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Ask TDs to vote against an additional €16 million in funding for cruel greyhound industry
09 November 2017

Another massive €16 million in funding has been earmarked for the cruel greyhound industry in Budget 2018. Next month, TDs will have an opportunity to vote on this funding. Please join us in urging the TDs who voted in favour of the funding last year to change their stance and vote against it this year. With numerous revelations in the past 12 months about cruelty, doping, injuries and killing of greyhounds, our politicians should not hesitate to say NO to further funding.

Hare coursers also benefit from the grants. As highlighted last year, the Irish Coursing Club was paid more than €100,000 by the Irish Greyhound Board. The bulk of the money made its way to coursers via advertising in the Sporting Press - the Irish Coursing Club's "greyhound and coursing newspaper".

Since 2001, the greyhound industry has received nearly a quarter of a billion euros of taxpayers' money. Such funding should be redirected away from a cruel and crumbling gambling industry and into struggling community groups, health bodies, sports clubs, animal rescue centres, etc.

Irish Government grants to the greyhound industry

2018: €16 million (proposed in Budget 2018)
2017: €16 million
2016: €14.8 million
2015: €13.6 million
2014: €10.4 million
2013: €11.0 million
2012: €11.3 million
2011: €11.5 million
2010: €11.8 million
2009: €13.6 million
2008: €15.2 million
2007: €14.5 million
2006: €14.0 million
2005: €13.6 million
2004: €13.3 million
2003: €12.8 million
2002: €13.6 million


In December, TDs will have an opportunity to vote on the payment of this latest grant via the Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund Regulations 2017. It is vital that you contact your local TDs and demand that they vote against it (see list below to find out how each TD voted last year). Find TD contact details at

Don't attend greyhound races or community fund-raisers held at greyhound tracks (these are a significant source of funding for the cruel greyhound industry).

Please sign and share our petition
Irish Government: Stop Giving Millions of Euro to Cruel Greyhound Industry

Greyhound racing should not be funded by the people of Ireland, the majority of whom have no interest in it and are rightly opposed to an industry in which dogs are injured, dumped and killed. Please join us in urging the government to stop wasting precious funds on this dying industry.

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion St, Dublin 2
Telephone: +353 (0)1-6194020
Tweet to: @campaignforLeo
Leave a comment on Facebook:

Paschal Donohoe TD
Minister for Finance
Phone: +353 (0)1 6045810
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Tweet to @Paschald

Michael Creed TD
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: +353 (0)1-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: +353 (0)1-661 1013.
Leave a comment on Facebook:
Tweet to @creedcnw

Andrew Doyle TD
Minister of State, Dept of Agriculture
Tweet to @ADoyleTD

HOW TDS VOTED in December 2016

Voted IN FAVOUR of €80 million pay-out to greyhound racing and horse racing

Bobby Aylward
Maria Bailey
Seán Barrett
John Brassil
Declan Breathnach
Pat Breen
Colm Brophy
James Browne
Richard Bruton
Peter Burke
Joan Burton
Mary Butler
Catherine Byrne
Thomas Byrne
Jackie Cahill
Dara Calleary
Seán Canney
Ciarán Cannon
Joe Carey
Pat Casey
Shane Cassells
Jack Chambers
Lisa Chambers
Michael Collins
Niall Collins
Marcella Corcoran Kennedy
Simon Coveney
Barry Cowen
John Curran
Michael D'Arcy
Jim Daly
John Deasy
Pat Deering
Regina Doherty
Paschal Donohoe
Timmy Dooley
Andrew Doyle
Bernard Durkan
Damien English
Alan Farrell
Frances Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzmaurice
Peter Fitzpatrick
Charles Flanagan
Seán Fleming
Noel Grealish
Brendan Griffin
John Halligan
Simon Harris
Seán Haughey
Séamus Healy
Martin Heydon
Brendan Howlin
Heather Humphreys
Paul Kehoe
Billy Kelleher
Seán Kyne
John Lahart
James Lawless
Michael Lowry
Marc MacSharry
Charlie McConalogue
Helen McEntee
Finian McGrath
Mattie McGrath
Michael McGrath
John McGuinness
Joe McHugh
Tony McLoughlin
Josepha Madigan
Micheál Martin
Mary Mitchell O'Connor
Kevin Moran
Aindrias Moynihan
Margaret Murphy O'Mahony
Eoghan Murphy
Eugene Murphy
Denis Naughten
Hildegarde Naughton
Tom Neville
Michael Noonan
Éamon Ó Cuív
Darragh O'Brien
Jim O'Callaghan
Kate O'Connell
Willie O'Dea
Patrick O'Donovan
Fergus O'Dowd
Kevin O'Keeffe
Fiona O'Loughlin
Frank O'Rourke
Jan O'Sullivan
Willie Penrose
John Paul Phelan
Anne Rabbitte
Michael Ring
Noel Rock
Shane Ross
Brendan Ryan
Eamon Scanlon
Seán Sherlock
Brendan Smith
David Stanton
Leo Varadkar
Katherine Zappone

Voted AGAINST €80 million pay-out to greyhound racing and horse racing

Gerry Adams
Mick Barry
Richard Boyd Barrett
John Brady
Tommy Broughan
Pat Buckley
Joan Collins
Catherine Connolly
Ruth Coppinger
Seán Crowe
Clare Daly
Pearse Doherty
Dessie Ellis
Martin Ferris
Kathleen Funchion
Gino Kenny
Martin Kenny
Mary Lou McDonald
Catherine Martin
Denise Mitchell
Imelda Munster
Catherine Murphy
Paul Murphy
Carol Nolan
Eoin Ó Broin
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin
Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire
Aengus Ó Snodaigh
Jonathan O'Brien
Louise O'Reilly
Maureen O'Sullivan
Thomas Pringle
Maurice Quinlivan
Eamon Ryan
Róisín Shortall
Bríd Smith
Brian Stanley
Peadar Tóibín
Mick Wallace

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