleased to report that Minister Martin Cullen has indicated that a proposed all-Ireland hare survey will be undertaken jointly with the Environment and Heritage Service of Northern Ireland. We are currently pressing the Minister for more details on this. Meanwhile, Minister for Arts, “Sports” and Tourism, John O’Donoghue, has responded to our “Coursers want taxpayers' money” appeal. In a letter received from his private secretary, it was stated that: “The Minister wishes to confirm that coursing receives no government funding whatsoever and there are no proposals to change this position.” Please respond to as many of the appeals below as possible. Together, we can play a part in helping to stop the suffering of animals. Thank you all for your continued help. With all best wishes.
Philip Kiernan
1. Labour leader, Pat Rabbitte, backs hunting groups Labour Party leader, Pat Rabbitte, has “sponsored” an “agreement” between two hunting organisations - the National Association of Regional Game Councils (gun clubs) and the Countryside Alliance (a UK-based hunting defence group, previously known as the British Fieldsports Society). The signing of this agreement took place in Leinster House and afterwards Mr. Rabbitte posed for photographs next to the hunting representatives. Mr. Rabbitte was quoted as stating that “it is inspiring that these two organisations are articulating a proactive vision for the future of Irish country life.” Both of these organisations support hunting wild animals with dogs. On its website, the Countryside Alliance list the blood sports they promote and these include hare coursing, fox hunting and such nasties as lurcher and terrier work. ICABS has sent a video tape of these cruel activities to the Labour Party leader but to date, he has failed to respond. He has also ignored our request for a meeting to put our case - particularly disappointing given that he was more than happy to meet with the defenders of blood sports. Please contact Pat Rabbitte, and express your shock, surprise and great disappointment that the leader of the Labour Party has endorsed the activities of the National Association of Regional Game Councils and the Countryside Alliance.
Dear Deputy Rabbitte, I am writing to express my disappointment at your recent “sponsorship” of an agreement between the NARGC and the Countryside Alliance. Both of these groups support blood sport activities and it is shocking that you gave your approval to them. On their website, the Countryside Alliance lists the forms of animal abuse it supports and these include hare coursing, fox hunting and lurcher/terrier work. A majority of Irish people oppose these cruel activities. You are quoted as saying that “it is inspiring that these two organisations are articulating a proactive vision for the future of Irish country life.” This vision undoubtedly involves the killing of thousands of wild animals and it is very regrettable that you have given them the thumbs up. I would be grateful if you would acknowledge this correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
Tel: +353 (0) 1 6183980
2. PR firm urges Government to allow shooting on state-owned lands A Dublin public relations company is lobbying the Irish Government in an effort to persuade them to allow shooters to kill on state-owned lands. Ballsbridge-based “PR @ The Helme” states in its newsletter that it is acting on behalf of its client, the National Association of Regional Game Clubs (gun clubs), in lobbying the Government. The article outlined that the company intend to “continue to build awareness of NARGC issues.” Among the Helme’s other clients are: Apple Computers, the Abbey Theatre, the Point Theatre, Cadbury, Chrysler Jeep and Foras na Gaeilge. Please contact this PR company and ask that they stop helping wildlife killers put pressure on the Irish Government. Point out that state-owned land – just one per cent of the total area of Ireland - is the property of the Irish people as a whole. Allowing shooters in will spoil the tranquility of these public havens of beauty.
Tel: +353 (0) 1-6349250
3. Bookmakers accept bets on live hare coursing According to an article in the February 27th, 2003 edition of the Sporting Press, "Boylesports and Paddy Power reported significant ante-post wagering on the [hare coursing] Derby". Please contact both companies and ask that they stop helping to keep this blood sport alive by accepting bets. Tell them that it is unacceptable that they are associating themselves with a form of animal cruelty which 80 per cent of Irish people wish to see banned.
