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Three "Ban Hare Coursing" protests held in Clonmel
13 February 2018

A big thank you to all the individuals and groups who supported the "Ban Hare Coursing" protests in Clonmel.

On Monday 10th February, as hares ran for their lives inside Powerstown Park on the first day of the "coursing finals", a main protest took place in front of the animal cruelty venue. Other protests took place on the following two days as the cruelty festival continued.

Many thanks to those who travelled from all around Ireland to be there to join calls for a ban on this shameful bloodsport. Thanks also to the locals in Clonmel who expressed support for the protests.

Please join us we continue pressing the government to follow England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in outlawing hare coursing.


Please join us in a fresh appeal to Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to put in place a permanent ban on hare coursing.

Email "Stop the cruelty - Ban hare coursing NOW" to,

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion St, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 (0)1-6194020
Tweet to: @campaignforLeo
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Express your support for a ban on coursing. Sign and share the petitions

Ireland: Ban cruel hare coursing

Stop Licensing Cruel Hare Coursing

Ban Blood Sports in Ireland

Join the "Ban Hare Coursing" Protest in Clonmel on February 10th
16 January 2018

Over three days in February, hares will be running for their lives at the national finals of cruel coursing. Please join us outside Powerstown Park in Clonmel, County Tipperary on Saturday, February 10th, 12-2pm to protest against this deplorable bloodsport.

Hare coursing is a blot on the Irish landscape, with thousands of timid hares trapped from the wild, courtesy of a licence from Arts & Heritage Minister Josepha Madigan and used as live bait for greyhounds to chase.

We have filmed hares this season being mauled and battered by muzzled dogs, but our TDs who voted to retain this barbarism apparently couldn't care less about these vulnerable creatures being terrorised, injured and killed.

Please join the protest and continuing lobbying your TDs to ban coursing and all bloodsports which should have no place in modern Ireland. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on February 10th.

Visit our Facebook Event Page for updates

Video: Ireland's hare coursing cruelty

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