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Mary Chundee, a true friend of the animals
4 October 2022

It is with the greatest sadness that we report the passing of Mary Chundee, a true friend of the animals who devoted her life to rescuing animals from cruelty, abandonment and neglect.

In 1995, Mary and her husband Sonah set up Friends of Animals rescue centre in Mullingar and over many years they successfully rescued and rehomed thousands of animals.

She supported campaigns against all forms of cruelty, including fox hunting, hare coursing and greyhound racing.

We extend our sympathy to Sonah, son John, daughter-in-law Leona, brothers Thomas and Eugene, sister Irene and family.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dilís.

Photo: Mary and Sonah Chundee with Fidelma Yourell (left) at a “Ban Greyhound Racing” protest in Mullingar in June 2019.

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