Dear Sir, I am writing to ask that your company ceases all involvement with the blood sport of live hare coursing. I understand from reports in the Sporting Press newspaper that you accept bets on coursing and I find this to be unnacceptable. Considering that eight in ten Irish adults wish to see this blood sport banned, I think your company should strongly consider fully disassociating itself from this form of animal cruelty. As you may be aware, hare coursing is illegal in Scotland and it looks likely to be outlawed in England and Wales too. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
Tel: +353 (0) 41 9834344
Tel: 1850 4144444 (Ireland), 0800 039 1800 (UK), +353 1 4049611 (Rest of World) 4. Cork mayor honours hare coursers In April, Cork Lord Mayor John Kelleher hosted a reception in honour of the owners of the greyhound who won the infamous Waterloo Cup hare coursing meeting in Liverpool. The venue for the event was Cork City Hall. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has condemned the use of Cork City Hall for this grotesque affair, and have asked if, in addition to the use of the Cork people's Hall, the hospitality and presentation of cut glass was paid for by Cork Corporation. If so, this, and the use of City Hall, is an outrageous mis-use of public facilities and funds and an affront to those many Cork people, and Irish people (80%), who are opposed to hare coursing. Please contact Lord Mayor John Kelleher and ask him to refrain from hosting any further receptions which honour those who partake in animal cruelty.
Dear Mayor Kelleher I was very disappointed to learn that you hosted a reception in honour of the owners of a coursing greyhound. With the majority of Irish people opposed to this cruel blood sport, it is highly inappropriate for you as Lord Mayor of Cork to host such events. I appeal to you to please refrain from holding similar receptions in the future. Those who partake in animal abuse should be condemned and not honoured. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Tel: +353 (0) 21-4966222 or +353 (0) 21 4924120 5. Priest attends coursing meeting A priest was photographed attending the Irish Cup hare coursing meeting in Kerry in February. A priest is acting as a chaplain to a foxhunt in County Clare. In County Cavan, a priest hunts regularly with a harrier hunt. Meanwhile, the tradition of priests blessing foxhunts continues around the country. According to paragraph 2418 of the new Catholic Catechism: "It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly." Please write to the Irish Bishop’s Conference and ask that all members of the clergy be asked to disassociate themselves from blood sports like foxhunting and hare coursing.
Dear Reverend Clarke, According to paragraph 2418 of the new Catholic Catechism: "It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly." It surprises me therefore that members of the Catholic clergy in Ireland are continuing to partake in blood sport activities like foxhunting and hare coursing. Reports in recent months have referred to priests attending live hare coursing meetings and hunting with foxhunts. Considering the terrible cruelty involved, it is disappointing that these priests are permitted to associate themselves and the Catholic Church with such animal abuse. Priests should condemn such animal cruelty and not take part in it. I hope that the Irish Bishops Conference will address this issue and ask all members of the clergy to disassociate themselves from foxhunting and hare coursing. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
6. Foxhunts and the spread of disease Please write to the Minister for Agriculture and ask him why he will not act to warn farmers about the risks posed by foxhunting groups in the spread of diseases. Foxhunts can spread serious diseases which threaten the livelihood of farmers.
Dear Minister Walsh, I would like to draw to your attention an extract from an article which appeared in the Farming Independent of 15th April, 2003. "At present there are around 4,000 herds locked up with TB in the country and 150 herds restricted by brucellosis. The highest incidence of TB is in the north-east, with Cavan, Roscommon and Longford being most affected." With the knowledge that foxhunts transverse countless farm boundaries in the course of a given day and are capable of spreading not only TB but also Foot and Mouth, Brucellosis, Liver Fluke, Leptospirosis, BHU, BVD, Trichinosis, Salmonellosis, Johnes Disease and Sarcocystosis, why is the Department of Agriculture not taking action to prevent hunts from playing a role in the spread of disease. If the Department of Agriculture is serious about reducing the incidence of these diseases, it would seem an obvious step to take. Thank you. I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Tel: +353 (0) 1 6072892 or LoCall 1890-200 150.
7. Bord Failte continues to promote foxhunting Bord Failte is continuing to include foxhunting in its equestrian holidays website. The bord is claiming that (despite the fact the website in question is owned by Bord Failte) they are not in a position to “censor” information supplied for inclusion by equestrian centres.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am disgusted to see that Bord Failte is still promoting the blood sport of foxhunting on the www.equestrian.ireland.ie
You claim that you are “not in a position to censor the information provided by the equestrian tourism industry”. This is an appalling attitude to take considering the extreme cruelty to animals involved in foxhunting. The website in question is a Bord Failte website so Bord Failte is in the perfect position to determine what information is included.
Bord Failte is promoting – and associating Ireland with - an activity which the majority of Irish citizens wish to see being made illegal.
Please immediately remove all references to this blood sport from your website.
I look forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,
Tel: +353 (0)1 602 4000
8. Irish badger cull described as “slaughter masquerading as science”
The UK’s National Federation of Badger Groups has described as “laughable” the Irish Government’s research into the alleged role of badgers in the spread of bovine TB. Despite the fact that there is no conclusive evidence that badgers play any part in spreading TB to cattle, the Department of Agriculture here is continuing its slaughter of over 80,000 badgers.
Dr Elaine King of the NFBD said: "The Irish research is laughable. It has no scientifically valid 'controls' whatsoever. It is little more than slaughter masquerading as science and is no better than Japan's so-called 'scientific whaling'. Furthermore, Ireland has never undertaken any research to assess whether badger culling is the most cost-effective or most humane way of controlling bovine TB. Irish scientists kill badgers by strangling them with a wire, and shooting those that survive the snare.”
Important Note: If you know the whereabouts of snares which the Department of Agriculture has set, please let us know immediately.
Please write to the Minister for Agriculture, Joe Walsh, asking him to immediately stop this terrible assault on the badger.
Tel: +353 (0) 1 6072892 or LoCall 1890-200 150.
9. Waterford County Council insists on promoting blood sports
Waterford County Council has refused to remove coursing and foxhunting details from its County Sports directory.
In a statement issued by the Council, it was stated: “The listing is a reflection of the activities that are occurring within communities. The local authority has no stance or policy to promote, support or encourage participation in these activities, or indeed, any other particular activity. The mere listing of such activities should not be interpreted as such a policy. It is appreciated that individuals and groups have strongly held views, but a local authority has no place in unilaterally rejecting, denying or censoring the activities or opinions of any other individual or community, so long as the activities remain within the law.
Tel: +353 (0) 58 20841
10. Google search engine promotes Mexican bullfighting
The Google.com search engine is currently featuring a "Sponsored Link" for bullfighting on the following webpage:
The sponsored advertisement link is for the Matador Tours' website - www.learntobullfight.com. The link, visible in a pink or blue box on the top right corner of the Google page, displays the following message:
Experience the thrill of bullfighting with Matador Tours. Learn to bullfight in Mexico. www.learntobullfight.com
Please lodge a complaint with Google over this blatant promotion of bullfighting and ask them to immediately remove it.
11. Canadian Seal Slaughter
The Canadian Government is continuing to subsidise the country’s annual seal hunt which will see 1 million seals killed over the next three years. Seals are cruelly clubbed to death and many are skinned alive. Some of the victims of this massacre are just a few weeks old.
Please contact Canada’s tourism officials and demand that they intervene to stop this barbarity. Tell them that until this internationally condemned seal assault is ended, you will not visit Canada as a tourist.
Visit www.boycott-canada.com for more details
Dear Sir,
I wish to inform you that until Canada permanently halts its annual seal slaughter, I will not be visiting your country as a tourist.
I find it abhorrent that the Canadian Government continues to subsidise this awful massacre of seals.
Yours sincerely,
Doug Fyfe,
Allan Rock,
Ian Harrower
12. Campaign against bull abuse in Coria
Thank you to all who responded to the recent Coria blood fiesta appeal. This is an ongoing appeal so if you have not yet written, please see the details below. Please note that we have corrected the “presidente” email address below - this was previously misspelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Every day during the annual fiesta of San Juan in Coria, locals use blowpipes to blow darts into the bodies of bulls. Their favourite targets are the bulls' eyes and testicles.
So many darts are stuck into the animals' bodies that they end up looking like pin cushions. But their suffering is not over. Several hooked spears are then plunged into - and pulled out of - their flesh. The ordeal lasts for about two hours after which the animals are killed in the street.
In 1995 British animal activist Vicki Moore was severely injured in Coria by a bull as she was trying to document its suffering. Later on she died due to her injuries. Since then nothing has changed. Coria promotes itself as a tourism destination and as a result it receives subsidies from the European Union (ERDF - European Regional Development Fund).
Please help bring the suffering of the bulls to an end in Coria, Spain. Simply send the sample letter below to the email addresses listed.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to register my opposition to the appalling abuse of bulls and cows in Coria during the annual "Fiestas de San Juan". As you may be aware, animals are tortured for hours with darts and spears at this blood fiesta. I am absolutely shocked that such barbarity continues in this, the 21st Century. I assure you that I will not visit Coria until legislation which forbids this animal cruelty is put into place.
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Tel: +353 (0) 1-269 1640 or +353 (0) 1-269 2597
13. EU Constitution and Animals
The European Convention is preparing the draft of the future EU Constitution. The Convention consists of 15 representatives of the heads of state or government of the EU member states, 30 representatives of the national parliaments, 16 members of the European Parliament and 2 representatives of the European Commission, amongst others. Three proposals have so far been made to incorporate animal welfare into the future EU Constitution. It is of the utmost importance that we support these requests!
For more information and to sign the petition, please visit:
NB: After you have signed the petition you will get an email asking you to confirm your signature. Please ensure that you do this as it is the only way your signature will be submitted.
14. Sign the Barcelona petition
Please sign the online petition calling on the mayor of Barcelona to abolish bullfights in his city. You can do this by visiting the following website:
Bullfighting in Barcelona is kept alive mainly by tourists. If you know anyone who is visiting Spain this year, please ask them not to attend a bullfight or buy any bullfight-related souvenirs. Thank you.
15. EU flooded with cat and dog fur
Europe is being flooded with toys, clothes and other items containing fur from cats and dogs.
A two year undercover investigation carried out by the Humane Society in China, Thailand and the Philippines found football field sized warehouses filled to the ceilings with about 50,000 to 100,000 pelts of cats and dogs ready to be made into products. These products are destined for Europe.
The pelts have appeared in EU stores as full length coats, homeopathic arthritis aids, toy cat figurines, hair bows for children, trim on sweaters and linings for boots and gloves.
Cats and dogs are bred for their fur in Asia and their eventual slaughter is horrific. Anyone who saw the recent TG4 programme about this issue will understand the suffering endured by the animals.
The United States banned the importation of cat and dog fur two years ago. Europe, in comparison, is slow to act.
EU Commissioner David Byrne says that a ban on the imports must be taken by each member state. It is within the authority of Mr. Byrne, however, to take initiaves to ban the importation of dog and cat fur into the EU.
He is responsible for consumers' protection and it is clearly a consumer protection issue when EU citizens are being duped into buying dog and cat fur in the mistaken belief that this is fake fur.
16. Charity bullfight planned for July
A Down Syndrome charity in Portugal has announced a bullfight fundraiser for July 5th.
Please send a protest letter and point out that it is wrong to use the torture of animals as a way to raise funds. Numerous ethical alternatives exist.
Tel: 00 351 21 8371699
>ICABS website updates
Further to our appeal back in December regarding the promotion of bullfighting on TG4 TV’s Amu Amigos programme, we have placed still images from the programme on the ICABS website. See images of presenter Hector O hEochagain shaking a matador’s hand, hugging a matador and taking part in a bullfight training session during the filming of the programme.
For this and more updates, please visit
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